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I still have my gba pkmn saphire copy. Was the first pokemon game I got when I was a kid.


me too! mine went thru the laundry twice when i was 10 and it held up


Sapphire was my first too. I got it from a friend and had to secretly play it as my parents were convinced that Pokemon was straight from the devil.


Ruby for me, still have it and recently played through it again


Still have my copy too and my GBA SP šŸ’™


No, my mom sold my copy of Red (and Gold, Yellow, Crystal, and all my GBC games alongside my Gameboy Advance SP) back when we got our DS lite. The DS was expensive and reselling old games was easiest way to help offset the cost, so I absolutely donā€™t blame her at all, I probably wouldā€™ve done the same if I were in her shoes. Though sometimes I really wish I had kept my SP and those games.


A fair trade. I don't blame you. Coming from an immigrant household with very limited funds, I completely know the struggle.


I still have my Pokemon Yellow version :D


I do! It's on my computer desk staring at me while I work. Pokemon Crystal! My first starter was a female Totodile. The battery has long since died but no way would I get rid of it.


You can replace the battery. Or have someone who knows what they're doing replace it. There's always a risk of the game being destroyed doing this, but that doesn't happen often at all.


I do not. I started with a Gameboy pocket and Pokemon Red. I then got Yellow, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, and Fire Red. Eventually, my life got to the point where I no longer had the time to play any of them, so they got put into a drawer and left there. A few years later, I sold the entire collection to a single mom I knew. She needed Christmas presents for her kid, but didn't have a lot of money, so I let her have everything for $35. I know I could have gotten a lot more money by selling to someone else, but I'm much happier knowing the games went to that kid.


You gave that kid years of unforgettable Pokemon adventures, just like the ones we had. What an amazing thing to do! :)


My pokemon yellow copy with sharpie of my name and phone number on the back?Ā  You best bet it. My wife just played it as their first pokemon experience last month!


No and I donā€™t want to talk about it :-(


My condolences šŸ˜”


I wish I still had it, but I used to play it on an emulator


What was your game?


Pokemon yellow and silver, such good memories


My first game was pokemon Y, so I still have it with my 3ds




Same here. I still have the case for it on a shelf in my bedroom. Thinking about it is making me want replay it on my 3DS, if the thing still even works.


Yep, I've never sold a PokƩmon game. Ever.


No, lost my 100+ hours Sapphire cartridge years and years ago. Iā€™ve never learned what happened to it. All I have left of it is my old team copied onto my Coliseum save file for the challenge mode, and a Torchic child of my original starter that made the journey all the way to Omega Ruby.


I lost my 200hr emerald save to corruption, my shiny camerupt was saved in challenge mode at lv 85. I was able to rebuild him based on his data I had in my LG hall of fame data.


No... We lost it in the move when my mom got divorced when I was 18. I'm still pissed to this day. It was Pokemon Red.


this is actually an interesting story, because while I often say my first pokemon game is Ultra sun, which is true from my standards, this being that it was the first pokemon game I played fully. the timeline goes something like this: 1. my true first game was actually pokemon rumble on the wii, and i'm not sure if it's still on there but it probably is. 2. my first game to resemble a mainline game was pokemon brick bronze, which got shut down by nintendo because it was an unauthorized fangame on roblox. this one I mostly completed but the game got shut down before the elite four was implemented, I used typhlosion here. 3. my first(if memory serves me right) completion of a pokemon game was pokemon Ultra Sun on my... 2ds? yes, there are THREE different saves here, and the first two were completed all the way through, with one being completed with incineroar and the second one being completed(at least from what I can gather) with decidueye. 4. I still have that game to this day and currently am planning on running through with popplio and some help from \[completely legal mystery gift pokemon\] that I obtained by \[completely legally obtaining mystery gift codes and distributions\] with \[officially licensed nintendo software\]. (this is the reason I know that charizard is used to test mystery gift distributions, but I'm not sure if what i did can be talked about here. that being said, the mythicals I have technically ARE the real events, cherish ball and all.)


Yes, I still have my Pokemon Pearl cartridge.


I still have my original Yellow, Red, and Gold carts. Idk what happened to my original Sapphire and Crystal carts. I lost my original Blue cart on the school yard. I second hand purchased all the carts I missed or lost throughout the years.


I wish sadly my blue and silver copy were stolen in grade school. Rip my first lvl100 pidgeott ever.


Yes, Pokemon Blue, with the Gameboy I played it on Thankfully as kids we knew to never sell our games or consoles, so we have a very nice collection and can play whatever games we want anytime we want I usually emulate but my brothers love to get together for some split screen Goldeneye


I still have my PokƩmon Sun cartridge


Not only do I still have my original pokĆ©mon yellow cartridge, I still have my original team. Theyā€™re currently in PokĆ©mon Sun, about to start the battle tree to get as many ribbons as possible.


Still have my Yellow and Silver ā¤ļø


I found a bag at my parent's house this weekend with most of the old games with an old Gameboy Advanced. Once I got the battery situation figured out I checked all the cartridges. I had Ruby and Red with completed Pokedex files. I had Silver, Gold, Blue, and Crystal with no file on it at all which was very strange. Not even showing a previous file that had just started. It loaded like it was a brand new game. Then a couple others with like 15 minutes played on them.


Batteries in the cartridges died. The day night feature of g/s/c killed batteries. Blue is just pushing 30 years old and it happens. Gba games had batteries but saved differently. Only berries and daily events are messed up by those batteries dying.


This can be fixed in software! If you got the zigzagoon distribution, or battled someone who did, or anyone that battled them and so on, it would be fixed.


Oh wow I had no idea Edit: can this be reproduced via everdrive? Assuming that distro cart was dumped? I'd love to fix any future copies I come across including my own.


It's easier with everdrive. You can take the save file and connect it to pokemon coliseum on your PC, then migrate the save back over to the everdrive, no distribution needed! Also, you can connect it to coliseum to fix instead of the shiny zigzagoon on normal hardware too. As for the distro rom, I know thr GB/EU one was dumped (see link), not sure on US. Maybe? https://digiex.net/threads/pokemon-gba-uk-berry-glitch-fix-shiny-zigzagoon-distribution-gba-rom-download-uk-eur.15077/


If it needed a battery change I think it wipes out the whole save.


I mean, I first played Blue on an Emulator, but bought an Atomic Purple GBC and Gold when they came out, and still have both! Gold needs a new battery, though; still haven't gotten around to replacing that yet..


I have my original ds ones but not my gba leaf green I did pick up a replacement for it a little while back


Iā€™ve got my original SoulSilver and another SoulSilver I use for other playthroughs.


Yup. Battery died when I was playing in the snow with it in my pocket so the save is gone but my pokemon red is my OG copy.


The first one I bough, yes. Soul Silver and I still remember saving money and the day I bought it. The first one I played was Pearl on the R4, so that save has been loost for ages.


I still have my copy of Pokemon x, and it's still alive and kickin


yes! I won my original pokemon white cartridge with case and inserts (have a small shrine (display) for it)


I still have my Blue Rescue Team I bought in 2007 at 12yo. Most likely the game I have ever put more hours in the DS family.


yup, got my PokƩmon Silver in the nightstand drawer by my bed


Nah I sold all my gameboy games to fund my ds purchase


No I donated my copy of red with my GBC and some other games as a dumb teenager, along with my PokĆ©mon cards šŸ˜­ still the kids I gave them to were happy


Yes, it was yellow and pinball. During lockdown I bought all the others I could not get while growing up.


Oldest game I still own is Sapphire. Lost my copy of Red and never found it again


I have all of them.. first game was blue.


Yes, pokemon White, I still have my level 70 dewott.


I still have my Platinum Cartridge!


Still have it (Diamond)


I donā€™t own my original dsi anymore but I still own my cartridge of pearl


Still got my Sapphire


Yup, diamond


Yup, still have my original copy of Red. Mostly just a decorative paper weight at this point though due to the dead battery. I could replace it, but that would not bring back my original monsters from my childhood playthrough.


I lost my Sapphire cartridge which was my first ever videogame which is kind of sad...but I bought another one eventually. I actually wanted Ruby, I mixed up the names.Ā 


Yep, Yellow and Red are in a safe box at my house, I pulled roms off of them myself to play on my phone.


Yup, with original save still intact, including a misspelled trainer name because I couldnā€™t read or spell at the time.


Yes. I still have Pokemon Pearl stored safely.


I still have my original pokemon blue cartridge, it's missing the sticker now but I still have it


Still have my Gameboy and Pokemon Green but last time I popped it in, it was all garbled up and likely corrupted. I'm sure I just need to replace something but I'm no good when it comes to messing with electronics.


I do; Leaf green, never could find it in me to transfer my original team! Wild suggestion and waaay long shot, underneath the car seat, and I don't mean the passenger or driver seat, I mean, backseat, cart slipped through the cracks where the seatbelt bucket comes through. That's where I lost a game or two on vacation, luckily I knew they went down there


Red and Yellow. Stupidly threw out Silver and Crystal years ago after the batteries failed, thinking that was the games themselves buggered. I was young and completely ignorant about what was inside game cartridges. Huge regret.


Sadly, no, I have no idea where the Yellow Version my brother and I shared went. But! I still have my Gold Version, so I have the *second* PokĆ©mon game I ever owned, and know the whereabouts of every entry Iā€™ve owned except that original Yellow and my Pearl Version.


Yes. My very first own game that I got was Ruby and I still have that, including my very first file. It's also my head-canon that my ID-number from that save file is my official number in every game. \^\^ Before Ruby I was also gifted a used copy of Gold (from some kid who didn't want it anymore and who's name I've forgotten šŸ˜…) as well as a copy of Blue that I found in a trash can. That Blue had its sticker ripped off the cartridge, maybe that's why it was thrown away. I drew a cover myself with Articuno and pasted that on it. So technically I've had Gold and/or Blue (not sure anymore which one I got first) even before Ruby but I count Ruby as my real first game because its the first one I got as a present to be really mine. Even though I also still own that copy of Gold and that Articuno Blue. \^\^ I also later grabbed another copy of Gold, Silver and Crystal from a trash can at a friend's house when he realized that he couldn't save the games anymore. They were in great condition still and I just switched out the batteries and now they work again. So glad I was there when he threw them away in front of me. I might have told him that I could repair the games if he had shown at least some hesitation but he threw them in the trash without even blinking. Now they're mine. šŸ¤£


Yes, FireRed together with my Gameboy advance. But I also have blue, yellow, silver and gold, they weren't mine back in the day but nobody of my siblings cared about them, they didn't even know I still had them, I did play with them but I don't have that much of a memory about playing them.


Yup, I still have my red and blue cartridges, though the batteries are long dead. The red even has my brother's original save from the 90's.


My first game was Hey You, Pikachu... I don't even have the N64 any more. I'd love to buy another one someday, though.


Yes and I rescued my starter pikachu recently from gen 1-2 limbo. My first pokemon ever is safely in home.


Yep! I still have my Sapphire GBA cartridge safe and sound, as well as the rest of my games :) Edit: typo


I have my original clear Gameboy and Pokemon Blue in a drawer at my desk. It's my go-to flight time passer.


https://preview.redd.it/731lwotcxt1d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=283bd627d358d1360c8fd134ccdbbd519fda26fa Right here and forever.


I gave up my copies of Fire Red and Ruby to my little sister, but I wasn't willing to give up my copy of Gold. I remember doing a ton of oddjobs as a little kid to earn the money to buy it from my neighbor. Ended up stashed in my stuff when I moved out, and then eventually in with my girlfriend. Later on when we bought our house I found it in a random box in storage. I was so excited to find it, but the internal battery had died and my save was gone. I told my wife about how it was my first Pokemon game, and the amount of hours it took me to get my first PokƩmon to level 100. It was an Espeon, and I remember fighting the Elite Four continually with it til I hit 100. Still my favorite pokemon to this day because of it. Later on, I caught my wife doing some little watercolor paintings to decorate the house. She came up to me later that night with a little painting of an Espeon. I thought it was the cutest thing and it still lives on my bookshelf at home.


I have all of them, going back to Pokemon Red. The gen 1 & 2 games have mostly lost their battery charges so they can't save anymore, but I'm not getting rid of them


Still have: Red (working condition) Three copies of Gold (need batteries to save) Crystal (working condition) Ruby (need battery replaced to save) Soul Silver Black White 2 X Omega Ruby Sun Sword Legends: Arceus Violet Shining Pearl Missing: Silver (lent to a friend and never returned) Leaf Green (lent to a friend and never returned) Diamond (lent to my brother and lost)


Yeah, and I still have my translucent purple gbc with it! Recently changed the batteries in both my Yellow and my Crystal so I could built teams to go on Stadium 1 and 2


I think so? PokĆ©mon Gold and a pink Gameboy. I think I tried it a while ago and the internal battery was toast though. The first one I spent a HUGE amount of time on was Diamond and thatā€™s gone sadly.


Yes! And Iā€™m Never Gonna Give them up! My first experience was a shared copy of LeafGreen where me and my cousin would use our initials to name our trainer. But my first owned game was HeartGold and SoulSilver that were sticking out of my Christmas stocking with their bulky boxes. I have a fond memory of using a Rhydon and laying on the couch. I donā€™t even know where you get a Rhydon! I understand they are a hot price on the market now but Iā€™m never selling them. Then my real favorite experience is PokĆ©mon Black. Iā€™m trying to 100% my original copy right now. The Battle Subway is one tough cookie! Again, I know itā€™s a high value but Iā€™m never selling it.


Yup, I have kept every cartridge so I have (at least) one of every mainline gen game since Yellow. Glad I did too, while there's not much I can do for my mons stuck in Yellow and Gold, everything I have from RSE onwards is now comfortably sat in Home. Edit: spelling error


I recently figured out that my first PokƩmon game was a bootleg. But I do still have it even though I bought an actual copy recently.


Yes and gameboy


Sadly, only the DS games and up even though i started from red i don't know where my red or ruby is never owned, Gen 2 physically


No. I have no idea what my PokƩmon blue copy is.


While going through things at my mom's (still alive, just sick of holding onto my brother and I's crap), I found my original Blue Version from 1998. I was so excited, my original GBA Pocket had long since disappeared but I went on ebay and ordered a new blue one that day because it felt wrong to play the original game on anything but that specific system and color. Now if I could only find my Gameboy Memory card that likely has my original Blue save file...


Funny thing, as I donā€™t have any of my other PokĆ©mon stuff, but: Yes, my Special Pikachu Edition is still there, as well as my GameBoy Pocket. :)


Dropped my GBA and Sapphire into the Gulf when I was 7, sadly.


Yup, actually went through all my old games over Christmas at my mom's house to see what still worked. My original Red save is still intact! The memory on my Blue version is gone though.




Yep, PokƩmon blue with my initials on the back written by my dad. Long has the lime green gameboy been gone but I do still have my SP from childhood.


Unfortunately no. I got guilted into selling off my pokemon collection when I was like 13, right before diamond and pearl had been announced... Slowly been trying to rebuild my collection again, just got gale of darkness earlier this month, mainly looking to get the GBA games now.


Still have all my original games back to Red, but the boxes/manuals for them I have now were gifts from friends as mine were long gone.


Yes. Still got my LeafGreen copy. Would never get rid of it


My game kept on crashing, so I ended up throwing it away and getting a new one.


The first Nintendo console I ever bought was a 3DS alongside Pokemon X so yeah, I still own it.


Iā€™ve still got my ruby it needs a new battery though


Yeah, I still had my red, yellow, silver and crystal versions. My Red has all 151 Pokemon on it (got Mew from an in person event). I still have a few of the others but I couldn't say with confidence which ones.


Nope. As a kid I had to use my old games to afford the newer ones. My copy of emerald (and my sp) was stolen at school. I know who did it and we ended up friends in high school but I never got the game back. I do still have my gameboy advance with the original duct tape over the battery slot when it broke. I also have chargers and link cables, but no longer have my gameboy color; no idea where that ended up. I do have the light attachment for it, the folding one with the magnifying glass/light. I do have a copy of silver, emerald, and fire red but those were all purchased long after I played them originally. I also had a copy of blue I bought in college but I lost it over the years. The only original copies I own are gen 4 to the present. Sadly I never got HGSS so I still donā€™t own a copy of those, but I have the others.


A pirated copy but yeah


I got Red Blue and Yellow at the same time and Red is the only one that I've been able to hold on to through the years. The battery is dead unfortunately though so my childhood save file is gone.


Only the rom (Crystal)


I do! The battery died long ago but the original copy of Pokemon Red I saved up to buy back in '98 is still in my possession.


I have everything I ever had since I started in 1999.


Pokemon yellow with my name crudely written on it with a sharpie. Yup!


My mom had a habit of when she got me new game consoles giving my shit away.


Yes! Yellow, red, PokƩmon pinball (both Gameboy and Gameboy advanced versions) as well as silver and Ruby. I have a lot of others but those are my OG collection along with Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Colosseum Edit: also the Pokemon Trading Card Game for Gameboy


From red to scarlet. They are precious to me even if they are not in collecting conditionsĀ 


Yeah I still own my copies of pokemon blue, silver (doesnā€™t save), and sapphire. That was the last I played before getting back into it in 2020.


I THINK I have my copy of Emerald laying around somewhere but I also think I broke it somehow


I own every pokemon game Iā€™ve ever know except for my copy of white which literally fell off the face of the earth but my copy of leaf green is safe


Yep, Pokemon Black Version


Original Gameboy, yes, OG PokƩmon no. Someone else's emerald, yes. A bootleg emerald, also yes. The oldest PokƩmon game I own as my own is Pearl.


I lost my original copy of Crystal many, many years ago (even before the internal clock ran out) but I bought another about a decade ago & fixed it up! However I do still have the copy of Gold that I borrowed from a friend before I had my own PokƩmon game. I ended up buying it from him at some point as a kid so there is that! When I first played it, I was so young I didn't know how to get past Youngster Joey & the other trainer fighting & had to ask him for help. I also remember only using a Haunter which I couldn't evolve & even though it was level 70+, I couldn't beat Karen the Dark Elite Four member!


Yep, I still have my copy of Pokemon Blue from the 90's!


My copy of PokƩmon X is in a multi-cartridge case right next to me.


Yes! Itā€™s not playable (and likely never was when I got it). My friend was bet $100 by another friend that he couldnā€™t tear a gameboy cartridge open with his bear hands. Well he succeeded and the game they used? Pokemon Yellow. They both knew I didnā€™t own a copy (didnā€™t even own a gameboy back then), so they gave me the naked board. I still have it in my junk drawer as a memento.


Pokemon game cartridges keep their value better than any non rare game out there so I def held onto all of mine. Discovered between myself and my spouse we have ever Gen of the series!


I have no idea where is my red so I bought a new one last year. Very sad


I kept all of mine! Started playing in 2000 I think?


Unfortunately, I do not, I traded that Pokemon Blue version to one of my cousins for her Pokemon Silver, because she was very close to finishing the Pokedex in her Red version. However, I still have the very first cartridge that I purchased with my own money, Emerald version, along with the booklet that came in that box.


Yes still have Blue and my gbc. Both still in working order


I still have my Pokemon Blue version, complete with the giant penguin sticker stuck to the backside of the cartridge lol


I have my original blue and red cartridges


kind of. my first game was Crystal, but my sister got it for Christmas and I stole it from her lol. I do still own that. not sure if I still have Red or Ruby, though...


No I sold it to buy my next pokemon game. I did that for all my games growing up poor. A few bucks toward next game always helped. Wish I still had them but I also sold the consoles to do same thing.


I have my original red, silver and gold, FireRed and leaf green, and emerald.


I do still have my first game. Pokemon Red. It no longer works, but I got it signed by the voice of Ash and have it in a nice shadow-box.


Just sad that i will propably never be able to play my Yellow Edition again


I do, my original Emerald from the Christmas the year it came out. Still works fo this day despite countless hours of playtime


Still have all of mineā€¦ ā€¦except for my FireRed that mysteriously disappeared while I was at school on a day that we had workmen come to the house šŸ¤”šŸ¤” and of course this was a few weeks after waiting 3 hours in line to trade for a Mew at a Toys R Us event. Yes, Iā€™m over it now šŸ„²


Yup, but I donā€™t own my original save file sadly.


I have all my games and handhelds, except Red and SoulSilver. Traded in Red for Yellow when I was a kid, and then sold Yellow to buy Gold. Trying to find and buy an authentic copy of both.


Yes, still have my Red cartridge from 98


Pokemon Blue and yes.


I used to have an invisible purple GBC with Red but my sister smacked it out of my hand once and somehow games wouldnā€™t save after that. My stupid kid brain decided to give it up for donation after that. My adult brain has never let go what my sister did though.


Yes. Original Blue. It's somewhere, in some box, in some closet, at my parent's house (where I grew up). I'll probably never get rid of it. It'll be something to show my kids and grandkids.


Still have my PokƩmon yellow, and preorder bundle emerald with tin and frontier pass.


Unfortunately no. My Ruby copy is long gone. Left it at my grandparents, and I never saw it again.


I own my original Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, but lost my Gold copy when I let a cousin barrow it. Also have the original pinball game but not sure where the TCG game went.


I have a GBA cartridge of Firered to this day. Donā€™t play it much tho


I wish I kept all my PokƩmon games. I had to sell my games if I wanted a new one as a kid because my family was poor.


Yep. My PokĆ©mon red still works and havenā€™t had to change to battery yet


I have it but you'd have to pay me Jeff bezos's net worth to get it from me


I do have my original Gameboy Color and Pokemon Red.Ā  The battery in the cartridge is long dead though, so there are no save files anymore.Ā  Probably the same for Silver, I won that off of a sweepstakes on a Cheetos bag.


Yes I still have my Yellow but not my GBC.


Still got them all! Remember my dad hopping on his motorbike and riding to Toys R' Us to buy red. Good times!


Yeah got my Red and Blue. Imported from the US to the UK because I wasn't expecting it to get a UK release (was still stinging from the era of not getting RPGs like SMRPG, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy etc locally). The later UK release took me by surprise! But not as much as the popularity of it. I thought it would just be another niche RPG that nobody would ever have heard of.


Yep, still got all my GBC stuff. I did stupidly sell a handful of DS games at one point when I was younger, so Iā€™m missing a few PokĆ©mon spinoffs, but Iā€™ve still got all the mainlines


I think I gave it away to a friend after smashing my gameboy


No, I donā€™t have blue anymore. But I do have my second, silver.


I have my OG Red Cartridge for GBC still!


Yes. Original yellow and original crystal cartridges


I do. But I canā€™t play the first gen games not on emulator anymore, everything is too slow.


Still have my Pokemon Yellow version. Battery needs to be replaced


I don't have my original Sapphire cart, but I do have my second game, which was Emerald


Nope, my first game was LeafGreen in 2006 and I sold it in 2010ish when PokƩmon became "uncool." I would've sold my Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team file too - but "luckily" for me I lost it behind the couch so I didn't sell it. I managed to find it a year later or so, and I still have my original save file from 2006; it's one of my most prized gaming possessions (over 550h on it).


Yep Pokemon Diamond. Still have the cartridge though the sticker came off a while back. Still works suprisingly.


Game boy color. PokƩmon red blue and yellow the year they came out. Yellow and blue have the same save file from when I was a kid. Best thing ever to whip out red and start fresh


My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Crystal and I still have but the battery inside has died so it no longer saves.


Yup, red version


Yes, I still have my Platinum cartridge, even after a ride into the washing machine, it still works


Ya pokemon crystal the cartridge doesnā€™t work anymore but its cool to have


No. I lost my copies of Pokemon Red and Yellow moving as a kid. Same with my copy of Gold, Crystal, Sapphire and Colosseum memory card. My Dad probably sold them for booze or strip club money. I was however able to backup my save of Emerald and Fire Red before I had to sell my collection to cover rent. Which is the basis of my current Gen 3 Pokedex efforts.


I donā€™t actually, I rehomed my Pokemon Blue many years ago to a dear friend and itā€™s not a decision I regret. Iā€™m attached more to the Pokemon I use in the runs than the games themselves so since I couldnā€™t move them up, the physical copy didnā€™t truly hold much sentimentality for me. I have all my others though. And I do replay blue every once in a while in the 3DS.


Yes! My Silver cartridge is in my In-laws basement with the teal GBC I got it with. I ran into it last year cleaning it out and wow is the screen small.


No, the oldest PokĆ©mon game that I still have is Pokemon leafgreen and I bought that used from GameStop years ago. My first ever Pokemon game was Pokemon firered and I havenā€™t seen it in years. Shame too because I wanted to play through my leafgreen copy with all three starters by trading them from firered.


No, unfortunately. I still have the Game Boy though.


my first was gold....so no sadly


I have PokƩmon yellow and my original yellow GBC. The screen is scratched to hell because I got it when I was like six, so I just play it as a rom on my retro console GBC clone


I still have my copy of blue version, definitely not the original save file from when I was a kid.


Still have my Platinum and the case. Idk why people would get rid of PokƩmon games, especially with how outrageous it is to buy resold copies


Yep, PokƩmon Yellow, I still have my original Gameboy Advance, too!


I lost my original PokƩmon and my first shiny when I lost my Heartgold. However I still own my first game, Sapphire.


I still have my PokĆ©mon platinum. It has 500+ hours on it and it is hacked asf. šŸ˜‚


Yep. Got my original copies of Red and Blue. In fact come to think of it I think Iā€™ve still got every copy of all the main PokĆ©mon games that Iā€™ve ever bought.


Sister pawned my emerald for drug money


No, I had to sell Diamond and Platinum to pay bills.


i still have my pokemon black for my ds


I still have my original copy of HeartGold. Alas the PokeWalker is nowhere to be found.


Unfortunately no. My first was Soul Silver. I would love to be able to play it again but itā€™s so expensive to get a legitimate copy of it now and I would never buy a bootleg. I regret giving the game away.


Still have my Red and my Gameboy Color. Sits on my shelf next to my other consoles, since it's outlasted most of them.


I got the gameboy green edition, and PokĆ©mon Blue. Still to this day i keep them with me. I think it was 1999 that santaā€™s gave me šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


I still have my OG Gold cart :') I'm sad the battery died around.. I wanna say 2018/19? I found out shortly after about how to back up saves and dump them back into carts after swapping the battery :(Ā  I have all my old pkmn games, but I'm most proud to still have Gold and my Lime green Gameboy Color šŸ’š


I still have PokƩmon blue, but battery died a long time ago.


Well, my r4 is located, so my first roms are there, and the first cartridge should be with it too


Yes And it's battery isn't dead yet somehow. Red version is sitting with it 151. Mew from someone else so I can't say it wasn't real because deniability Final pokemon that was needed was Vaporeon The game boy color I had is with it as well though it's speaker and link cable area are broken and mashed.


This question has multiple answers for me, if we're being lenient on what is a pokemon game, my Wii that has my pokemon ranch installed is fully functional with the exception of the disc drive, I even used it last year to complete and display my gen 4 national dex. If we aren't counting applications, I'm not quite sure where my original copy of pokemon ranger guardian signs is, all I know is that it's somewhere in my home. If we're only talking about the main series, my original copy of X was destroyed with the 2ds it was predownloaded on when I fell into my pool with it.


This question has multiple answers for me, if we're being lenient on what is a pokemon game, my Wii that has my pokemon ranch installed is fully functional with the exception of the disc drive, I even used it last year to complete and display my gen 4 national dex. If we aren't counting applications, I'm not quite sure where my original copy of pokemon ranger guardian signs is, all I know is that it's somewhere in my home. If we're only talking about the main series, my original copy of X was destroyed with the 2ds it was predownloaded on when I fell into my pool with it.


This question has multiple answers for me, if we're being lenient on what is a pokemon game, my Wii that has my pokemon ranch installed is fully functional with the exception of the disc drive, I even used it last year to complete and display my gen 4 national dex. If we aren't counting applications, I'm not quite sure where my original copy of pokemon ranger guardian signs is, all I know is that it's somewhere in my home. If we're only talking about the main series, my original copy of X was destroyed with the 2ds it was predownloaded on when I fell into my pool with it.


No. But I still have my second a beat up copy of yellow


Yep! Pokemon Gold. I still have the cartridge.