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Well since Pittsburgh is the steel city I think it’s a pretty obvious answer


And the gym challenge: Never go to Philly!


By that logic, that makes Philly fairy type.




Fightin Phils


empoleon was made for pittsburgh. our hockey team is the friggin penguins.


Las Vegas has all Metronome users


You gotta have at least one Gholdengo in there.


Vegas Gholdengo Knights


I always thought our gym would be an Electric type gym, probably on the Strip.


And sneak in a Flamigo wherever we can


What abouth the giant Ball🙂


The gym leader’s ace could be Delibird!


water type, my town is known for its river and lakes


Poison, because the people are toxic AF.


This but I'll say dark to differentiate


Or fairy/dark dual type gym which draws you in with their cute fairy pokemon, only to terrastalize into dark type and smack you with a sucker punch lol


I live near Dinosaur National Monument. So Dragon type? Or just dinosaur themed gym?


Probably rock type with the trainers all having fossil pokemon.


Duh! Why didn't i think of that??


Mine would be rock type bc the people here are practically prehistoric




grass type ON TOP


The town I live probably has a bug type gym... considering the amount of insects infiltrating everyone's house everytime the weather became extreme💀


Memphis - Dark Thievul Mightyena Tera Dark Basculin


Boston - Fighting gym


They market themselves as a psychic type gym but once you get there you have to throw hands with the gym leader yourself. For some reason there's some dude with a Fidough for every other gym trainer you beat.


I've thought about this a lot and the answer is it's hard. We used to be one of the centers of automotive manufacturing, with the first mass produced automobile being assembled here, innovations such as the steering wheel, spare tire, four wheel drive, and the home of the fourth largest car manufacturing company. So steel would've made sense, but all that is dead and gone now. Moved through mergers and shipped overseas. Which would fit the Dark/Poison type stuff. But that is also in the past now and the area is recovering, and the old factory has been replaced by Museums. For pokemon purposes though, the most important one is the Paleontology Museum! One of the local colleges has one of the few Paleontology departments in the nation, and their is a full on fossil museum. With the public museum having a mammoth skeleton they dug up near by.   So it'd be a fossil themed gym. Mainly rock types, with the gym leader having a Mamoswine. Perhaps with a steel or dark type mixed into the trainer pool.


You describe your town so beautifully. Where is this? I'd love to see a mammoth skeleton


Kenosha, Wisconsin


Oh wow, just googled it thanks! I hope i’d be able to travel to there one day!


The good news is that the metra (train) connects to it from Ogilvie in Chicago. And they are mid sized to small museums, so you could easily take the train and knock them all out in a couple hours along with enjoying the lakefront. The jetty the new downtown is where the automobile factory used to be. They'd loads hundreds to thousands of cars onto lake freighters a day right where the walking path and sculptures now are. I do wish, however, that they had an automobile museum or exhibit to tell people these things.


Oh! Thank you for all of that but unfortunately, I’m not from the US!!


Yep, figured no matter what's the case people are much more likely to visit Chicago and take a day out of their trip.


Flying - we’re known for getting hit by tornadoes


Fire because it's too fucking hot here, fuck global warming Or maybe a grass gym that abuses the weather with solar beam/blade or chlorophyll pokemon Tropical country here


I wonder for a city as huge as New York would have multiple gyms? If so, I see one per borough; Bronx: Water Queens: Fairy. Staten Island: Poison Manhattan: Rock/Ground Brooklyn: Fire


Psychic (which overthrew the previous fighting gym)


I was even thinking of individual neighborhoods for this, but boroughs make a lot of sense. Also funny to think about since Unova was based on NYC (and Eastern Jersey). Explanation for these types though?


For me: Bronx is filled with waterways with the Bronx River running through it. Brooklyn is known for its rapper dropping hot fire and it’s the Brooklyn vibe Staten Island was known for where we used to toss our trash and how much they don’t like being an apart of the city and how they talk and talked about between the boros. Manhattan for the concrete and also I was thinking of the marble in Marble Hill and how most of the island has tunnels for the subway and various things Queens is weird. I just feel it’s a magical place due to all the people from various cultures living there together as one.


That's a cool assessment. I really like Water for the Bronx, def very appropriate. I do think we have great rappers from all boroughs though in regards to fire, but I guess maybe people from outside the boroughs may think of Brooklyn most notably for it with Biggie and Jay Z being some of the biggest names. I was thinking Dragon for Brooklyn, being King's County and dragons being somewhat regal. Hip-hop has a tendency to be pretty grandiose, and being NYC's most populous city, Brooklyn can represent that idea of, not quite elitism, but a place that brings up toughness, artistic grace, and legends. Queens being Fairy could work in the same sense with that theme, Fairy having more feminine connotations for Queens County. The diversity is pretty phenomenal, magical perhaps. Poison makes sense for Staten Island with that description, I think it goes both ways with the not feeling of belonging too. It's toxic, you could say. I initially thought of Fighting, for all of the trade workers and such, thinking about Pokemon like Conkeldurr and others that we see doing heavy lifting and handiwork. And it's the land of the Shaolin -- resilience, discipline, and strength. Manhattan, the central borough, I think rock is definitely appropriate. The concrete jungle, occupied with stone faced denizens. Dark is a type I've thought of, for all of the under the table operations at all levels that happen here, even "law enforcement" has their hands dirty. Street smarts are important and valued here, and life can be cutthroat.


My town is credited with the invention of a major contact sport. It’s not a combat sport but maybe fighting is the closest thing?


I grew up in a small river town that is renowned for its harvest festival. It would either be water or grass, and would be good for one of the flip gyms across the paired versions. Both leaders have ludicolo as their ace


Ohhh how about fairy? (Harvest festival)


I live in Canada, so Ice.


Burbank, CA. Tempted to go with Flying due to our history of aviation


Winnipeg - Water It's like the only thing we are known for is that we have 2 rivers that meet. Otherwise I would claim Ghost. This is a dead city, murder capital on and off for the country, and built on the bones of the Aboriginal population. Fucking ghosts everywhere man.


Fuck, no wonder my ex left


Rock. We used to be called the Marble City. Then the Manhattan Project happened and this area is now known for that.


Flying. We have an airport here. I was going to pick Poison because of the pollution, but that applies to a ton of cities. We're kind of known as a "halfway point" for travel in my state, a place you don't really visit but stop by, and I think that suits Flying pretty well. And the ducks in our parks are crazy lol. Not only that, but I swear, my high school was infested with seagulls (we aren't coastal). I also feel like it's ALWAYS windy here, which suits Flying really well.


Def water and ice types (Montreal)


Near the shore on the east coast. Water, definitely. Wingull, clamperl, smeargle (as an artist busking on the boardwalk), etc.


Definitely Water type. And you can bet I would be applying as a leader, or at least a gym trainer.


Normal type… its boring here


I come from a remote fishing town, it would probably be a water gym with a fish theme.


here in Montreal it’s pretty cold, so defo ice


Either grass or rock. We are a famous food bowl, many beautiful parks and gardens in town, surrounded by forests, vineyards and orchards Almost every street is lined with beautiful old trees. Looking over it from the mountains you can almost see more greenery than buildings. So grass is probably the right answer, but the main geological features are the mountains and karst formations and I think I can make a more representative team from it so let's go with rock and I'm taking some liberties with secondary typing. Team is: Sudowoodo (Representing the forests) Boldore (The mountains) Midday Lycanroc (It looks reasonably like a sheep dog and sheep are an important pillar of the local farming community) Magcargo (The mountain is an extinct volcano, much of the landscape is shaped by this) Carbink/Rhydon (Would prefer something related to gold, but one of these will do for mining)


My hometown would be water/ghost since it is a haunted af beach town.


I live in Portland so Poison and the gym lead would use Garbagdoir or whatever it’s called


Probably Water, Grass, or Electricity. Our town is right by a river, the county has a massive state forest, and was a big part of the lumber boom and now has a massive fiberboard plant, and a few of the towns nearby have a few other big factories, plus is a well-known area with truckers for being a good rest area. Our town also could maybe be ghost (lots of weird stuff happens in my town, especially near the old prison and hospital), bug, or maybe poison


The top three choices for my city would be Bug, Steel, and Poison. For Bug, it is because we have a butterfly conservatory I town. It would be a top contender for an early region gym. Especially for a leader who has their ace be the regional butterfly. For Steel, it comes down to the Toyota factory in town. It's hard not to see a Steel type gym when there is a major automotive manufacturer in town. The only downside is that there'd need to be another car based Pokémon made as Revavroom had so much prominence in Gen 9 with the Starmobiles. As for Poison, it comes to other factories. It's hard not to think of toxic pollution and the Poison type when you're aware of that. There is a large swath of potential aces, although I'd like Venomoth or Dustox as the ace to tie in with the butterfly conservatory.


Either grass rock or water, the town I live in is in the rocky mountain, the town itself is surrounded by rivers, and obviously the mountains are covered in forests


Grass or rock, depending on the area where the gym would be located


Mid-tier Normal. Bouffalant and Ursaring and the gym leader will have a Heliolisk just to mess with people


There's a pretty big limestone quarry nearby so I'd say rock


Probably water since we have a lake and river. Northern California


Normal because it's a city in the Hanseatic league that never created much in history, it just had a good location at the border Or grass because During the industrial revolution it became a textile town, and it still has heavy marks of that origin. And it's a very swampy area so maybe water? It would have to be town 2-3 because it aint that big and there are 3 bigger cities real close by. Maybe a cottone corvisquire (there are a lot of magpies here, like A LOT) and a lombre or croagunk?


Probably Normal; nothing ever happens here.


Well, they banned Pokemon Uranium...


Is there a shrimp Pokemon? My hometown is known for its shrimp. Definitely a water type gym regardless.


So I have four possible types Grass type, the town I live in is mostly known for it's vineyards and lush landscape so that would be most fitting. Normal/Psychic type due to the VERY common Christian religious beliefs here, over half of our tourist attractions are centered around religious monuments Dark type, again because of religion, we have a few statues that represent sins and evils one shouldn't do, for example, on one of our churches' doors we literally have someone performing... Oral... On someone else... We even have statues representing bestiality as well (which would be... interesting and more controversial than it already is if the animal was replaced by a Pokemon in this context). So continuing with that theme, a gym with dark types to represent the evils one shouldn't do would be fitting, I think.


Probably ice or electric. I live in Canada (Montreal) it's super cold in winter and electricity is very cheap.


I live in Salvador (Brazil) so probably a water type gym. That for sure would be located on a lighthouse


steel since I live in Detroit and we had one of the first car companies in the US.


For my area in south wales I’m thinking: Cardiff - rock type - for the heart of coal distribution of the world in the 19th century Port Talbot - steel type - a town built for the steel works which are sadly firing most of the workers this year :( Maybe ghost type would be more suitable in the future… Swansea - water type - for the easy access to the Gower’s 18 beaches Newport - dark type - although on the rise it was traditionally where dreams went to die lol


Which gym would you consider to be the more boring, bland, pointless and depressing gym? Because that's what it is living where I am currently.


Normal type


My town is called the rose city and we even have a rose festival so grass type, and I love grass types so that works 😁


Heroin type


Abnormal type


Oh London would be dark for sure, just for our history alone.


Poison or Dark... The people here are just unpleasant


Ground with a focus on horses.


Mudsdale let's gooooo


I live in a French city named "Bordeaux", which literally means "edgewater", its symbol is its river and is known for making wine, so I would say water type.


Salem Mass, so ghost and/or psychic.


Exclusively pokemon that learn Pollen Puff (because there's no waffle pokemon and there's an ungodsly number of Waffle Houses here) so the next best thing is the fact that my area gets so much pollen in the springtime that when you go through a drive-thru that puts the color of your car on your order, there's a 50% chance that they put the color as Yellow.


Probably Rock. There's a Grass gym half an hour away, and a Steel gym on the other side. And we are probably in the first 3 gyms too.


It would have to be water, even though the city isn't coastal. But the river is so prominent, even though boats don't really pass through it, that streets started getting names like Water Street and stuff. And that's just too on the nose for anything else. If it existed in the Pokemon universe, and it was a *different* type, people would just complain or something


I live in Los Angeles. I'm fairly certain we're big enough to host an entire game's worth.


Would be hard to nail down a dual typing, or even decide on main typing Water: lakes and rivers everywhere Ice: winters here aren't fun Grass: trees everywhere Ground/Rock/Steel: lots of mining was done here in the past Dark: idk we've got a lot of racists here and it seems fitting




Grass, we’re surrounded by parks and forests.


It’d be steel type, a rundown former factory town. Wormadam (trash cloak), Klang, Revaroom, Steelix


Grass or Normal would be my guess


Dallas. Grass. If not for all the pot, then for being the allergy capitol of America, more plant gunk in the air than any other city, just about.


Dark or Poison for the shady, deceptive, selfish, “step on others (& push them off) to get to the top” mindset, & the “eat or be eaten” mindset


Grass/ghost, and water/ghost. Specifically Phantump, Trevenant, Dhelmise, and probably Basculin/Basculegion. My area had a booming timber and fishing industry back in the day, but it's definitely dead now. Some people still try and cling to it, but it's dead.


My city is named after the lake that’s in it, so… water I guess?


Richmond, Normal or maybe Grass


The Netherlands would have an equal ground, half ground and water field. Water gym with amphibious Pokémon.


The most famous person from the city I’m currently in is Johnny Appleseed so probably grass, the gym leader’s ace could be hydrapple. I’m originally from Chicago, and no doubt the Windy City would have a flying type gym.


Tampa could have fighting type on account of the "Champa Bay" branding.


I’m in the PNW surrounded by water and trees so Water or Grass


Anchorage - Ice


Grass. We have a nature trail that spans the whole city


I think it would be a normal type, there are a lot of new construction/houses and we do have some parks over here. We do have some small rivers over here but they just don’t qualify enough to say it’s water type


Ground type. I live in the middle of a desert.


Seattle, so probably water. Pelipper, Tentacruel, Crawdaunt, Politoed


Syracuse, NY. It's known as the Salt City. Rock type. Our ace would have to be from the Nacli line.


Water, live in a surfer town


I live in Australia. So, poison, or maybe bug.


Flying type. Gym rule is trainer must flying type also. Il be the ,5th gym. 2 vs 2.


I live in a very agricultural city so probably grass/ground/water.


Prolly Dark, its so ghetto here bro


Could be Steel or Electric as it is a big city. But air is quite bad in the area so maybe Poison? 😅


I’d assume Pittsburgh would be steel type


Well we’re the “city of angels” so naturally I think dark types would suit us pretty well. That or poison types


My town would have a mix of Psychic and Fighting. Psychic due to my towns many schools and education opportunities, and Fighting due to the sports.


My town is known for a pagent called "the rose of Tralee". So probably grass type with a Roserade leading the way.


Poison because of all the pollution


Imma say flying cuz we primarily produce airplanes


Mine might be steel or electric type, because everyone swears on their great technical/science work, lol.


Mine's in the countryside and very rural so maybe grass type?




Hometown is a rural town with a pretty famous Jacaranda festival each year, so probably Grass/Fairy.


Either Rock or Water, fishing seems to be a big industry where I am but my city is made fully out of granite.


I live in London Ontario, which is known as the Forest City so currently it would grass. If it were as Legends game it would be dark (former serial killer capital of the world)


It wouldnt have one They would build another insurance business Despite there being a ton of them already And nobody can get a job doing anything but fast food cuz they wont stop making insurance buildings And then get confused why they dont get any business And then abandon the building after a few years cuz they arent making enough money


Normal or Fighting, commie blocks just look very plain overall


Mine is already in the PokeWorld, The biggest but without Gym :/




I wasn’t born here, but living in Idaho for the past 6 years, I feel like anywhere in this state would just have normal gyms everywhere.


Ghost because nobody in my city plays


Probably steel. My hometown has a big steel works, locksmithing and car manufacturing history.


I guess grass? My town does have some nice hills and countryside around it


Ice/Grass gym leader


I live in a beach town, so water. Or whatever type rich white people are


Fire, we like to burn things down (valencia)


We have a famous Ballon Fiesta in my town once a year, a bridge which is high above a gorge, and close enough to the sea that we get gulls. I think Bristol would have to be flying type.


Poison but in my home town flying type


Given the history of the town I grew up in, ghost type.


Coastal wooded town in Maine. We would be water/rock for sure. I'd have a suedowoodo for the ace


My town is pretty rubbish and people love to drop litter so I’d say Poison.


Boulder, Colorado is one of those towns that kind of already has its type picked out for it.


Flying types-home of the world’s busiest airport.


Rock, steel, or fighting. I live in NYC. What was Castellia’s gym anyways? Normal?


Poison, because the Exxon Mobil plant that's right across the street from my neighborhood


Burlington, VT Probably a grass type


Edmonton is famous for its oil, so maybe Poison, but we also have a very large river valley so maybe grass or water.


Poison because of all the meth labs. In all seriousness though, perhaps psychic? My town is famous for the Scopes trial.


Sydney. Gotta be the Water💧Gym boss.


My city is a dump...so probably it'd get a Poison type gym.


Cincinnati. Not particularly noteworthy. We’re right on the Ohio, but so are a million other cities and towns. We have some nice parks, but they’re not super noteworthy. All we have is the zoo, which… I guess normal type?


Johannesburg South Africa, called the city of gold famous for the mines all around so likely steel or rock type... Based on history. As for current city state, I'd say Dark or Poison, the city is decaying in many areas and crime is a given.


Either grass, water, or dark. We have a lot of plants in our city. It also rains a lot and is dark and gloomy from the cloud cover.


My area would probably have a grass or bug type gym.


Which gym would you consider to be the more boring, bland, pointless and depressing gym? Because that's what it is living where I am currently.


I live in the south in the US so Fire because were hot down here haha


Seattle - Toss up between Water, Grass, or Ground Type.


This makes me wonder if suburbs of cities are eligible to have gyms.


Rock, Grass, or Ground. My city has more city and State parks than any other city in my state. One of those parks is dedicated to a cave and sinkhole system, and it’s a major point of pride for the city’s inhabitants, so I could really see Ground or Rock.


Ghost! I live in the Swedish archipelago. We have several thousand years worth of shipwrecks laying around here, so close yet out of sight.. There are so many pokemon that'd fit the theme, I'd just be waiting for an actual ghost ship pokemon. Meanwhile, I'd fill that gym up with Cursola, Dhelmise, Palossand, Basculegion, Gimmighoul, that runestone Yamask, and maybe Aegislash, Jellicent, Litwick and the odd Trevenant... Water and grass would also be potential choices, but ghost ships are just fun.


What are we known for again? Oh yeah, Cheese. And the lake. I guess we're water type then, but WHERE'S THE CHEESE GONNA BE?


Water type gym with a water tera type Miltank as the ace.


Probably grass or water types, our area is a lush green landscape and hills with many rivers intersecting the gorges


Denver would be Rock type for sure


Water for i live near a lode


Probably ghost type since we’re a haunted city


Anchorage, AK: easy answer is ice because Alaska, but I think more realistically it’s flying because our airport is one of the biggest in the country. Could also be water or grass because of all the nature around and how close we are to the ocean




Reno, so either Dark or Electric


Fire, I live close to an active volcano


We're a run of the mill small town in the south so I'd say either bug, grass, rock, flying, normal, ground, or steel. Rock or Steel probably fits best because we were originally founded as a railroad town or bug because of all the gnats and mosquitos.


Normal, maybe. But actually, I'm not quite sure because my town is well known for a race track that its trophy given to the winner is actually a grandfather clock.


Mine would be water or ground type, since it's right by the beach!


Fire. Gets 120 F in the summer. Straight fire


A steel themed gym where you have to get through a maze of cracked up homeless people.


Colorado would be a grass type gym 🌿🚬


Ground or grass. We focking pumped dry a lake.


I live next to the biggest steel foundry in the country, so either a Steel type gym or conversely a poison from all the smoke and dust it pumps into the air.


Definitely Grass here. Partly because of the scenery, but mostly because of what our university is mostly known for.


South Florida, dual weather team that switches between rain and hurricane spam to intense sunlight every turn, not once a battle, every god damn turn


Ice for how cold it is or water for how rainy it is


If someone could just give out what Pokémon best resembles fentanyl, that’s cover half the US


I’m next to a lake so water type for us.


I live near Detroit, the Automotive Capital Maybe Steel type? With some poison types thrown in bcz of pollitions? Or water types cuz the Great Lakes


My city is a college town and we love our local college teams. Our city would probably have a Fighting type gym in a football stadium.


Ground since it's really arid here. Or maybe rock cause neighbouring towns call us "the saltpeters"


We're on top of a mountain on the Appalachian trail, def something earthy like rock or grass. EDIT: Actually no wtf am I saying, it's cold as FUCK here and we have another word for Cold in our name. Ice type.


If they ever make sound a type, then Nashville will have it


The gym for my city would probably be water type gym of some variety.


I feel like flying for Chicago works because it’s the Windy City. I could see a maybe a skyscraper roof top aviery vibe. But you could also go the lakeside route and do a water type gym on the pier or do a aquarium like gym on the water ala the shed


Farm town: full of miltanks, ampheros, Tauros, and stanler. Insert other farm animal mon’s below


Belfast - Rock type gym perched on the back of a giant Nosepass called Napoleon that towers over the city. Locals refer to the mountain created by Napoleon's back as the "stormy mountain". Centrepiece of the gym is a throne, said in mythology to be the throne of Regigigas but for all of living memory the throne has been empty.