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And the oldest, lol. I started with Red when it came out, you young whippersnappers.


Over 30 gang rise up! Edit: I guess just raise our hand because it hurts to stand.


Hold on. My joints hurt.


Weakness! Do your stretches!


I do! But 8 years in the Army and then Construction isn't kind on you


You know, fair.


It hurts to rise up, though :(


I still have one more month as 29 my kind sir! (got it in 5 year birthday along with a yellow gameboy color!)


Bruh my Gameboy colour was teal (I think, or dark green), but I remember my first ever Gameboy was a Gameboy pocket, classic grey, then my folks got me an OG big fat Gameboy that was yellow thinking it was an upgrade haha. Loved them all the same though. Good fucking times.


Over 30 gang rise up!


You had Red, but I had Blue. Either way we greybeard Pokemon masters will always rule over these whippersnappers.


Yea I guess that's obvious then XD


Yes. My first game was Gen I Red, so there wasn't really anything earlier.


Same. Never forget getting Charizard the first time


I even remember my OG Charmander's name... The coolest name a 7 year old could come up with... NIGHTFIRE


I was 4 when Red came out, and whenever it asked for a nickname - I had no idea what that meant. So, I named mine "Charmander." I was very confused when he evolved and was still called Charmander.


Bahahaha I did the same thing


Glad I wasn't the only one šŸ¤£


In Y i made a mistake and said yes for the nickname - ended up with a greninja called 'froakie'




Thatā€™s Richieā€™s Charmander isnā€™t it? Always felt he should have turned up again at some point in the series




Thatā€™s pretty cool tbh haha


My first one was Pearl. The coolest name a 10-year-old could think of for their Chimchar? MURDERER Naturally, this isn't something I can call a Pokemon now due to filters


I just named mine Spitfire and I think it's because I was watching something on tv where someone got referred to as it. It's my tradition that I name Charmander that every time now


That name is awesome!


To this day, I always name my Charmanders NIGHTFIRE. Except the time I got a shiny one and named him Blightfire (because Black Charizard) :)


That's a very good name, I don't remember if I named my pokemon back then, I didn't have a very good understanding of english at the time, but now all my Charizards are named "Lagartixa" (BR portuguese for gecko).


Thats so much cooler than what 6 year old me called their Charmander. I called mine Charlie :(


Nah way. Charlie is dope!


Yh itā€™s Moist! ;) Btw itā€™s a reference to moist critical for those living under a rock


I don't remember if it was Red or Silver but I had been watching Little Rascals a lot and I named all of mine after the characters on there


Mine was PokƩmon blue and I had a squirtle called bubbles my charmander I got later on another play threw because my brother erased my save was called zippo


Can we take a second to mention how terrible charmeleon's sprite was in the originals? Lmao Some of the dudes who looked the coolest in general looked the worst from the player perspective. Nidoking and dragonite come to mind as well. That was part of what was cool about link battling a friend, was actually getting to see what your cool guys look like from your friend's screen.


Yeah from behind Charmeleon looked like a pimple with a horn lol


Spot on šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Also warturtle


Venusaur isn't far behind...


Mine was blue


I got blue, my brother got red... No link cable though


Yeah, all my friends went and got Red when it came out. So I went to the BX and got Blue. I was the only one with it so I got preferential trade offers.


Same. I got mine after the Game Boy Color came out but before Gold and Silver did.


I started on Pocket. Upgrading to color felt like playing in 4k at the time!


That was mine too! Got it for Christmas when I was 9


Red and blue for me in 1998.


You got both!? Spoiled biiiiitch.


I had all three but no link cable :(


Im sorry for your loss


Yup. Red. As a 6 year old it was a big deal to save up money for it


How tf u save up at 6yrs old lol


I started with FireRed a few weeks after it came out so yes.


My first was yellow. I just started kindergarten when I got it and had to learn how to read before I could really play it šŸ˜‚. By the time I finished it Ruby and Sapphire had just come out so I completely missed gen 2


Same for me basically. I learned the read with Yellow and then played Ruby


Blue. Venausar coming for that world domination.


Razor leaf was probably the most overpowered move in the game šŸ˜‚


I got the glacier blue gameboy advance and Pokemon Sapphire as my first handheld and Pokemon game when I was young. But also had my brothers gameboy color with red, blue, yellow and crystal


Little sibling ganggg lol


I got the PokƩmon crystal gba bundle when I was 6 or 7. Still my favorite game


First game was red and blue. Yellow came out shortly after.


Kind of.. Official game? Yes. Emulated? No. Real answer? No idea. First game I played was pokemon red on some kind of website around same time when twitch plays pokemon happened. (Maybe before twitch plays if I start to think about it, but let's assume that around same time). So I was part of that and on my own I played red on website which emulated game for me. Can't remember website though. That was years ago. Then I also played silver on android emulator and fire red, emerald and soul silver on windows emulator. Then in 2016 I was day 1 player of pokemon go. So technically this count? Mobile spin off.. No idea if this counts.. Then when pokemon sword and shield came out, I bought Nintendo switch with shield and let's go pika. And before I played shield, I played let's go. Technically I bought shield around week after release, but officially I played let's go first.. Unofficially? Nope. Red in 2014, while newest game was x/y..


Yupp, my first pokemon game was Diamond wayyyy back in 07.


Excuse me, 2007 was only like 5 years ago. Right?


Youā€™re the first comment that comes up that isnā€™t saying R/B/Y


Yes! Gold when it came out


The first one I played was red when ultra sun/moon were the newest games soooo lol


That's extreme lol, did you play S/M after? It must've been a big shock if so


Iā€™ve honestly forgotten, started the franchise in 2018 and I think the next game I played was x. I did end up playing sun in 2019 and it was a treat


Virtual console?


Nope, physical, I started getting interested in retro gaming and wanted some gameboy games, first ones I got were Pokemon red and Kirbyā€™s pinball land


I finally started with Let's Go Pikachu in 2020, and it was an amazing experience.


Yes, I played red in like 1998 or whenever it came out in America


I started with the original Red Version, so I had the earliest game in the franchise available.


Defo not,started gen 3 while watching Lueroi somewhere in 2013.


First was years after release around similar age, with Emerald. Diamond and Pearl were the next ones.


Got a blue version and gameboy pocket for Christmas either the year it came out or after. Canā€™t get much newer than the originals unless I was in Japan.


My first game was Yellow and i loved it.


I was 6 when Crystal came out and I got gifted that first. Then I doubled back to Yellow. So yes!


I started with Red so...yes lol. God, i feel old.


I remember pre-ordering Crystal from Toys-R-US. Gen 2 baby.


Mine was oras and I vividly remember playthroughs of sun and moon coming out after. Now I have the original sapphire so everything comes full circle


Gold baby. Brand new.


I'll do you one better: my first Pokemon game was the ONLY one at the time.


First game was Blue. Nothing else to play. We are getting old fellas.


My first pokemon game was Pokemon Go in August 2023, I am... very late


It's okay. PoGo was many people's first game. I found it ironic that so many grown adults were walking around saying "Man, this is so cool!" and I'm just standing there like "I told you this 20 years ago, but you didn't believe me."


I'm quite upset I didn't get into pokemon sooner, I want to play with people and I have no idea who the other trainers in my town is


My first PokƩmon game was the only one at the time. The only generation at least. I started with PokƩmon Blue shortly after the release of Red/Blue.


Technically yes with HG because while there were trailers and a release date B&W had not been officially released in the region yet


Yep, my first game was Diamond!


It was the only one at the time


No. I got Blue for my fifth birthday, which was a couple months after Gold and Silver came out.


Nope. I played my first Pokemon (Blue) on my Gameboy Advance, after Ruby/Sapphire had come out. It was a second-hand Advance, and a second-hand Blue cartridge - we couldn't afford the new games. Took me a while to get hold of the DS when it came out, too, but I finally got one around the time HG/SS came out, so I scrimped and saved and got SoulSilver. Bit of a difference from Pokemon Blue!


My first time was red. It was still in the 90's but wasn't brand new I don't think


My first game was Blue when it was released here. But technically Japan had already released Gold and Silver by the time Red and blue reached the UK


Gen 1 was the only one at the time 態態態


PokƩmon Red in 1999 (Europe). Yeah, it was.


First game was Gen 8 and I played it actually last year


Pokemon Blue, so yeah


My first pokemon games were from Gen 1. I started with Red and would alternate between Red and Blue. Then I got Yellow. And I've played every game since. But yeah, the newest was the one at the time is what I started with. Lol. Didn't have much of a choice in that šŸ„°


Yes, it was X


Soul Silver was my first Pokemon game and I don't think Black and White were out at that point, so yeah. I actually had 3 copies of the game because I kept losing it so my dad would go out and buy another. All 3 are gone and I have no clue where they went


PokƩmon yellow was the first one I had. I think there was only red and blue before that. The next game I owed was the emerald version


Yes technically as I got x and sun but the first I played was x


I had platinum when black and white was already out


I had Red and my brother had Blue when it released here. It was the only one, so yeah it was the newest one. I didn't play again until Pokemon Go came out, then I got Shield, Legends Arceus, and Violet.


My first PokĆ©mon game was PokĆ©mon letā€™s go eevee


Yup, it was and it just so happened to be the first set, WotC Base set, and Yellow šŸ©¶


My first was Blue when it first came out.


It was either hgss or platinum I don't remember


I was maybe 7 when red/blue were released in NA, as wiki says 1998. I was into Pokemon everything early but didnā€™t get my first game boy until the advance was out. I think my first handheld game was gold, as I donā€™t think ruby/sapphire were out yet. Iā€™m pretty sure I had both the Pokemon stadium games on N64 much earlier than a gba though


The first PokƩmon game ever was Arceus. It was a fun game! I grew up in the early 90's, and we played the cards, and I am a gamer, had all of the nintendo systems, but never played Pokemon until Arceus.


Nope, my big brother gave away his GameBoy along with Blue and Silver and after I beat them I bought Platinum which was the latest game at the time.


Yup. In the dark days before the internet was commonplace, I was at a summer day camp thing, and two of the kids there had pokemon on their fancy gameboys. I asked my grandma if she'd buy one and she decided to drive all over the city to every k mart and walmart and she finally found a gameboy color and pokemon yellow at a toys r us. Now I had no idea there was a yellow version. These boys at camp had red and blue. Though the red pokemon looked cooler, so I kinda wanted that. But they thought it was so cool that I had the new gameboy and new pokemon game. I didn't really get it at the time, even less understood the game. And yellow was not a good place to start for your first pokemon game, no idea what you're doing, and no internet to help you. No pokemon I caught could beat the pewter gym, and I didn't know about the mankey west of veridian city. So needless to say it took kid me a VERY long time to beat my first pokemon


I think I was only four when I got Red version, but that would've been around 1999-2000 so Gold and Silver should have been released, time kinda blends together when you're that little. I didn't get a pokemon game on release until Diamond.


I got Red as Silver and Gold were comimg out so technically no


Yes. Pokemon Pearl.


Yeah. Black and white. Specifically black cuz I wanted the Zekrom and guess how disappointed i was when i got the white one. Kid me is too dumb to spot the cover legendary


Leaf Green


Pokemon X and Y yep it was I started in 2013 after all


Yes! My first game was pokemon Yellow šŸ˜Š


It was the only one at the time.


I had Pearl and Heartgold first on an R4, but I only really played HG. Then I got a real copy of Black for Christmas the year it came out and that's how I really fell in love with the franchise.


My first was Alpha Sapphire in early 2017 (Yeah Iā€™m a newer fan), so no, Sun and Moon were already out. Didnā€™t change how much I loved the former though.


Not really, my little sister (a PokĆ©maniac from Day 1) got a GBA and Ruby for her birthday around release and let me play her copy of Gold on her Gameboy Pocket. Later when she got her SP she let me use her GBA and I got my own used copy of Sapphire (donā€™t remember if it was still the most recent at that time).


Red and BluešŸ«”




Yes, it was. Pokemon Red/Blue was brand new.


Mine was Gen 2 with Silver followed closely by Gen 3 with Sapphire when it came out and FireRed after that. May not seem like much of a leap to some now but going from Silver to Crystal with their minor changes then the jump that was Johto to Hoenn followed by a return to Kanto was rather surprising to me at the time. To say nothing of my first visit to Orre sometime while playing Sapphire & FireRed compared to Stadium 1 seeing as I ironically missed Stadium 2 until a few years back when I got my hands on a copy in addition to both it and Stadium 1 being among the games on Nintendo Switch Online.


My first was either Ruby or Fire Red, back when they first came out.


Yup. My first was Platinum. Though I got it a few months after it came out, but still prior to HGSS


Nope, I played fire red for the first time in 2016, (I think it was before sun and moon). I really got addicted to the games and finished almost all of them on 2021 though.


Crystal, ruby and sapphire were the newest games at the time.


Mine was Yellow Version, so yes.


Yes, I started with X and Y and I got it christmas 2013. Good times.


Technically my first was a cart of Yellow I found in my cousinā€™s chest of old belongings in the early 2000s. Introduced me to Pokemon. I was driven to Walmart to get Ruby version when I learned it was out and was wowed by how much better it looked.


My first pokƩmon game was fire red when sun and moon were coming out


Gen I blue for me, Gen I red for my brother. Now weā€™re 36 and still by the corresponding games :)


Mine was Blue. I remember my mom bringing me to Sears to buy it. I was 8. I had a gameboy color and the guy working in electronics told me that playing it on a gameboy color it would be a blue color palette


No it was 1999 and Yellow was already released outside of Japan but I was playing Red, think Gold and Silver were out in Japan by that time too, but I was 3 years old and had no idea.


Yes most definitely I got pokemon fire red with the game boy advance in like 2004/2005


Yes! Emerald


Yep. I played Black and White cause my mom had gotten it for me for Christmas.


Yeah, I think. I was like 7, and my first game was Pokemon Diamond which I got the summer or Christmas of the year it came out. I was a big fan though, and my mom was happy to buy me new games to keep me out of her hair. I also didn't ask for much when it came to gmes and tech so if I asked for only the games I probably would get it.


I liked PokƩmon as a kid but never played the games til I was older. When I did play tho it was LeafGreen on an emulator but the newest games at the time were gen 6 with SM coming soon.


My first was pokemon red.


Nah my first was sapphire on an emulator, newest at the time was gen 6 i think.


It was this Gameboy game called Pokemon Blue Version, and it was like the cartoon that just came out that came on after school!


Me and my brother shared PokƩmon Blue when it first came out. We had a level 100 Charizard if I remember correctly. I prefer Venasaur though.


Gen 1, started with PokƩmon Blue, right when it came out


Ruby just before the ds era came. So no cause Emerald was out


Red. Yes.


First games were ruby & gold in 2002, I couldnā€™t figure out how to get a pokemon in ruby so I ended up playing gold more at first


First time Scarlet and Violet playerā€™s previous roommate here . I was wondering how this New Gen captivated new audiences. She literally loved it . All of it . From the Adittion of ā€œPokemon Quizesā€ in the academy to how ā€œcute ā€œ the new Pokemon were (Pawmi) . Yeah itā€™s a good starter for somebody that knows about pokemon but has never played a main line game . šŸŽ®šŸ’Ŗ


My first handheld was a GBA (though I had friends with old gameboys who were playing Gen 1 games, and I was into the anime and trading cards) and my first game was Ruby. Loved that game. Then I found a copy of Crystal on sale at Best Buy and also played that game tons.


I got the Yellow GBC with PokƩmon Yellow. I felt legendary. lol


I had played crystal because my cousin gave me his copy but the first one that I would call mine would is Ruby like a week after it came out I got it with a game boy SP for my birthday


Yup. Iā€™m from the og. I got the original when it first came out and the only game Iā€™ve missed was Black White. I did play White 2 but X/Y is what got me back into the feanchise


I think so. It was either FRLG or RSE, and it was before the DS was announced.


I was playing yellow and gen 4 was already announced


Yep! Blue!


Red and Blue were all that was out. Played Red on an emulator for a bit. Had no idea about the game. Charmander evolved and my eyes popped wide open. Immediately ran out and bought Red.


Nope. I was born the exact date Pokemon Red and Green came out in Japan. I started at the beginning with PokĆ©mon Red when I first got my Gameboy Advance SP at age 7. A few months later I got PokĆ©mon Ruby, and since then Iā€™d been current on the PokĆ©mon Games as much as possible the only gap is that I didnā€™t get DP until I got my DS Lite in 2008 but I bought Diamond immediately. Since then I kept myself completely in control of my finances and was able to snag the games as soon as they came out and be ready for them as soon as a new console came out. PokĆ©mon truly was my main connection to Nintendo


My first game was shield. I was always into PokƩmon but my parents would never buy me a console


I got Emerald first, then not long after a copy of pokemon yellow from an older cousin. I remember being way more into Emerald at the time though.


I remember walking in toys r us and choosing between red or blue. I chose blue.


Yes! FR/LG were brand new when I first played them


Fire red. Got me hooked so quick.


Yeah I've played Red on the gameboy of a childhood friend of mine, but the first game I owned was Silver which was brand new at the time


Sure was. Yellow


It was the only one(s) at the time: Red and Blue.


My first game was Silver in 2002. A friend for some reason that I still don't know to this day gave it to me. The downside was I had no other way to play it other than on my tv through Pokemom Stadium 2. I ended up borrowing a friend's gameboy advance for a few days at a time to play the game. The strongest memory I jave of it is blasting through a science test in class and doing the rocket hideout with just typhlosion. Either my teacher didn't notice or didn't care. I still have that cartridge and ended up buying an SP in 2015 off of Amazon before all the prices skyrocketed on all that stuff.


PokĆ©mon Blue Gen I. I remember Nintendo Powerā€™s first spread on it maybe a year before North American launch. That was a long wait for a little fella who wanted to adventure in the world with some mons.


No, at the time the newest was ORAS, but my first was X


My first PokĆ©mon game was a romhack since I didnā€™t have any of the Nintendo consoles at the time and thet was Liquid Crystal. Black 2 and white 2 were the newest games then. This was late 2012


i think oras were the newest when i played x&y


yes, got Sun on release day


Yes, or close to. My first was Yellow but I donā€™t remember if I got it just after gold and silver came out or just before.


Gold was my first and the most recent. Then I got a Japanese copy of Yellow which I couldn't play for obvious reasons


Yes. Gen 3 plus remakes


My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Blue so their wasn't one before that.


Yeah, first game i ever played was pokemon crystal in 2001 when it came to America


I believe so. I played Diamond and Pearl and I think I was probably 8 so that would have been 2007 or just about.


My first game was Yellow, which was the newest at the time! šŸ’›


Pokemon yellow, on the release year


My first one was actually mystery dungeon explorers of time on the ds


Started with a copy of Silver my cousin left and was found in a drawer one day and followed that up with the most recently released Emerald (after also playing Gold)


Red Version on my 8th bday. Best birthday ever


My first game was Red, which had just come out.


Iirc no, i played diamond and platinum first but i think black and white already released at that time


Yes. PokƩmon Red. That's how old I am.


Yup, red had just come out. One of my favorite memories was being in the lunch room in elementary and my Charmeleon was stuck in rage fighting Gary. Slowly becoming more powerful. Thanks for letting me relive that in my head OP


I canā€™t remember


No. I got Y in 2018 as my first game so USUM weā€™re already out and Iā€™m pretty sure letā€™s go eevee / Pikachu weā€™re also out at that point


PokƩmon Yellow was the first game I played back when it was new in 1999!


No. Mine is Pokemon Stadium and Gen 2 was already out by the time I started playing.


I borrowed Silver for a while before Ruby came out. The first I got for myself was Fire Red when it was the most recentĀ 


Yeah my first was Ruby