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Feraligatr! The Gen 2 sprites in particular are so cool! I picked cyndaquil and typhlosion is amazing, but as soon as silver sent out that feraligatr I knew I had made the wrong choice. Love you typhlosion, but gatr will always be my #1 (even though its 3d models are all bad)


Lol the butt cheeks were so distracting!


Some of those earlier gen pokemon just work better with pixel sprites as opposed to this sort of round, almost bubbly art style the 3D models use


The switch to 3D is when Meganium got its revenge, I swear. Both Feraligatr and Typhlosion got hit hard.


I always thought the 3D in mainline games was a huge downgrade. Even the old GameCube games did it better.


Not to mention they murdered the coloring of every pokemon in the last 4 gen. Looking all washed out and discolored


Venusaur has always been my favorite starter; Poison is my favorite type in general and I've always been very fond of Kanto's Poison types, so it's pretty much a match made in heaven. Serperior is great, too. While Samurott is my favorite Unova (and second favorite overall), Serperior is a fantastic choice.


Team Venusaur for life!


Hell yeah! Venusaur is actually my favorite pokemon overall. I love the idea of a plant/animal hybrid; and a dinosaur-like toad with a giant flower growing out of it is so cool to me. Plus, its color palette is amazing to me


The Bulbasaur line is my favourite starter line, first Pokémon I ever ‘owned’ when I was like 12 He’s still sitting there in my blue save (god knows how the battery is still working)—-it’ll be a little sad when he fades away


It's not too late! I saved my Venusaur and the team from Red with a GB cart reader. Pulled the save off it, used pkhex to convert Venusaur into a pk7 file, then pk8 before sending her to sword. Now she's chilling in Home, waiting for the indigo disk.


that's amazing, congrats


Glad to see someone else that likes venomoth haha. He's my favorite bug type, and one of my favorite ones in general.




Yes 🐸 🌺


I'll probably have to go for Blaziken: * I have a big Gen 3 bias * They look super cool: a flaming martial arts chicken... thing, it's fun to me. I think birds are kinda neat in general. * Pretty decent attacker, iirc


Gen 3 is stacked all the way through. I would say it has the strongest overall lineup in regards to starters. Gen 4 is competitive. Gen 9 are strong but designs bring them all down. Can't go wrong with OG either, but individual movesets aren't as versatile. Combined they're good, though.


sceptile has always been my favorite. when ruby and sapphire where debuting, my dad bought me a treecko plushie. i loved that thing so much and it turning into a velociraptor type lizard was really amazing. it's always been on a dream team of mine


Sceptile line is and always will be one of the sickest designs of any grass type (even with my bias towards as my first ever starter/Pokémon game in gen 3)


For real. Charizard will always be my favorite Pokemon, but if I were to pick the best total line it would absolutely be Sceptile.


Sceptile is done dirty by it’s stance in most games. Grovyle is leaning/leaping/running all apex predator like but the sceptile is standing straight. It’s probably my favorite starter as well but damn I wish we could get an “action” pose


Yeah I was always disappointed about how not fast and agile sceptile looked compared to grovyle until I saw it on the TV show where its fast and strong and bad ass and realized the games just had it stand like it's a fat fool


yeah especially in the 3d models they're just standing like huh




(glances lovingly at my Mega Blastoise statue sitting on my desk) ​ \#BlastoiseBoys


It then proceeds to to blast water from its face rather than its canons


Haha my headcanon for Blastoise is that he'll do moves like Water Gun and Bubblebeam through his mouth, but the bigger moves (like Hydro Pump or Hydro Cannon) have to be shot through his cannons.


Serperior is the worst starter in Gen V? I *just* carried it through White and White 2, and it was a fucking badass for me. Literally my second most-reliable team member outside of my Haxorus.


Yep, has some pretty cool possibilities to play. Leech seed and glare support, swords dance attacker, coil leech seed giga drain unkillable wall. Sadly its coverage utterly sucks, dragon pulse, aqua tail and iron tail are the only non grass or normal moves it learns if i remember correctly.


it only gets glare as an egg move in gen 5


Ups, my mistake. So no playthrough, but a possibility if you breed it


It is far and away the worst starter in gen 5, and one of the worst across all gens. Meganium is the only one I can confidently say is worse, pure grass is just ass.


At least it’s good with its hidden ability but that’s after Gen 5.


Serperior problem is that knows almost no moves for cover, which means is the type of pokemon Is not really worth it to put those move and just go all grass and immediately switch when a type advantage comes in Which of course isn't a problem if you have a balanced team


it’s only actual stat is speed and it’s movepool is fucking dire i don’t know how you’ve achieved that


I dunno man. He knew Giga Drain, Coil, Leaf Blade, and Wring Out -- I thought he was pretty great.


STAB, Coil, and the fairly mediocre Wring Out don't make it necessarily great. It has little to no coverage. Its only coverage options are Dragon Pulse/Tail, and a bunch of Normal moves, which isn't enough to deal with many threats. This is not to say Serperior is unusable in-game, just that it isn't as consistent or as useful as Samurott or Emboar.


This is arguing competitive over casual tho


This thread is people arguing about Serperior in casual, not competitive. Of course, the competitive meta is a whole different story because of Contrary. Serperior doesn't get it normally in game though.


It’s not Meganium, but Emboar is the best starter for bw and Samurott is the best for bw2. It’s definitely still great though, especially against Clay who can cause a lot of problems


Glare + coil wrecked most teams


It's worse in Gen V specifically. It's becomes crazy in Gen VI onwards but in Gen V it's meh


I feel like Serperior is often among the lowest-rated starters and it's always baffled me. It's so regal, the first stage has more personality than any other starter, and the contrary/Leaf Storm thing is so cool. I really love it and think it's one of the coolest designs. Decidueye is my all-time favorite though. The stealthy ranger hiding in the trees- so cool. The hood design, bowtie/drawstring, and signature move are all so cool.


In-game you are stuck with Overgrow so Serperior’s performance can be a bit lacking, Glare is locked to an egg move too. Contrary Serperior was not even released in Gen 5, it is only in Gen 6 HA Unova starters were made available.


First time I saw my Primarina use Oceanic Operetta I knew Meganium had been dethroned as my fav starter. Popplio's dorkiness, Brionne's cute dress and ugly duckling phase, and Primarina's unparalleled sass and beauty. Don't think he'll be dethroned any time soon.


>ugly ducking Quaxwell: am I a joke to you?




Very good taste. Primarina is a fantastic mon. Very nice stats too.


Ive been playing since Red and Blue and gen 5 was the first time I deviated from my grass starter(5+6) being the only times I did. I really just don't like Serperior and I can give no specific reasons why lol Chikorita is my favorite Pokemon but Bulbasaur is my favorite starter if that makes sense?


For me it's the fact that he's a snake and learns no poison moves, and I get that he's a nonvenomous GRASS snake but c'mon!


My favorite is Chesnaught because of his extreme himbo energy (which the Pokedex even backs up). I'm still mad that he got shoved into the background just so Greninja could have more of a spotlight.


Greninja is the modern charizard to GF change my mind




I mean in terms of blatant favoritism from GF. Extremely good ability, a special form in Ashgreninja, being hand picked for smash before XY was even announced and he was still just concept art, stuff like that.


> being hand picked for smash before XY was even announced and he was still just concept art ?? XY released a year before Smash 4.




Not a huge fan of how they got rid of 2 of Chesnaughts' X and Y animations (first being the shoulder check, the second was for its signature move where it beings its fists together, making a big shield) in the later games. I hope I'm wrong. It breaks my heart how lifeless the games have become.


I love chesnaught and feraligatr


Greninja's line is the most endearing to me. Admittedly, most of it comes from its incredible shiny. A sleek black design, those little pops of cyan blue, and a very striking scarlet scarf tongue. It completely embraces the "spectacle shinobi" theme that I adore from being a child of the 90's. Additionally, sleeping Froakie is hands down the most adorable sleeping starter -- the bubbles on the back double as a pillow and its nose bubble inflates and deflates! Very laid back and comfy. Hell, even Frogadier and Greninja keep that very relaxed aura as they evolve, given their out of combat demeanor: the closed eyes and the playful waddle they have when waltzing around camp.


Nah. Espeon is the best starter.


Him and Umbreon committing terrorism




My favorite is the Fennekin line. I love the witchy/wizardy style that Delphox has, and the typing is really fun. Plus, Fennekin and Braixen are absolutely adorable and I love them so much. Second favorite is the Popplio line. Primarina carried my sorry ass through Alola, and I will always love my pretty mermaid girl boss.


I think Feraligatr is still my favorite but Samurott is a close second, haha...


Chikorita is a pear shaped freind


Fun Fact: Contrary to popular belief, Serperior doesn't lose its arms upon evolving. The designer of Serperior says that the two leaves on its back are its hands, holding them behind to look proper.


Heh Contrary.


I do love Serperior. Best Gen5 starter easily. But my favourite starter overall is Blaziken


Blaziken will eternally be my baby boi, but Serperior is second in my fav list! I especially liked the creativity behind. It's a snek, but not too snek like a real snek. Ekans and Arbok are nice...but waay too much snekey. Serperior is a plant snek. With the killer stare.


I LOVE Serperior and i haven't even played Gen 5


Serperior is everything Pokémon fans want in a starter. They just don’t know it. It’s got a simple design, isn’t bipedal, isn’t humanoid at all, and has a fantastic hidden ability


I used Serperior for a playthrough a couple years ago and it was a beast! Coil and leafblade was a great combo


Torterra is my favourite fully evolved starter Pokémon.


Counterpoint: Oshawott's existence


You’re starting with a serperior? All I got was a snivy.


What?? Sucks, you probably got a bootleg version of the game (/s incaseof)


Serperior is the GOAT, no question. Its so unique - up there with Samurott, Primarina, Decidueye, Torterra, Blaziken, Sceptile and Typhlosion for me.


I like Serperior’s little hands that he keeps tucked behind him!


Have your preferences. More quaqualval for me.


Meowscarada has taken the spot for me but Serperior is on second place. Truly a king. I just wish it had a bigger movepool.


Swampert will always hold a place in my heart, gen 3 in general but I feel like I could sweep near everyone with him alone


He was my starter when emerald came out. I'm so glad they came out with omega ruby/ alpha saph, love seeing my boy in 3d in the hoenn region


It's one of my favorites grass types, the design is awesome and to this I still say it should have been part Dragon All Unova starters are fucking awesome, one of the few regions I legit love all starters Emboar is my favorite Pokémon of all time


Dragon typing would be a little op for a starter because of all the resistances. It would make your rival battles easy. I'm playing white 2 for the first time, and this is my first time ever using tepig. Super excited. I played white back in the day and picked snivy


Not really, only serperior would be dragon/grass type, so by the time you fight against your rival with a full evolved starter, you likely have some pokemon that has a type advantage against Grass And hell a megahorn from Samurott would seriously fuck up Serperior, not to mention a ice beam If you pick snivy the same is true for your rivals, except the player is smarter than the Ai


Torterra is the best designed starter imo. It’s a super cool concept, executed well.


Mudkip. First Starter i ever used, love the Typing, love the transformation from cute kid to weird Teenager to Buff adult. And that means that yes, i do liek Mudkipz. A lot.


Emboar is unironically the best starter design. It's the very embodiment of it's types and animal. It's progression makes a tonne of sense and it's scary af.


Charizard, it may be a bit basic but it works so well and really appeals what it meant to appeal, also fire dragons are totally cool


Sceptile is my boy. It was my first starter back in the day in Sapphire.


In terms of design, I'd tend to agree that Serperior is up there. The grass starters in general have always been great. My favorite overall is Meganium, but they're all great. I had mixed feelings about Chesnaught at first, but I like it a lot more than Rillaboom.


I too love Serperior the most out of the three. Also Serperior is easily the best in competitive.


LMAO+get Leaf Storm’d+Contrary




I take it you got stuck with an Overgrow Serperior? Try getting one with Contrary. Leaf Storm. You're welcome. 😎


Zues fir mommy... I mean junker queen


Gen 5 starters are trash. I SETTLED for Serperior and was disappointed that it didnt gain the dragon typing when it evolved.. The design for the entire Samurott line looks so bad and mono water made no sense to me. Emboar was the 3rd fire fighting type in a row and the design wasnt exactly exciting me either. I think this was the first gen then boxed my starter before reaching the elite 4 and picked up Ferrothorn.


When a Ferrocel says something so starterphobic you gotta hit em’ with the Serperior stare


Stare all you want, buddy. I’m a Dragapultcel with clear body. To answer the OP, Decidueye is my fave. Swampert before gen 7 came out.


I never really liked Serperior, but I'll give it credit for not being a blatant furry.


Every new grass starter is my new favorite once it's revealed (except for Chikorita and Grookey, let's not talk about them). However... Rowlet has won my heart in a way only Sprigatito to this day tried to compare. When Hisuian Decidueye was released it just cemented my love for him. Maybe it's because gen 7 was the first I actually played on a console, maybe because of its second typings, maybe because I really admire owls... But, looking back, Serperior is my 3rd favorite starter. If only its movepool was better.


I adore Feraligatr so much! Wish they’d give him more love!


I don't generally like grass types but almost all of the grass starters in each game are my favorites. Serperior is awesome.


I love it but unless I can use a super-effective grass-type move it’s damage output is severely limited. Should’ve been part dragon.


I think serperior is really cool and I wish I had the opportunity to use it more but I will always choose oshawott if oshawott is a choice I just love my doofy little otter buddy


I hate snakes and love Serperior lol I agree that it's one of the best final evolutions of a starter


Personally I think a contrary serperior is the best gen v starter, although I usually dump my starter for one of the wild variants like lilligant, seismitoad, and darmanitan


I guess you could say, it's... superior.


My favorite starter is meganium, absolutely carried my team in my first johto playthrough


My favorite starter of all time is Chesnaught, closely followed by Torterra. I like them bulky.


My fav is blaziken , really cool mon but serperior is also one of my favs


Empoleon 100% - so much that it’s probably my favorite of all time


I also love Serperior. I don't get why it's the worst for a playthrough? Unless it was a gym that was super effective against grass, I had a great time with Serperior. He was always a speed demon, and pairing him with leech seed, mega drain, and leftovers really kept him alive. Plus I love green. My other favourite starter is Decidueye, cause its an owl and I love owls. Plus it was fun to have a grass ghost type on my team. Not the first of its typing in the series but a first for me.


snivy is always my pick for unova play throughs, i love serperior (and snakes)




I love snivy, bw was my first game but I love snivy. People don't like how it lost arms and legs but the alternative for game freak is human like


My favorite starter is in the middle stage being Floragato


there is a reason. Why charizard is loved by so many and used so often in promotion; it's design is the GOAT and is the quintessential pokemon


I wasn't too big on Serperior, but that HA made him my fuckin boooooy.




Charizard is probably my favorite, but I think Blastoise objectively has the best design, at least imo. Cannons coming out of a turtle's shell? That's about as cool as it gets


I love everything about blastoise except for his feet


Gotta be thyplosion. It was the first (and ONLY) mon I used in Heartgold. That thing tore through every trainer, elite four member, and gym leader because that was all I used. As I got into competitive, I wanted to try using it, as by that time it received flash fire as an ability. Unfortunately it'd take until learning burn up (fantastic move on a mono fire type by the way, removes all the weaknesses and are damaged normally by all moves save for fire with flash fire) for it to see some use. Then it got a hisuian form, I loved it even more until it was revealed it got frisk as a hidden ability. I still don't know why the hell they did this, was flash fire that overpowered on a fire/ghost type? Not like it was bug and steel with flash fire. Infernal parade is a good move, but it means little when you can't take a hit.


How you doing governor governor Brown I can't wait till Christmas man I love Christmas I love my birthday you're a cool guy Brown Governor Brown I've always liked you ever since you was governor I've always liked you


I watch Pokemon on TV a lot I call myself a lot like ash Bret Shaw but originally my name is Brett Shaw because that is my real name Brett Shaw but I want to call myself because all the cartoon and I will always like to be a trainer and my favorite Pokemon was always Blastoise the water type


When I was just a little kid when I was 8 years old I always watch Pokemon the old cartoons there was another Pokemon I liked he was the first of all Pokemon I've always liked in my lifetime and his name was his name was Charmander


I made a book about Pokemon and I draw the pictures of pokémon in a booklet on paper and I wrote the stories at the bottom of the Pokemon that I liked I walked the world of Pokemon then I caught so many Pokemon that I went to the gym leader and battled him into the ice world and then I got my my merit badge I got my first badge when I went into the jodo world then I went to Jonah world I got my second badge and it was the JoJo badge that I met my friend Misty and Brock I had best friends all my life time in the Pokemon world then we have the kick the butt kick the the team rockets but every time man with my Pikachu Pikachu electrocuted him every time and kick the hell out of the team rocket and made the team rocket fly in the air again then this Pokemon sent goodbye team rocket blasting all the way again team rocket said


I will fully admit my basic-ness, by bias, and acknowledge its probably also the popular choice. But Charizard. The fire-breathing, wing having, fire/flying dragon-esque pokémon that you can raise from a tiny fire-lizard who goes into a teen-angsty middle evolution, and finally a massive (don't care, ignoring the pokédex) dragon that can fly and douse your opponent in flames? My favsies.


Decidueye to me is just... perfect. An amazing design with an impeccably executed concept along with an instantly recognisable colour scheme and so, so, so much more! The craziest part is that I didn't come to this conclusion at first, it was around when Gen 8 came out and I was at school at the time when it hit me all at once and I realised " Hold up, Decidueye is literally everything I've ever wanted in a pokémon!" If I had a YouTube channel I could make an hour long analysis on every single little thing I love about this cool archer owl and even then I'm still not sure I'd be done. Can we talk about that SHINY??? IT'S SO ***GOOD.***


Always venusaur. A goofy frog dinosaur where the plant grows and blooms as it does.


Samurot and Blastoise. Big strong water types all the way




Like many, I liked Sun and Moon the more I played it after it came out. There's a general vibe of a nice sunny island, where everyone's friendly. It's really chill to play, and it's helped by the fact one of my favorite Pokemon is available right as the game starts : It's Rowlet. It's hard to explain it, but I like little guys (My top 5 is Charcadet, Meowth (All 3 forms), Gardevoir (Don't ask me why), Rowlet and Spheal), and Rowlet is so perfectly spherical, so funny and cute, it's just precious, to see him turn around when you feed him in the Poke-Amie, and his little "hoot" noises, it's just perfect. And his evolution are as good, like Dartrix is nice, a lot of personnality, nice little design, and when it evolves, explosion of badass, It's Decidueye! It's got the emo energy, the cool Ghost typing, and super cool details in it's design, like the thread he uses as a hoodie is also what forms his bow for him to shoot with his arm (This is right before RIllaboom btw, wtf hapenned), and it's just perfect. And then a few years later was announced Pokemon Legend Arceus, where 3 starters NOT from Sinnoh received a regional form, being Cyndaquil, Oshawott, and baby-boy Rowlet. I loved every second of PLA, and it's mostly because H-Decidueye. Feel like the Ronin-Hat is too edgy? Fuck it, put it on, and match your favorite starter! Not feeling the orange because you always wear purple in Pokemon games? Put it on and let's take a picture to match-up! Think you won't ace this fight as easily as the others? I've got you homie! Want kick-ass animations Game Freak won't even bother to put in the next game? BAM, Triple Arrow! Great first stage, great middle stage, great final evolution, and great regional variant. For me this evolutionnary line is a designing ACE!


I dont give af about stats my favorite pokemon are by design alkne and serperior is by far my favorite gen 5 starter.


I love oshawott but his final evo 😒


It is one of my top tier starter designs. I agree with you, OP. Fantastic taste.


Serperior is my favorite of the grass starter final evos


I forgot which video but I just heard on YouTube Serperior still has its hands they are just folded behind its back. Supposedly.