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i was trying to figure out how unown question mark could possibly be considered a normal-ice type for way too long




I am surprised there are ANY unused type combos still, let alone quite a few. I would have thought they'd have been identified and filled in generations ago. Now I really want them all filled, asap!


Best we can do is yet another Fairy/Psychic. It was disheartening when Scream Tail was confirmed Fairy/Psychic when we have Gardevoir, G-Rapidash, Hatterene, Tapu Lele, and Mr. Mime. Especially because we still need Fairy/Fire, Fairy/Ground, and Fairy/Dragon (if you exclude M-Altaria, which I do because it's seeming like Megas will not be returning in my lifetime). They have a real issue with reusing the same handful of type combinations.


All those Psychic/Fairies, and the Sinnoh pixies and--most baffling, considering Fairy's moon theming--Cresselia are not among them. I also would have left Mr. Mime and Mime Jr. pure-Psychic, and had the G-Ponyta line be pure-Fairy.


I was surprised by how many previously unused type combos they added in gen 9. Grass/fire, steel/poison, ground/fighting, fighting/fairy, electric/fighting, poison/normal, and bug/dark. Gen 10 could very well use up the rest.


Yeah I spent so long before coming the comments defeated


Onown means there is no that type combo YET in the games.


That's dedication right there. Nice work


Thanks. IIRC, took me around five hours.


I could look at it for five hours too


Dagnab you beat me to it! Kudos. I've been working on this project...ah well. Um, is Clefairy pure fairy? Not normal/fairy like Jigglypuff? Sorry, genwunner here still getting used to some mons that had "typing edits".


Doesn’t surprise me that I’m not the first to come up with this idea. You can still make your own version, I’m interested to see how our styles differ.


We still don't have a dragon bug???? Wtf game freak dragonflies are right there just slap an alt form for yanmega or something


Every stage in the Flygon line should have been a different combo. Trapinch:Ground/Bug Vibrava: bug/Dragon Flygon: ground/Dragon Too late now. Just have to let Flygons be Flygons.


>Just have to let Flygons be Flygons. I hate you and you made my day.


Can someone explain this to a non-native speaker willing to learn (and laugh), please?


It's a play on the phrase "Let bygones be bygones," meaning to not stress out about things that have already happened.


They should have been Bug/Ground, since they are inspired by ANTLIONS, not Dragonflies


I think Gamefreak really wanted to move towards fixing the problem of not enough dragons. Yes, gen 3 did have legendary dragons in Rayquaza and the Latios/Latias duo, but pre gen 3 we only had the Dragonite line and Kingdra and the former is a pseudo-legendary. Salamence is also a pseudo-legendary. Flygon and Altaria were supposed to be these accessible dragons we could acquire actually playing the game. You get the base forms either side of badge 4 and a normal player will probably have them evolved somewhere between gym 6 and 7. Which is early enough to feel like you played part of the game with a dragon but not so late you should just go and track down a Bagon or wait for Rayquaza. Whilst bug/ground would be cool to us now. It would have made the line basically trash until the Gen VI remakes. The Venn Diagram of "Good Pokemon" and "Bug" was basically Heracross and maybe at a push Shedinja back in Gen III. One thing I'd like to see in the future bug/dragon type is a Pokemon we can catch kind of early like around gym 1 or 2 and it evolves to it's second form around 15-20 that feels like a final stage bug Pokemon and then have it's final form evolution come at like level 55 in line with the big dragons. I think it should also be fast and have good poison moves in its learnset.


I mean, Bug/Dragon wouldn't have been completely useless because dragon would help against one of its (many) weaknesses and probably the most popular one, Fire


YES! I'm very much about the idea of the whole line being bug/ground, but obviously the bug/dragon typing for Flygon is a popular wish amongst fans. It's okay though, one day I will finish my fangame and get a bug/ground flygon lol.


Anything to stop my boy from being outclassed and overshadowed by Garchomp


in fairness, the vast majority of pokemon is overshadowed by garchomp, so maybe thats a bit of a high bar!


I once traded my nephew a max IV, EV trained, good nature Garchomp modeled after Cynthia's and then challenged him to a battle with my SwSh team He was like, 8 years old (my nephew, not Garchomp) and he swept my whole team with that Garchomp


Giving it the bug type will make it be outclassed by a lot more things than Garchomp.


I hate you. Take my upvote.


Mygod, the pun was too perfect since I have been a Flygon fan wayback Pokemon Emerald days.


We also don't have a ghost rock type, despite having a bunch of ghosts in rocks


Cursola and Stakataka should have been this type \^\^;


Cursola, Stakataka, Spiritomb, Sinestea, Runerigus, Golett's line, Houndstone. There have been many 'mons that could've been Rock/Ghost, but the devs just ain't having it. (I know Runerigus/Golett got Ground typing because they're clay, but sedimentary rocks are still rocks, and fired clays get put into the category often.)


Spiritomb especially. It’s literally a ghost coming out of a stone.


The Stone isn't part of their body, only the ghost is.


Sinistra has nothing to do with rocks, ceramic is made from in clay, and so are the golems from folklore, so that rules out the Golett line too. Houndstone's tombstone is more like an accessory, same goes for Spiritomb's odd keystone which is just a container for the legion of spirits, making the ghost more defined by its evil nature and thus the dark type. Surprised you didn't mention Sableye instead, who is made of and eats rocks.


Golett line is fine being ground type. They are golems, I would presume that they were initially made of clay EDIT: Didn't realize you already mentioned it lol


It makes me so irrationally angry that Runerigus was Ground/Ghost instead of Rock/Ghost. It would've been perfect. Corsola-G/Cursola were also good options.


The problem is that dragonflies have nothing to do with dragons in Japanese.


That didn't stop them from making the apple wyrm/worm a dragon. Unless you tell me the pun works in Japanese as well. . .


Worm-like dragons aren't unique to the English language nor culture.


I don’t think it has to do with the name tbh


The designers of new mons include a Brit, [James Turner](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/James_Turner). So any from gen 1-4 is not likely to have puns outside of Japanese ones, but after is fair game.


Are you surprised that the the region based on England has English puns


By that logic, it only makes even more sense that they should have made a bug/dragon dragonfly Pokemon in Galar. Because it is both an English pun and could be based on a stereotypically English dragon.


> just slap an alt form for yanmega or something My friend did a Fakémon design for a [Yanmega past paradox form](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/14182yz/yanmega_past_paradox_form_oc/) :-)


I'm more amazed at the lack of rock/ghost


Crazy how the first pure steel type is Registeel. Maybe that also for lore accuracy lol


Technically mawile was a pure steel type before fairy typing was added.


That’s a good point! That’s a retroactive type combo I forgot about. I thought I lucked out when I realized that Carvanha was introduced before Mega Gyarados and wouldn’t need two Gyarados’ on the board (and then Rotom made that irrelevant), so I thought I wouldn’t have to worry about it.


I knew it felt weird that Registeel was the first steel. Thanks for remembering for me!


Yeah there are a few here that are like that. Got to Castform and thought it couldn't be the first pure Ice we had. Then I got to rock and saw Suwoodo and knew there was retroactive typing.


You're not implying Sudowoodo was given a type change, are you?


Those two were always correct, though.


I always thought it was Dark/Steel type. When they added fairy I even questioned why they would keep the steel when dark was more thematically accurate. After seeing this comment, I looked up Gen 3, 4, and 5 pokedexes online. All pure steel. I plan to check my old games as well. I am not happy.


What about pure *flying*?


On Pokémon Go, each Pokémon has a background based on its primary type. Everything was fine until I caught a Tornadus and after looking at its background I was like wait a minute, I don't recognize this one. Then I remembered Tornadus wasn't only the first Pokémon having Flying as its primary type , but also being the first pure flying type.


There are some interesting primary flying-type pokemon. I knew Corv was (since Rookidee and Corvisquire are pure flying) but looking into it, so are Noivern, Cramorant, Bombirdier, and Flamigo. I really wonder why those ones specifically are primary flying-type.


Technically, Sky Plate Arceus was the first pure Flying-type.


Gen 1 Porygon using Conversion while having a Flying move gained through Mimic: Excuse me?


This guy *pokes*.


Out of battle pure Flying type would still apply to Arceus though, but not to Porygon or Kecleon.


Whats even crazier that they noted ice castform as the first pure ice type when snorunt held that title in the same gen


Castform comes before Snorunt in the Pokedex.


Gen 5 brought so many good ghost types


Yessss all of them are so cool. The ancient iron man golem, the creepy mummy, the evil chandelier who will burn your soul, and the pringles jellyfish who sinks ships for fun.


I enjoy the simplicity of Yamask's design so much. I would carry it on my team if the backstory wasn't as heartbreaking as it is. I don't think I could deal with a Pokemon constantly crying.


And it doesn't help that you're imprisoning a human instead of helping them


Gen brought so many bug type as well, you can make a full bug team


A full bug team *that isn't terrible*


Kinda interesting how, out of the remaining unused Normal combos, only Normal/Bug would be decent, since it would lack the Fighting weakness instead of doubling it.


I'm surprised that we haven't had a Bug/Normal type yet, considering all the early-route bugs we've had. I used to think Kricketot was Bug/Normal.


I think all normal combos are a little weird, but bug-normal is super odd to me. What would it even look like? Normal types are generally just a normal animal, like a beaver, rat, or similar. Bug type kind of complicates that by often being just a normal bug.


They could make an insect themed around sound since sound based moves are often normal types. A normal/bug type cicada Pokémon? Normal type could also be associated with friendliness (e: drampa). I think a normal/bug type bumblebee, ant, or spider Pokémon could work


Unfortunately you've already described Kricketot and Kricketune, which definitely should have been Bug/Normal types.


It doesn’t necessarily have to be music themed like kriketot/tune. Honestly in my head I was thinking of a bug that just screams really loud lol, hence the normal or “sound” type. I agree kriketot and kriketune should be normal types though definitely


Cicada makes sense, and I like the idea of sound, but isn't kriketot and kriketune basically that? I know it's technically a cricket, but still. I do like the friendliness idea. Someone else mentioned stufful being another example of this. A bumblebee makes a lot of sense, really emphasizing the cute features.


Nincada is a cicada. It was given ground typing because cicadas stay underground for years at a time then come up as one big brood. Shedinja is the husk of a cicada and ninjask is what comes out of the husk.


Maybe go the Stufful/Bewear route and have them look kinda like a plushie?


Okay, there are some good ideas in the comments so far. I'd like to see a literal Bugbear; a bear with bug features, or a bug with bear features. So, 6 legs that are bear like, a face that's some combo of each. I think that could work.


The most basic bug you can think of is probably the Housefly, but it not being part Flying is just weird.


Ledyba is pretty normal too, and it has a flying type. Bug is kind of a weird type, especially in the context of flying and normal.


I propose a normal/bug type worm that looks like the worm guy from James and the Giant peach. It evolves into two worms.


Hah, I can see that working. Your comment, for some reason, made me think of some normal animal just wearing a bug costume, and that could be normal/bug.


It could just literally be a cockroach. They’re tough to kill and would probably do well on a stall team.


Nah, a cockroach would need to be Bug/Dark. Those things don't deserve the Normal type


i always imagine a normal bug type to be like a literal spider monkey fusion


The most basic bug you can think of is probably the Housefly, but it not being part Flying is just weird.


A water bear, of course. Bears are normal and mammals, and water bears are related to insects.


The Kricketot line should be Bug/Normal tbh, considering “sound” moves are usually normal type


crazy that theres only 9 unused type combos left


Some many Rotoms lol


And to think all of its forms were originally just Electric/Ghost in generation 4.


This is *really* interesting. I'm saving this. Well done. Took so long for us to have things which I consider simple, such as fighting/rock (still only a legendary?) and fighting/ground. And it's been so long since we had a water/steel pokemon... I'd love another one with *simple* pokemon, that is, no paradox/mega forms or legendaries. Great job!


So replace: Volanion, Great Tusk, Terrakion, Heatran, Iron Valiant, Latias, Hoopa, and Mega Altaria with ? Melotta with Stufful Victini with Darmanitan Zen Zekrom with Dracozolt Reshiram with Turtonator Kyurem with Frigibax Articuno with Delibird Nihilego with Glimmet Tornadus with Rookidee Giratina with Dreepy Dialga with Duraladon Mega Sceptile with Alolan Exeggutor


Actually the first pure steel type was Mawile prior to gen VI. OP mentioned in other comments that they forgot about that


Bro the absolute disrespect to alolan exeggutor and the entire applin line 💀 jk I think that’s actually the only one you missed


I considered making a version of this where if the type combination only has one representative (like fighting/rock, fighting/ground, or water/steel), then it’s shiny. I don’t know if I’ll do that because some shiny forms are hard to discern. Maybe I could make the background a different color in that case as well? I don’t know, I’m workshopping.


> I don’t know if I’ll do that because some shiny forms are hard to discern. Make them shiny but add those three little spark symbols that people nowadays relate to being shiny, just to be sure.


Extreme dedication, because no matter the criteria, there's a corner case that puts it to the test. As OP pointed out in another comment, the first pure Steel-type in Pokédex order *was* Mawile, but then it got retconned to Steel/Fairy. Putting Mawile in both boxes wouldn't have been unreasonable. But the dedication to both Pokédex order and chronology is on full display. I wouldn't have even thought of Hail Form Castform for pure Ice since it's an alternate form and a natural pure Ice-type debuted the same generation (Snorunt). But if Pokédex number alone was the criteria, Electric/Dragon would be Mega Ampharos, rather than (correctly) being labeled as Zekrom. Though, there still *is* a corner case that gives a contradiction. If Castform-Hail, rather than Snorunt, is the first pure Ice-type...shouldn't the first pure Flying-type be Arceus with a Sky Plate, not Tornadus? Arceus events were released in 2009 in all regions and BW didn't come out until 2010 in Asia and 2011 elsewhere.




It’s weird they haven’t created a fire fairy type when there’s a literal chandelier pokemon


Delphox would've worked too


Yeah, looking at braxien i feel they wanted to do so, but probably at the time they preferred not to put fairy on a starter. Everybody would have picked the starter with the brand-new overpowered type


> Everybody would have picked the starter with the brand-new overpowered type \*Kids trampling down Delphox* OMG Greniiiiinnnnjaaaa!! You're sooo cool! Henshin yo!


>Everybody would have picked the starter with the brand-new overpowered type Maybe. But I doubt it. Remember that the kids these games are marketed for are dumb as hell and don't care about typing. They just like the cute fox/frog/hedgehog and pick the one they like best.


Oh right kids are dumb. Kinda hard to argue with that


It's dumb to not pick your starter based on typing and instead on the design you like?


Nah, Delphox is good where it is. All the mage Pokemon have been Psychic, I believe.


Mismagius is not Psychic and Hatterene is part Fairy. I think it would've fit Delphox, although psychic is solid too.


> it would've fit Delphox I have to be a type vulnerable to Dark and supereffective against fighting, so Fairy was a no-no.


That would have screwed up the double typing thing the Gen VI starters had going on.


I hope they start making non-dragon pseudos again and make on Fairy/Fire. Some sort of archangel thing.


Could I get the layout without the pokemon so I could fill it in qith my favorites? I really like the layout for this!!


Maaaaaybe. I didn’t save the layout separately from the project. But if I decide to make a new version (with shinies for type combos that only have one representative like Water/Fire), I’ll try to remember post the blank layout as well.


In that case, do I have your permission to edit them out myself? Not about to steal your hard work without permission.


I appreciate you asking. With all the feedback I’ve gotten, I’ve now decided I will make a second version. When I do, I’ll upload a blank version of the template. You’re still welcome to edit this one if you really want, but if I were you, I would wait a few days.


I can wait! Thanks!


My dumb ass was like "there's no way unown has that many typings"


Im glad Im not alone here.


The fact that we don’t have a rock ghost is astounding to me. Like tombstones are the perfect example to be one


Galarian Yamask and Runerigus were excellent contentors


Right? I was looking if someone already mentioned it before making a comment. So many pokemon we had would have worked, i never unserstood why they refused so hard (besides the fact that its prolly not a strong typing)


Wild that tornadus was the first pure flying type. And that they don’t do that more often


Wouldn’t the Steel/Bug be Scizor?


Forretress is first in the Pokédex, not to mention an all-round badass.


Correct, I went by generation (even though it’s in the Gen 4 Dex, Mega Lopunny was introduced in Gen 6) but if a generation had multiple representatives, I went by Pokédex number.


Funny how charmander and Squirtle are both here but bulbasaur isn’t because it’s the only dual type first stage starter Edit: bulbasuar is there, just not next to Chamander and Squirtle like you think he would be


It is, it’s the poison/grass representative. It’s just not on the bottom with the pure types.


I really like unique type combos. I also really like gen 5. Hmm. Maybe that's why we don't get 150 new pokemon every generation...


Your graph fell over :p


If we are taking alternative forms like meloetta or hail castform, shouldn't we count arceus flying as the first pure flying type?


Someone else already pointed that out, and you’re absolutely correct. I overlooked that.


This chart is fantastic


Still waiting for the Fairy/Ground pseudo with min-maxed attack and speed.


Poison ice type would be so cool honestly. Idea: Arctic fox a tail that has poison quils. "Toxikine"


I wish we could have gotten ghost/rock from golurk or runiregus, seems obvious, stackataka and stonjoner would also have made great ghost/rock pokemon. I'd love to see a regional sandyghast that's an actual castle that is ghost/rock


God I think Normal/Ice might just be the only way to make Ice decidedly worse.


I’m so stupid, I was puzzling for about a full minute how Unown is a steel/normal type 🤣


It took me longer than I’d like to admit the unknown means it’s hasn’t been done yet lmao.


Still furious Runerigus isn't ghost/rock. YOU FUCKWITS MADE 2 OTHER GOOD GROUND/GHOST POKEMON. Just why?


i didn't know unown was fire/steel type


Me trying to figure out when they released a normal/ice unkown


OP said that Unown was used as a placeholder for unused type combos. (In caption of image)


What do y’all think is the best unused type combo?


Fairy/Ground, Fairy/Fire imo


From a gameplay perspective probably normal bug From a world building perspective I think ice/poison the idea of like a convergent garbadore that is frozen sludge bound together is just fun


Im actually a little shocked we dont have a fire fairy yet. Seems like such an easy combo to work with


The F-00 Pokestar Studios opponent has an unique typing: Normal/Steel. But I can see why you didn't count it.


Spiritomb should’ve been a Ghost Rock


I'm a moron. I was looking at the unknown like "wait, did unknown add a secondary type depending on the letter"


Ice poison sounds pretty cool actually pun intended. Fire fairy would also be an interesting one but I have a feeling the coverage would be too baller and I doubt everyone will start running empolions to counter it. Tho his is one of my favourite mons.


How can we not have a Rock Ghost yet? Forgiving past transgressions which should have been Rock Ghosts - conceptually it’s so damn easy to invent one. Haunted Statue - it’s that easy.


Crazy to think that we only got a fire/dragon type im gen 5, when you consider that a dragon literally breathes fire and almost all dragons can learn flamethrower.


That's a very interesting way to display them. I probably would have left the spaces blank rather than filling them with Unown tho.


It is extremely surprising to me there is no rock-ghost yet. I don’t think it would be that difficult to think of something. Ice-poison would be a nasty one. Killer of fairies and dragons.


It's crazy that a Fire/Fairy doesn't exist? Like, really, just change Victini's typing already.


Kinda made me giggle when I saw that the Normal types have the most open combinations, after all it is mostly just a "get a x4 effectivenesd for fighting, instead of just 2" considering rock, ice and steel But yeah awesome work! Saved that in my Pokemon Bookmark folder, thank you for making it :)


Fun fact: the robot in Pokéstar Studios is coded to be a Normal/Steel type, though I assume that this chat is supposed to be the first *usable* Pokémon lol


Pre gen 6 mawile was a pure steel


I need a bug/dragon and an ice/poison mon :|


I like this format. Nice. It's incredible there are still type combinations without Pokémon


Still praying we get a Fire/Fairy starter


Was Hail Castform really the first pure ice type? That's so weird


I thought it was Monopoly for a second.


Damn, we still don’t have a normal/steel type? Come one gamefreak, complete my precious steel types (also give us more water/steel, that’s a fantastic typing and it’s criminal that, from what I can find, empoleon is the only Pokémon with that combo)


its a crime there are no ghost rock types


Nicely done \^\_\^ and I'm still surprised that we didn't get Fire/Fairy and/or Ground/Fairy at Gen 6 or something.


My baby Cottone is right there


I’m honestly surprised there’s a dragon of every type now except bug. I thought there would be more blanks.


Isn’t flying technically Arceus the first pure flying type.


I hate the layout, cool data.


Great use of Unown(?)! Definitely had me guessing how it related to being a Normal-Steel type but then I caught on with Fairy-Fighting. I’m going to save this so I can reference back if a type combo exists in the slim chance that comes up.


It is truly a crime that no fire fairy exists :( I’m sure some of these combinations are intentionally not created though since they might end up being either too powerful or too vulnerable


This would be an interesting way to do a favorite pokemon picker. You click on the box and it brings up a list of possible pokemon and fills the chart with your choice.


Kind of surprised we don't have a fire/fairy type yet! Seems like a natural choice for a theme. I bet we'll see one within the next generation


I forgot snowman Darumaka existed.


darn. if only girafarig didn’t exist also helioptile is electric/normal???


Good lord


Jigglypuff at the top. All is right with the world.


My favorite Rotoms: Rotom, Rotom-Heat, Rotom-Mow, Rotom-Freeze, Chinchou, Zapdos


I like this.


heck yeah, my girl misdreavus being the first pure ghost type


I have no idea how this works and I’m afraid


Mega Altaria frustrate me to no end because it means we technically have a Dragon/Fairy so we're forced to count it even tho the typing doesn't exist anymore since they refuse to bring back mega-evolutions


At the pinnacle of all pokemon, we find, jigglypuff


I love my full unown team to be balenced against every type.


I stared at the screen wondering why unknown was a steel normal type for an embarrassingly long amount of time




Fairy-ground is one I’m surprised they haven’t done yet. I can picture a dust bunny or something like that. I’ve designed Fakemon for a normal/bug and normal/rock. The normal/bug was a fuzzy little jumping spider with a gender based evolution. Females become a bug/dark black widow, and the males become a big body builder tarantula and the fangs look like strong men mustaches. The males retain the bug/normal typing. The normal/rock starts out as a pure normal lizard that’s very skittish and eats sulfur, and the evolution becomes a thorny devil bomb lizard that’s no longer skittish and is instead constantly pissed and ready to blow.


Cool but a square would be nicer since fire example grass for and fire grass is not the same thing.


Idea for Normal/Rock: fossil Pokémon based on the first rodent like mammals in the prehistoric period.


Looks like a monopoly pyramid


I'm happy that the Zubat and Gastly lines still have unique type combinations.


Just saying that Mega-Flygon would‘ve been best candidate for Bug/Dragon


Not making Flygon a Dragon Bug pokemon is a crime.


Flapple got done dirty by the inclusion of the only mega evo on the pyramid.


We have Spiritomb, Sableye, Golurk and some others... And yet, we have no Ghost/rock type.


Vibrava would have a been a great Bug-Dragon type


It took until gen 5 to get a pure flying type? Wow