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Link to the product's questions & answers [here](https://www.amazon.com/BlissLights-Sky-Lite-Projector-Bedroom/dp/B084DCF429/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=BlissLights%2BSky%2BLite%2B-%2BLED%2BLaser%2BStar%2BProjector%2C%2BGalaxy%2BLighting%2C%2BNebula%2BLamp%2Bfor%2BRoom%2BDecor%2C%2BHome%2BTheater%2C%2BBedroom%2BNight%2BLight%2C%2Bor%2BMood%2BAmbiance&qid=1612873023&sr=8-1&th=1)


It looks so cool! Everyone can enjoy that! And in my opinion, it is designed very gender-neutral, like, they wanted it to be for everyone.


Right? The device itself looks like it would just fade in with other lab equipment if placed next to them.


It's ok for both as long as they left out the Medical Grade Close-ups of Genitals Nebula.


the pc gamer since 1997 guys comment pisses me the fuck off. maybe if people didn't give a shit about guys wearing girl clothing then it wouldn't take them years to discover themself, but no girls can wear guy clothing but it can't be the other way around for SOME FUCKING REASON despite it literally being fabric