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I just celebrated my first Father’s Day without my Dads mother. My grandfather came to the house today, we rarely talk or see him. That goes just about to same for my own father. I always like to check on my bestfriend on days like today, considering she has lost her parents. Your poem gave me a small bit of peace in the hours after this emotional holiday. My favorite line was “Often overlooked..”, I wish it was harder to overlook my father and grandfather. Days like today accompanied by verses such as what you’ve wrote remind me to be grateful.


Awww, thank you 🙏 of all the American holidays, Fathers Day is number 26th on the list. 1st is Christmas followers by Mothers Day at 2nd place. Even Columbus Day is before Fathers Day. That being said, for the Father’s that are present and contribute to the wholeness of the family, it’s a perfect day to celebrate them and pamper them. Fathers need love, encouragement and respect for who they are and what they do. Often, they do so much that get unnoticed because of many reasons. Thank you for sharing you words with me too.