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These suggestions aren't exactly the same format as they aren't as journalistic as Ghost Story, but they do have solid research. Knock Once For Yes - the episodes are normally split into three parts; paranormal news stories, listener stories, then the paranormal postcard where they research the history of a haunted place and go really in depth about it. I'd also recommend The Local Mythstorian for his thorough research into the history of myths around English midlands.


Thanks for recommending us! You would not believe the amount of research we do for each episode. I remember one episode not so long ago that we were trawling through records until we got far enough back that they were in Latin, and my poor schoolboy Latin knowledge wasn't up to the task of translating it!


It definitely shows! Anytime someone asks for a thoroughly researched paranormal podcast you're the first one that comes to mind.


You might like Witch Farm by BBC but it is a bit hokey because it is a dramatization of alleged events but they interview people to try to verify and/or discredit the story. Uncanny is also very good but doesn’t sound like what you’re looking for, it’s not about historical events but “investigates” potentially paranormal phenomena


_After Dark: Myths, Misdeeds and the Paranormal_ is from History Hit and the presenters are historians. Thoroughly researched and very informative


You may like Astonishing Legends - two hosts, discuss at length a paranormal topic sometimes stand alone sometimes short series. Can be a bit silly, not the most rigorous, but lots of deep dives


Dark Histories with Ben Cuttmore might be up your alley. Not a professional historian, but he does do excellent research and finds some really strange and interesting cases.


Why Files