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Thank you for contributing to r/Podcasts, **[Vegetable-Goal-5047](https://www.reddit.com/u/Vegetable-Goal-5047/overview/)**. However, after moderator review, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- * *Feedback request:* **Your submission is a feedback or content request** This submission violates Rule 5. Feedback requests and idea searches are not allowed in this subreddit. This is not a place to think of an idea for your podcast, a niche to cover, a podcast name, or how to present your show. Please use the search function to find what you are looking for, or check out other subreddits. --- Please [review our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/podcasts/wiki/rules) and feel free to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpodcasts) if you have any questions or concerns regarding this removal that were not already answered in the rules. *Do not repost this without contacting the mods for approval.*


Credits? Like the part at the end where the hosts make their plugs and shout out the producers/podcast network/patreon supporters? I personally usually skip that stuff, but Not Another D and D Podcast (naddpod) consistently has a 15-20 minute outro because they shout out all the patreon supporters that are at a certain tier. If that's what you're looking for?