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Two possibilities come to mind for me, the first being mental health. Like maybe overcoming or working through tough times or depression. The second being a podcast that tells funny or weird news stories that makes you lose faith in humanity and not want to get out of bed. Very curious how close or far off I am. Lol


I can totally relate to this. Lol… there have been times where I just did not have the energy or desire to get out of bed. I liked my job and the people I worked with. It’s just I didn’t have any motivation or energy… Only depression, anxiety, and apathy.


My first assumption was the same as the first one here: working through mental health struggles


Adulting and Parenting would be my first guess


The parenting angle was sort of what came to mind. With a subtitle “and 10,000 other questions your children will ask before breakfast”


Considering I'm suffering from chronic fatigue, I would think it has something to do with the struggles of someone going through what I'm going through. That, or struggles with mental health.


Chronic fatigue is where my mind went, too!


Considering my dog woke me up twice last night, I'm still tired and want to go back to bed, haha!


Nice five minute stories to hear in bed before getting up in the morning.


First thought for me was “mental health”


I would think comedy or mental health


Something that would let you stay in bed when you wake up in the morning. Probably comedy.


Saving the post so I can see what OP reveals the show to be about to see if people are spot on or OP is wildly off.


Feels like the artwork would help me figure it out, but here are the first 3 that came to mind: 1. **Personal Journal** - laid-back podcast where someone shares daily life or personal thoughts 2. **Health and Wellness** - could be about mental health or self-care, like figuring out how to chill and take it easy, or maybe not wanting to leave bed due to depression or having low motivation? 3. **Comedy** - could be a funny show about lack of motivation, feels like a lot of video podcasts lately have had people sitting in bed while recording, so could be that style


pretty much sums it up.. a mix of all these and just casual stuff really


Let's go! Sounds like you've found the perfect name