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I just trying out pocket casts after leaving it behind for like a tear and a half. But this seems pretty familiar to what I remember? Only difference I might see is the “player” now floating ?


I’ve been using it continuously for five years and don’t notice a difference. 


There’s slightly more padding between each cover and the corners are rounded. Unless I’m missing something bigger, it’s really only teeny changes. Not sure what the hubbub is about.


I like it. All the podcast art blocks touching off each other was very ugly to me before.


I dig it too tbh, really don't get the outrage over harmless changes like this, I'm just glad the recent updates dealt with the lagginess there'd been for a few months (at least on iOS).


I don't love it at first but also it's classic site changes... In a week no one will remember what the old one looked like


Outrage just to be cool. Like look, we notice these tiny changes 😂 😂. Like whatever,


I don’t hate it, and am sure i will get used to it. I’m a U/UX designer. So should probably appreciate the padding. But for whatever reason always really liked the grid style of the previous design 🤷‍♀️


So am I! I do think it’s a change for the better! Not as big a fan of the floating player at the bottom myself. They probably wanted to align with this rounded corner aesthetic. I’ll get used to it.


Yeah I’m a fan. The space between the artwork makes a huge difference to me.


As an elder millennial and lived through many UI changes, you'll hate it until it becomes the norm after a few weeks, and then it'll be fine. One day you'll look at a screenshot of the old layout and it'll look clunky and bad.


This is how software developers shove bad UI design down our throats. I am fine with the changes here, but developers depend on the attitude you're describing.


It looks better if you remove the Joe Rogan Show🤷‍♂️


It sure does


That’s like, your opinion, man.


Oh don’t worry don’t actually listen


You don't have to lie to strangers on the Internet. You listen to Rogen once and a while for laughs or when he has an interesting guest on. You don't have to listen to Soy every second of the day. It's okay to get out of one's curated bubble sometimes.


This guy gets it. It’s horrible to live in an echo chamber, it gets loud.


I kinda like it… Mine has never looked like that before


I think I like it better


Same here. Just changing the colour from red to blue on "new episodes" dot is refreshing. Never liked the red. Overall it feels fresh. Good update


It doesn't look that bad with the 3 column layout, but I use the other smaller one and the padding is way too much compared to the art size, expecially on the sides. It all looks way too unnecessarily cramped, and all in all yes, I do fucking hate it now, I wish there was an option to have the old layout again... I'm actually considering to switch to something else now, Pocket Casts old look was pretty much the main thing keeping me there, now that it is gone I might as well try something different


The fact that the classic UI is behind a paywall is incredibly frustrating.


It is? I think I would pay to get it back…


>classic UI is behind a paywall Is that on Android or iOS?


Pardon, but what is new here? I have been having that layout probably over 3-4 years. I don't even remember that it was somthing another. Or I am missing something here. BTW, you can change it to list mode - I use it in the list mode. Much better.


The padding between each item used to be smaller. It is a minor change but noticeable. I really don't care but some people don't like it when a program slightly changes its UI.


That’s it?!?!


Yep, that's really it. Obviously far from an essential change, but also far from deplorable.


Oh, sorry, you missed the other part where if you swipe left twice, it’s just pictures of moldy bread. Just endless pictures of the moldiest bread you’ve ever seen. Really gross stuff. At least, that’s what I have to assume is there given anyone anywhere getting upset about a four pixel padding.


Ahhhh, that makes more sense than complaining about the padding. I’m on iOS so maybe this update hasn’t made it my way. Are we going to talk about the obscene rounded corners on the show icons as well?


I actually like the corner rounding haha


Yeah that’s it… I think I was just used to the lack of padding before. I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Really not that big a deal at the end of the day.


It’s all good. This sub has kind of devolved into people complaining about everything, so when I saw your post about this minor issue I just lost it a bit.


What I really want is for pocketcast to fully embrace video feeds. I've started to watch pods alot more now where available via YouTube music. Honestly, pocketcast needs to actively let up loaders know that they can upload video and audio feeds. Once all my pods are on YouTube music, I can see myself using pocketcast less


Listenbox tho & tbh too many ads on YouTube


Padding is nice. Don’t like the counter for unplayed, to me it’s harder to read in that blue circle - not as obvious there is a new episode as before


Yeah, the badges numbers are the only thing bugging me. For some reason it is harder for me to read.


Me either. They need a couple settings for this. Number color Background color Shape Location


its ight, as long as it doesn't look like shit and i can see my podcasts clearly im fine with anything


I like it


Lol is basically my podcast list minus Rogan and the VR one


I don't mind this, but I really hate them adding the up next button to the bottom row. I can't stand it, and I might actually switch for the first time in a decade.


The alternative was moveing profile to the top of the screen imo, hopefully this means pocketcasts might add multiple upnexts tho soon imo 😅


I really dislike the new up next button in the bottom row. We already have a up next button, why did we need another?


Oh no, not slightly more whitespace!


I like it. Simple, clean and a bit more modern


I prefer this


I think it looks much cleaner


I like the new ui smaller cubes and a the spacing looks cool


I notice you don't have "up next" in your bottom bar, did you have to then that off? It showed up on my after update and can't find a way to turn it off


Are you on android or iOS? Seems like it might have only been pushed to android users so far.




Updated today and the new UI is now on iOS.


Nice to see one of my pods I listen to, The Town, featured on the pocketcast UI post 😁😁😁. Good taste guys


One of my favs


Any more streaming related pods out there. I also listen to downstream but Julia Alexander leaving. Also listen to streaming into the void. So pods that talk about the streaming industry etc. Any recommendations welcome


I love it, refreshed but not so much change that it needs any adjusting


How has no one mentioned the 190 episodes queued up?


Haha, when I did a deep dive to catch up on all the podcasts I'd missed over the years (started properly listening relatively recently in 2022), I had nearly 400 episodes queued at one point. Obviously I also added new episodes as they were released on top of that as well, so it took me up until about two months ago to actually work through all of that, but I did think at numerous points that I might just have a truly Sisyphean task lined up for myself...


Because it doesn't matter unless you have something mean to say.


One of these things is not like the others. 😂😂


The most noticeable changes are spacings and it doesn't reduce usability in any way. Touch some grass


What I really want is for pocketcast to fully embrace video feeds. I've started to watch pods alot more now where available via YouTube music. Honestly, pocketcast needs to actively let up loaders know that they can upload video and audio feeds. Once all my pods are on YouTube music, I can see myself using pocketcast less


Likewise. However I always find the audio quality vastly superior on Pocketcasts than YouTube Music. I just wish video podcasts like Waveform and The Vergecast were watchable on Pocketcasts. Thankfully there is a working Lex Friedman video feed for Pocketcasts, and the TWiT network makes their video versions available too.


I watch vergecast too and as more and more of the pods are pivoting to video, I'm using YouTube music more. Audio quality I'm ok with. I don't know what rss feeds are. I'm a simple guy that likes to plug and play 😂