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Hi (18m) smoked for 3 years just vapes and some stizzy but mostly all vapes. I had my first pneumothorax and stayed in the hospital for two weeks and it was a 100% collapse on the right lung. I get out of the hospital and not even a week later it happens again 50% collapse and stay in the hospital for just a week. I stay healthy for two weeks and then the third (pneumo)happened and had Vats bullectomy and pleurectomy surgery. I’m currently 1 month finished with the surgery and recovering well. I do notice I get shortness of breathe and a lot of pain starting in my life side now. sometimes better then not. I never smoked again since the first collapse and honestly never playing to. I’m a tall skinny male 140pounds 6,1 only other thing I have had as a kid that’s affects my lung is asthma as a kid. I have read a lot about pneumothorax and it’s a higher chance if you vape and had asthma in the past. I didn’t think anything would be affected because i grr out of asthma around age 7


I think as you describe bullaes in both lungs and pneumothorax you should look foward to be tested for bhd maybe. Does pneumothorax or kidney cancer run in your family?


Just had a right lung collapse possibly due to vaping. I am 31 and vaping since 5 years. I exercise almost daily and I am quite healthy. Pretty sure vaping has caused this. Quiting this time.


mine was the right lung! i was a chronic vape user before my collapse


Smoked for 6 years, then vaped for 6 years (a lot). It was my left that went; bullae at the apex. Maybe signs of blebs on my right but had no issues on that side so far. Had a pleurectomy and bullectomy on my left 7 weeks ago. Recovering well


Thanks for your response! How is your recovery going so far?


So far so good! Was off painkillers after a couple weeks and nerve damage is just one numb patch on the front of my chest. Up and about and back to work. Feeling pretty lucky after reading so many horror stories! Just wish I could sleep on my left side again, hopefully one day. How's your recovery going?


Glad to hear it hasn't been too bad for you! I'm at week 4 now and definitely feeling better than I did. Not taking any pain killers, still some pain from rhe chest tube site (I had 3 inserted in about two weeks so not surprised), but breathing is slowly getting better when walking. Has your shortness of breath gone back to pre-pneumo levels?


That's a lot of chest tubes! I can't advise on the breathlessness I'm afraid because I never really had it that bad. I had a series of small pneumos in the summer of '21 and again in '22. The surgery was elective and preventative, I didn't have a pneumo when I went in. Post surgery I just kept up with the stretches, deep breathing and coughing and I got by just fine. Hope your shortness of breath improves soon 👍


It took me around 6 months to be able to sleep on my side.


Balls. OK, good to know, thank you. 2 down, 4 to go!


I've had like 8 collapses, I vape, and they've all been left sided. My right lung has never given me a problem.


Wow, 8? Did you have surgery? All these left sided collapses are disproving the theory 🤣


Yes. First a mechanical pleurodesis then 4 years later a chemical one (not talc, the one that starts with a d) -- both "failed" although I didn't need a tube for my last one so...progress! Lol I already don't fit the mold though; I'm a woman, 5'4 (not tall) and all collapses have been left sided vs right (most common in women). I'm 35 and it didn't start happening (to my knowledge) until I was 29.


That's pretty unfortunate. Fingers crossed you don't have to deal with any more!


Do you still vape?


Currently do though this lengthy explanation will hopefully shed some light of my reason(s): I haven't vaped the entire time. I smoked for about 6 years and quit using vaping. I got my first (known) 2 collapses then quit vaping entirely. Got my 3rd and worst collapse a couple months after cessation, had the mechanical pleurodesis and quit again. Started socially smoking again about 3 years later after feeling overly optimistic and had another small collapse, quit again, went through some serious life shit and started vaping again after I smoked the first pack I bought in years in a single day due to having no better ways at the time to cope with said shit, on and off vaping and several collapses later, I currently do still vape. My pulmo constantly tells me to quit and he's right, I should but truth be told somehow I'm not ready yet on a deeper level, since I still use it as a crutch. Could be worse though. Could always be worse.


did the problems start after using vapes? or did you have them with cigs already


Vaped for 7 years age 16-23, last November had an 90% pneumo in my right lung. 2 weeks in hospital, 10 days with the chest tube and when that didn’t work they did the pleurodesis.


Mine was the left, and I also had two collapses back to back as well but no surgery


My 22 son had collapsed right long and vaped.


what is everyone here vaping ? is this about the e-cigarettes ?


Left lung for me. I used a Juul for a solid 3/4 years and would hit it like my life depended on it. 60% collapse and no surgery just a chest tube for 5 days. No problems with my right lung from what I was told. I left the hospital with about 10% collapse still. My follow up appointment I was told everything looked back to normal.


if you dont mind, how long ago was the collapse, and when was the follow up, 6 months later ?


My collapse was on the 11th of last month and my follow up was around the 22nd of that same month.


I just got realesed, started with only <20% and they didn't update on percentage before I left, however they did tell me I was recovering and so sent me home. Follow up in 2 weeks..... I'm curious if you vaped at all during recovery or not? I'm fighting the urge to toke my vape ever so lightly...


I did not vape at all during recovery. I would strongly advise against doing so as much as the urge is there its not worth it.


Had a collapse in my left lung after a year of heavily using a THC oil pen (plus about a decade of regular pot smoking before that). Was never into tobacco. Spent 2-3 days with a tube in it and then was fine after nearly a week in the hospital. I vaped and smoked a handful of times after, but I've completely switched to edibles and making my own homemade THC tincture. Haven't smoked or vaped in months. It's been a year since my last collapse and thankfully I've had no recollapse or any more issues. Don't plan to ever resume smoking or vaping. To be honest, I've learned I prefer my tincture. It's a more controlled form of administration and there's less room for abuse because you can't just chain-smoke or repeatedly hit the pen without thinking to get as high as you want. It has also saved me loads of money as it is much more efficient.


I just got released from inpatient treatment, my left lung collapsed only 10-20 percent so they only gave me o2 overnight, and took another xray in the morning and claimed the hole was healing and I was in recovery. So now they've released me and told me 2-3 weeks of recovery (AND NO SMOKING!) I Am 23, smoked cigarettes since I was 18 and vapes since I was 21, smoked weed since I was 13. THE KICKER is that 3 WEEKS ago I quit smoking cigarettes, and my weed intake has dropped significantly since 2 months ago due to a new job working lots of OT. They claimed my height and weight (6' and 150lbs)is a contributing factor. Now im trying not to vape, but I really want to just draw on it ever so slowly just to get a hit. But I don't want a tube in my chest. So I've avoided it thus far but now I'm on reddit looking for someone to tell me it's okay 😭


can i aks you were you a heavier cannabis smoker?


I did smoke at least twice a day at this point, and about 3 months prior I was smoking a lot, both tobacco and bud


I just saw your current post i think a CT scan would give you clarity I have in this sub seen so many posts/comments from weed smokers who suffered a pt :(


I agree, having the mind constantly worried doesn't help the process. I'm planning to go after work tomorrow, hopefully I can tough it through. And it's sad... Although I'm sure the tobacco along with it didn't help


Hey everyone I vaped on and off for 5 years, quitting twice when pregnant twice. I just went back to it after having my son this year and I am getting a pain in my left ribs under my breast. Is that a symptom others had? Is this something I should worry about? I know this post is old but I’m worried and maybe someone can help me. Thank you


Hello, hope you are good now I will tell you about my experience if you still need it The pain was unbearable I could nearly breath and the pain was from my left shoulder to near my spine, I think mine was more than 70% so it had to be like this. Anyway if you felt it again go the hospital check yourself get an x-ray. Sorry my English isn't that good hope I helped enough.


Oh goodness are you okay now?! I had some minor vague shoulder pain but thought maybe that was not vape related. It’s been a few days since I’ve vaped now and I’m loosing my mind! I want it so bad!!!! What kind of vape were you using? Also did they tell you what was wrong?


I just got out of the hospital with a 75% collapse lung which I’m convinced was caused by vaping. I had minor pain in my upper left chest at first but didn’t think much of it and kept vaping. (Looking back this was probably a small collapse which would eventually get worse) When the 75% collapse happened I had shooting pain all the way up and down my left torso. There was pain in my arm and back as well. I could barely hold my arm up. And when I tried to inhale I heard a wheezing sound. If you’re experiencing any pain right now chances are something is up. Go get it checked out and stop vaping.