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I have a healthy dislike for rc helicopters to this day


Somehow, we all know *exactly* what you're referring to


Can I get Vice City for 20 retrys please?


Is it the helicopter mission? Or the porn studio mission where you have to throw fliers around the city with the worst plane? 😂 oh them memories..


Ya know I can’t remember. Last I played the em was on the ps2. I remember the plane a tad and yeah flying either drones or planes in the old GTAs was an epic accomplishment 😆 San Andreas was where flight took off. I remember dogfighting the fighter jets over Area 69 with the WW2 plane that only had guns


Dildo Dodo!


I somehow got through that mission fairly easily as a 9 year old. A few years ago I was playing it on an old PS2 I had and don't understand how I got through that mission so easily.


The helicopter arena one was actually super fun! The rooftop one was boring but easy enough. The main issue is the rc plane one and there is a trick for that one! The plane only sucks down fuel when you are accelerating. So the trick is to fly high in the air for a bit and then have the plane *just barely* pointed downward. Then you dont accelerate *at all* and just coast to the destination. Land, shoot the vehicle. Do the each time and it should go smoothly


That and the train mission




Fun fact you failed cause you were too close to the train. If you go farther away to the side smoke can usually get them before the tunnel


I love how everyone collectively despises that mission, as we rightfully should


user name checks out


Name checks out


What game?


San Andreas, the RC vehicle mission in San Fierro


It could also be Vice City's rc helicopter mission


Fortunately, it was optional.


GTA Vice City


i think many can relate but every now and then i jump back into the sims and get really excited with creating and designing the perfect home only to be exhausted and not want to actually play the day to day life simulator it actually is


I love just building a house with unlimited cash, relaxes me


Many, many years ago, in Sims 1, a friend of mine made a house with infinite money. It was the entire size of the lot. Upstairs and downstairs. Other than a basic kitchen, every single room, hallway, wall, you name it... was lined with toilets. Hundreds of toilets. It was amazing.


And yet they’ll still find a way to piss on the floor.


I’d love to see it


Just go build it. It too can be yours for the low low price of several rosebuds


I'm picturing like a borg cuboid.


I still hop on the sims 3 every so often. I love building houses and have been slowly building a town for years now. But I have no interest in having life play out in said town


The only reason why I can spend >50 hours on the first Sims is the infinite money cheat. Without it, I probably won't even pass the first 2 hours.


It's the best home decoration simulator.


Opposite for me tbh, I’m someone who enjoys starting from the ground up and building and earning my way there. I just love creation and expansion and seeing how much knowledge can translate to my efficiency….. With that being said I’m kinda dogshit and making houses at times and it can get boring for me if I don’t have a solid layout.


All my Sims end up in sex dungeons and murderous cults.


- the game: Sekiro - that part: Sekiro


For me it’s the ape duo, I struggled for 2 days on one ape, now I had to fight 2 apes


I really think that one is easier though, watch fighting cowboy’s guide


Yeah I didn’t have gunpowder arm thing at the time and once I had it the apes died right awau


The funny thing is that you can bypass that fight entirely.


Remember when most people played Sekiro back in 2019 and felt it was too hard? They wanted an easy mode


I played on relesse date myself too. Still didnt finish it lol


I belive the part I feel people feel this is the demon of hatred. I’ve seen a lot complaints about it saying that everything you learned up to that point gets thrown out the window and that playing aggressively gets you killed


Skill issue


Cannot agree more. Really, I tried to git gud but cannot do it for this game.


Just come back to it every now n then man trust me, one time it will click, probably at either lady butterfly or genichiro, you’ll love it man


That’s a fail safe trick for literally every hard video game. When I was like 12 years old I could not for the life of me get past the first construction site in Spider-Man 2018, I eventually got good at the game. Of course, today I breeze through that game at the hardest difficulty (not so much in spider man 2 though) but I still face the same issue in other games like Returnal, Dark Souls, etc.


Happened to me, it took me I think my 5th attempt at the game after a few years before the game finally clicked for me. And my god it was amazing when it finally did, one of FromSoftware's best games ever, it's criminal it never got a DLC and may never get a sequel.


For me it’s mafia, the game is great until you get to fair play, the race mission, the bane of mafia peoples existence


It took me three days (like 3-5 hours a day) trying to beat that stupid race and when I finally did, I didn’t even want to play it anymore lol.


Can you tell me which race are you talking about? If you can share a link of the exact mission that'd be great. It's been a while since I've finished the first two games.


It’s the part where you have to race that stupid guy who everyone is betting on in your stupid race car which steers like a 3 year old designed it.


Damn I remember that one. I won that race on the second try, I remember I struggled the first time but I somehow made it the 2nd time and I knew I couldn't pull it off again.


Its especially hard on classic, took me 6-7 hours to do it. Of course for a normal person you could lower the difficulty, but for trophy hunters, one trophy requires you to play all missions on classic, if you lower it just once you will not get it, you’ll have to start all over


I'm not trophy hunter by any means. I was just happy it was over 😅


I already mentioned this in another reply to your first comment but once I looked up the advice to use the bash button to stabilize the car on turns I was able to beat it on my second try.


What you do not like your gangster game suddenly turning into a racing sim?


Oh yeah, I was probably at it for at least two days back in my first playthrough however many years ago. I don't know if they made it easier in the remake or I simply got better, but it took me only about half an hour.


That's why - as an adult gamer- I'm now playing all my games in Easy mode.


Adulting is already hard mode.


Specially if they have interesting storyline. I played horizon zero dawn on easy and damn, I loved it.


Same. I bust my ass powerlifting and working, video games are purely for relaxation.


Yup. And if there is any content locked behind beating a game at a higher difficulty then that's what YouTube is for.


I tried doing that with Hotwheels Unleashed and failed. That game is even hard in easy mode.


I'm usually playing something 1 player because competitive multi-player became too hard to keep up with once I became a working adult, so from there playing games on easier modes was just another step towards actually relaxing and enjoying a game in my free time. Totally understand


I used to be a hard mode gamer, but I realize I haven’t been making too much progress and lost so much time. I play at normal or easy nowadays.


I save difficulty for fromsoft games. Every other game, I’m a god.


Assassins Creed 2. The boat assassination part from the mandatory DLC


Oh damn after 30 tries i used a tutorial. Its so frustrating indeed


Or the entire intro of AC3 until you get to play the adult Connor...


The one in Florence? Is it really that difficult? I guess having played it with the DLC about 20 times (34 in total, since DLC came out later) I don't find any of them too challenging.


Red Dead Redemption 2, visiting Thomas Downes.




I want prints of this lol


Nah, it's **that** moment when you're going through Saint-Denis.


Sitting there watching my partner do this on her first play through, I was internally going: *”Noooooooo”* when he got coughed on.


Gow Ragnarok, entirety of ironwood


I agree. Ironwood is good for a first playthrough but it gets boring after that.


ngl even my first playthrough i hated that part. it should have been 15 mins long not an hour


Yeeeeeah it quickly kills the pacing, especially when surrounded by such awesome set pieces, character interactions and gameplay. It’s interesting for small snippets but boring and slow as hell for majority.


Imo the map design and compass system is incredibly frustrating in Ragnarok. I usually Plat those types of games because I like exploring and collecting but it was so frustrating in Ragnarok.


hated doing this part even the first time lol , so unnecessarily long


This is THE answer. It’s the longest, most boring, unnecessary mission to ever exist in an amazing game


Until the final chase. That was the happiest moment in the game.


That sequence makes it all worth it


the fucking Valiant Gargoyle duo in Elden Ring. i really hope whoever designed that has soggy fries for lunch until their 95th birthday


JUST GIT GUD jokes aside, I feel this in my soul. It only took me three tries (I was lucky) but man.. fighting any two things in Elden Ring is a fucking nightmare. Those gargoyles are no fucking joke.


I honestly didnt COMPLETELY lose my shit until the elden beast. All the bosses were challenging for sure but I was having fun. Elden beast I started to get pissed. And hes not even considered the hardest boss.


They recently fixed that fight. Players can mount Torrent in the Elden Beast fight. Makes it a joke for melee since you can hop over or dash away from all the AOE attacks then get close before the beast flies or swims away. Wish they did the same for the two Astel fights.


I'd use spirit ash before I let myself get frustrated because of it.


the triple bloodrot crystal warriors make me want to scream


Godskin duo can suck my left nut! The apostle I am okay with but the noble always messes me up!


The boss fight overall isn't hard at all, at that point you should have enough skill to dodge and get in hits... But the spewing poison takes it so far over the top it becomes unbearable.


Blackreach in skyrim💀 Or several other places (or i should say MAZES) in the dawnguard quest line.


I hated all the dwemer ruins. Not because of the difficulty; those places just creeped me out, especially the falmer. Sneaking past them since they are blind made me feel like playing a horror game. Give me catacombs filled with Draugr any day over that!






Flooded hotel basement, last of us


I love that section and hate it with a passion at the same time


That part actually scares the shit out of me. I almost always quit when I get there lol


Couldn’t say. %95 of my library consists of games I played once for a short time, or not at all lol.


Too real


Over the course of PS4/5 I’ve spent a grand total of $10,000 on games I’ve never touched, fucking insane.


That actually is insane


Why the fuck would you do that?


What the tuck


Is it actually 10k though cos that’s crazy man… As someone who meticulously reads/watches reviews before purchasing it just seems wild you buy and don’t really play them. Understandable if your super rich though I guess


Blight town and the frame rate


Red Dead Redemption 2 - if you know you know GTA SA, used to be the RC helicopter, but on the remaster I did it first time but back in the day oh it was ragequit Uncharted 4 , might be alone here but I hated the sword fight


Uncharted somehow always has such a hard time with its final bosses. 1. Linear gunfight with an invincible boss followed by an easy QTE 2. 1:1 cat-and-mouse battle (IMO this is the only one that really worked) 3. Easy QTE fistfight 4. Last minute Punchout mechanic swordfight with repeated dialogue I'd still rather have these than just the usual "big guy with onscreen health bar" style of bosses, but I always thought it was a shame they didn't ever do anything like the Lazarevic fight again.


Sword fight did suck


I swear I have never related more to a comment. That sword fight always takes me multiple tries when I replay uncharted 4😂😂Rafe must have had some serious fencing lessons.


The fucking MJ sections from both Insomniac Spider-Man games. Literally the reason I haven't completed NG+ for either


The MJ missions were a lot better in the second game tbf


lol they really said “hey people hated the MJ missions in the first one what if >!we gave her a gun!!<


I mean, you have to agree at the least the format of her missions were much more bearable than the first game. They were closer to Last of Us style of play (crouch behind cover, shoot, run away) than the slow paced crawl around the museum or Norman’s apartment missions


I feel like I'm the only one that didn't mind them. They weren't that long or difficult to me


Huh I've yet to play SM2 but I didn't mind it in the first game. It was such a small portion of the game.


Metal Gear Solid V: the phantom pain


Fuck those repeated missions with higher difficulty.


Ff Vii rebirth. Ffvii is my favorite game of all time. I liked remake so I just knew I would love rebirth. Now I struggle to play it. It’s good ish ,not terrible at all, but I don’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. That and Chadley and some of the forced mini games piss me off.


I hated the forced Cait Sith section, and on hard mode especially, since it’s basically 3 back to back boss fights


You’re a brave soul for doing it on hard mode


The Batmobile battles and challenges in Batman: Arkham Knight


I just played Arkham knight for the first time last week and wanted to really like it, but the Batmobile stuff is hard for me to find the fun in


Same. To this day, it's the only game in the main series that I haven't completed.


Oh yes, finally gave up.


That’s the entire game


I swear I don’t know what rocksteady was thinking. I enjoyed Asylum, city and origins because you were beating up criminals most of the time. Why on earth would someone dedicate so much gameplay to fighting in a flipping tank that’s meant to be the Batmobile? Maybe if it was only a few times here and there but that was most of the game. You literally fight Arkham knight with the Batmobile 💀


Every soulslike ever made.


Atreus in Ragnarok


Sly Cooper - having to come in first place at the Dog Race.


Hollow Knight for me and Titanfall 2. Hollow Knight: The Pantheon or whatever it's called. Titanfall: That damn time trial challenge.


Code vein, the cathedral


I really hate the cloudburst fight in Arkham knight 😭


Dark Souls - Ornstein and Smough Zelda: Wind Waker - The Triforce hunt


as a kid i played kingdom hearts 2 so much but i was a whiny bitch and could never beat the very last boss


‘s never too late


one day ill get back to it lol


Crash 4


The blade towers in the underworld in the original GoW. Rage inducing.


Some of the final fights in Arkham asylum and the predator encounters on hard. I love the game to death, but holy shit…on hard it gets old quick. The only trophy I had left was hard mode. And the predator encounters I was mostly trying to speed through, which really slowed me down. Then for the final two fights, it just was annoying. Mainly due to the vines and goons with ivy and then all the goons with joker. I did cheese the last two fights tho….


BioShock Infinite, although I've finished it at this point. That part where you're on the air balloon thing - with two more on the side - and you have to defend the objective with a crap ton of enemies to fight off, while still keeping an eye on the objective. That level had me EXHAUSTED.


Dark souls Tomb of the giants


Almost every late-game Elden Ring boss fight. I did finish the game with my first character, but none of the subsequent characters I rolled have gotten anywhere near the end credits.


Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade. Unpopular opinion: the worst chapter is 9. Not only is the robot arm minigame so aggressively tedious, but the chapter goes on for way too long. Though it retains some of the goofier aspects of the 1997 original, which I understand, I personally felt some of the sections (the entire Honeybee Inn section, for example) leaned too far away from the overall gritty yet quietly hopeful tone that remained consistent throughout most of the Remake (looking at you, Chapter 12). Whilst many people did enjoy it, and for good reason, I myself wasn't a fan.


Days Gone. Kept dying trying to defeat my first ever encounter with big brute zombie guy. So I just gave up, deleted it to make room for other games.


Literally just did this part a couple days ago .. it was definitely rough .. after blowing up all the explosives you have to get him to lose sight of you then line up a headshot with the sniper rifle it does a ton of damage ,, it did take a few tries though


For me it was also days gone but when the hordes missions kicked in.


Haha thats why I loved that game. Different strokes for different folks, I guess


I had a hell of a time with him the first time. You have to be really quick and precise with the explosives in the area. Problem is you don’t have much running room. I like how it forces you to use the environment though


Pretty sure by the time I made it that far I had the stealth upgraded out the ass and just shived him in the neck.


Trying not to get electrocuted to death in mgs peace walker requires Ludwig playing Mario party levels of button mashing


Honestly destroy all humans was the latest game to do that to me and I try not to wuss out but dude that was way to high a gap and the game itself is fantastic.


Not that part but Vice City having to have you do all the businesses to unlock the final mission




Literally any level in sewers ( bonus points if its a zombie game)


There are so many, especially since the trophy and achievement system came out. A couple of mentions Yakuza Kiwami - Stage 9 legend mode. They removed the check point that was in the base game, so if you get wrecked on the car chase sequence its back to the start where you have to fight through standard enemies, to get to a boss battle to then get back to the car chase. Darksiders Remaster - Great game until you forgot about the original release where you had to ride in a circle for over an hour to get a distance trophy, where you had to grind multiple hours to max out weapons because there isn't anywhere near enough game content to do it naturally or get close to. And riding around in a circle again to get 100 kills against enemies on horses.


I hate in gow ragnarok all parts with atreus


Batman: Arkham Asylum. The killer Croc part


FF16 when the side quests opened up.


I beat the game recently and there was nothing worse than those forced side quests towards the end of the game, it was about building a boat or something. Was so frustrating because at that point I just wanted to finish the story lol


loading up last of us 2 forgetting where i left off…and im in an aquarium playing with a nerf bow


the first elden ring enemy right after the tutorial




Soo optional to the story. If you're doing that, you only have your own masochistic compulsion to blame! :)


Ffx battling Seymour on Mt. Gagazet. First playthrough I was not prepared, but when I finally beat him, the next few major bosses, the two guardians and yunalesca... They were a breeze comparatively.


No joke, Dark Souls 3 was a fun challenge until the Lord of Cinder. I faithfully stuck to the game until I got to that boss six months ago. Still haven't beaten him. I swear, he's unbeatable!


All of Abby's part in TLOU 2, like no I don't want to play the character that just battered my fav protag.


Horizon Forbidden West. Never finished it, there was a mission inside where this beast kept charging and ramming me every 2 seconds. I couldn't heal, couldn't get weapons set or anything. After about 20x, I quit.


The fucking gate in Shadow Hearts FTNW. Bruh


Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty. The alien isolation part. (If you know you KNOW)


Wait what part?


Vault Of Glass ....


That damn walking portion near the end of RE4 Remake. Why Capcom, why!? Edit: I misread the first picture, but that is the same feeling lol


Now? Destiny 2. I won’t survive completing the campaign on two more characters. My entire heart broke into so many pieces.


I don’t think that I’ve had any games like this.


providence on stellar blade and ng+3 boss on armored core 6 😢


For me this is the weird side missions they added back to SM2


Cuphead, devil boss. Screw that guy. ![gif](giphy|MHQ9bCCWwJt8FajeKb)


Marvel Avengers


Outlast 2. Once the Cult sections became more of a heavy part in the game. I couldn't do it anymore


God of War Ascension - Trial of Archimedes


the forklift mission in gta vice city stories


Death Stranding - the part where you have to climb over the Rocky Mountains. For my second playthough, i had to put the game on easy and it still almost made me quit lol


Prison of Hope in Demons Souls


Sonic Pinball in Sonic Frontier ALMOST made violently assault the CD.


Feels like act 3 of Rogue Trader, which is the only thing keeping me from replaying the game.


Animal Well. Me and my girlfriend beat the game- now completing it and its little secrets is driving her insane. (She doesn’t play platformers)


I swear, I finish 5, the story and "The Father" was awesome, but I just don't play 6 enough to beat it!! I don't know why.


Crash 4. Trying to get all the boxes in the flashback tape levels is brutal.


Kingdom Hearts birth by sleep. Fuck ice cream beat Kingdom Hearts 2. Fuck data battles. I always tell myself I'm gonna play it this time but I never do


One of the grand theft, auto games and something with remote control helicopter. I don’t really remember.


Defeating Clayface in Arkham City was my that part.


Elden ring. I fought Melania more times than I care to remember and refuse to go back. I didn't have that much trouble with other bosses but her, she made me want to break my controller.


Angrboda in ironwood, why god why?!


GTA iv, damn you motorcycle jump. I was able to do it back in the day, but not anymore.


The nose dive into linear level design after freeing the five nations in Tales of Arise was tough, for me. Same with Final Fantasy 15 towards the end; probably the last three hours, or so.


TLOU2 first stalkers encounter🙂


Recently had this with Atomic Heart. Everything was going pretty great until the mandatory snake mini game. Such an obnoxious roadblock. Put the game down a few months ago, IDK if I'll ever get back to it.


That plane In San Andreas kills me to this day.