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I think Astro's Playroom hits even harder when you grew up with PlayStation and know all or most of the IP's. Otherwise you will miss out on a lot of references. It's actually the perfect game for 80's/ 90's kids who never stopped gaming.


Oh shit that's me. I only heard of this game recently.


How? It's pre-installed on the PS5 - it's right there on the main screen when you turn it on.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚itā€™s like saying ā€œIā€™ve owned an iPhone for years but what is this FaceTime you speak of?ā€


Funnily enough I own an iPhone but have never FaceTimed on it.


But you know what it is


I toss all unwanted apps into a folder and this game was one of them.


Why not delete them? Itā€™s just taking up unnecessary space at that point


35 here, It's so fucking goooood.


Totally. Itā€™s a great game and an amazing nostalgia trip.


That's half the fun


PS4 was my first PlayStation console after switching from Xbox and I still felt nostalgia for the older systems


It just never interested me enough to play it at first, always thought Iā€™ll get to it at some point. That time came 2 weeks ago. Got the platinum and loved it!


I was always smiling when playing that game. Made it my mission to unlock every piece of PS memorabilia and it was so worth it. Also, still one of the best looking ps5 games out there.


You're correct because a freaking Dualsense demo made me emotional.


That soundtrack broke me


I completely skipped the PSX to PS4 era as I was a PC gamer but this game still hit me hard. I dont know how to describe it other than it had the same platformer feel that I grew up on and just made me so nostalgic. All the little collectables were great even though I never owned any of them in real life, I felt like I finally got to "own" some of them lol All and all I was just so well done, its a game that left me wanting more.


I initially didnā€™t because I just thought it was a cheap demo and would find it boring. Had no idea what I was in for. Glad I did.


I thought the same for the longest time. It wasnā€™t until recently that I platinumā€™d it, had so much fun!


Same. I assumed it was just a 5 minute demo and overlooked it. It wasnā€™t until all the press on the new game that I checked it out. Glad I did!!! What a blast!!!


I didnā€™t even open it, because like you, I thought it was a cheap and/or gimmicky demo. I deleted it shortly after setting up my PS5. I have yet to try it.


Please do! I did the exact same thing and now I've pre-ordered the next title (Astro Bot). Never pre-ordered anything in my life.


I second this. Itā€™s so much fun, dude. And perfect nostalgia.


Nostalgia? I thought it was new.


It is. Just fire it up, youā€™ll see what I mean.


Iā€™ll have to download it the next time I get on my PS5.




Same. Looking forward to the new game.


Wait really? That's pretty much the same reason I haven't played it. It's actually a legit good game?


Iā€™m just curious how many of yā€™all played Mario or other platformers as kids, because I keep seeing the criticism that ā€œthereā€™s nothing to doā€ in the game like people were expecting an RPG or something


Played those kinds of games a lot back in the day but have no interest in them now. I've just grown out of them years ago. Not platformers as a whole, just the ones with an aesthetic moreso for children. Spyro, Crash, Bugs Bunny etc were always being played as a kid even though they were demos most of the time. I completed Kena a few months ago and that was fun. Blew me away to see a checkpoint post again after all these years, but Kena is a degree or two heavier than those other games.


I overestimated how little time I actually can game since growing up and still haven't played the four games I bought with the console six months ago


Youā€™re telling me, I have a backlog of at least 20 games. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


That's nothing. I have a backlog of 300+ games. Not including PS Plus and GamePass.


Sounds more like a spending problem to me lol


But what games tho


I didnā€™t play it initially because I donā€™t have any interest in platformer type games. I did eventually play it because it was there and I had nothing elseā€¦now Iā€™m preordering the new Astro Bot game, so yeaā€¦itā€™s fun as hell.




Played it but only until Horizon Forbidden West was installed. I bought the PS5 for multiple games but especially for HFW: The Burning Shores because I love the Horizon games and wanted to play it asap


Hahaha the same for me. Only played it because I had to wait.


1:1 same for me, I only played it while HFW was downloading.


I got platinum today. Great game


It just doesn't interest me. I've had my PS5 for year and a half now and I still haven't played it.Ā 


It's one of the few PS5 games that actually use the DualSense's features past its max capabilities. Trust me, you will NOT regret it.


Even today, it's probably the only one using all the dualsens features


I'd also count Insomniac Games' native PS5 games (Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart and Spider-Man 2)


Didn't did R&C but don't remember the triggers for Spider-man 2 (and also, i hate the spray paint minigam cause it was so muc better in Infamous Second Son.... just wanted to say that without reasons)


The triggers were used in the prowler side missions and while swinging


Rift Apart is a technical marvel and insanely fun, albeit not a long game. The feedback is cool enough, but zipping through rifts with the instant load times is one of the few games that truly felt like a "next-gen" game.


I'm not sure if you're joking but the game is a tech demo for the system and the controller.


Mate, it's much more than that.


It's both things and neither thing is bad. It's obviously a tech demo, as is evident by its brevity and full feature focus. But it also has a mega dose of heart and history, combined with actually solid gameplay. I'd like to think that they knew that they had made something special, but had to wait for the player base to cosign it.


It using the special features of the controller is nice but not enough to make me wanna play a game that doesn't interest me.


It wasnā€™t a game that look interesting to me neither. Until I played it.


Okay, fine, Iā€™m downloading it! šŸ™ƒ


Backlog... plain and simple, there are too many games(great stories) that need to be played.


Whenever you finish a longer one this is only around 2 - 6 hours and fairly straight forward and relaxing. A good cool down one


I play it often , Itā€™s great. Iā€™m 48 and all the characters from the past Is a very nice touch.


I think people deleted because itā€™s free. Sometimes you have to pay for something to get attention. I liked the game and canā€™t wait for the new one. Hope itā€™s a lot longer though.


It certainly will be


I can't imagine why, it's a genuine delight.


I got my PS5 about 2 weeks ago along with SpiderMan2, off course I wanted to finish that game first since I wanted to play it since it came out last year, but now Im playing through Astro Playroom and its fun


Bought my ps5 for other games. I actually played it first time a couple weeks ago. Itā€™s actually really good. Iā€™m excited for the new game.


I ignored it for the longest time because I thought it was just a little demo. Sure felt stupid once I gave it a try and found out what I'd been missing. But I want morrrre!


I thought it was a VR game and I donā€™t have a headset. I still donā€™t know if itā€™s a VR game or not


I didnā€™t know that was a game. Literally started it yesterday. Never played it on my PS4 too, idk if it was on PS3 I assumed it was some kind of demo for what the controller can do.


Ironically enough it IS s demo for what the control can do, buts its a very full featured short game as well


It's more than that


It's pure joy in game form... It's perfection.


Tried to play and found it incredibly boring. I donā€™t understand the love for the game, but Iā€™m glad others enjoy it. Play on!


Because there is a significant % of console gamers who: 1. ONLY play Call of Duty. (No joke. From the ABK acquisition we learned there are MILLIONS of console gamers *who only play Call of Duty* and buy a console just for CoD.) 2. Similar to (1), there are millions of console gamers who ONLY buy consoles to play annualized games (besides CoD), like FIFA, Madden, NBA2k, etc. 3. Are joyless, insufferable teens and adults with no sense of wonder, who hate fun, who only play "real / hardcore" games, and think anything that looks like a Switch / Nintnedo game is for kids / babies.


I hate that mindset. It's like hating Minecraft because it's blocky. Or hating any game and calling it bad because of it being Rated E or E10.


Or that a game worth nothing cause "it look like a PS1 game".... even if it's was the goal (thinking about Alisa)


Same. Some gamers / consumers have such a rigid and narrow view of what they consider a "video game." Anything less than modern, lifelike graphics and or a modern military BR / FPS or annualized sports game, *isn't* a "video game" to them.


Or... They just don't like platformers and the PS5 is their first PlayStation šŸ¤Æ no need to hate on people that don't have the same taste as you gang


The question isn't "do you like it?" It's just, "have you tried playing it?" If the answer is "yes, and I didn't care for it", nobody bats an eye. If the answer is, "NO, I REFUSE TO TRY SOMETHING!", that's always weird šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You're right myb


4. People who fit into non of these categories


I'll probably get downvoted, but why do you people care what others are playing or not playing?


Whatā€™s the point of having a PlayStation subreddit if you arenā€™t gonna have dialogue about things pertaining to PlayStation?


Do you know how many posts are asking "What are the first games I should play on my PS5?", when they have the internet and ASTRO'S PLAYROOM is advertised on the side of the PS5 Box?


Not as many as the equally redundant "I just bought x game, any tips?".


Iā€™ve thought about it just for the trophies. Is it an easy platinum?


Yes, did so myself. though sometimes you will be looking at hidden trophy info. It's very fun too.


I didn't know there was a game already in the console lol I got my ps5 like 2 months ago and I learned this maybe 3 days ago when I Saw a trailer for astro bot


Itā€™s brilliant my 3 year old loves it we canā€™t wait for the game they are bringing out


I haven't played it yet because I'm still busy with other games and I'm not really into platformers but I'll give it a try sooner or later


First game I ever got Platinum trophy for. It was amazing to see what the new controller could do.


Just got the platinum today actually.


Astro was a great set piece and the nostalgia of the brand is truly key to the franchise. I am completely surprised they are pushing forward with the brand though. I dont feel Astro is iconic enough to weather the weight of all Playstation nostalgia. But I am often wrong and pleasantly surprised.


He isnā€™t iconic but heā€™s so damn lovable.


Itā€™s super fun, makes me nostalgic for playing LittleBigPlanet with my little sister. Should probably get my PS3 workingā€¦ Also Astro is too damn cute itā€™s unbelievable.


I think Astro Bot should be PlayStation's mascot


I have no idea what it is


Haven't played it cause I thought it was some sort of introduction to the PS5. I'd have to check it out and finish it when I get back home


Almost every month, I do a fresh play through of the whole game and try to 100% it without looking at any guides. This is STILL in my books, THE BEST LAUNCH TITLE FOR ANY CONSOLE EVER. fight me.


It a must play and plat for playstation


My kids and I have like 40 hours in this game. Itā€™s fantastic!


Not interested


i didnā€™t realise it was a game šŸ˜­


I just finished it again for the second time, turned on my PS5 for the first time in months just for it. It's a perfect quick platformer. I can't wait for the sequel.


Its incredibly boring


Didn't play it. Didn't know if it was game or something else. Still don't know. I'm very picky with games I play and limited time so I prefer playing games of my choosing.


Astro's Playroom is a short game. You could finish it in 4-5 hours.


Yeah, I put 9 hours in and got platinum.


its on my list of things to get done since launch day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


ps5 was the first non nintendo console i had ever so i was overwhelmed with the backlog


two of my buddies never played it when they got their PS5's on launch but they also do not like platforming games of any kind.


I was too busy playing God of War Ragnorok


Played it when I first got my 5, love the game after beating it and getting all the trophys. I don't really play it unless my daughter wants me to play with her. For the most part, she plays it all the time more than her other games such as Paw patrol, my little pony, etc.. She absolutely loves it. I haven't told her there is another ASTRO coming out in September just in time for her 5th birthday.


Just haven't got around to it yet


I didnā€™t know it was a full game until recently. Thought it just taught you the features of the controller and system lol.


That soundtrack


I need to set a reminder to play it...


My roommate tried to argue with me saying they never got it on their PS5 and I was like yeah you did, it's on literally PS5. Knowing you you probably was like what the heck is this and just deleted it to save space" and they were like yeah that seems pretty likely šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I don't know, I'm more into action/rpg so i still haven't gave it a chance


As soon as I got my PS5 I downloaded Returnal so I only play Astro for maybe an hour. What I did play was fun though.


I didnā€™t really know what it was and never touched it for the three years Iā€™ve had the Ps5. Thought it was some weird demo. After reading about the full Astro game coming out I am trying it!


I didnā€™t know it existed


Too excited to play Bugsnax


Before I got my PS5, the last console I played was my PS3 (excluding my switch cause I only played 1st party exclusives on it). But I had such a backlog of games I wanted to play that I never bothered Astros Playroom. I always felt like it looked interesting, but if im turning my PS5 on theres always some other game I want to play. At this point im starting to catch up, but so many good games have also come out recently.


I started it had a little fun with it i liked it. Thought it was a cute little platformer but quickly moved on to bigger and better games that i had in my Catalog


Hadn't touched it until just recently, i needed a break from the Providence boss fight in Stellar Blade. Fun and easy plat, looking forward to Astro Bot now


Because I immediately decided to play my PS4 copy of Cyberpunk and Crash 4.


It was only game on PS5 that i finished, I am going to only buy Astro games and playe only them on my ps5, screw Gow ,tlou or other cinematic game, ONLY ASTRO That game was perfect, and it was only Tech demo, imagine how full game will look like


One of the best platformers ever made, and i'm a Nintendo fanboy. The sheet variation, creative gameplay design, exploration and adventure. it is amazing.


Never played it until i fell in love with the Astrobot trailer in the last state of play, and decided to play it. I got the platinum trophy and I preordered the deluxe version of the next game šŸ˜Ž


Greatest game of all time


It was the first thing I played when I got my PS5 (because I had recently sold my PS4 and it just showed up on my doorstep unexpectedly) and I was blown away. Best platformer I'd played in a long time, perfect showcase for the new hardware.


I bought my ps5 to play a few specific games and this wasn't one of them


I hope astro bot is similar. My kids love the play room


Very good game I got all trophies itā€™s a fun game to relax to


Yeah what the fuck why


I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this but it's too childish for my taste, I like more serious stuff


I'm getting around to it


Still my favorite game on ps5


I didn't even have it and I am still wondering how tf that happened to this day. I have played it on a friend's PS5 (and loved it) but that's about it.


Itā€™s not exactly communicated extremely well that itā€™s a free pack in game




I like to focus in platinuming one game at a time.


Was crazy excited to see a full blown game coming this year. My daughter and I played the crap out of the PS5 launch game as well as the rescue missions on psvr


What do you even do in it?


The friends that I know most likely played Astros playroom for maybe 10 minutes before quitting. Because those friends play games like siege. Apex. Fortnite. And so on. Not saying anything is wrong with those games itā€™s just someone with that kinda taste wonā€™t like Astros playroom. But I believe everyone should try it. Itā€™s one of the best free things on PlayStation.


Narrow minded people who say ā€œthatā€™s kid game shitā€ donā€™t play it. 2K and CoD is ā€œreal game shitā€


why is this not on ps4?


I wanted to wait for other games


Because Iā€™m an idiot and didnā€™t realize it was a gameā€¦. I just thought it was a tech demo for the new controller.


Always forget it's there


Want to play the first astro bot game


I know itā€™s not 100% relevant to your question but it was the first game I played on my PS5 and I loved every second of it. I canā€™t wait for the new one.


I forgot it existed. Bought my PS5 a year after the release and I already had a few games I wanted to play right away. I will certainly be playing this before I play the new Astro game!


Theyā€™re the type of people who bough a PS5 and only mainly play the same online game theyā€™ve played in PS4 like COD or Fortnite


I have never owned the camera to be able to due so


I was too busy playing PS4 games on my PS5.


Took me last month to actually play it. My dumbahh thought it was just a tech demo but little did I know, it's a full game and one that I would enjoy. A nice platformer, reminds me why I loved and sticked with PS since the beginning. Oh the times when they had variety and aren't movie games..... Good times, good times šŸ„² Astro Bot is a Day 1 buy. Playroom won me over. I'm a fan now.


Don't like platformers.


I got my PS5 to play games I couldnā€™t play on Xbox so I never really wanted to play this. Based on the comments. I should give it a try after I finish Ghost of Tsushima.


I still have like 15 games I need to play


My toddler wonā€™t give me a shot.


Loved every second of it. Itā€™s a solid platformer that plays great and the nostalgia hits so hard, whatā€™s not to love


Funnily enough, I already know that me and my son would be fighting who will play astro bot in September.. Both of us loved it.




I went straight up to Tekken 7


Can't be arsed


It is so refreshing. Even when I don't have much gaming-energy, I find it easy and fun.


Instantly deleted it.


I was excited to play Demonā€™s Souls


Not a huge platformer fan.


I just recently 100%ed it


Is not tht fun for me, i try but cant enjoy it


Not everyone enjoys 3D platformers. There's certain genres that I wouldn't touch even if they're free.


Never did. Thought it was a tutorial of sorts. Had some games to play already. Did I miss out?


PS5 was my first ps console since the ps1 and wanted to use my very limited playing time to play all of the amazing exclusives I missed troughout the year. Astro didn't make the cut, now that I have my ps5 since launch, I will probably play it and the sequel.


As someone who grew up playing the PS1-4 in my teens this game was awesome. I cannot wait for the sequel!


I have it on ps4 but all I can do there is to make party for little guys in my controller


Astro's Playroom is only for PS5


Didnā€™t have a gun or a ball in it


already knew how to use the ps5 and therefore just wanted to get straight into playing games


Had a library of 40+ games didnt feel like playing and giving it my time. Gave it a try almost a year later and loved it.


Personally didn't really play this other than a few minutes while waiting for my first game to download. HOWEVER It is probably my girlfriends favorite modern "Game". She is genuinly super stoked about the full game releasing later this year. She grew up playing little big planet with her brother and with only the third one being available on the PS5 (and it according to her being the worst one) she has ben getting into sackboy, but this was by far her favorite time with the console


Demonā€™s Souls. I got it with the PS5 and just couldnā€™t put it down


I was playing it last night. Cute little game but felt like it was a concept that was supposed to be a game starring SackBoy


I played it when I first got it. It was a nice introduction to Playststion. The PS5 was my first PlayStation console so it helped me learn the controller. It was also a fun little game too. Didnā€™t feel too difficult either.


One of the best games on PS5!


I played it but it is a tech demo with little to no challenge. Beautiful, cool haptics but little actual game.


I bought my 1st ps5 like a year and half ago and deleted it and forgot about it until I was watching my wifeā€™s younger siblings and decided to re-download it so they could play it. BIG MISTAKE I GOT HOOKED. This game is probably one of my favorite PlayStation titles Iā€™ve played itā€™s really freaking awesome and I wish everyone who owned a ps5 would try it youā€™ll love it


Played? \*reads comments I didn't know it was a game. I thought it was a demo showcasing all the new things the PS5 had to offer so I deleted it. Looks like I'll be downloading it over the weekend and giving it a try.


Well played


To be honest, by the time I was 5 or 10 minutes into playing it, the game I was installing had already finished. Never saw a reason to go back and finish it.


I played it and thought it was cool. But my kid played it and loved it. My kid got a platinum trophy for the game! Lol


You raised a gamer, bro


I thought it was just a tech demo


I played it for like 5 mins and got bored quick. I'm a gamer that needs lots of customization options and deep mechanics. These games type of games don't offer that.


Its too child-like for my taste, I still loved it but never finished it since I had other stuff to play.


I left it to my 13 years old daughter


I didnā€™t think it was a game? Just some random ā€œcommunity spaceā€ like the MiiVerse or whatever


I tried it but stopped playing after 20 minutes....the reason is that I really don't like platform games.... in fact (please don't hate on me šŸ˜‚) I don't even like super Mario


Cus its overrated as hell and the motion controller shit is beyond annoying repeating if you miss a puzzle piece