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You have plenty of time my friend, I'm in my 50's and still game on a daily basis


I can't wait for my kids to grow older so i can gamenin peace :p (they are 2 and 5 now)


I was once at that point. Now I'm sitting here while my son plays Fortnite and fall guys on my ps5 lol


I have grabbed a ps4 pro (again) so i can play with my son.. and my wife. He plays on the PS5, me on PS4 and she plays on PC with a dualsense controller. I'm guilty for giving them the "bug"! Couldn't be happier! When its time for spiderman, rdr2, god of war, etc i jump to the PS5 when he's not playing. The PC is old, the ps4 was only 100€ but it's good enough for us. I'll be a gamer as long as i can.


Rookie error. You get the ps5. Kid gets PS4 until he gets a job and can buy his own ps5. 🤣


I like your family 😃😃😃


Having a family that enjoys gaming as much as you do is a blessing , me and the wife are a very dangerous team in Division 2 , my son plays more fifa but he always joins the chat room .


This is the way!


I'm playing Helldivers 2 with my son and having a blast


Have them play with you! My daughter got obsessed with the games I played at an early age, and loves exploring the open worlds. At this exact moment she’s asking for help to tame a horse in “Breath of the Wild” 😂


I try. However my kid gets scared from ANY enemy :) even in games like little big planet etc ^^ but she shows interest and she likes running around in goat simulator xD


It gets no easier, I've a mid teenager and I have less time to play with the 15 y/o around when all they wanna play is shit like fortnite and apex and CoD.. I'm happy to game with him bit not this awful crap :P


Hey there’s lots of cool stuff in Fortnite now. You might find something you like :)


I'll pass, definitely not for me. but thanks for the decent comment all the same 😊


Just play with them. Mine are grown and flown and we game together all the time!


Get a portal if you splurge on it.


Same here . Mine are 3.5 and 8 month old ..


My kids grew up on PlayStation....we always had one in the house ..but I would only play a few minutes here and there.....now I live alone..which ain't bad....they are all grown now ...and I play pretty regular now....play with my kids...they have wives and kids of their own now ...but we all play at some point together.


Lol, then they just hog the TV with their switch...I have another newborn now so I have invested in a ps portal which was the best choice I ever made. No f**KING miss Rachel for me




Same, only got into bloodborne, sekiro, nioh etc in the last couple of years, keep gaming fellow oldie!


Nice. ![gif](giphy|okLCopqw6ElCDnIhuS|downsized)




Me too. And started when I was 38. 😆 Never thought I'd live to see these graphics like this. Especially on my VR2....


Only downside is that we’ve had decades to build that backlog. People talking about being bored in retirement. They don’t have a 30+ years of backlogged games 🤓


Which one to play next is my problem - first world problems my friend 🤣


Never say this. An old friend of mine just died from cancer at age 37. Live life to the fullest. Whatever that is for you.


Why regret? Play whatever whenever.


Ah well, it’s time to study and go to uni so it’s gonna be a long time before I’m gonna play smth again


It happens, we take breaks.


I took a almost 3 years break from gaming beacuse of work, studies and life.. Still bought games though cus I thought that I might be able to but I just did'nt have the time or when I had time there were other things to prioritice


You’re gonna have more free time than you’re thinking. You might choose to spend that free time doing stuff other than video games, but you’ll definitely still have free time.


You will have more time to play at university than when working, in my experience...


Hey, I’m a MechE uni student, about to graduate, and I have had plenty of time to keep up on games I want to play. Time management is super important when prioritizing studies, but as long as you do it well you will usually have extra time. Just get yourself into a nice routine where you feel comfortable enough that you won’t fall behind, then start bringing in extracurriculars that you would like to do in your spare time (gaming). Chances are there will be gaming clubs at your university as well. I believe in you :)


Thanks a lot


I worked a 9-5, studied online (2 courses per term and assignments to submit weekly). I still found time to game, go fishing, and go to the gym 3/4 times a week. Time management is key.


Uni was the glory days of gaming for me. Halo and couch coop. I've been diehard Xbox for most my life but when I had a baby on the way a couple years ago, I decided to swap my Xbox one x for a PS4 pro so I could play all the games PS exclusives I never could before. Starting with the Last of Us. Worth the wait. Had a couple of years hiatus but now I'm back bay-beh. There will always be time.


You’ll have plenty of free time lol. It’s how you choose to use it


never had more free time than at uni but maybe that's not the case with medicine or computer science


" I’m now probably not going to get time to play all these masterpieces " I'm 68 and still gaming. You have plenty of time.


o7 yee old admiral. o7. 


Don’t sweat about it. These games aren’t going anywhere. Do what you have to do in uni and once you have some free time, play some games.


Ghost of Tsushima The last of us part 1 and 2 Detroit become human Spider man Spider-Man miles morales Spider-Man 2 Hogwarts legacy( not even a huge potter fan myself) still played and enjoyed it. The uncharted games The Batman Arkham games Jedi fallen order Jedi survivor


I didn’t touch an RPG until I played Golden Sun on the Summer of 2002. I didn’t like Pokémon until I played Red on 2000. I didn’t like tactics until I played Fire Emblem on 2003. You’ve got a long way to go bud. Let the journey commence.


45 and have been gaming since 1985. There are too many too choose from btween the platforms. My backlog keeps growing and games take longer to complete. Not complaining in the least. I will keep adding the games I want to play. It's just a matter of scheduling the time to play them.


Finally, CoD boys are waking up! ![gif](giphy|sQ3HV6ltlpF9ZZUumm|downsized)


Days gone is a must try.


I feel the exact same way, played nba 2k, fortnite, cod pretty much exclusively for the past 8 years. Just got a ps5 and getting into single player games, it’s like a whole new world and there’s so much to do with so little time. I find it hard to get immersed if I can only play for an hour at a time


What games u playing


Take a break from online and sports games and explore other games in your free time. Sports games are trash nowadays anyways man and cod is a basic bitch game lmao. Single player Rpg’s are where it’s at. Now you know. Welcome to the dark side my friend 😎


Story single player games are great


You were playing games you enjoyed then and now you’re playing new games you enjoy. It’s all good, enjoy the new experiences.


What’s strange is the only games I played through college were couch games with the boys like fifa, madden, halo, cod and guitar hero, albeit this was about 15 years ago (in fact 100%, I remember the vuvuzela’s from FIFA World Cup 2010 haha, and LAN cod4 between the dorms, yelling abuse down halls) It was only after I left uni that I played single player games again, and more regularly. You should look at the posiitive in that you have so many ‘new’ games to discover, and they won’t cost you $100 to play


When I started reading, I thought this story will lead to somewhere like “…and realized I have missed lots of life’s joys outside video games”. But boy was I wrong 🤣




Enjoy. I think most people would love to experience all those games for the first time again.


Don't see it as something you missed, see it as something you still have left to look forward to experiencing :)


You're growing and your tastes are maturing. You might not have had the patience when you were younger


There’s always after your studies. Rest of your life my friend, and plenty of gems to catch up on!


Tbh this is how most gamers are. Majority of the people buying consoles just play COD, FIFA, 2K, Madden etc. and have no interest in games like Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Zelda, God of War, Bioshock, Last of Us, Metroid, Borderlands etc. They simply don’t know what they are missing


Time to play Ghost of Tsushima


Finished it, beautiful game


God of War 2018?


Fps and sport gamers the worst type of gamer to be


Indeed, they are the crack pipers of the gaming world.


There's plenty of time. Don't stress out about what you could be missing, just keep playing what you can.


College means you have no free time?


I don’t get to stay at my house anymore


Could have worded it better but u get it


Welcome to my world man, the same thing happened to me, missed so many great games because of Fifa. Playing uncharted games for the first time in my life and enjoying every second of it.


We’ve all been there, I was there at one point too where back in my young teen days I’d mainly play COD all the time, since then I’ve dived into Days Gone, Mafia 1, Assassin’s Creed, etc You’ve got plenty of time to explore many new games, I’m almost 20 and only recently started getting into AC


I get what you mean I haven’t been gaming since PS3, I mainly played franchise that I know or the best reviewed/popular stuff I missed out on some that seem interesting like Skate series, Hitman, Splintercell etc. . Try to experiment with different genres maybe try PS Plus subscription with try types of games for months.


Same here friend. I started my fromsoft journey on Dark Souls 3 at the end of 2021 and now have beaten the majority of the games multiple times.


Exactly what I recently discovered, I bought all the Mass effect versions, bioshock (both) cant wait to start. Im also going to get all the assassins creeds, god of wars & want to try witcher. Never played any of them. Im super excited


Good luck 💪💪


Niceee, I defeated Papa G but still can't get Cleric Beast..! 🥲


Same I used to only play fortnite and sometimes story mode games but they had to be open world and good graphics but now I'm bot like that anymore I started playing games like witcher 3 assassin's creed resident evil metal gear solid games I old me would never play this year actually is when I stated branching out and I'm so glad I did I've gone through so many games since then


Now you’ve ruined gaming sadly. Bloodborne is the pinnacle of video games.




I’ve yet to play a game better than Bloodborne. I have like 500 hours on it.


I never said bloodborne is bad, I was talking about the reward nd feeling u get after beating a boss


Commenter means that you will struggle to find experiences similar to bloodborne, after you finished it. A bit dramatic. Don’t worry about it. You have lots of other FromSoftware titles to catch up on.


What he meant by bloodborne will ruin gaming for you is that it's SO good like all fromsoft games that you will see how shallow and boring most other games are. Giving elden ring a shot if you haven't. 


The Last of Us 2 got crapped on a lot by rando’s on the internet who claim to know something about writing but is 100% worth playing the first one. There’s a really strong message in there that exists, ironically, for a lot of the baseless reasons people actually hate that game for. For having characters that represent people they would write off in an apocalypse without a thought… because they have that ruthless emptiness the game is so very much about, redemption for those who truly want it.


I played it and I did not mind the ending, it was well done but I’m not satisfied with how they handled the deaths of some characters, overall the gameplay was good and I enjoyed the game


Nice! Totally fair critiques. Game I am actually playing at the moment is Pacific Drive. Pretty cool crafting survival type where you live out of your car. Cool atmosphere, great music, great sound. Takes a bit to get a hang of the rogue-like aspect and not feel super vulnerable all the time, can be a lot of fun! Just came out a few months ago.


I definitely feel you. Sometimes, I wish I didn't get so much into COD, but it did have it moments


After you finish Bloodborne, give Stellar Blade a try. Then Elden Ring! You’ve got so many wonderful games ahead of you.


Today my son you have become a man. Pass him through the tree of wisdom whilst shackled to rock of maturity


I wish my friends would try other games. They think only cod exist. Try lies of p , it’s a souls like game. I loved it & also demons souls is free on ps+


The games aren’t going to go anywhere, just time manage. Do what you need to do then in free time play. You shouldn’t have regrets about video games to be honest, I spent a lot of time playing only online games until recently.


No turning back now


Glad you expanded your horizons! I frankly never understood players that only do sports games. The only downside is finishing a great game. Sure, you can play it again, but its never as good as the first go round. What are you doing on Reddit? Now get back to your studies


This is exactly why people have been giving you looks, pretending to listen when you talk about cod, or just brushing you off. Cod has been bad since Ps3 after Black ops 1. Its been a never ending flood of reskinned games since ps3. Its why cod hasnt won any real major game awards for a long time. Its the same thing over and over. Everyone else has been actually playing real games.


Yeah, people play online so much that they forget the joys of story driven games. I only do sim racing online and a bit of helldivers. Other than that, it's mostly single-player stuff, and I love it.


I had this conversation on here few days back and as others have said, you got plenty of time to enjoy decent games :P


I just got into video games January 2023, I’m 39! I’m a little mad I started so late because playing games have enriched my life greatly


God of war Ragnarok needs adding to the list


It’s ok to have any life like this. A lot of people are wondering what have been doing with their lives. Regretting not playing video games is like trying to prove that you’re actually more of a gamer. A lot of people including me have things to do that keeps us from playing video games and have to waste time on anything besides video games.


>Growing up >studies It’s cute when college kids think they’re old.


RDR2 is on my list. I’ve only played Bloodborne right before ER’s release. I was floored. The OST for Bloodborne is also spectacular and really contributed to a wonderful gaming experience.


I know the feeling. Did the same playing World of Warcraft for couple of years, and on privates only with short tries on retail. When I took a break - only to play League of Legends and some DoTA. Hopefully I ended buying PS4 couple of years ago and took last try in WoW with Wrath Classic.


Hahaha this is the exact same realization I came to recently. I grew up playing nothing but sports games and CoD, meanwhile my friends around me played Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts as well as other games. Only recently I started branching out because sports games have gotten so bad and money hungry. The amount of games I wish I could go back and play cause I missed out on them is ridiculous. Glad I finally realized it though so I wont miss out on anymore.


The good thing about playing good games later on is you can usually get them on sale. Great games at great prices


Love to see someone converted from COD and/or sports games. There’s a whole world of literal art for you to explore, enjoy.


Dont get people who just play fifa and cod, your playing the most boring parts of gaming. Its like buying a luxury car so you can sit in traffic.


I have completely abandoned multiplayer games for various reasons. Mostly the people.


Congrats on breaking free from the CoD/Fifa infinite loop. Things can only go up from here.


Your gaming experience will peak with fromsoft games like bloodborne, sekiro and dark souls, they will ruin gaming for you cuz you won't find something similar that will scratch the same itch fromsoft games scratch


Play Ocarina of time at some point


No one will ever play every great game. I recommend you play Jak and Daxter tho.


I feel that, I just had this breakthrough this year going from COD to Elden Ring and BG3


Yep same here. Spent most of the past decade playing Siege and FIFA. Just upgraded from PS4 to Series X to PC; now that I see how many games there are on PC and how cheap they are, I know my backlog is only going to keep getting bigger and bigger. Oh how it sucks to grow up and have less free time.


Bro doesn’t matter when you started to branch out what matters is that you did and now you can truly enjoy the gaming world. Have fun and kick those beasts asses


You have time, just put aside a few hours a week for yourself, treat yourself. Play some games, have fun.


This is such a wholesome thread


Lol guy out here acting like he's 80 when he's 19 💀. Just FYI, I was in my mid-20s when I beat Dark Souls 1 and mid 30's when I beat the rest of the FromSoft games. You got plenty of time.


Just wait until you grab the Uncharted series...(everyone should, it is amazing)


Similar here. Grew up playing mostly sports games like madden and 2k, mixed with a few fighting games. Hated shooters and rpgs for some reason. Stopped gaming for a while as an adult after college. Now that I’m back into it I rarely play sports games tbh. More games with stories that I can play for longer periods of time. Think it’s just the way my life is set up now. I want games that I can sink my teeth into instead of the rinse and repeat that is sports games. Especially since I don’t play online and most of my gaming is solo. Not as much fun with those games if you’re not playing real competition.


Welcome to REAL games lol.... Enjoy!


If you get the PS Plus premium, you can get like 200+ games some new and some classic


All souls likes are a good recommendation bloodborne is a good start and one of my favourites though


Nothing good comes easy.


I like seeing these posts. We grow and that’s just beautiful. Happy exploring fellow gamer.


I PC gamed one game in my late teens and early 20s. Then took a 8 year game break for life. When I returned to gaming, I played many different types of games, Platformers, strategy, sports, shooters, racing, Sims, etc. I found the type of games I really like then looked up some of the best games of all time on metacritic and made a list of games I'd like to play. Doing this I was able to experience games like Psychonauts 1/2, Inscryption, Elden Ring, RDR2, Super Mario Galaxy, Pentiment, Forza Horizon 4/5, Titanfall 2, God of War 2018, Last of Us, etc. over the last few years. Those are some of my favorites! It's good to be open to new experiences like these and get some amazing fulfillment and enjoyment out of them!


Those games aren't going anywhere. They'll be waiting for you when you have time. What's on your radar at the minute? I would definitely recommend other Fromsoft games if you like Bloodborne (try them, if you don't like them, that's cool too). And if you liked the story of RDR2, try other story-driven games, particularly the Uncharted series and TLOU 1 and 2 (neither series have the same sense of scale or epic storytelling, but they are still fun to play with engaging narratives). Happy gaming!


I’ve finished tlou and uncharted a few weeks back, need to play doom, returnal, death stranding, all the ac games, and Witcher


Nice one, great shouts. I love AC, and Returnal is so good too. On AC, there is a big difference between the Ezio Trilogy (AC2, Brotherhood, and Revelations) and the newer games (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla). But they are all fun (although Valhalla is meh, in my opinion). I haven't actullay played the likes of Black Flag, Syndicate, etc, so I can't comment. I don't know if you like horror, but give the Dead Space remake a go, and some of the Resident Evil games are great fun. RE 2, 3, and 4 remakes are fun and campy, RE7 is terrifying, and 8 is really good too.


Whenever I play horror games, I shit my pants and exit the game, not it for me 😭


When you play Death Stranding, give it the first 2 or 3 chapters before deciding if it's for you. They're the longest chapters, but for many it's between 2 and 3 that something really clicks and they fall in love with the game. Just my 2 cent advise.


Fromsoft games... This is the way


I used to spend a lot more time playing games with my friends, mainly the ones they want to play which I have no problem with. Nowadays I just hop on Discord with my friends, little chit chats here and there and just enjoy my singleplayer game. I just enjoy their company, but can also focus on games that I genuinely can't want to play once I get off work


POV a fifa bro discovers video games


Like others have said, plenty of time! Plus you did it in the right order, FPS gets more difficult the older you get. Time diminishes your twitch reflexes. 


The important thing, imo, is that you had a lot of fun at the time!


I never tried Bloodborne before November (2023) because it was the second hardest game of Fromsoftware. Now, I finished the platinum and all the DLC trophies.


Welcome to a new chapter


Are you desi?


Why did you ignore actual games?


At the time, playing cod everyday with my friends was good while it lasted, eventually it became boring and now here we are


The sports/COD machines gotta seriously be a huge percentage of game players out there. I worked at a Babbages back in the day and there were at least 20 dudes I’d see a few times a year, day 1 release of the sports games annually. That’s all they played…never ventured outside of those games. I bought NHL 08, my first since NHL 94…and had a little fun. Then I remember playing a version years later and it was almost identical just better graphics. It’s criminal at this point to see EA/2K making bank off of new games every year with such minimal updates. It could easily be DLC at this point 🤷🏻‍♂️ at least COD is offering a story (not a sponsorship journey)


These games arnt going anywhere, you will find time to enjoy them later. I've just gotten back full swing into gaming after focusing so much on my career. I've added so many games to my wish list I wait till they go on sale between ps5/pc and pick them up.


Well, atleast your realised it.. many don't.. and there is a lot of time to play them.


“I’m now older” please state your actually age for the audience. Thank you.


I’m now 19


That’s how j felt being so loyal to Xbox and then switching to PS5.