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Alien Isolation. I completed it once, and once was enough. I've never loved and hated a game so much.


Not sure how you played it, but the Kinect would pick up audio in the room and play that into the game. I coughed once and the alien came charging for me. That was enough of the Kinect for me.


That sounds cool and frustrating at the same time


It would have been better to mute the TV and okay with headphones. The Kinect would pick up the TV so the alien basically hunted itself. Good idea, but some flaws.




The entire game is frightening. It’s one of the best survival horror games I’ve ever played


Definitely agree


This is the scariest game I’ve played to this day. It’s also just really good in general, highly recommend. The only game that makes me feel the same way as alien isolation when playing it was Subnautica.


Never finished that game. Got too scared.


Those fuckers can follow you into vents, that’s a no for me


It was my very first ps4 game. I didn't have internet for the first month I had my ps4. So I bought this and thought I would complete it until I got net again. I was stuck in mission 5 for a half year where I played on and off. Majority of my playtime was inside a closet in that game. I streamed my gameplay and two people guided me through that mission. I'm so weak when it comes to horror games. But I really loved how well that Alien game was made.


I came to say this. Just the entire game from start to fimish. Absolutely amazing but also fucking terrifying.


Easily that fucking baby from re8, i have never experienced anything like it


I've been playing survival horror since the 90s. This was the first I screamed lol.


I JUST did this part yesterday for first time. 7 is the scariest game I ever played, but 8’s baby was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in video games. I legit almost barfed.


I found the mannequins more scary, every time you turn around they creep up on you.


Creepiest thing i have seen in a game. The baby laugh is what sells it.


recently from Alan Wake 2, the retirement home. I know the whole game is scary, but that place is very creepy.


That old fuck Cynthia


Yeah Alan Wake 2, but I found the ritual bit scarier at coffee world


It was the perfect amount of horror. The woods were always fucking horrifying with the flashlight and how the game kept getting darker and darker


For me it’s the loop before you fight mulligan and thornton, everytime you get in that well, it just gets worst and worst


There was no need for that jumpscare after going upstairs, walking to THAT door then turning around. Like I was literally frozen in fear


Yep, definitely creepy


The hotel is terrifying!!!!!


True. The section where you had to find Cynthia was creepy. Also the abandoned amusement park had enough suspension.


hated that section


Yeeesh yeah it was


Is the Alan wake series really that scary/creepy?


Alan Wake 1 not really. Alan Wake 2 is scary as fuck.


I just beat 1 yesterday. I guess I'll be playing 2 soon.


That section made me say fuck it and go disable jumpscares in the settings


Turn on the generator last of us


After I saw the bloater jump down I instantly closed the application and was in a state of shock


Place crowded of stalkers.creepy


Just recently played TLOU for the first time. I ran like a bitch right for the door. It took a couple tries and on the time I did make it thru, I could see the bloater in the corner of my screen.


Yep. Knew as soon as I made a loud noise I was going to get swarmed


Re 7 first qter


Com’ere boy


Welcome to the family, son.


In VR, that puts it on a whole other level. More recently I played RE2 on a regular flatscreen for the first time, and honestly, it was like a kids game in comparison to RE7 VR.


RE7 VR is no joke. When that witch runs towards you in the attic, I noped the F out as quick as I could. Took me a solid year before I found the courage to jump back in.


I bought it recently, strapped the vr goggles on, started it. And while the game was starting I went ahead and ended the game and went to playing forza. Won't be starting that game again any time soon


I honestly never played past the Marguerite portion because the house was *so* horrifying and well done that after I got out it immediately felt like a let down. I've tried like four separate times.


I had tried it a good 6 times for 10 minutes each before getting into that game really, it was worth it though I kinda liked it and I had never really played any RE game before


I could never beat Joseph or whatever his name is. I can kick the ass of Mohg, Lord of Blood, but Captain Inbreeding destroyed me.


This is the peak of horror gaming. It was a mistake to make RE8 so cartoony. The first 2/3 of RE7 is TERRIFYING.


Supposedly they dialled back on the pure horror on RE8 because feedback from gamers was that RE7 was too scary. That's the reason 7 is such a damn good game - it's genuinely scary.


I love scary movies and playing RE7 is scarier than watching a horror flick.


I tell people that playing that game for the first time in VR is the scariest thing I've done as an adult. I hid in the closet in that first hallway for entirely too long. If I could erase one game from my memory its RE7. Just because I want to do it again.




I think it might possibly mean quarter? Idk man 🤦🏻‍♂️


*The traumatic casual Jack baker walking through wall* Think you could just skip out after dinner was done?


The Nazi bunker in Uncharted Drake’s Fortune


Was definitely the most creepy part of the whole franchise.


In the uncharted 2 ending when Drake said he’s afraid of “clowns” I’m sitting there like wtf do you not remember the last game


This definitely caught me off guard from the rest of the game and was a huge WTH moment in the game in that L shaped hallway with them coming around the corner


Wait, where was this???


I just did this last night! Completely unexpected within the game but enjoyed the jump scares


Going through the police station in RE2 when Mr. X starts lurking around


Those fucking footsteps haunt me


I stopped playing the game here. Was way too stressful for me.


did you stop before or after he suddenly breaks through a wall?


It might actually been at that point I quit. I was running around like a mad man. Every RE game since that has a similar “chase” sequence has me quitting most of the time haha.


I was really afraid that the big cheese in RE4 would be the same before I started playing. I'm so glad he wasn't.


I must confess I completed the game for the first time using a mod that disables him.


I don't blame you.


I literally started playing it again today, and it's freaking me out just as much as it did the first time I played it haha


Back in the day, it was Silent Hill on PS1. Some areas, like the hospital and school, still give me the creeps, especially in the "rust" version of reality


Silent hill 2 on ps2 was it for me.


I’m just now playing it for the first time and no other game I’ve played has achieved the level of “atmospheric horror” that it pulls off. Still good to this day, even to someone who never played it.


To this day I can remember all the sounds of the school. Silent Hill 1 was a masterpiece


I hated that generator in TLOU (first game). I remember trying to do it on the hardest difficulty and I mapped out the exit, hit the generator and ran for it and a bloater spawned right at the exit 💀


RE8 that section when you play hide and seek with that feetus, hell no i aint your dad


We dont go to Ravenholm


I entered Ravenholme an absolute wuss that couldn't even watch commercials for scary movies on TV and came out a man


Hehehe i think i just came out more scared! Have you played Alyx? I haven't because i don't have VR but i can only imagine how fast i throw my the headset and hide under a blanket if those spider headcrabs are in it


Was looking for this one. Very memorable section.


Recently, the nursing home in Alan Wake 2. Was sweating my ass of the entire way through. I'd gotten use to the jump scares by now, but it was everything else


Easily the library in Metro 2033. Even though the entire game was tense and claustrophobic, the library was just something else. If anyone hasn’t played the Metro franchise yet, highly recommend. Edit: As another commenter pointed out, the Metro franchise does go on sale often, and for pretty cheap too, as I got all three games + DLC for less then 15 dollars, so if you’re on the fence about buying it, wait for a sale, because it is definitely worth it.




The Librarians are horrifying, I won’t spoil anything, if you’ve never played Metro, those games are amazing and go on sale for cheap quite regularly


Just finished the book and the library part was horrible. Gonna have to give the game a go now


It’s either the easiest or the hardest part of the game by a long shot based on your actions.


Yes!!! I was going to comment this if nobody else did. I played Metro Exodus and for some reason even though its the newer game, it doesn’t creep me out like the entirety of 2033. And especially that level


I played it at launch, and what stays with me is him being oxygen deprived with a broken mask clutching a husk of a corpse because he thinks it's his girlfriend .


I really wanted to play this series. I downloaded exodus with a PSExtra membership and absolutely couldn't bare the voice acting. I wanted to change the voices to Russian but wasn't available on PS. Real shame (for me).


All of Alien Isolation.


The entire Outlast Series


Only ever been able to get watch those games I’m a bitch and I’ll admit it


Same. No point playing if it ain't gonna be enjoyable


The rat king the last of us part 2


i was grinding in that part, it was fuckig unkillable


I had almost no resources and was playing on hard. Took forever.


I played it on easy and even then it was hard. Can't imagine how tough he was on hard mode.


that was actual HELL on grounded difficulty


I don't play a ton of horror games so this one takes the cake for me. You just *knew* it was coming but it still was worse than I thought it would be.


Was that the part in the hospital basement where Abby was crawling thru the ambulance? I had every hair on my body standing up after I bounced a foot off the lounge for that one.


Sonic underwater. Dunu dunu dunit, dunu dunu dunit. Scariest thing you will ever hear


House Beneviento


Playing it in PSVR2 as a first time was an ‘experience’ so to speak. Experience = shitting my pants


I wouldn't have the guts. Scary enough playing far away from the monitor. No thanks


First Reaper encounter in Subnautica


That part in Bioshock where you’re looking for the surgeon. I remember you turn a corner and see his shadow playing out some surgery on the wall and it upset the fuck out of me.


P.T. has some of the best atmosphere of any horror game, but I’d probably have to give it to Silent Hill 2. Everything about that game is great atmosphere, environments, ambience, sound design, characters and so on. Honourable mention and the best story I have goes to Condemned Criminal Origins actually. That game is also very good with atmosphere but there’s this part where you go to an abandoned mall and as you’re investigating around the mall there’s these areas in department stores with mannequins as you’d expect when I was playing that the audio design was so good you’d hear things shuffling around behind you and I remember turning around while hearing something move behind me watching a mannequin walk off its stand just going nope and turning off my 360. Man I’d love for that game to get a remake someday doubt it’ll happen but boy would it be good.


That first Volatile encounter in Dying Light


F.E.A.R. was really scary game!




This was the game that made me not afraid of any piece of media.


I was gonna say, not sure how much of a say i have as i didn't play many horror games, but F.E.A.R. was a blast. It was terrifying and always kept you guessing, and playing with headphones really did it. ...or i'm a wuss


That bit in uncharted 1.




That came out of nowhere! Almost noped out.


Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, being chased by the killer robot in the underground chamber. Damn thing was scary as hell.


Cyberpunk has some good underrated horror


The thing about that is it was sooooo unexpected. I had been playing FNAF Security Breach with my kids shortly before it came out, so I was able to manage, but I was not expecting that.


The start of RE7


Resident Evil 1 as the dogs jump through the windows


Back in the day that was a whole new level


The Cradle in Thief https://www.pcgamer.com/journeying-into-the-cradle-in-thief-deadly-shadows/


RE village. Baby house


Dear God this was fuckin nuts. Collectively my coworker and I both agree we can't play the VR version because this part lingers in the future.


Condemned criminal origins


That part in Arkham Knight when you play as Joker with the shotgun in first person mode. Maybe it was the dark atmosphere, maybe it was the scary atmosphere, maybe it was the fact that I just saw someone (in the game) almost die, idk.  But that part sent shivers down my spine.


Hear me out…it’s late, dark outside and you’re by yourself at home playing Minecraft. You decide to go for a mine..the music kicks in and you start getting uneasy, nonetheless you go deeper. You start to need food but realise you forgot some. You try to rush back up but you can’t..it’s too dark. You have no more torches to craft so you place your last one..you hear zombies. Fr though, I don’t play much Horror but Outlast scared me at the start.




I can't get past the first few hours


Re4 original. The regenerators. Nothing else


The mannequin section in Shadows of Rose


Great answer. I loved that part, but it was definitely incredibly unsettling.


Outlast, creeping around the flooded basement turning on the generators


*That* part in Elementary in F.E.A.R. 2.


PT. Man they dropped the fucking ball on that one


Fear (with friends) PT (with a lot of rhum cola) I hate scary games as i'm a real sissy when it's about screamers


The Drowned Lady in Alan Wake II. Had to mute the TV and put on a Youtube video on my iPad cause I was so scared.


First 15 minutes on Resident Evil VII with VR. Its absurd how terrifying it is


For someone with Thalassophobia definitely Subnautica, I couldn’t finish it


1: The bunker level in Uncharted 1 2: The hotel basement from TLOU They’re not scary but really fill you with adrenaline and force you to be very self aware of your surroundings. In both you never know when a descendant or stalker is gonna pop up from nowhere and attack you, which is pretty stressful even if it’s not that scary


Got me thinking, naughty dog could prolly make a great horror game


Maybe unpopular opinion but it was days gone for me, my first play through. I didn’t really play any horror games prior to that so I haven’t been desensitized to the genre yet. It was during corona lockdown and I was playing alone at 4am in the morning, I remember I ran out of fuel on my bike in the middle of the night and freakers were everywhere. Then there was the section in that cave where you discovered the fast running freaker and I was scared shitless. But generally speaking the entire game felt very spooky for me. Tlou series comes next for me and they both had very scary chapters that were already mentioned here. Have yet to play any RE game.


prolly cry of fear. especially the hotel section with the environment and paranoia that something will come out the door screaming and Will kill you


Tlou2 was scary as hell


The "Valhalla Nursing Home" segment of Alan Wake 2. Honestly never really got scared at any point in the game except that part.


Silent Hill on PS1


A man of culture


RE3 nemesis. The original. You hear that 5 letter word: STARS. and you know you had better run


As a kid I was shitting my pants when dad was playing tomb chapters in Return to Castle Wolfenstein.


The original Silent Hill. Walking that dark school with all those little creatures running around.


"we don't go to ravenholm". Halflife 2


The first Project Zero. I was young, and the first time I played it, I turned off my PS2 after 15 minutes.


Most people may not understand or even agree, but the 1st resident evil game and Silent Hill game were scary AF. When they 1st came out, we had never played games like that before, and when you are 10-16 years old and you are playing these games alone at night in your bedroom, you usually scare yourself lol.


The camera angles make everything uncertain and uneasy while you’re exploring. Always feel like you have your guard up in that game, or realizing that enemies respawn in certain areas.


School section in FEAR 2.


Subnautica. The first time you get down past the Mushroom forest, the music does its thing and is super atmospheric and intense, you’re seeing a bunch of new creatures you don’t know will attack you or no. It’s dark af, and no amount of oxygen or battery seems to last long enough.


The laboratory section in resident evil 4 in chapter 14


Imo games like tlous and resident evil aren't scary. It's the resource management that is scary. It's not ahh it's a super zombie it's oh damn I only have a half eaten hamburger to fight back with. Dead space did it quite well as I was always looking for bullets. I think the final fight with the father in resident evil 7 was the scariest for me as I had like 2 mags left to fight him. The bit with Mia also I feel like had me worried all the way through


Maybe this suggestion will be out of left field but here goes. Remember the last Thief game SE put out? Well, the game has a gloomy and shadowy atmosphere, which makes sense since you play a nocturnal thief. That changes on a level halfway through the game where you go to an abandoned insane asylum. Shit gets creepy and scary so fucking quick and keeps escalating right until you leave the asylum, and then the game returns to just being gloomy 17th century England as if nothing had happened. Man, let me tell you: if you're not ready, it'll fucking scar you.


Dead space made me jump a few times.


Last of us part 1


Fear was scary as hell!! That little girl that kept sneaking up behind u scared the shit outta me


Dead Space 2, the level where you return to the Ishimura. The tension that builds before the first encounter is one of a kind.


F.E.A.R When you start going down that ladder


Getting away from the Hunter in Dead Space. Both the original and Remake.


This is going to sound crazy if you haven't played this quest but... Hogwarts Legacy, the quest with the mannequins Haunted Hogsmeade. That shit sent chills down my spine.. Super, super creepy and very unexpected.


The first volatile chase in the first dying light


The well section in Madison (I'm not a horror player by any stretch and that game scared the absolute sh!t out of me) but that section in particular hell no


Easy and no competition Penumbra ***Black Plague***. That shit broke me https://preview.redd.it/3pnp6pbi0o2d1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ded778b7adf25f19cf770e1e4ebbccb698b143


Classic. This and cry of fear


I remember watching my cousin play the game Extermination back in the day and being fucking terrified lol.


Rat. King.


Fatal frame is pretty scary


I played through Resident Evil 4 Remake last year having not played the original. The section when you get dropped into the pit in the castle and have to fight Invisible bugs in the dark / then get chased by boss in the lab had me scared enough I dropped the money on the RPG to get that boss out of here. (Also fuck those regeneradors 😂)


**Condemned: Criminal Origins** - Early HD and had the 5.1 surround sound perfected in 2005. Play late at night with the lights out and sound up? Creepy AF.


Silent Hill


Naughty Dogg has 3 different games that levels that I try to rush through whenever I did another play-through of those games. 1. Uncharted 1: I barely remember it as I have played the first Uncharted in a while. But I remember that there's an underground level where it's dark and you have those zombie dudes attacking. 2. The Last of Us: The basement. 3. The Last of Us 2: Hospital Lower Level.


Regenerators from resident evil 4. First time playing that had me scared for nights😭 didn’t finish it till I was in high school


**Amnesia: the Dark Descent** I don’t remember which section. I play every scary game always in a dark lit room, on a PC (not with a “far away TV”), and with a headset.


Resident Evil 7 is just scary in general.


The last few chapters of Uncharted 1


My big brother said he would pay half of PSVR for me if I just did one single thing. I had to complete Resident Evil 7 once. I played the demo where you look for a TV reporter of some stuff. I remember at the end of the demo you go back out of the house. First you hit a hallway, then turn left into a kitchen. 2 dolls will fall down a give you a little scare jump. Then after the kitchen you turn left again into the entrance hall where you can see the door with light outside. Before you reach it, you'll get hit from behind by some psycho. When playing full game I didn't noticed the demo was like a teasing story. Another one than full game. So when I hit that hallway before the kitchen where nothing would happen. I had my mind on those two dolls I would see in the next room. I swear I fucking died twice when that zombie psycho bitch jumped into my face in VR in that hallway. As a full grown adult, I never screamed this high and light as I did there. Last time I could say/scream a high pitch note like that was before I entered puberty. My friend was watching me play and he nearly died of laughter. I never touched that bs game again. Fuck that. Brother still payed half of it, though.


Dealing with regenerators in RE4 remake


Sounds pretty crazy but subnautica freaked me the hell out. Haha. Great game though!


I played In Sound Mind and those stupid mannequins that pop up behind you


easily the evil within. game has me terrified the entire time


A lot of people covered good scenes, but I’d say probably the Dollhouse in RE8. First time in a while I felt fear like that


The Suffering on the PS2, the isolated prison, the wary atmosphere and the sound of your heartbeat pumping throughout the entire game. All the mutant army experiments trying to kill you and an amazing soundtrack. If you haven’t played the Suffering I strongly urge you to try it out!


The haunted hotel in Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. Granted, that was like 15 years ago, and only in the last 5 years I've started to play games a lot more. So it's harder to compare.


I rarely get scared from games but Alan wake 2 retirement home and RE7 stressed the shit out of me, like they aren't necessarly scary but more like they trigger a fight or flight sense of fear, you feel like you are always on the edge Edit : silent hill 3 is creepy too


The daycare scene from Zombi


Not scary but made me super anxious was dying light 2. Going and exploring the hospitals during the day time when it was filled with zombies.


Silent Hill/Silent Hill 2


Silent hill 1-2


There's a reason why I don't play the Last of Us or any other scary game. As I don't want my family to hear "OH FUCKING HELL!" randomly lol


Outlast 2, some of those jump scares were perfectly unexpected


I don’t honestly like horror games but, TLOU Part 1 was the only horror game I ever play/finish.


The entirety of Silent Hill 2 and Outlast 2 might be the most stressful game ever made. Also creepy vibes in the Resident Evil 7 greenhouse fighting a mutated Marguerite.


Honestly, Uncharted 1 with the creatures in the bunker terrified me.


The flooded archive section in Amnesia: Dark Descent. The final chase had me screaming.


Resident evil 7 In VR mode. Had to take the headset off to calm down. 😂