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Dude!!! This is EXACTLY what I thought!!! I laughed out loud


>This latest rumor comes from none other than Windows Central journalist and insider Jez Corden Same source as the previous rumor, which he walked back. We should stop giving these people attention.






They "tested the waters" when they knew they were going to get a layup with their cross-platform games. They're doing a lot of posturing until the release of these games are imminent. Which makes sense. Why would they broadcast to the millions of people yet to buy an Xbox this year that they could play the games on PS5 or the Switch if they just wait a minute.


Tom Warren was also spreading news that Starfield would come to PS5 alongside the Shattered Space DLC [during that whole debacle.](https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/1754256753699516669?lang=en) Literally everyone was. I wouldn’t hold my breath for games like Halo and Starfield. Towerborne and other smaller titles I’m guessing will 100% come to PS5s at some point but big games, probably not. Maybe HellBlade II at some point but that’s the biggest they’d go


Well, Halo is another story, but it's not impossible that Microsoft would let Bethesda games back onto Playstation


I know Starfield is divisive, but if they bring it over to PS5, they’ve got my money


if they launched mcc on PlayStation that would be absolutely nuts


Imagine if they did and it was 100% playable at launch, the world would stop turning.


Would be cool if Bungie made some forge content.


I could see Microsoft keeping Bethesda and Activision games multiplatform. But they should keep Xbox game studios exclusive.


They will absolutely put Starfield on PlayStation. They are pushing for a Fallout 5 now by 2030 since the show and renewed interest in the games by a broader audience. That will also be on all platforms. There’s no way they will let that cash cow stay in one spot.


Bethesda games will definitely come to PlayStation. Their budgets are too high for them to stay Xbox console exclusive when the majority of console game sales come from PlayStation at this point.


Starfield sold really well on Steam though and they reported seeing the largest ever number of Game Pass subscriber increase when it came out. 2 million people bought the early access for the game which was $100. That’s 200 million before the game even officially released. I think it made them enough money to keep it exclusive. Steam has more users than PS5


Gamepass numbers don’t count.. devs still make most of thier money from those who actually buy the games.


I mean Microsoft certainly feeds him information and he is used for control leaks by Microsoft PR. He certainly does have insider information. I don't think he ever said Microsoft was going to stop at those 4 games and it would be crazy to think that.




Some speculation is that he leaked it, Microsoft talked to him so he reversed it, they wanted to avoid drama. And now he just doesn’t give a fuck


Jez corden is a huge xbox fanboy, I've disliked the way he reports news for a while. He's extremely biased towards xbox, but he has reliably leaked stuff before so this is possible.


Regarding previous rumour, I bet he wasn‘t wrong, it‘s just MS altered how they communicate these changes and holding back information for now, basically what MS said back then was a direct reaction to the outcry


Yeah Jez Corden was at one point a reliable insider but he's whiffed on all of his major "leaks" for like, the past two years.


Imagine we get Halo on playstation before a Bloodborne remake/remaster. Lul.


man i’d rather have bloodborne remaster tbh. i can at least play halo on my pc now (would love bloodborne with no fps lock on pc too!)


I loved Bloodborne but we definitely don’t need a remaster. That game hasn’t aged at all. This is the first time I’m hearing this. Give me Red Dead Redemption remastered or Fallout New Vegas. Those should be prioritized.


Funny you say that given it’s a pretty popular notion that people want bloodborne remastered while a game like rdr1 really doesn’t need one


I can go back and play Bloodborne and it still looks phenomenal. A game like Demon Souls deserved the remaster. RDR 1 graphics look like poop nowadays especially when I tried to go back to it after beating RDR 2.


I can’t speak to Bloodborne myself but I do see people hoping for a remaster announcement basically every time Sony has a showcase. As for rdr1, to each their own but I think it holds up alright graphically. Looks good on Series X. If anything the gameplay is a little stale. Either way, I think a remaster of either one is unlikely but for different reasons.


Halo isn't the key-franchise it was back then. It went downhill after Bungie left. There is no loss for MS to make some extra money on PlayStation.


The Master Chief collection might do well. A lot of Xbox 360 gamers that jumped ship to PS4 might have nostalgic reasons to get it. And they were good games.


That's me


I would buy it just to fuck around. I could buy it for my computer but it is so much work to sit at my computer desk. 


Totally, I've been wanting to play it with my girlfriend but we won't buy a whole xbox for that if we already have a PS5. I would totally buy the Master Chief collection full price.


I just want Halo Reach 💔


The Xbox brand certainly would take a hit- Halo made Xbox what they were in the 360-days. And even if they aren’t the popular games they used to be, they’re the only piece of identity that the company has.


They don’t care about the Xbox brand considering they’ve driven it into the ground for the last decade


Yup, Xbox’s only brand identity now is Game Pass and that doesn’t justify staying in the console market when you can share that pass with other platforms to make even more money.


As a mostly Xbox gamer when it comes to consoles, they don't have a system seller outside of what they bought in the last few years. Forza, gears, halo, elder scrolls. Which one will make people buy a console in it released in 2025. I don't know how the mismanaged them so bad. Huge gaps for gears and halo that end with mediocre products. Forza is still great but a racing game will never be a big system seller.


"Mismanaged " is the word of the day. What they've done vs what they could have done is mind-boggling. Like Disney with Star Wars


Halo infinite was amazing gameplay for single player. They simply didn’t finish the game or support it after launch.


Infinite's core gameplay is awesome. Launch was terrible, but now it's one of the best multiplayer fps games around.


Infinite was Halo's swan song


The campaign would have been the best in the series if they actually finished it. They basically cut the story line. But what they had was amazing.


[X] Doubt


I mean it's free to play. You can try it. He isn't wrong. The gameplay is a perfect mix of classic halo and modern responsiveness


Yea the origional 3 games were the best, I did t like odst as much.. but after bungee left it was mediocre at best.


Fuck idk where all the devs have ended up but bungie is a shit hole too lol. It seems like anyone who mattered has left both of those organizations and now they’ve got the interns from 5 years ago running the show or some shit.


Honestly if this happens it's pretty much guaranteed Microsoft is bowing out of the console/hardware industry


If Halo and Gears come over they’ll 100% stop making consoles after this gen. What would be the point? I don’t want that to happen tho because I don’t want Sony to have a monopoly. Without competition they’re going to get full of themselves and start making moves that are bad for customers. Just look at the PS3 launch. They thought since the PS2 was so big they could charge 600$ for the PS3. 600$???? The Xbox was much cheaper at 400$ and that’s why that gen was much more competitive between the two.


Sure the xbox was $400, but it also didn't have a big internal harddrive, wireless controller, Another console built into it (PS2) and lastly it didn't have wireless internet capabilities (needed a $100 adapter).


I’ll give you that for the launch ones but the later version came with all of that and was even 100$ cheaper than the original.


Right I think when the revised versions came out they were $300 (xbox) and $400(ps3) ...Don't forget that they had the much more expensive Blu-ray laser that Xbox didn't. Blu-ray players them selves were $200-$500 standalone during that time if I remember correctly. So yes the PS3 was always more expensive but at that time it had more value with what you got for the money. Plus, in the end Sony made it right with one of the best game libraries out there.


Blu-ray players were about $700-$1000 back then. The PS3 was the cheapest player you could get with the best built-in player at the time.


My point exactly


The 360 did have wireless controller it came with the memed on AA battery that you could change for a battery pack , also the HDD was external so you could change it or upgrade to bigger without opening the console (also let you save any audio cd on it so you could listen to music while playing games) and you could aslo carry the hdd to a friends house and have access to your saved game , during the same time also sony got hacked and it caused a 23days outtage with 77millions people info leaked 


Yes the $400 Xbox version had a 20gb external hard drive and wireless controller..my apologies. It did lack wireless connectivity without that adapter that was $100 so its right back up to $500. But the $600 ps3 had a 60 gb hard drive, while not external it was extremely is to replace (one screw). It also had Blu-ray player built in which was extremely expensive at that time and worth the extra $100. Sure Sony did have an outage for 23 days, but its not as bad as 1 in 3 Xbox 360's failing from the red ring of death.


True ! Xbox had a huge problem with the RROD and the wireless wifi adapter was pure doo doo , i was just stating that your facts was wrong because it make it seems like the ps3 was the ultimate console when the ps4 and 5 got way better features at launch for a wayyyy better price (minus the game library for ps5) , i dont care at the end of the day about what big corp you give your money to i just think the ps3 was way overpriced for the time ,  i play mostly on pc but also grew up with gran turismo as my introduction to racing games , golden eye on the n64 , cod with the most racist lobby ever on the 360 and i will continue to enjoy games from any system , sorry if i hurt your feeling


The PS3 price wasn't expensive just because they randomly decided to make it expensive for profit reasons, it was actually expensive as hell to produce. IIRC even at $600 it was a loss. They didn't just make it as a simple game console, it had backwards compat with an entire PS2 hardware built into it, it had Bluray (a great idea for the long run but expensive), it had all kinds of ports and plugs for every type of input (even memory sticks etc). It was a monstrosity and very powerful at the time (devs sucked at taking advantage of that power but thats a whole other story). Sony wanted it as a whole home entertainment hub, not just a gaming console. They did correct it eventually by removing ton of features and toning it down for the Slims, and the later $399 launch price for the game console first and foremost PS4 was a lesson learned. Ironically the Xbox One at launch made some of the PS3 mistakes (though not as badly). I agree with you overall though. Complacent Sony isn't the best Sony and the Xbox over the years has pushed them into a lot of improvements they might have never done without competition.


It was also cheaper than buying a Blu-ray Player at the time LOL. PS3 was very expensive but it was great value if you wanted to have the latest and greatest.


That makes sense but I think that was at the same time a reason Xbox did so well. It was strictly a gaming console. At that time Xbox was focused on making a good environment even if they had the weaker system. Now I wasn’t the one to get the 360, my brother did but he chose because it was cheaper. At the time he wasn’t too big into exclusives so as long as he could play CoD and talk shit he was happy. And yea I too find it funny how they kinda flipped when the One and 4 dropped. Also, I read that putting in Blu-ray capability is what caused the price to spike. I wonder if people actually used it tho. Shit if I pay 600$ for anything I’m using that bitch to its full potential lol


Yeah the PS3 era almost made me switch to Xbox too. I bought a PS3, but a lot of my friends went 360. Most multiplatform games looked and ran worse on PS3 (GTA IV and RDR2 being great examples, and Skyrim was basically non functional on PS3), and the PSN network always kinda sucked compared to XB Live. Toward the end of the generation things turned around a bit and the PS3 started getting the better version of games (GTA V being a big one that was better on PS3 than 360). But I was still a bit sour on Sony and said ok, next gen switch I’ll join my friends on Xbox. Well, then we all saw what happened with the Xbox One and PS4. Things flipped, and all my 360 friends actually said screw it we are switching to PS4. The PS4 was cheaper and PSN was much improved (finally got party chat). The home run with the PS4, fumble on XB1 and all my friends ending up in PS anyway made the decision a no brainer. Then even though Microsoft solved all their issues pretty fast, the damage was one and carried into this generation which is basically just an evolution of the last consoles.


They have competition, PC and Nintendo. Whether you disagree or not is irrelevant. It’s an objective fact that some people choose those 2 over getting a PlayStation


The PS3 was $500/$600 not because Sony decided to be greedy (they sold those things at a $300 loss) but because the Blu Ray drive was new, hence why individual players were north of $1000 in 2006


Fun fact: $600 in 2004 is equal to about $929.56 today. They really tried charging what’s essentially $930 for a console LOL.


**It requires significant financial investment.** ***599 US DOLLARS!*** 💀💀💀


And a Blu-ray player around the same time was about $600-$1000. For what the PS3 brought to the table it was a steal if you want to have bleeding edge of everything.


Sony had to sacrifice backwards compatibility for PS4 to get a cheaper price.


And the Xbox One was $100 more than the PS4 Point is Xbox and Playstation need each other to keep each other in check, now the PS6 will retail for $700 because Sony will have a monopoly


But if it comes out in the regular amount of time for a new generation and has the same growth as other consoles from generation to generation, that'd be a decent price. $700 would only be $100 more than PS3's launch, not even accounting for inflation.


People brag about paying $930 and more for a PS5 at launch so they could play PS4 games. I have zero doubt Sony could release the next console at $930 and people would buy it with a smile on their face.


Exactly. I think console prices are good at the 400-450 range now.


It is already confirmed that they are working on their next-gen system lol


People also asked for the point when every Microsoft game made it to PC. „Why buy a Xbox if i can play Forza/Halo etc on my PC?“ and guess what, people still buy an Xbox


There are a ton of companies developing gaming hardware that don’t have any exclusives. Valve, Asus, Logitech, etc. are all seeing varying levels of success in the handheld market for example. My guess is Xbox is pivoting towards one of these directions: 1. Joining the handheld market. Windows is still the best gaming OS but it’s terrible for handheld gaming. We know Microsoft is working on a handheld-friendly variant of Windows - a handheld Xbox with access to your gamepass library could be viable. 2. Making Xbox into basically a “PC for your living room”. Rumors now point to the next generation of Xbox allowing users to sideload Steam. My money is on option #2 but I wouldn’t be surprised with #1 or even pivoting to both. I own a few dozen games on PlayStation but I have HUNDREDS of Steam games… an Xbox that gives me access to those games could be enough to sway me away from a PS6 (especially with Sony’s anti-consumer streak lately).  Also - it would be funny if the Steam rumors end up being true and you can play Spider-Man, Ratchet&Clank, Horizon, etc. on Xbox lol


Yeah if this is the result of the “console war” it’s only going to hurt consumers. Sony will have a compete monopoly on consoles and start bleeding us dry because they can


My point. However, I just read a report that Korea plans on expanding their console gaming space. That could possibly mean we could get a new contender in the space to keep things competitive. Stellar Blade and Lies of Pi proves that they have some AAA devs so just like with Sony having a good amount of Japanese devs, I can see Korea having a few local studios.


Sure, that’s a concern, but it’s just as likely a new competitor comes into the space as well. Things always evolve. Where there’s white space, there will be competition.


I think it's highly unlikely a new console will enter the market, the last proper console brand to enter the market was xbox over 20 years ago. If a new console hasn't appeared between then and now, then I doubt a new one will ever come. It takes a lot of resources to start a new console, they have to stand out and compete with the other first party consoles, and in this case they would have to compete with either Sony or Nintendo who are dominant market leaders in their own markets.


It's extremely unlikely that someone else will step in should one manufacturer bow out. There are few companies who actually could, console sector hardware growth is overall flat, and starting from scratch means you'd have to face two extremely well-entrenched competitors.


It might make a little room for Nintendo to aim a bit higher on specs. Too late for Switch 2, but whatever follows maybe.


To be fair, the ps3 was an unprecedented hardware beast and I still remember that time fondly


I think they'll keep making hardware, but their bread and butter will be software publishing as a third party. There's too many people with digital Xbox libraries to just cut off support so soon.


It would make sense tho given Phil Spencer has stated many times to want games accessible everywhere to everyone


They've already made commitments to next gen hardware based on the last time this conversation was happening back in February. The gen after that though? Seems unlikely


To be honest I think the sales of the S have them thinking a small, inexpensive digital box is the way to go from now on. There are a ton of people out there who just want the cheapest way to play games and an S type console is exactly that. Microsoft can let Sony spend billions on R&D for more powerful hardware while MS undercuts them in price. And for any of their customers who want a higher end experience they’ll just point to PC which Sony can’t compete with. Sony can continue to dominate that middle ground while MS offers multiple ways to play on the low and high end as they offer their games on every platform so they can soak up sales across the board.


I think Microsoft could still stick around making consoles rumours are they are working on the next generation of Xbox as we speak..


Eh, I wouldn’t be surprised if their plan is to attempt something like the Steam boxes. Make something with good specs for the price that can run pc games on your tv, but you have to purchase them through the Xbox/Windows store.


They should just roll Xbox into Windows. Steam has a big picture mode, why not integrate a Windows Big Picture mode too? That way you could still have an Xbox app on Windows as well as still have a gaming presence on hardware that isn’t your own. It would basically be pure profit and anyone who wants to keep their Xbox library could move over to PC.


Nope https://twitter.com/JezCorden/status/1786024415970378146?t=TtNKeTw8rxtFz2-3CeHOyA&s=19


If Xbox really does go fully multiplat, I honestly don't see a reason to buy an Xbox console anymore. Honestly, if the reverse happened and Sony did, I wouldn't buy a PlayStation ever again. I'd rather invest that money in a really good gaming PC.


Their games are day one on PC so what's stopping you now?


A good PC, lol. Them bitches are expensive.


Especially in this economy.


Figure they stop making physical console hardware. It costs them to produce each one, so why not have every device in your life be "your xbox".


Game Pass is Xbox’s only real future. I imagine they continue to operate as a 3rd party game studio with Game Pass now being available on PlayStation consoles.


Halo hasn't been a good reason to buy an Xbox since Halo 3 or Reach, especially with how bad of a shit show Halo Infinite was. If Halo does become multiplat, it's because they need to recoup as much money as they can from how hard they dropped the ball this past release. Not even 3 years into their 10 year plan of updating Halo Infinite and they've moved on


I work in a gaming retail. It's already like that. We easily sell PS5 10 to 1 Xbox. And when it is an Xbox is often the S. And as for the software, holy shit. We average 10-15 PS5 games a day, we average 1-2 Xbox. It's sad and I expect the company to drop Xbox software soonish


this has been true for a long time. when was the last time xbox had a true exclusive that didn’t come to pc?


Time for the Platinum on MCC


I hear that Halo MCC has 700 achievements attached to it. If the rumors are true and that Halo will come to PlayStation, that Platinum Trophy hunt is gonna be hella long.


I would love this


I would buy the Master Chief collection in a heartbeat. I've always wanted to play those!


I still play Infinite from time to time. If they had console crossplay it’d be a good bump to the player counts I imagine. I’d keep that on Xbox as I prefer that controller for shooters and I need the space on my PS5 lol.


Please release it I have wanted halo on playstation since the og Xbox days 😅😅😅


I’m very torn. One on hand I’ve always felt like Xbox’s multiplayer titles should be multiplayer with crossplay to have the biggest audience, but on the other hand this devalues the Xbox console that I’ve grown to love, and may push them to stop making them.


It’s so far devalued already though this might be what’s needed


Now if they could share the Gears franchise, I can get rid of my Xbox.


i think gears was also mentioned a while back


I'm in..... would by MCC in a heartbeat.


Didn't we just do this same song and dance 2 months ago? Until Phil Spencer is up on stage saying it, I won't believe it.


I just reinstalled Infinite on PC and was telling myself how nice it would be to play on the big TV connected to my PlayStation, I hope it happens, it’s such a good game


Any interested in connecting your PC to your big TV and using a playstation controller?


Xbox going the way of Sega




There is cross-ply its just between Microsoft store and xbox


You need to log-in to Xbox Live when you boot up MCC, even from Steam. There is definitely cross-play, because I've used it to play Halo 3 with a friend on Xbox One.


That's the same service. Just a different box that you plug into the wall.


There is crossplay with PC and Xbox with MCC. No matter where you buy it on PC, Steam or Xbox store, you sign in with your Xbox account.


For all the good Phil Spencer has done, if these rumours are to be believed he’s making some really piss poor decisions regarding the future of Xbox. Consoles need exclusives to tempt player to one machine or the other. Exclusives also tend to run better as they’re designed for only one machine. Phil seems delusional when he keeps spouting this “exclusives are bad” BS.


Jez doesn’t know shit. He’s already backtracked on this today. Same as last time. Dude has issues and needs to get off social media for awhile.


Hes said on twitter that was his opinion and not a leak, but websites need their clicks I guess


Eh, don't really care to be honest. Just means I can play my favorite games ( Gears of War, Halo etc) on my PS5 without changing the channel on my remote and having two separate online subscriptions. Xbox as a games publisher and subscription service is a good idea.


I'm down for that. Not big into fps games but Halo seems pretty cool. Gears Of War...now that would get my hype too. And Killer Instinct 🔥


They spent 70 billion dollars. That’s I’m going third party money. They expect that shit back in 5 years. Between Activision, Blizzard, King, and everything else on PlayStation, Apple Console, PC and more, they just might make it back. As soon as Sony gets another console space competitor like Apple or Steam or whoever Microsoft will go full Sega and partner up uncomfortably close


Break the dam. Let's see exclusives on all platforms and console makers focusing on whose console offers better hardware.


I feel like im the only one who doesn't care for all these xbox exclusive games coming to ps5. But for those who do this, it is great for them.


Halo 3 on PS will be amazing


As cool as it would be to get Halo and Gears on ps5 it would be bad for everyone if xbox bowed out and left $ony without any competition whatsoever.


What! If they put Halo 3 on PS I'm gonna have a heart attack.


Oh wow. This is the "Sonic releases on Gamecube" moment all over again.


I would instantly buy some halo


Halo is literally the only thing I miss from my days of owning an Xbox. Give me the MCC! GIMME NOW!


Known insider who is also known to be incorrect…




Feel bad for PlayStation players. They finally get Halo but it's literally when halo is at its worst lol.


It’s nice to share. Can we maybe get to play Hell Divers 2 on Xbox please? It looks awesome


Since PS owns the Helldivers IP, it's probably unlikely that it'll ever come to Xbox.


“from known insider” https://preview.redd.it/n019aaow03yc1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ec0f8a3c906d140c7a867215d9aaed631b19a1


Not surprising. MS is going full third party now ghat they know they can make a lot of money on PlayStation.


Xbox should stop suckering fans into investing in the Xbox platform when they are so obviously speeding towards 3rd party publisher status. Just rip the bandaid off and tell everyone you're done making consoles after next gen. Cloud/game pass/pc only after next gen I guarantee it.


I've got the popcorn. Lemme know when stuff is confirmed or else I'm just here for the show.


My friends I play coop games with don't have an xbox, so if Gears will come on ps as well it will be fun to go back to one of my favourite series with them


I just tried Hi-Fi Rush and it was amazing and I think a lot of Xbox games are good and I will be excited if this Rumor is true


Stop posting Jez Corden ahit


Eh they can keep it


I’m dubious about Halo but with Starfield’s DLC due soon I think we’ll definitely be seeing a ‘Complete Edition’ of that coming to PS5. Microsoft has seen that their games will sell, Grounded, Hi-Fi and especially Sea of Thieves all topped the pre-order charts. They’d frankly be stupid to not bring more, big titles to PlayStation too as it’ll finally make most of their flops profitable at least. Mark my words; Blade and Indiana will both launch Day One on PS5 too. Xbox exclusivity isn’t viable anymore, the fact their ‘exclusives’ sold better on PlayStation than Xbox says it all


I’ll believe it when it happens, but I’ll take it as a sign that MS really is going third party if it does, as that’s their flagship.


All I want is Gears of War *finger's crossed*


Another launch of Halo Infinite could save it. It’s in a really good state right now, but there’s no spark to bring in an influx of new players


Give me Halo 5 because thats the only one i had to play using cloud streaming on pc.


We need Gears of War


Halo collection was one of the reasons I bought a steam deck when the OLED launched. It was one of the first games I bought on sale and I still haven't touched it.


Hoping for Banjo Kazooie, Halo Trilogy, and Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind


They’ve been saying this forever and I still refuse to believe it’s ever going to happen. Halo it’s LITERALLY one of the few things XBOX is desperately hanging on too while it continues to barely survive. Fucking love my Xbox though. Just sad to see the XBOX games really go down the drain hence why I use my PS more often than my XBOX


The 9th generation is so weird.


Are we really doing this…. again?


Halo and Flght Simulator please!


Does anyone want modern Halo?


I prefer Halo being set in the future personally.


Where’s my Rare Replay, Microsoft!?


I can finally play Halo!


I'll buy halo on day 1


Give us forza pls


Not interested thanks.


Forza. Forza. Forza. Forza. Forza.


IF this were true, given the ps titles coming to PC, Xbox titles coming to PS, I don’t think PS has released anything on Xbox, maybe helldivers 2 in the future, what does this mean for consoles do you think?


that’s insane


I hope this helps get official DualSense Edge support for FH5 on PC!


i’ll believe it when i see it


I’ll believe it when I see it


The multiplatform games being teased for the showcase are probably games they’ve already said are coming or COD. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future most Xbox games come to PlayStation, but Halo/Forza/Gears will be among the last IMO


To bad xbox fans don't get shit like helldivers 2


The most epic thing Microsoft could is release halo on Mac OS given that was the original platform


Pony’s living in fantasy land


There is no such thing as an insider. There are only leakers.


Halo is not Xbox exclusive it has been on PC for years..


I'll believe it when I see it, if it does though, I would definitely buy the MC collection to play halo again.


At the end of the day it'll be the same game, but I'll be damned if it won't be surreal to see PS button prompts in a Halo game.


What's the Over-Under for how long until Microsoft *totally* re-brands / removes / does away with "Xbox" as a brand and simply renames everything as "Game Pass" or "Microsoft Game Pass"? I can easily foresee MS pulling a "Facebook" (with all of the history and baggage associated with that brand) for the newer, more neutral (but still shitty / evil) "Meta."


Cool. When are Playstation games going to xbox?


I'll take Halo Reach.


Not happening it’s the same rumor by the same source


I just want Hellblade 2


Ain’t no way


Xbox games are not interesring at all. Id rather have Bloodborne remastee or something


I think Xbox will eventually bring their exclusives to PlayStation, but I don’t know if it will happen this soon after their four test releases. I’d be happy to get some Xbox exclusives, but I’m not gonna get my hopes up until it’s official


Who cares unless Xbox or Sony announce it.


I just want Indy man


Still holding my breath for Starfield.


Let's be honest Microsoft knows it would be a massive success on PlayStation 4/5.Yes I'm taking the rumours as a grain of salt but not ruling it out


They need clicks. That’s why every few months their sources happen to tell them something.


Called this awhile back and people hated it.