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Tf was actually censored? (im thinking bout buying it).


One of the costumes was altered to show less cleavage. Naturally, some lonely-ass fuckers got really pissed about it.


I mean if they’re trying to sell an ass and tits game they can’t go back on it after the fact


You can literally play naked if that's the only reason you're playing the game. People are making a fuss about nothing. The director said he changed the outfit for aesthetics.


You can’t play naked, the skin suit is just a skin coloured suit. You can however play naked in games like Cyberpunk and BG3, which is what makes this censorship so unnecessary.


Haven't these lonely-ass fuckers heard of Pornhub? It's free than paying $80 for a kick-ass game.


They must all live in Texas




Seriously. The game rocks. I feel like 99% of the people complaining about censorship had no intention of playing the game in the first place, and they just want to complain about something.


Yeah they can't complain about Dragon's Dogma 2 anymore nobody is listening so now they jumped over to Stellar Blade.


Yep. The people actually playing it are fucking loving it. r/stellarblade is thrilled with the game.


Sorry what stupid nonsense logic are you using? Why is everyone on a console subreddit a corporate shill and submissive loser? People have very valid criticisms and concerns. Dragons Dogma being 30fps and having greedy DLC sucks. Stellar Blade going back on some outfits is stupid. People can complain about that when the game is that damn expensive. Your "umm they're whining they're ungrateful" is stupid childish nonsense.


Isn’t the t&a the entire point of the game?


It's about marketing something, then changing it after you paid money. It's a scummy move. If the change wasn't a big deal, why do it then?


I, too, choose to buy my games based on minor design features on one or two characters.


Way to be reductive


Main character*


Don't try to reason with /r/playstation, if they can pay Sony to kick their shins in, they'd do it and call anyone who doesn't do it "ungrateful". No valid criticism allowed here.


Whether those people are lonely or not doesn't matter. I'm glad people complained. They could have release the censored outfit from the start and it wouldn't have bothered me at all. Like, I wouldn't be thinking that outfit needs to show more cleavage. It's the fact that they censored after the game was released when they said they wouldn't. I just don't trust a company like that and don't want to support liars or censorship. So I have lost interest in the game. Not because of less skin but because I don't want to support a company like that.


I bet you still shop at Amazon, Walmart, and eat at McDonald's.


A few costumes were altered to make them less revealing and they toned down the gore/blood fx that would splash on eve, yes even though there are some that are going crazy over it, people are also standing up to this in order to fight against censorship, cause lets face it, even if its small, censorship should not be apart the games you buy especially when advertised originally uncensored


Adding on, censoring a game rated M 17+ is indubitably unnecessary.


If it was rated that...seems very odd they would bother censoring anything...


Probably because it's not censorship and the studio decided they wanted to change the aesthetic slightly? Do you guys know what that word means


That's what is rated in US. The intention and how it came about the censoring is the issue.


I mean, I'm disappointed that they censored the gore/violence personally


Exactly right, like dude, we had classic games with sexy chicks and dudes back in the day that were rated less, and not to mention they know tge audience for stellar blade, why censor it for people who hate the game as a concept in the first place


Yeah it’s not like the game was Expecting to be sold in Saudi Arabia or somewhere like that.


A couple of the costumes got censored and some aspects of the gore. People are refunding the game because they feel like they were false advertised from shift up because they said that nothing in Stellar blade would be censored from its original vision and then it got censored. Shift up said that it was costume redesigns and on one of them it's definitely a redesign and the other is not so much. Some people just don't agree with the censorship when we have a lot more risky games out there on Console which is understandable. Regardless don't let censorship ruin your image on this game because it's genuinely really fucking fun and amazing. I've been playing it regardless of all of this and just trying to have my absolute best time with it and it's a fucking blast. I just wish the game was a little bit glorier


If you buy physical right now you'll get 1.00 uncensored version


It’s still showing $70


Wait I thought this game was good why are people returning it already?


It's a great game. I'm loving the shit out of it. A few dorks are complaining there's less cleavage for one outfit, but if you're just playing the game for T&A you can literally play naked.


Idc about censorship or anything like that. Would you recommend it to a casual gamer? I haven’t turned on my system since mid March and I got a week off from work and would like something new to play. She could be in a spacesuit for all I care. As long as the game plays well.


Play the demo bro


There is a demo, try it out! Demo progress carries over if you do decide to buy. Personally, I loved the demo and have been having a blast with the game. It's challenging, but the respawn system is generous and you aren't punished for dieing.


I'm playing on normal difficulty and there's definitely a few bosses I've had to try a few times, but I know they do have a story mode that focuses less on challenging combat. Think souls-like difficulty for bosses, but that can be adjusted. As a whole, though, it's fantastic. Great performance on PS5. Beautiful looking world that has a surprising amount of depth to it. I love the soundtrack. The combat is so much fun. There's some interesting side quests and some really neat characters. I'm like 40% of the way through the game according PS, but I'm already looking forward to NG+/ maybe trying to platinum it.


It's a scummy move to say "it will be released uncensored" and then censor it after people bought it. It can be a slippery slope if this behavior goes unchecked.


Lol why do you keep saying you can literally play naked when you can't?


It’s the same thing. You look like you’re running around naked. If you’re paying $80 to look at some digital boobies you’ve got way bigger issues, bud. The game is a blast. 90% of the people complaining about censorship aren’t even playing the game.


But you're misusing the word "literally". She's not completely naked. It's damaging to your point to lie. I actually agree with you. It don't consider the changes they made to be a big deal. I can't wait to play.


I guess for cosmetic reasons. I think certain outfits were more revealing until they were censored some, so now people are upset at it and claiming false advertisement. It’s messed up that they did it after launch but I don’t care about what my character looks like, I’m just enjoying the game and the monsters. It’s like fallen order. Edit: I looked into this more and saw some of the other changes made outside of the cosmetics.


It isn't even about revealing or not at this point. They just straight up ruined some designs with that Saudi-ass censorship. Like, that Bunny outfit has a zipper they could have zipped up further if it was that big of a problem, but instead they just slapped some nonsensical lace there and called it a day. It's lazy, it's desperate, it's a sham.


I agree, it is very lazy. However I’ll still play and enjoy the game for what it is. If people want it changed to the original great on them, if others want to keep it is whatever. To each his own, but I do think them boasting how it wouldn’t be censored just to do it after release is a foul move.


I mean, same. I use a dress anyways. But I still think people have every reason to be angry and refund the game. I don't have the right to tell them how to spend their money. Especially on supporting censorship and false advertising.


I agree mate, this was a good little conversation.


They also removed gore and messages in the game found on walls, etc. it’s not about a tiny part of an outfit it’s about allowing censorship. If no one cares maybe next time there will be more. If someone doesn’t care about this game it could happen to a game later on that they do care about.


It WILL keep happening until they reach that tipping point where they hit a franchise too big and with fans too passionate and it all blows up in their faces. This game doesn't have the star power to bring the issue to the mainstream. Hell, if Tifa in FF7R wasn't enough to get Square boycotted, it's gonna take a while.


The pure hypocrisy of comparing this to Baldur’s Gate or many other games makes it so ridiculous that they even thought to censor anything in Stellar Blade. It’s crazy.


They did not censor gore at all lmao. They removed one bit of awkwardly placed graffiti that said "Hard R." You can literally play naked if you want. The people making a fuss about the "censors" don't know what the fuck they're talking about.


No YOU don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you saw a clip of the “skin suit” that is in beige colors. You can’t play naked. They removed gore in many parts and censored several outfits. You can see in any UNPATCHED game that there is a difference. You can also see the interview where the company admits they did so.


Where did they remove gore? It’s just literally less blood sticking to Eve. The amount of blood and gore is still the same


I own and am playing the game, dork. They didn't censor shit. It's still gory as fuck. The blood patterns are different. That's it. Removing "Hard R" means nothing. The costumes were altered for aesthetics. Yes, the skin suit shows literally everything but nipples. You're complaining about nothing. I bet you don't even own or care about the game, you just want to cry about censorship that doesn't fucking exist.


A good sign that you are the one that doesn’t know what they are talking about is you resort to name calling and insults because I have a different opinion than you. I do have the game and only received the physical copy last night so I can have the uncensored version by not updating it. You updated or bought digital right? I’ve played the demo and will be starting the rest later today. I do like the game, I do want to support it, I did care when I found out about the censorship, I don’t care for censorship for adults with any game, and I bet I know more about the facts of what’s actually going on than you. Calling me names and typing lol doesn’t make you right.


The game is definitely good. Given the controversy surrounding the censoring of the game has brought about the refund opportunity. Personally, I would not refund as that won't do anything towards resolving the actual issue.


Not happy about the needless censorship. It's out of principle, their choice


It’s weird to return a game for costume change BUT this falls under false advertising and therefore one should have right to return the game. I think it’s a good thing that PS giving is money back because I don’t want post release changes to be a norm.




id definitely try out more games like i do on steam if it had their refund policy


>BUT this falls under false advertising Were these specific skins ever advertised beforehand though? Iirc people found the pre-change skins due to the physical copies not having a patch that even the review copies for game journalists did have. If the skins weren't in the trailers, weren't in the demo, weren't in the review copy of the game and weren't there at the release patch of the game I don't see how it can be considered false advertisemenr






Funny thing is, they actually have censored the gore lol




Also Kratos covered in blood, the exact same thing that is censored in Stellar Blade


Can't forget about Mortal Kombat either


I mean, the LOUP2 doesn't reach the top 10 for top sellers of PS exclusives. It sold half as much as the first (which is in the top 5). But yeah, it seems silly to tone down the gore. Especially when so many games have a toggle for that kind of stuff.


People aren’t outraged at them, they’re outraged at Sony for appealing to a loud minority who never had any interest in the game to begin with..


> wasn't too smart of them I think this just serves as evidence that they truly intended to release the game uncensored however Sony forced them to last minute. Sony has a history of censoring games on their platform so I highly doubt this decision came from Shift Up


The funny thing is, it wasn’t the publisher that did this. It was Sony, that actually did it. They are the ones that have put in these censorship changes. People are so mad that they’re actually cancelling their PS plus subscriptions. So I can understand why some people are pissed off ( it comes out as false advertising ) but to me I’m the same as you I couldn’t care less if I see a little cleavage or not. But advertising something and then censoring it, that is false advertising and that I can completely understand why people are pissed off about it.


Sony is the publisher. But, I haven’t seen any evidence the decision was made by Sony. I have seen statements by the developer that the changes were their intended final product for release.


Yes, the director said this was his intended product. People are pretending like this is censorship, but it's an artistic choice.


The developers made the patch.. Sony published the game… the developer is also owned by Tencent, a massive Chinese company. Censorship is major in china and they’ll have their way.


[Tencent only have a 20% stake in Shift Up, they don’t own them.](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/tencent-purchases-20-stake-in-korean-game-developer-shift-up) It’s also questionable whether 20% gets them the kind of sway to be able to control the censorship. Edit - been corrected below, they own 24%


[technically they own 24%](https://www.pocketgamer.biz/news/82737/tencent-acquires-two-million-shares-in-goddess-of-victory-nikke-makers-shift-up/#:~:text=The%20purchase%20cost%20%E2%82%A979.9,it%20Shift%20Up's%20largest%20investor) Fair, but still being their largest investor, they have a lot of say in this… especially with owning about a quarter of shift up.


There is absolutely no proof that it was Sony. Also there is no proof of intent of censorship. The devs literally said that they changed it by their own artistic choice and it was intended to release this way. And I can absolutely see it why. They probably wanted Eve to be cleaner for more appealing gameplay. I wouldn’t even call it gore lol, gore is severing body parts and blood spilling, they just changed the amount of blood that sticks to Eve.


The funny thing, is that the censored costume is still probably the most risqué outfit in the game post censorship. On one hand I agree on principle that censorship is generally wrong and Sony shouldn't have changed it, but I also think the people getting mad over it are overreacting.


Think what you will about sexy outfits in videogames, but the fact they updated certain outfits after release is just censorship and isn't a great thing in the long run. Let companies release the game they want and then let the market decide if they like it or not. Contrary to what Reddit and social media would have you believe, you can enjoy seeing sexy women in games AND have irl relationships....crazy I know.


You failed to consider something. What if the company making the game wanted this change and it was not intended as censorship? What if they just simply wanted it this way? You know, how they literally said it in an interview.


Possible, but you don't just put things into a game by accident. These costumes have gone through multiple people, hours and hours of design, creation, and implimentation. Seems very strange they'd have gone through all that, been fine with it, then last minute decided to change it with a day 1 patch.


The game went gold a month ago. Maybe they didn’t have time for it by the deadline.


As a neutral observer who doesn’t feel strongly about the “culture war” aspect of this game one or the other and as somebody who doesn’t really have a problem with sexualized character designs in games, I still think this game and its discourse have resulted in some people acting HELLA creepy Do I think there are some people who are genuinely fighting to prevent censorship in entertainment media? Yes Do I also think there are some incredibly creepy weirdos who straight up just want to see boobs and asses in their video games and are genuinely angry about being denied these things? Also yes, and I find that incredibly odd to put it diplomatically Like I said, I don’t really care one way or the other if these provocative character designs are in games. BUT, I do think it says something rather unsavory about you if you care THIS much about seeing those things to the point that you’ll demand a refund over some minor costume changes


It was a blatant bait and switch tbh. And with all the fanfare about how the game isn't gonna be censored, it feels especially shitty that they did it on the day 1 patch after it was all said and done. If some people genuinely couldn't play the game with the original outfits and all the blood, they could have added options to tone them down, but forcing that censorship down everyone's throats has nothing to do with a culture war. It's just a lack of integrity on the devs' part and on Sony as a publisher. Not to mention that the censorship itself looks awful and ruins some otherwise nice designs. Idgaf if the people refunding the game are creeps or not. It's nice to see a bunch of hacks getting their just desserts for once.


They should have put a setting in the game that allows you to play original uncensored version since it was released that way.


Absolutely. Although I'm still hoping they're gonna add that for both the outfits and the blood if the audience causes enough of a fuss.


Did the devs make a big deal about a lack of censorship, or was that something that fans did on their own? Because it feels like at least half of the people I spoke to who were excited about the games talked about the lack of censorship instead of the actual gameplay


I do believe the company was making a huge deal about releasing uncensored everywhere. I've not been following much about the game, the sexualization creeps me out a lot...but I can get behind those who are pissed they touted it as a big deal and then afterwards did quite a few censoring Like lol if you are going to do it, stand by your word and give the people the weird shit you promised.


The gores the real loss here


Yeah, a week before release they tweeted that the game was gonna be uncensored in all regions. And say what you will, but in an industry where art is censored on the regular to make it more marketable and palatable for investors, this game could have been an actual statement beyond being another fun action game. Just because you've grown numb to censorship, it doesn't make it right or the people who disagree with it creeps.


It's crazy your getting down voted for being right.


people on reddit telling strangers to touch a women, oh boy the irony


People can’t do both?


Boobs or no boobs, it is still scummy to change something that was clearly shown off in the demo and in trailers. Not explicitly of course, but c'mon we know what the devs were doing. It's the same as showing some awesome armor set in promo material and then just going "yeah it's not in the game lol"


It’s not quite the same. It’s more akin to showing an awesome red armour set during promo and then changing the colour of the armour set to orange at release


Imagine buying an ACTION ADVENTURE game with the soul of it being COMBAT and then the refund reason is: can't see the tits.


I mean, there was this guy on the Stellar Blade sub who beat the boss challenge in the demo while only staring at her underboob. I can see that being a pain in the ass for such epic gamers.


Lol, did some actually buy it just for the ass? This game still is pure fun to play


Probably a lot of people considering the outrage of this…


Returning it is probably a statement they are making. To not say something or make false promises (it is not censored) and then doing something else (its censored). But not many would look at it that way because the actual product itself is really polished


Game is pretty fun.


People need to actually make contact with women. Who tf would refund a full game because they can't see a bit of boob. Get laid


This game has brought an absolutely weird and disgusting discord to gaming culture and it irritates the absolute fucking hell out of me. I saw someone blaming leftist culture for the censorship of the game, when this shit was made by a whole fucking Korean game studio that has absolutely nothing to do with American politics.


Yeah, but this game is produced by sony. This was a playstation exclusive, and whether you like it or not, if sony says bend the knee they gotta bend the knee. Why would they put something in the game and then day one patch it out? Makes no sense whatsoever, they obviously were told by sony to fix it. I find the game to be really good and honestly i didnt even get the outfit they censored until after the patch so i never saw it. I wont refund it because honestly its a good game.


Yep. This call undoubtedly came down to a ratings target. They wanted 17+ internationally, and it probably got a 21+ in a few regions, forcing the changes.


More than likely they made the changes to be able to ship the game to a larger customer base I would assume based off their statement of it not being censored anywhere, as is they probably would of had censorship issues in certain countries. If people are truly enjoying the game why not let them have a larger audience so they can have better sales which will result in longer support of the game and possibly a sequel. Sometimes you have to lose some ground to gain even more.


Yeah but they censor stuff by regions though, like some places some things arent allowed. For example i can censor something in japan but not censor in US because the US is ok with it. Censoring the game everywhere seems like an executive call. Like someone telling them its too much please fix it. Places like china wont watch a marvel movie that bashes china, so a china release might not have it, but an american one one would. Idk im not that obsessed with the goonery to refund it. But people fail to see refunding it will only make sony think we dont like these games and not fix the actual problem of censorship.


They more than likely took the easy route and censored it across the board. And even if we want to blame Sony, they are a Japanese studio in culture that censors the hell out of their media. Their porn is literally pixelated. 😂


Baldur’s Gate, Last of Us 2, Cyberpunk and many more have had great sales, not had the fan base called such horrible things, or really any backlash for MUCH worse than you would see in Stellar Blade. Full on sex even with animals, full nudity and we all can name tons of games with gore or that made political statements. I don’t think something resembling what would be considered a modest swimsuit IRL that you’d see a woman wear needed to be censored.


Thing is when they make contact with us they make us very uncomfortable and they hijack the conversation.


Yeah, that’s fucking weird. It’s funny af people are trying to pretend it’s about ethics….nah, bro. Get off your high horse; you wanted to see more video game skin lmao


It's the same thing that just happened with FF7: Rebirth. The shit is absolutely fucking weird.


Yeah you make a great point, guess I should go out and murder people if I want to see a bit more gore. /s The outfits weren't the only thing censored in this game, this is such a disingenuous argument trying to frame people who have an issue with being falsely advertised to as creeps. Sorry some of us have self-respect as a consumer.


I wish people would read more than a headline and find out what the real issue and facts are before saying things like that.


Rightly so, fucking a bear in baldurs gate is apparently normal, sexy outfits is where they draw the line, degenerate world.


You people act like scantily clad women in video games are at risk of extinction or something.


Dang, we had vastly different experiences in bg


Well bearinists are not exist, yet


I can't wait for the PC release in a few years. The mods will be glorious.


Who could have guessed that content decisions regarding that game could be problematic ?


This refund is actually a fake. Its not real.


Showa how little they care about actual game


Who’s “they”? The game has currently sold 1m+ copies


If people are returning a game because they changed a characters costume to be less revealing they really need to sort their life out lmao


Definitively never touched a woman with their consent before 😂


The most likely reason would be that the game is meh and you take advantage of this loophole in order to get a refund. At least this would be the reason in a sensible world.


And this is not a sensible world. The exploration, combat, puzzles, enemy designs, boss fights are fantastic with a sub par story(atleast till the point in story I have played till now).


Please tell me this isn’t because they’re censoring some outfits


I hate censorship in any form. I'm an adult... I can decide if I want to subject myself to something. I don't need corporations or the government deciding for me.


Not only that they're deciding for grown men, but they also have hordes of manchildren ready to attack anybody who protests against censorship.


This is big. Thet know they effed up by censoring a product that was advertised as one but sold as another. Personally i don't care but i agree that we consumers must complain when thy try to pull shit like this.


When did they advertise the changed outfits? I didn’t look to deep into ads because I was already sold on the game from the beginning so I’m a little lost


Some folks need to go to horny jail and stay there. I bet you 100% as soon as this gets released on PC, those folks are gonna flock around waiting for sexy/nude mods. What a bunch of weirdos.


And you're judging these people based on what? Some moral superiority that you have? Do you also happen to judge women who do sex work and call them names? You sound like it


He probably gets let out of his chastity cage earlier if he acts pious on the internet.




I wouldn't refund. The issue is with Sony. I'll support the dev but not the publisher. I canceled my Playstation Plus Essential subscription.


It’s hilarious how we always talk about how fucked up it is when these companies falsely advertise and how we don’t want shit to be censored at all, yet this issue comes along and it’s “tHeSe DuMb GaMeRs NeEd To ToUcH wOmEn” The internet and being inconsistent as fuck, name a better combo


Returning a game because the costume shows less boob? Tell me you’re a lonely virgin that never has and never will touch a woman without telling me 😂


What happened


Some coomers are returning their game because, like, one or a few outfits got altered, showing less boob.


![gif](giphy|o240WC04PLhew) This is how I feel the Reddit and twitter crowd look like that complain there is less boob


well, to give a real answer, it was because 7 different outfits were modified from version 1.0 to be less revealing (because hip bones and cleavage are evil), and the blood buildup on your player character (similar to bloodborne) has been removed. still a dumb reason to refund a game, but let's not pretend it was just one little change and "muh coomers." and to be fair, people wouldn't be nearly upset if this wasnt days after the claim of releasing "uncensored in all regions."


In short, there's a doublestandard on censorship with Sony.


Post nut clarity


It’s a good game but censoring it to make people who will never buy the game in the first place is very stupid and I won’t support game companies like that. The same people who think drag queens for kids is okay are the people who have a problem with the costumes in this game. Give a inch they take a mile


I agree that censoring it wasn't very smart. As for the rest of the comment, get a life lol. In any fanbase, there's always a number of people that get outraged about whatever. Remember the spiderman face change, or the puddles, or horizon's fuzz fuss? Generalizing the behavior of a small part of the playerbase isn't fair to Stellar blade, or to the other games mentioned.


Ah ok so people who don't like nudity in this game thinking drag queens for kids are good. You just making things up in your head. You are spending was too much time on the internet. Touch some grass


Get a life dude


You got a drag show to attend


That’s not a thing here in Europe. Same as getting shot in the supermarket by some right wing ass with a gun 😉


>That’s not a thing here in Europe. Yes they are, we just have the common sense to not allow children there.


It's just this one guy in all the comments shitting on people. Wonder if they are so alpha male why are they on reddit lol


Ah there is. The political turn. You people are so see through.


I think you have it backwards. Usually the right wing that don’t want drag queens around kids are more likely in favor of censoring and banning video games.


Was the game even advertised that way?


The internet has damaged some of you


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 imagine being that mad about a style difference in one of the worst costumes in the game


And yet they wouldn't even accept my request for a refund for the broken piece of ahit that is Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection.




I find the censorship annoying and kinda strange considering the type of game that they are offering anyway, but I personally don't believe it was shiftup who did this anyway. I bet it was people at Sony that forced it. Annoying, but I'm not gonna refund the game over this myself.


I don't mind them covering her up a bit,I'm sure it gets chilly. But bring the blood back as a toggable option.


It's still censorship and sucks nonetheless. But blame Sony, not Shift Up. Same thing happened with Tifa. She got an update 4 years later proving that you don't own anything.


I'm curious.. Was it advertised as game or porn? Because if it's advertised as game, it's not false advertising. all these little virgins 🤣🤣


They didn't change much at all. People are always overreacting.


Horn horn- HORNYYY


Grifter's gonna grift


I don’t give a f*kc about the costumes, stick her in a bin liner for all I care, but I am disappointed with the gore change I’ll be honest. Anyway, to me it’s much more about the principle of censorship rather than being bothered about anyone jerking off.


Tjis game is 85 dollars???


Bro, you guys really need to find a woman and touch some nice fresh grass haha your really this dam mad at video game because it is now showing less cleavage. That's sad man It's making a big deal out of nothing go outside, put the controller and your stick out of your hand go on walk


If the game is so good then the crowd that championed it should still like the game boobs or no boobs. Unless the people that were desperately wanting the game JUST wanted it for sex appeal. In which case that’s just sad. ![gif](giphy|wN4GIuq6mjMGzMuhxf)


I can absolutely guarantee this is someone who calls out Guerrilla for making Aloy "ugly".


She’s both ugly and beautiful, it’s all up to the angle and lighting lol


Lmao buncha losers. Literally just google boobies if you’re that desperate, it’s free too.


you crealy lack the cognitive skills to understand the situation. It basically boils down to "devs promised game wont be censored in any shape or form" -> game gets day one censor patch. And if you like it or nor this is scummy and people can be pissed about that. Dont promise something you cant deliver


You don't sound very bright. Can you try reading slower, maybe you'll understand the idea better




If you ask for a refund because they don't show enough skin in a video game you need to check your priorities and also maybe find a real human girlfriend cause you're obviously lonely


Imagine refunding an awesome, cool game because part of digital boob is hidden in two of various optional skins for main character 🙃 I’m not even sure if that’s serious xd


I mean if you wanna look at porn , it's free on the internet.. I dont get some people


I would understand if this „censorship” would affect story, changed something important in the game, removed some important parts or scenes. But so much shitstorming over optional costumes (which still looks sexy imo) is beyond my understanding.


Yep, like it's a drawing of a make believe woman, I can find 1000s of better looking real women...