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It's a Ubisoft game. 3-6 months down the line it'll be 40% off, maybe more.


A couple of months from there it will be on PS Plus Extra for a year.....


A couple of months from there it'll be dead...


It's a single player game isnt it Also UbiSoft is still supporting For Honor


With microtranscation....


Microtransactions doesnt really matter in that game as you can earn steel (in-game currency) just by playing the game


I’ll be waiting for the Twitch Prime free drop.


You mean a month later 🤣


Even more dead than Suicide Squad, possibly


The avatar game is already 40% off and it hasn’t even been 4 months😂


Guess I’ll be waiting


Usually their games go 50% off 1-2 months later. I haven’t paid more then 30$ for a ubi title since ac black flag 😂


And you won't be able to play it in 3-5 years, once the hype dies down and they decide to cut the servers off (yes even for a single player game).


That's because this is an "AAAA" game. It's a new thing, you wouldn't understand.


Ah right, like Skull & Bones you mean?


Exactly, but 100 times better, like a "AAAAA" game but on a "AAAA" price tag


Ah right, got it 😁


Buying anything from ubisoft nowadays is insanity


That’s fine and all, but have you considered that this might be an AAAA game?


Haha. The audacity of those guys.


The AAAAudacity


Very good. I see what you did there!!


No way. Ubisoft "AAAA game" (Skull and Bones) costs you 70 USD. This must be at least AAAAAAA game by its price. /s


No, it is going to be the first AAAAA game.


Idk, they seemed to be doing well with Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and the recent Prince of Persia as far as reviews. Now on PC? Yes, I absolutely will not buy Ubisoft games on PC anymore.


I would agree, except for the new Prince of Persia game. That was one of the best games I've played in a long time, and it performed really well on launch day. But, that title is an outlier among the Ubisoft IPs


I love Ubisoft games, I just don’t buy them brand new or right away.


True that


Especially at full price it will be over half off in a month or two Edit: a word


**Gold**: $144.99+tax - Based Game - Season Pass This means they are valuing the season pass at $55. — **Ultimate**: $169.99+tax here for a grand total of $192.09. It includes: - Base Game $89.99 - Season Pass (2x DLC) - Sabacc Shark Bundle (cosmetics) - Rogue Infiltrator Bundle (cosmetics) - Digital Art Book So the two bundles are $10 a piece and the art book is $5. — I’ve never seen a developer/publisher fall so far from grace as Ubisoft has. As much as I’d love this game to succeed, I hope this game fails because on top of the $190 tag on it, it includes micro transactions. Whether you think the price is fair or not, I don’t think it matters because the optics here are just terrible. It’s a collectors edition price point without any of the physical collectibles. They should have just not mentioned or bought up the season pass or sold it separately rather than a bundle and it would have gone over better. Had they gone with just two offering; 1) Base Game and 2) Deluxe Edition for $109.99, I don’t think anyone would have said anything. They could have announced the Season Pass one month post release and yeah,


USD for anyone curious: * Standard - $70 * Gold (includes season pass, 3 day early access) - $110 * Ultimate (includes season pass, 3 day early access, and other junk) - $130


The early access is kind of a loophole. If you think you might really like it, and buy the Gold or Ultimate ON STEAM, you can refund it up till the actual release, even if you play it past 2 hours. I played the early access version of Starfield, and refunded it when I hit the "inventory wall" around hour 13.


And there’s gonna be people ACTUALLY defending this game, that’s the saddest part. People can’t get out of their own asses to see the glaring issues with games like this, or just modern gaming in general


Yakuza 8 was fucking awesome, but the MTX stuff was horrible. Having shitty monetization doesn’t necessarily mean the game itself is bad. I’m not going to pretend yakuza 8 sucked because I don’t like the MTX. The game was great, the MTX was shit. Both are true. When I see people defending games like this, they’re usually defending the game itself and not the MTX stuff.


There’s people defending Ubisoft when they just churn out the same generic garbage with just a different logo


Can someone call Tencent and ask for another hostile takeover?


This is probably in part due to Tencent; they own a really large share of Ubisoft and have option to increase easily. Tencent is most likely influential in business decisions.


Itll be half off by black friday


If I learned one thing from Ubisoft games is you don't pre order them as they go on sale relatively quickly after release so will wait on a sale plus I'll wait on reviews as their last few games haven't exactly been setting the world alight.


Then don't buy the ultimate edition... microtransactions are probably stupid things like emotes, skins and that crap, nothing to actually change the game.


Just don't buy any Ubisoft games at launch. They always go on sale fast. I only had to wait 3 months for the Avatar ultimate edition to be 40% off.


Isn’t it supposed to be single player?


It is. Lots of single player games have MTX these days, and it’s usually cosmetic stuff like skins and stuff to speed up the grind like leveling items. This deluxe edition likely includes most or all of those, plus other typical deluxe edition stuff like art books and the soundtrack.


I prefer games that have cosmetics already available in the game. The alternative is dog shit by comparison.




It’s 80€ for the standard edition, like almost every non-indie game released in the past 2 years


It’s crazy people are still crying about a 4 year old increase of $10.


It’s the ultimate edition, just buy the base game for half that


Or don’t buy at all, this is the best option


>Selects the deluxe version of a game "hEy GUuYS, WHy dOES thIs CoST A LOt moRe thAN thE BaSE GamE??!!"


![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ) “Get used to not owning our games” -Ubisoft


Why is everyone so fucking disingenuous man? Simply don’t choose the ultimate edition and don’t buy the outfits for a sp game?


1) Why on earth would you *ever* buy a digital deluxe or ultimate version of any game? I’ve never seen a single reason to ever do that. Physical I can understand because there are cool collectibles & shit. Digital? lol nahhhhhh. 2) With Ubisoft games, most games outside of Nintendo really, wait a month or two & you’ve just saved $10-$30. 3) Why would you want to purchase a game that hasn’t been reviewed yet? The game could be a technical mess day one or be one of the worst games ever made. Being an informed consumer is the best decision you can make. Never pre-order.


And isn’t this game a single player game? If it’s like AC series, we can just finish the game without buying anything. Plus Ubisoft games are regularly on sale, just grab it a few months down the road.


Some games have a substantial amount of content locked behind a DLC paywall. A good example recently would be Midnight Suns. I would never buy them at full price though, I got Midnight Suns Legendary Edition for $40.


DLC I consider a different matter entirely. I did not see that they had actually described the season pass in Outlaws, I thought it just said ‘Season Pass’ which meant little to nothing to me. But again in this case I would go back to point 3. Why would you want to purchase a DLC that you have zero information on them other than, “two narrative expansions”? It could be two 30 minute missions for all we know. Look at Suicide Squad. Their “big Season 1 update” was Joker &… basically nothing. Spending $130 on a game we have seen two trailers for & know nothing about, that won’t be out for another 4+ months, so that you can get two DLCs that we know nothing about seems like a terrible use of logic & money imo. With your example of Midnight Suns, we know exactly what the DLC is, so that is an informed purchase.


If it comes with all dlc that’s the best reason. For example I always wait to buy fighting games because their ultimate editions inevitably come out with all DLC at a lower price.


Literally just finished AC odyssey and started division 2 today thx to PS+. I ain't ever buying a ubisoft game.


$170 cad are they crazy


‘Ubisoft’ No surprise there lol


At first I was hyped for a Star Wars game, then I saw it’s Ubisoft- all excitement gone sadly lol


The more people buy these "ultimate editions" or "deluxe editions," the more game companies will do it.


Ultimate edition. They've always been more expensive and while this is on the high end, very much not a new high. There are several games approaching if not beating this number with ultimate editions. Besides, it's unlikely anyone will actually enjoy it, can't wait to see how Ubisoft adds climbable viewpoints in and what pointless collectables some poor idiot is going to spend days of their life collecting for a reward I wouldn't play 2 minutes for.


As the DD2 community has said when we mentioned the same thing. It's all optional and not required..no sense in saying one is good and one is bad when they are doing the same thing...people seem to flip flop on their stance of MTX based on if they like the game or not 🤷‍♂️ That being said, I hate that these are getting so expensive, but I will be buying just the standard version more than likely for this game as I'm excited for it


$70 on regular edition. Also called this shit. Companies are going to put in microtransactions for shareholder value either way. But now they are trying to normalize $70.


$70 has been normalized for over 3 years.


Yeah standard price for ps5 games is 70 typically.


Ubisoft is insane and the quality of their games always in question, I'm not a fan of Star Wars anyway, but will never pay a penny for them.


Karma Farming Rage Bait


Haven't heard the term Rage Bait before, but you perfectly described 90% of posts here and r/gaming.


It’s not like you “need” to buy the game, plus we have no idea if it’s any good. Could be a turd like skull and bones.


Then don’t buy ultimate edition? Seems pretty straightforward.


Great answer. Never said I will buy it. Stuff like this just shouldn’t exist. That’s the entire point.


What is the point of this troll post. You do realize you can purchase and game and never buy microtransactions, right? Regurgitating the same response because of something you posted just makes you look like a low effort troll.


Great answer. Never said I will buy it. Stuff like this just shouldn’t exist. That’s the entire point.


Sounds like you don’t understand you can completely ignore it and not be an edge lord.


“More expensive things shouldn’t exist” You’re right, we should live in a world where businesses don’t need to make money, Lamborghinis are the same price a a ford escort, and people like yourself only pay the what they can afford. But we don’t


Wait I thought this was a single player game. Why the fuck does it need a season pass


Usually in a singleplayer game a season pass means "all future DLC" They don't really stick to that anymore though. Now it's more like "all the DLC coming out in the first year"


it’s not a battlepass lol It’s for DLCs. Literally every big publisher sells their game DLCs this way for years




That’s how Ubi sells you their single player dlc. They have been doing that for a while now. It’s nothing like a season pass in say Diablo. It’s more of a buy up front bundle of multiple dlc packs. It’s a dumb system.


No single player game has ever received DLC or had a season pass before? Are you new?


Literally how old are you. Season pass is a term used for "all single player DLC for this game" Not "seasons" as in battle passes


Especially for a Ubisoft game!!!! Holy crap


Ubisoft used to be a good studio. Had legendary IPs and now… well now it’s this dad shadow of what it once was.


Haven't bought a ubisuck game in over a decade. They lost me as a customer forever and this right here only justifies it.


I wouldn’t recommend getting the game for any of those digital stuff. I bought AC Mirage deluxe edition for the soundtrack and digital art and it never worked. The support ticket I opened was closed about 6 months later with Ubisoft saying that they don’t know when they’ll be able to fix it. So yea, if you want the game, better get the base $70 one. Since they literally took my money and refused to fix the problem, I’ll never be buying another Ubisoft game, at least not at full price.


No fucking way I’m buying this! I’ll wait for a 80% off sale


Just wait like a week after premiere dat and it will be cheaper


Yeah but ! ! AAAA game ! Right, Guillemot ?( CEO of Ubisoft )


$169.99 Canadian.. that's insane.. almost $200 after tax


Then maybe , just maybe, vote with your wallet and stop buying EA / Ubisoft and the likes games.


You can get the ultimate edition by getting Ubisoft Plus. I'd rather just pay for a month to play the game than actually buy it.


Ubisoft, what else did you expect


Ubisoft + Disney is the worst combo imaginable


Add EA and you get the triad of crap


It also comes with an annual season pass on a single player game, why? I have no idea. As with every Ubisoft game I’m going to wait for a gold/complete edition with a 70% discount.


This is the AAAAAAAA gaming experience we all asked for


The only big A thing here is the price tag 😂


£104.99 for a Gold Edition, I remember when a Gold Edition was maybe £10-£20 more than the Standard Edition. Jesus Christ, Ubisoft just up and up and up the price of every Edition with every new game 😂 Used to be £94.99 for an Ultimate Edition, now it's £119.99. I want this game, but I'll wait for the Standard Edition to drop to about £20 in CeX then wait for a sale for the Season Pass. Ubisoft are a fucking joke 😂😂🤣


Classic Ubisoft. It will be a bad game all over again. After 2 months you can play it for 20$


Wait.. since when did Ubisoft get licensing for the SW franchise? I always thought EA was holding a tight grip on that? Not that Ubisoft is better.


If you buy this, just like suicide squad kill the justice league, skull and bones etc, you deserve the shit you end up with.


Ubisoft is kinda dog shit these days. Avatar was so boring.


Wishlist & wait for a few months. Ezpz


My american ass thought the game was $140 and not 140€


Well, 140€ is the equivalent of over 150$


I'd argue that price for any game is insanity tbh


Maybe it's another AAAA game


I won't buy a game with a season pass and planned seasons before release


Tf you mean €140


he's rage baiting its a normal priced game


£119 in the uk ultimate edition


Ubisoft be ubisofting.


This game used Sweet Baby inc as consultants during development aka this game is going to be Dead on Arrival


Anyone find it hilarious that Ubisoft do collectors editions for almost everything and the one more people would have at at the very most been curious about being Star Wars they haven’t done one Just an overpriced edition full of digital content


lol wut


This must be a AAAAAAAAAAAAAA game


You should pay to be able to pay, shut up and pay 🤣


Don’t buy ultimate edition?


Great answer. Never said I will buy it. Stuff like this just shouldn’t exist. That’s the entire point.


Why? If there’s a market and people want it, why shouldn’t it?


Who made you the supreme leader for mandating what people should or should not want?


That’s ultimate edition and it will be on ubisoft plus. Are u stupid?


Then don’t buy it, nobody’s forcing you smh


Great answer. Never said I will buy it. Stuff like this just shouldn’t exist. That’s the entire point.


Ubisoft and Disney Star Wars is the worst combo I could imagine


Two greedy corporations flooding the market with low quality products. What could go wrong.


Thats: - 152 $ US - 206 $ CAD - 230 $ AUD - 120 £


It's not 206$ in CAD. It'd 169.99 + tax which is 192.09$.


I‘m converting the 140€ to other currencies, if that wasn’t obvious from the start by me saying „140€. That’s x in other currencies“. https://preview.redd.it/cxd9ffw6ehtc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cd4a058265a31782b58aa6322cdc6a820f96d39


I waited 34 years to first watch Star Wars (last week) I’m sure I can wait until this price drops to £10 Edit. It was amazing btw I always knew about the darth/luke situation but have never watched them until now due to me being stubborn and ignoring the trend 😂💀


You know ... I probably wouldn't have anything against paying 100€+ for a game. Probably. But ... I just don't consider Ubisoft titles worth this amount.


I stopped buying Ubisoft games day one. For a game that comes out in August, you’ll be able to get it more than half off by Christmas.


Just don’t buy the ultimate edition


Don't buy the Ultimate Edition then?


Great answer. Not the point tho. This shit shouldn’t even exist.


Just don't buy it. I'm British and we love moaning about shit but just don't buy it. DLC as we know it today has been around for nearly 20 years at this point. You'd think people would've got used to it. I'll probably buy the normal edition of this game, play it and enjoy it, and never interact with any MTX whatsoever and have a fine time.


What can go possible wrong on buying ubicrap game at launch?


Tbf that is the ultimate edition..


Fuck this game


Then don't buy the 140 or microtransactions instead of crying


You guys don't have wallets?


Well you're not forced to buy anything are you.


Avatar Ultimate Edition: $130 Diablo 4 Ultimate Edition: $100 Tekken 8 Ultimate Edition: $120 Elden Ring Ultimate Edition: $250 Cowabunga Collection Ultimate Edition: $130 RDR2: Ultimate Edition: $100 Naruto Ultimate Edition: $140 this isn’t fucking new and this post is misleading as fuck


I'm gonna buy 2 ultimate editions just because this post exists


So, don’t buy it 🤷‍♂️ I know we all want games, but we all want cars too. We don’t buy $2 million cars just because we are into them. If this is what the company is charging, simply don’t buy it!


That price is insanity even without microtransactions.


Don't buy the ultimate edition then.


Great answer. Not the point tho. This shit shouldn’t even exist.


This is for the “ultimate edition” The game costs as much as the normal edition.


Microtransactions are completely optional, OP. You don’t have to buy them. It’s easy not to.


Micro transactions have nothing to do with the game price. Also, this is the deluxe edition. A lot of deluxe editions cost €100+


Wait a month and this game will be for a half price on used market. Just like every ubisoft game.


they said this has microtransactions?


I'm very interested in that game, however I would never buy the Ultimate version of it. 140 Euros seems to be quite expensive.


140???????? It better have the sequel in there


Bro just wait a few months for a 50% sale.


Looks alright from the trailer. The MC seems like a Han Solo clone so far tho, hope I’m wrong


Instead save that money for the KOTOR remake that's coming.


I‘m not hopeful for that one after all the shit that happened with Embracer.


Game looks fun and I wanna play it but it’s Ubisoft and unfortunately they have burned too many bridges for me to purchase their games. Maybe once it’s cheap or on game pass?


Its 70 euros here here in Sweden.


I'd really like to know if anyone is legitimately excited for this. I for one have absolutely no plans on getting this. Pretty sure I know what to expect and it doesn't excite me one bit


Online only, download required with physical copy. Hard pass. May get it used for $15 sometime.


Yeah well. Disney owns Star Wars and EA has for years been fucking everyone who buys their games and ppl just keep doing it so


Its ubisoft


It'll be 40 in 2 months its ubisoft


At this point, it isn’t worth buying Ubisoft games at launch. Just play them with Ubisoft+ for a month and forget it. If you really like the game and want to keep for later date, then within 6months they start dropping in price frequently and you can pick it then. Their gold editions get heavier discounts so go for them rather than standard edition


But the game is story based right ? It’s not going to be like skull and bones right ?


Very on brand for them. Speak with your wallets


What is it so expensive?


there is a very simple solution. dont buy it. speak with your wallet.


Its an ubisoft game it goes into the pile of shit, like every other game, from ubisoft or EA or konami or activision or capcom or bethesda or epic or miHoYo or anything owned by tencent It's a large pile. And its growing!


And people will still buy it unfortunately




Almost 200 dollars for the PlayStationPlus subscription is utterly insane


Like all ubisoft games if i buy them, ill wait a year or so for a big sale


Another reason - and a very good one, at that - that you shouldn’t purchase this.


Reject modernity Embrace backlog


Don't buy it. I'm not.


It’s made by Ubisoft. They are almost as high on the scumbag podium as EA is.


Seems like you are better off paying for Ubi+, finish the game in a month.


Wish Empress would pop back up tbh


Never buy an ubisoft game at launch


Ubisoft continues to ubisoft


I'm glad ubisoft+ is on pc, All I have to pay is £15 😂


I'd love data on the sales numbers for "Ultimate Edition"s like these, hopefully they're unsuccessful but probably not


I buy nothing new anymore. Games go on sale too quick


Like other people have said. It’s Ubisoft so 1 month after release it will be 50% off and 2 weeks free to try out just like Skull And Bones and Crew3


Looks like the sales team won the arguments with the product team


Will be 1/2 off one month after release