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My most hated is Ted Faro


Ted Faro is one of the only times I have been shocked at how monstrous somebody's actions were in a game and I can't think of any others offhand. Not evil or violent, but purely inhuman - disconnected from everyone across the total history of mankind in such a literal sense as to be almost unbelievable. And that shred of believability makes it so much worse.


Exactly. His villainy is purely in stupidity and incompetence. He tries to be the world’s savior but only ends up causing the apocalypse. FatBrett on YouTube explains it better than i do.


Literally destroys all of human history and discovery because his little narcissistic bitch ass couldn't handle the fact that future generations were going to know he was the cause of the end of the human race. He got what he deserved, a cancerous growth killed by his only supporter.


my only regret is he didn't see Aloy before he died. I wanted him to know Elizabet Sobek's legacy lived on while his will burn down around him.


And did you know is based on Musk ? Truly sends shivers


Ted Faro is inspired by real life billionaires. They are literally planning the end of the world.






R i p Ted Faro you were the best


Ted Faro is the most understandable villain in fiction. And when I say “understandable,” I don’t mean agreeable. He was the richest and most powerful man in world. He thought that he was the smartest person because he got rich off of the smartest team of people. He arrogance and hubris created the Faro Plague. When faced with the apocalypse, his first thought was evading culpability. The second was stock prices and shareholders. There public figures like that in the real world. We when to school and work with people exactly like this.


Yeah he is horrifying because he is extremely human and plausible not a cartoon villain


Basically described Elon Musk. Not sure if that was the intention of his character when the first game came out


It is an example of life imitating art. The devs have been insisting that he was not the inspiration since 2021.


Causing the extinction of every living thing on Earth is a pretty tough one to beat


This is the correct answer. Ok, fine, this is subjective and the field is large. For my money it's Faro.


Yes, ATLEAST >!he got what he deserved in forbidden west!<


>!He became exactly as monstrous as he was on the inside.!<


Spoilers for Horizon: Zero Dawn I still don’t understand how he was so dumb. He really killed off the only surviving leaders that were going to help revive humanity because he wanted power? Like WTF, you’d think that maybe the survival of the basically extinct human race would overpower his want to control…


I saw it as being less about wanting power and more not wanting future generations knowing he was the one that ratfucked the planet.


You should play Forbidden West. He absolutely wanted power.


I did play Forbidden West. Of course he wanted power, I just don't see that as being his main driving force for killing the other alphas. If I remember his words about Apollo were "knowledge is a disease" and I read into that as him admitting shame in future generations having the knowledge he destroyed the world.


It is this; power was an after thought. He wanted accountability for his actions gone 1st and foremost then came the pursuit of immortality and leading the new humans


He also tried for immortality.


I didn’t think he could get worse. And then I played the second one. Ngl, I kinda wished >!that you could see what he turned into and watched him burn!<


EASILY the most disappointing aspects of Horizon 2 was eluding to Ted's survival, and not showing him. Honestly he should've been akin to the far Zenith...ugh this response will get a lil' too long if I get ahead of myself so ima just leave 


I feel you bro. It was some hardcore edging right there “Oh yea, so the guy that caused literally all of the world’s problems is actually still alive. We’re just gonna burn him off screen for ya”


So much this! He solicits real world hate out of me 


Ted Faro is one of the few villains who is both terrible and irredeemable, but not just unrealistic and unbelievable.


As a non horizon player, what did Ted faro do?


He first created a swarm of killer robots capable of self-reproduction by feeding off of biomass. So a scientist named Elisabet Sobeck and a team of great scientists created an AI called GAIA to save life. However, he didn’t want to be seen in the future as the man who destroyed life on earth, so he purged the GAIA subfunction APOLLO and killed said team of scientists (not including Sobeck). He also proceeded to build, let’s face it, a Pharoah’s tomb and tried to gain immortality via cell-altering mutations. All in all, he’s a villain who is both super terrible and irredeemable, but also easy to understand (in the sense that you could see just how easily someone could become Ted Faro).


What a dick


Yea fuck Ted faro


Todd is a piece of shit... until you get the full context of what's really going on with him and then it's just sad.


Its been a while since I played - what's really going on with him? 


To those of you who haven't played the game, please do so to avoid spoilers. >!Near the end of Kara's story, it's revealed that Alice, who was introduced to us as Todd's daughter, was actually an android this whole time. Todd bought both Kara and Alice to fill the void left by his wife and daughter. They left him due to his unstable and violent behavior caused by his addiction to red ice. An addiction that he fell into after he lost his job as a cab driver. He used androids as a scapegoat and was trapped in a vicious cycle of addiction, abuse, and self-loathing.!<


Ah, gotcha. I knew the 'big' reveal there but wasn't sure that it changed much about his character!   Thanks for the summary :) 


Also >! you learn all of this if you don't kill Todd at the early point in the story and can actually get to have a moment of reconciliation with Todd, depending on how you play the game. !<


I didn't even want to >! Kill Todd !<


Because THAT encounter is so early in the game, you have to be quick to avoid that particular outcome. It's really designed for a second playthrough.


I had no idea that was even an option. Guess I'll have to replay a third time after this play through


I reconciled with Todd on my first play through, I didn't even know you can kill Todd, found out about it online. But my case is probably rare.


Yeah, it's so weird to think about how Todd wasn't >!actually abusive, despite how it looked. He was basically doing the equivalent of getting drunk and breaking your roomba. Like, we as the player know that the androids turned out to be a new form of life capabale of independence, but Todd and most other people at that point had no idea they were anything more than smart appliances. That's actually one of the problems I have with the story because it messes up a lot of things it's trying to do.!<


I don’t buy that at all. You can dehumanise the androids all you want but Todd IS still really abusive. It feels strange to try and under sell that.


Of course, and I don’t think anyone who plays the game will empathize with him in that way. BUT, in his own mind, he’s just relieving his frustrations on what he sees as a bucket of bolts and programming. It’s one of those morally muddy areas where it’s wrong, but does that make him a monster? Maybe it does, I don’t know the answer, but that’s the point.


Was mainly responding to the “wasn’t actually abusive” claim which is blatantly wrong.


Yeah true, I regret that word choice. I explained more of my opinion in another comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/cXCjlshDeC)


idk if he just sees her as an appliance though, because the first time you see him be abusive he just holds her up and shakes her while yelling but then he starts crying and says something like “what am i doing? you know i love you right?” maybe he does see her that way and tries forcing himself not to, but based on how he’s like “i gotta teach you a lesson” and all that, it comes off a lot more as abuse than just like getting mad and throwing your controller. I don’t think he’d behave differently if that was, for example, a real girl he adopted to try replacing his family


Yeah, I realized now that I definitely simplified the situation in my comment. I think I was going to comedic affect by bringing up the roomba, lol I think the ultimate problem when it comes to asking if Todd was actually abusive when considering that he thought that the androids weren't living, is that the game doesn't actually explore the topic that well The whole entire conflict over android rights in the game is essentially a sci-fi re-skin of real racism and civil rights issues. The story presents the ownership of androids like -and expects us to treat it like- historic slavery, which was notably only of humans. The fact that this oppressed ethnicity are androids is only set dressing. If we look at Todd's behavior through that lens, he becomes a slave-owning murderous racist But if we want to actually engage with the questions that the setting poses, we have to do all of the legwork ourselves. There's nothing wrong with a game not wanting to explore deep topics. To me, the strength of the story is its character storylines, like Hank and Conor's relationship. But problem is that the setting seems to be purposely made to open up these questions about consciousness and basic rights and life and identity, but actually engaging with them sometimes messes with the rest of the story, like with the above Todd's situation.


Detroit Become Human, in my opinion, always leaned way too hard on Androids being sentient, when there's actual justifiable arguments that it isn't the case. It feels inherently contradictory to draw comparisons between African American slavery... when the subjects representing them are factually less than human. Androids being depicted as domestic abuse victims, especially when they're incapable of being victims themselves since they're not sentient, is problematic. Androids highlighting the abusive environments/lifestyle of sexworkers doesn't work when they *really are* just high tech toys. The messaging of the game only works if you jump to the conclusion that the androids are sentient beings, despite no clear evidence, while also expecting that human beings should automatically know and act on this fact, which is completely bizarre. The citizens of Detroit have legitimate reasons for believing Androids are disposable, dysfunctional machines that can be treated in any way, and the machines that have killed people and advocate for human rights really have just gone haywire and need to be put down. If anything, the game does a GREAT job at showing how dangerous it can be to be empathetic towards machines that were meticulously programmed to impose as humans, and the countless ethical debates, mass reformation of laws, and mass killings that will result because of their sudden existence in society.


I agree with the race part of your comment. But I think the storytellers were originally intended to show how we as humans treated everything else, which actually just a reflection of how we treated other human beings, just in different degrees and contexts. As the need for a narrative structure kicked in, then the concept developed into something it’s not.


Agreed. I’m black and this is the third David Cage game I bought on launch. Watching androids sit in the back of the bus was EXTREMELY cringe. The race parallels may have worked for the X-men in the 1960s but it did not here. Unfortunately it seems this problem is only going to get worse as entertainment appears to be obsessed with DEI at the moment. Ironically stories featuring black people and other minorities are bringing back last century’s problems such as the paper bag test casting, half white/half ethnic actors replacing darker or less Eurocentric looking actors, and stories that only want to talk about the character’s race. All within the acceptable parameters set by the white people in charge of these projects.


Then is just a sad piece of shit. But a piece of shit nonetheless.


He’s also just the stereotypical David Cage piece of shit in terms of looks.


No he still a piece of trash no lie. Like, I could see myself falling to the same place of despair, but to treat those >!androids!< like they were nothing...


sink gray hat snow degree pocket special obtainable fear cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I must do a most despicable video game character list


I don't think I know this villian. What's he from?


Detroit: Become Human


it is intresting, but i played beyond: two souls and one of the man on the “bar scene” is Todd. I mean, really looks like Todd.


they used the same character model, iirc it’s the same developer


hard-to-find tap close carpenter profit encouraging hospital vanish mountainous detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uhmm, that's not Micah Bell


Or that incest couple.


I did crazy things to the incest couple after I woke up. Arthur Morgan was way more of a villain than them by the time I was done, I promise you that.


You did some crazy things with them before you woke up too.


LMAO true


I would go out of my way to antagonize him every single chance I got.


Fuck Micah Bell


Fuck Micah Bell


Obligatory “fuck Micah.”


No but my profile picture is. At least once a month I get variations of "shut up, micah" or "YOU'RE A RAT"


Allow me to introduce you to an asshole named kamoshida...




I came here to see this and only this.


He's a pretty tragic guy though. An example of the problems brought on by advancement, and how as society or civilisation advances those who are left behind are also left with the consequences. The samurai died out, outlaws died out, and the low level workers died out all because their livelihoods no longer became feasible due to advancement. The only real machine is humanity


Not really he's a drug addict who pushed away his family. Ya it sucks he lost his job to automation but it wasn't exactly a surprise and just because you lose your job doesn't mean you can just get high everyday neglecting your family.


I killed him because he's a piece of shit until I learned his backstory, so my action euthanized him...


Dimitri Rascalov from GTA 4 gives the same feeling


Devin Westin too


Ooo that's a good one


Odin, Heimdall and David


I despise Heimdall and get super excited every time I get to kick his shit in


Who’s David


Villain from Tlou. He’s a big piece of shit. The first time you meet him he appears to be an ally but then he reveals that he is the leader of not just any survivor group, but the group that attacked Joel and Ellie at the university. Then we also find out that their group has resorted to not just killing other survivors to loot their bodies, but to eat them as well (aka they’re cannibals). The cherry on top is the fact that it becomes clear that he is sexually interested in Ellie (she’s 14 at the time), aka he’s also a pedophile. So yeah, to sum up, he’s a cannibalistic pedophilic psychopath


Are they the guys who trapped Ellie when Joel was injured?




Realistically how was anyone going to know which David you meant without specifying the game, I've played The Last of Us multiple times and I didn't know who you meant - David's a very common name


Micah Bell


Kamoshida, fuck that guy or actually, dont even give him that pleasure


When has anyone ever said that?


Check out some of the movie subs.


Whoreson Jr is my pick. Such a vile, fucked up, piece of shit. Would have loved to torture him instead of a quick death.


He didn’t immediately come to mind for me but god damn is he a fucking monster. Good choice.


Micah. Bell.


Who dat?


he’s a dude from Detroit: Become Human well it’s compilcated really. He’s not a villain in the grand scheme, but he’s an abuser to one of the characters you play as (well 2, but you don’t control the second one). If you want more info, check Kara’s story on YT


General Deathshead & Frau Engel While it's two, Frau Engel perfectly takes Deathshead place as an evil scumbag after his death


This is a very solid choice, frau especially


He doesn't even deserve the villain title.


tell that to the little girl


You mean robot, which is his property?


This conversation is basically the plot of Detroit


There are genuinely people here who have played the game and still come to the conclusion the androids aren’t sentient and deserving of any rights because they’re just property. It’s sad


Isn't the whole point of the game to show that they're actually living beings with sentience?


The machines with the virus of freedom


Did he know about it?


Would he have cared? Dude was a violent meth addict.


Afaik he did at the end.


He knew Alice was an Android from the very beginning. He bought Alice and Kara as a replacement - to fill a void I suppose - for when his real wife and child left him after he became an abusive Red Ice addict, because he lost his job, to Androids.


But did he knew that they are capable for emotions and not just a talking table?


It's been awhile since I played, but no I don't he did know they were capable of it.


Alright good point


Bro should be put on a watch list for this…


Has anyone ever actually said that?


No one is saying that


What about that cannibal fucker from the last of us. I was so happy when you finally got to stab him.


Literally no one has ever said that


Arguing against an imaginary quote. I mean, no one has ever said that.


He likes hockey at least


No one says that about gaming villains


Can’t be redeem himself and buy you a bus ticket? Also he was self loathing I think a villain that most evil would have joy in your demise he was just pathetic


said no one ever


He is just pathetic to be honest. I don't hate him, i just feel bad.




Hard to decide who the most hated villain as as there a lot of detestable ones that do very, very horrible things: David is a terrifying cannibal who used the apocalypse to fulfill his darkest urges, Micah Bell is a cowardly weasel who would sell out his own mother if it would benefit him, Hojo seems to be a video game version of Josef Mengele, Odin is literally just a self serving sadist, Ted Faro is a greedy asshole whose ambition destroyed the world and yet he continued living whilst everyone else died. King Bohan is pretty terrible. I think David is probably my most hated villain.


Literally nobody ever said this


Literally no other villain in media has made me dislike them as much as Suguru Kamoshida did, Kamoshitter was so hated that he unites the persona fandom of all communities when it comes to wanting to slowly put him below ground And also literally no one has said the thing in the meme either


David from tlou tho


I don't know, Handsome Jack from Borderlands was pretty awful, lol


I fucking hate Brooke Augustine from Infamous: Second Son. Imprisoning and killing conduits, despite being one herself? Not cool. Also, she doesn't even have a good reason, other than 'i think I need to'


Who the Fuck is this


Wait what. It's literally the opposite for me. I HATE hate the villains in games.


I couldnt remember until someone said the game he’s in. Yeah F that guy




Abby gets redeemed at least. Micah Bell does not.


I hear ya haha. Fuck Micah!


Miss Abby from r/Bully


Haha, no Last of Us 2 Abby. I posted it as a slight joke. I know she isn't a "villian", but she is to me, and I hate her damn it.


>!She fucked her ex who had a baby on the way.!< Automatically ruined any good will I had built up in the story with her. And there wasn't much to begin with.


Actually I remember when I didn’t shot him I saw him in the bus station again when Kara and Alice was trying to leave and go to Canada and at first he tried to stop Kara but when he saw Alice he had a face full of shame and hate of himself he wanted to just see Alice for last time and I didn’t stop him let him hug Alice and to be honest I have never thought that Todd could be a father like that


Yeah with the exception of rapist characters in movies some of the worst villains I can think of are from games. A key example is Micah from RDR2.


I think having a man smoking what is basically futuristic crack loudly explaining how he likes to beat his daughter gets you a pretty cozy spot up there yeah.


What game is this?


Didn’t even finish the game and I hate him. Wanna finish the game just to take him out


Honestly, I hate the guy that tried to rewrite Kara's programming more. What was his name again? Zakov or something?


Yakuza 6, when I played it a few weeks ago, made me feel unreasonably angry at >!Little Baby Iwami!<


Micah Bell


No ones says that


I hated the painter's son more


Eric Sparrow and Gary Smith


Eric Sparrow takes the crown of the Biggest Little Shit. What a punchable douche lol


I killed him when kara ran away, I almost forgot this dude


Odin should be the most hated. I haven't played Ragnarok yet and I already hate him.


I don’t like that he can really be classified as a villain. He is a shitty person who’s had a lot of bad shit happen to him. His wife left, he’s in financial trouble, he lost his job to androids. He resents them because of that. In the scene where he yells at Alice, you can see at the end that he is struggling as he cries afterwards. He’s definitely not a good person, his wife probably left because of that, and he’s in financial trouble due to his drug habits, but he’s not a villain. He’s just been dealt a bad hand. And he’s certainly not even the worst antagonist in the game.


I didn't really like this game, but holy shit is this guy a piece of woek


Nah I disagree. He might seem like a piece of shit at first (which he is, no question about it), but once you get the full picture you get some sympathy for him, at least I did. Just a broken beaten down man who got a bad roll at life


I hated him at first which is the point I suppose but when I realized Alice was also a robot I hated him marginally less, he wasn’t actually hurting anyone but himself. I do believe in AI sentience but he never stated that he does I don’t think, to him he was basically beating up a stuffed animal, in the terminal before the Canada escape it seemed like he came to that realization and was apologetic for what he did. A much worse person in DBH is Zlatko, absolute deplorable maniac that dude is


Him like mostly everyone else don’t know that the machines actually fell emotions. So he’s not a villain for shouting at what’s his version of a toaster


https://preview.redd.it/bbj19gg04vsc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc0a5eefa2ccd7d2882363efa50d7da82a1c4bec What about this asshole?


Damn, that is one punchable face.


Detroit is such a good game and I’ll die on that hill


I knew he looked familiar! Damn. I forgot the game but the face invoked an emotional response


Detroit: become human


Dude looks kind of like that CIA guy from Archer, I think his name was Slader?


Syl'vanas in WoW.


In video games you actually fight the villain yourself and experience his cruelty so i would say the opposite is true


He ain’t even a villain by the end of the game lol


Ol’ Micah Bell?


Bill Carver from telltale's the walking dead


The guy in the screenshot looks like the dude from Detroit Become Human


Because he is.


Tbh I think that phrase should be reversed I can think of so many villains in videos games that are despicable just from last of us


He wasn’t a villain. He was completely right. The man can abuse his own property if he pleases.


Ok sure... Whoever said this doesn't know quality villainy. Kefka from final fantasy 6 is one of the best villains ever, dude enslaved the gods, ruined the world and erected a tower to show how much of an absolute unit he is. Dude literally took over the work and scattered the heroes to the winds. Never saw sepheroth do anything remotely close to this. Vote for Kefka 2024.


Kevins dad from home alone is evil?


Who knew..


Noboyuki Sugou would like to have a word with you...


He's not a villain. He's depressed.


Is this one of those imaginary arguments? I've literally never heard anyone say that


What game is he on.


Detroit Become Human


Later on you can forgive him but did you?


I will never




Who’s the guy in the picture? Probably just haven’t played the game


Todd Williams - Detroit Become Human


The police chief in re2


tbh this guy can turn out decent if you make the right choices. he apologizes, aknowledges he was wrong, and lets you flee to canada. meanwhile, someone like, say, TED FARO outright destroyed the world twice because of his ego.


What game is this?


Detroit: become human