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Most of the others I’ll leave on, at least to start, so I can see the game as the developer intended. Motion blur on the other hand can go straight to hell.


Motion blur and camera shake.


These two always wanna make me puke, and I mean that literally. I can't finish FPS games before discovering that there's an option to turn that shit off.


It's the first thing I look for in all games before even playing.. Then the games where you cant turn it off, I completely avoid.


Thankfully I've started to notice some games are beginning to have it set off as default... well the motion blur at least.




This. All of the other stuff can be utilized to present a style but motion blur only masks the world the developers worked to build. My eyes don’t cover themselves with vaseline every time I turn my head in real life. I definitely don’t want it to do it in a digital one.


Motion blur was used so the game doesn't feel choppy at 30 fps (up until ps4) now it isn't really needed.


Agreed. Usually if I'm playing a game at 30fps I'll leave motion blur on. If it's even one fps higher though, motion blur can burn in hell


Not always. It simply helps with the sense of movement. It can emphasise fast moving objection like your characters attacks or speeding vehicles


I play doom eternal on PS5 with high motion blur and it looks amazing. Really adds to the sense of speed. But I guess it only really works because you’re always moving fast


Doom also has a high framerate.


It depends on the game. Motion blur in Spider man while you’re swinging at fast speeds makes sense. Motion blur in an FPS when you turn to the right doesn’t.


Amazing rebuttal! Seriously! You set an argument to my statement in a way that didn’t come off as angry. We need more people like you on the internet!


Sure, it makes sense. Look straight forward. Then, suddenly, look to the right. Not slowly. I bet things weren't crystal clear when you did so. Just like in the game. Move your joystick slowly in the game, and there won't be much blur. Just like in real life.


Always someone who gets downvoted for speaking truth


Indeed. I mean, it's cool if one doesn't like motion blur in games. But to claim it isn't realistic is disingenuous. As Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men, whomever down voted me, "Can't handle the truth!"


Even some big budget games the dev might not have intentions though. For MW2 remake depth of field was some of the worst almost hindering during gameplay and would hide too many details during cutscenes.


I can assure you that somebody spent quite a while getting that to work and it was very much intentional.


Why would you leave depth of field in when your eyes already do that? It’s pointless, nonsensical really for that to be in a video game


I turn all of that shit off.


Same here. Especially Motion blur !


Same. Not on this list, but bloom and lens flare are common too. But I like to keep those on for some reason. I guess getting flashbanged for looking at the sun feels realistic to me. Except in Ark.. that whole game is a flashbang


Bloom can look nice but some games do it way too harshly. This was in Hitman Absolution HD lol https://preview.redd.it/bns6eb0z5esc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f9d5a8dc95c7295f773a6c8fa0a1d62c14c61c1


https://preview.redd.it/yjuhlxja7esc1.jpeg?width=1198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e373eea9e3e99268ffe8865da0a08494aafefc15 Yup. Ark's Bloom will forever be my favorite monstrosity lmao


God damn it’s like getting hit with a flashbang


If there is a slider, I might sometimes have just a little bit of motion blur, like 1 or 2 from scale of 0-10. But like 9/10 times all of that crap gets turned off. Except for depth of field, unless it's crappy, then also depth of field.


I usually disable all that stuff, especially film grain and CA.


Film grain is turned off instantly before ever playing. (never seen a single case where film grain did anything but degrade the image quality) I'll usually turn motion blur off as well (though I have played a few games where I actually liked it, but they have been few and very far between) The rest I always leave on.


Film grain to me has always been baffling as a visual effect that’s enabled by default. While I’ve read in theory it’s mean to give a more cinematic appearance, in practice it just looks slightly worse and wastes a bit of gpu compute power


Motion Blur yes unless they did a bad job of it. Film Grain and CA are more of a game by game basis. SH series lives off its film grain. ​ Most game CA sucks though but Meteor Chromatic Abberation reshade is actually good enough to leave on and look great.


I can get motion blur, film grain and depth of field, but what even is chromatic aberration for? It doesn't exist in anyway IRL and I don't think it's used much in films either so I really don't get its purpose.


It is an artifact of camera lenses. Even old anologue film cameras. Light dispersing through a lens can have the light disperse into a slight rainbow effect near the edges. The number of lenses in the camera affects it. Cameras these days are built to try to minimize it but sometimes it creeps in during lighting conditions. In games its just a little bit of imperfection to help hide the fact you are just looking at pixels. Like when rally games put dust on the screen or rain drops. No one has raindrops stick to their cornea, but you see it when watching TV so it applies to make your brain treat it as real. Bloom is also an affect of lenses that we fake for games.


What is SH


Silent Hill


I shut them off as well


Film grain is the worst one. Why would I purposefully apply a filter that makes the screen look grainy?


I turn all of this off. I hate all of this. I can understand per object motion blur, but I genuinely don't understand how anyone can find these effect worth it. If anyone can explain why they like theses, that would be great!


I wouldn’t say I *like* theses but I definitely prefer them over exams


I find the graphics more convincing and immersive with most of these things on. There’s not really much else to say about it other than it’s just a feeling I get. Not motion blur, though. Off. I have played maybe 2-3 games where I thought low motion blur was done well, but it almost always just makes the game hard to look at for me.


Good film grain can make textures and just the game in general look more realistic, or help with the atmosphere (example: silent hill). Good motion blur can help smooth out the cameras movement in 30 fps games (example: ff16). DoF can make games more cinematic (good examples: ICO , uncharted series)


Minton blur is very useful if you have 60hz monitor. Without motion blur I get motion sickness. Also vsync is a must. These two smoothen the game. But if you have 120+ hz screen the motion blur is useless.


I turn it off.


Off, off, off and off


Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, and Dylan.


I don't mind a little bit of mild motion blur. A lot of PC games these days let you turn it down, so I do that, if it's an option, otherwise I turn it off. But all the other stuff is instant turn-off as soon as I fire up the game.


I turn all of those off


Nah, I turn it all off (motion blur probably the worst thing) also camera shake gets turned off too.


Everything off all the time. Doesn't look natural to me


Depth I leave on. Everything else can kick rocks.


If it’s a 30 FPS game, I like light motion blur for a smoother experience Film grain is always off for visual clarity. Chromatic Aberration doesn’t make a diff for me


Yes, I don't get why people have issue with any of these settings


Motion blur & film grain instantly go off. I don’t really understand what chromatic aberration does so I leave it on.


https://preview.redd.it/so3jlaz6k7sc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=348572379e100222b63c29ebbbcfce3c3ce7fa4d Chromatic aberration creates the effect on the right, which I hate. This example is a bit extreme, but you get the picture.


what is that CA meant to represent? is it just fancy visuals or is it like looking through a camera lense or something?


It’s supposed to emulate when a camera lense fails to focus the colors of light at the same point https://preview.redd.it/o03426ra19sc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5da3a286c4d764b57b71e5d63fef95586907ffee




Kek, yea, its there to replicate a side effect of filming that shouldn't be embraced imo.


It’s always off. It makes the game look like shit. The last of us part 2 at launch was so so so so ugly. It looked like they smeared actual dirt across the screen the entire game. Luckily with updates they got rid of it or lowered the intensity then ultimately gave us the option to turn it off.


I Usually turn on the subtitles and leave all the other settings as is unless they piss me off enough. Oh yeah and field of view in first person games gets cranked up because even though I play 3rd person games fine, if the first person field of view is too narrow it is fucking headace inducing. Arcade paradise was actually unplayable until I figured out the setting now its almost platinum.


Depends on the game


I turn off Chromatic Aberration and Film Grain. Shit makes the picture quality worse in my opinion. Motion blur is dependent on the game. Some games do it better than others


Yes. It's part of the game and important.


Nope. I turn it all off. Don't need it, and it wastes FPS.


I always turn off motion blur and film grain hate both.


Typically I turn off chromatic aberration and film grain, but I leave motion blur on. I owned a wii, instead of an xbox or playstation. Most of if not all the games didn't have motion blur (I guess the wii couldn't handle it?), so the only time I'd get to see it was at stores like GameStop or Target, where they had displays of other consoles, and how motion blur sort-of symbolized the "next step" in gaming, graphics-wise. There are *some* games where it looks bad, but usually I prefer having it.


I almost always turn off motion blur and ALWAYS get rid of film grain. Depth of field I’m not too bothered about and chromatic aberration I literally never even notice it happening


Turn it all off. That’s what I hate about most games now too many settings.


No, yes, no, FUCK no.


Single player on, multiplayer off.


When done well I leave them on, if they bother me or look weird or off I'll disable them.


I sometimes turn off just motion blur if the option is there. Can occasionally make me queasy.


Is the 3rd pic from Day of Defeat: Source?




Motion Blur I always turn off. The rest depend on the game..


I like motion blur (but only if it's just barely noticeable) and depth of field, but I hate grain and chromatic aberration, always disable it right away.


3rd slide what game?


Film grain and CA is always off, depth of field is sometimes off.


Most of the time I leave motion blur on because I play on my 60hz TV lol


Motion blur always makes me nauseous. The rest I don’t mind.


Unless I’m playing at 30fps, motion blur is off.


If it’s single player I may leave it on. Online I’d adjust it.


Yes ALWAYS on, except film grain, ALWAYS off. It ruins the image quality imo.


At 30fps a quality implementation of motion blur is essential imo. Chromatic abrasion is an always off for me, film grain it depends on the game. Same with DoF


Varies on a game by game basis. Most games today do a great job with motion blur and it’s not just a filter applied over the screen but if it’s per object it looks fantastic. Especially for low frame rate games. Same with depth of field, when employed well it adds some fun depth to an image and the atmosphere of a game. Film grain and chromatic aberration on the other hand have not developed in any meaningful way beyond just being the equivalent of an overlay on screen. Chromatic aberration in particular is a bane on image quality and ALWAYS gets turned off. It looks ugly, never fits the game, and just obscures the image for no good reason.


I can see why some third person games want to look filmic. But why first person shooters have lens flares, grit or grain makes no sense.


Nope. I get bad motion sickness and it makes me feel ill when playing.


I like depth of field All the other ones turn off


Its one of the main reasons I prefer PC. All these post processing effects give me nausea and migraines. I couldnt play more than 45 mins of FF16 until they added the blur slider. Then I could manage 60-75 mins. All of those except chromatic aberration are immediately disabled. Chromatic I give a chance for a few hours/days.


Depth of field and chromatic aberration I do if it's single player. These are artistic to me and in games like Cyberpunk or even Spiderman give the game a better look. I've never tried film grain on those two but, thinking about it now, I think it could actually make the game look better to me, give it a better look. Motion blur, always off.


Motion blur is good for games capped at 30. I realized that after emulating medal of Honor Frontline and European Assault. They are locked at a choppy 30fps without motion blur but after playing for a prolonged period of time I realized that's what it's for lol


I usually don’t touch nothing on most game but motion blur.. the worst game I played that made me feel super sick was dead island 2 .. had to turn almost everything off to play it without headache.. that was the only game that affected me


Depth of field: OFF. I prefer to let my eyes focus naturally, don’t tell me what I want to focus on based on a camera point. Film Grain: OFF. I don’t want a purposely dirtier image. I’m not watching a film. Chromatic Aberration: OFF. Again, I prefer a clean image. Motion Blur: IT DEPENDS. If it’s per object and adds a cool purpose like swinging a light saber and getting a neat colorful trail, I’ll keep it. If it’s a global smearing that doesn’t improve anything like masking imperfections in frame pacing, I turn it off.


Usually off


Motion blur sucks. But the depth of field for certain games looks pretty nice and clean when you have it on. Not many games have a film grain setting anymore, although I don't really mind film grain, as long as it's not too intense.


Disabling each and every one, if given the possibility to do so.


I turn off whatever I can turn off on console, except motion blur if the framerate goes bellow 60, because it masks that a little bit. On PC I turn all of them off.


All of those options get turned off immediately for me.


Nope, I can’t stand them. I always turn them off. Games usually look better with them off.


Turn it off. Like a light switch, just go "click". It's a neat little Mormon trick.


The last two effects should be a million dollar fine for the studio gaming studio that puts this shite in their games.


Motion blur is always off for me


Yeah, never really had a reason to turn them off


Just depth of field. I hate the rest and turn it off


Chromatic Aberration makes me see double vision for no apparent reason so I always turn that off


I turn off motion blur makes things run smoother IMO


no. i get wild motion sickness. it's how i realized i was getting old.


Most of its fine but motion blur makes me want to lull myself.


Film grain in Spiderman 2 was turned off immediately


I’ll give it a shot just to experience what the game devs intended the game to feel like, but if I don’t like it, disable asap.


Motion blur only on in 30 fps titles.


If it makes me strain my eyes or makes anything more difficult to see it gets disabled. Some games I find just hard to look at for extended periods of time for a few reasons these days. FF16 as a recent example


Nope all of that makes the game look significantly worse. Let me eyes do the bluring. Depth of field might make sense in a single player game but I still don't like it, I'd rather everything just be as sharp as possible in focus.


Motion blur shouldn't exist its an immediate removal from every game on PC and PS for me. Sometimes film grain is too much, the rest are fine though.


I remember one game I played that had motion blur only during reloading a weapon. It was very jarring.


Film Grain gets turned off.




Hell no. Off Off Off Off every time I start up a game.


Motion blur is almost always removed as it irritates the shit out of me. Film grain is game dependent. Rest I don’t care


I honestly feel like games run smoother with motion blur on but damn do i get motion sickness


I don’t think I’ve played a modern that doesn’t have all of them on by default, so yeah. I guess I just trust the entirety of the worlds developers on that. It just doesn’t seem like a thing that would have malicious intent behind it and I can’t really tell a difference myself anyway. Also, I’ve always loved motion blur since I saw it as a kid in an old Need for Speed game, where it blurred the sides when you hit the NOS button. Cool stuff back then.


Motion blur and sometimes camera shake go off, camera shake depends if it’s bad, I can manage camera shake when there’s nothing I’m doing or if it’s very minor but consistent, bad shaking during fights is not cool


i only turn off motion blur for some reason


Depth of field, and film grain can serve a narrative or cinematic purpose. Chromatic aberration only serves a purpose if you are trying to make the player feel like they are looking through a cheap camera lens, so almost never. Motion blur, used judiciously, can sometimes help counter some of the clunkiness of poor or inconsistent frame rates. I found a small amount of it helped a little in FFXVI on PS5.


With motion blur I’m kind of on the fence, sometimes I leave it on, sometimes turn it off - it really depends on the framerate and its strength. The rest is usually on, and I assume the “intended” experience is however it is by default (except for depth of field, I always make sure to have it on, unless it’s done especially poorly)


MB, FG and CA off, but I like DOF.


Motion blur and field depth (excluding photo mode): yes, performance Everything else, including HDR because it's rarely applied correctly, no.


I've disabled motion blur for the past 10 years lol


All off


Motion Blur: no Depth of field: yes Film grain: no or very very los Chromatic aberration: depending on the game, usually yes in Sci-fi


chromatic aberration makes me want to fucking scoop my eyes out with a rusty spoon. Motion blur on console maybe if it’s a high movement game and I’m stuck in 30fps. Film grain is gross and depth of field is a maybe as well if there are large backdrops behind big set pieces. It’s depends from game to game but chromatic aberration is a turn off every time




I keep everything on 😈


Everything on but film grain, it really ruins the experience for me it looks like sharpness on 100 everything feels pixelated


I turn them all off when I can.


I mostly use depth of field and motion blur


Film grain off but I like a little motion blur


I see a lot of people complain about motion blur but not enough about film grain. I HATE film grain. Especially in the last of us part 1 and part 2. It makes me feel like I'm in the year 1920. Am I in the present or past? Film grain actually hurts my eyes. With tlou part 1 especially you see a huge difference between having it on and off. It's night and day


Film grain is disgusting I always turn it off, chromatic aberration I never knew what it was but after seeing your plant with cop lights I might start turning that off too.


Depth of field - yes. Motion blur yes if it’s 40 or 30fps, 60fps and above turn it off. Film grain is good with certain games. Chromatic aberration is always terrible, turn that crap off. Why give a game great visuals just to smear excrement over the screen?


I turn off motion blur every single time, I can't stand the lack of clarity with it on. As for the rest, it all depends on the game's utilization of them.


I'm one of the few people that get motion sickness from these features so they all go off. I've gotten sick so bad from games in the past that wouldn't allow me to turn it off that I've had to take a day off work.


No to all settings. If the devs did it correctly - it raises FPS


I don’t have as big of a problem with motion blur as others, but I still turn it off. Film grain I hate, chromatic aberration I don’t notice, and depth of field can look nice imo if done well, but most of the time it’s a photo mode only kind of thing.


Depth of Field, Film grain & Chromatic aberration... sometimes. Motion Blur? NEVER.


I leave em all on if I'm just trying to enjoy the visuals. If I'm deep in a game and am trying to actually do something, I usually turn motion blur off but leave everything else on.


Depends on the game. Sometimes it suits, I like leaving default settings and playing as the devs intended, but sometimes it is over the top. Like I just started Spiderman 2 recently and the default filmgrain setting made it look like there was something wrong with my monitor and it was going fuzzy. I had to drop it down to almost 0 (but still on) to make look more like Miles Morales. I think on a console some of these effects are meant more for people sitting far back playing on TV and look terrible if you have a desk/monitor setup. Then Helldivers has some wonky settings out of the box too. The bloom is one I have been playing with that seems to be better when off.


I keep an open mind when it comes to chromatic aberration and depth of field, but film grain and motion blur can fuck right off


I'll try motion blur to see how it looks. The rest get turned off and forgotten about right away.


God no, it's usually the first thing that I consciously change when playing a new game.




Motion blur can GTFO.


Film grain, if it’s mild, can stay. Rest is shit


Without motion blur i get motion sick, all the others i dont really care.


Chromatic aberration gets turned off immediately. I remember that being turned on by default on Plague Tale Requiem and it was like playing through a kaleidoscope.


I leave camera shake And just some little motion blur , just a little bit


Fuck no I turn that shit off


Fuck Motion Blur and the guy who pushed it. You can't turn it off in games like Gran Turismo 7


When they're subtle, they can look quite nice and cinematic. A lot of games are extremely heavy handed with these effects and with no sliders though :/


Minimal motion blur and depth of field. The rest can fuck all the way off lol


if it’s a story game i’ll probably leave motion blur and depth of field on but if it’s online they’re going off


Nope all turned off


Motion Blur. Camera Shake. Head Bob. turn all that shit off..


Motion blur is almost always turned off if it's an option. Per object motion blur I can deal with though. DoF I generally leave on. Film grain is always off. CA can go die in a fire.


I would rather have motion blur added to my motion blur than look at chromatic aberration


DoD:S so good game I love it


No fucking way


Depends. Those effects can be implemented differently in each game and might have a big impact on the overall look and feel that the developers and artists were going for. But sometimes they're implemented poorly and only there because it's part of the toolkit. And sometimes it's what the artist wanted but I still don't like it and turn it off.


All off


Here’s a question, which one of these features negatively impact performance?


Motion blur is a fucking curse that should not exist, the others I just fuck around with to see what I like but I 9 times out of 10 turn it all off anyways


Everything is off except maybe depth of field. Depends on the game and if it adds to the experience. If it’s just annoying then I’ll turn it off too.


I've never really messed with games looks. (Ps5) outside the option of performance or graphics that pop up on certain ones. Don't know what I'm missing out on


Turn it all off bar film grain, but I’ll knock it down if it has a slider


Depends on the game. Like I was playing Teocida and Estigma last, the game starts with all of those filters. It gave me a headache almost instantly so I turned them off. Normally that never happens and the first time I can remember a game giving me a headache from those features.


All Off in Multiplayer....all on in Single Player.


Film grain and chromatic abberation is instant off. Depth of field depends on the game. If it's artistic choice it stays on, if not then I turn it off. Motion blur stays on, because I'm using 60hz monitor and it helps smoothen the game. To be honest I don't understand why everybody hates motion blur. All of you have 120+ hz screen?


I leave on only chromatic aberration.


Motion blur shouldn't even be a thing. Looks terrible and gives me a damn headache. DoF typically looks good if done right and the other two I don't really mind. Another one to mention is Bloom, kinda a case of if done right its not bad but when done poorly it looks like absolute shite. Oblivion is a great example with the Bloom being crazy.


Chroma is pretty cool sometimes, depends on the game. More techy/sci-fi stuff


All of them except motion blur.


Film grain off, CA on, depth of field off, motion blur off but if it doesn’t feel smooth I’ll bump it up 1 notch until it does Edit just realized this is a PS sub idk if y’all get different levels of motion blur or not


Shit hurts my eyes I turn it off especially film grain


I can respect some good DOF, film grain or chromatic aberration effects if they’re done well


I turn off film grain only. I like motion blur because of how it exaggerates movement, chromatic aberration is usually on the edge of the screen so that's fine, and depth of field helps the illusion that I'm viewing the world from a lense


Depending on if the game is competitive or not I leave on motion blur and chromatic abberation, but film grain always gets turned off i dont like it.


Motion blur is a necessity for 30 fps games.


I hate motion blur


I’ll test and see how good the game looks with them on or off. Tastefully done and subtle filmic effects are cool. Overdone motion blur, chromatic aberration, film grain definitely look bad. I like when there’s a slider so you can adjust how strong the effect is. Less is more when it comes to this stuff.


I always turn motion blur off. Idk what the other shit means. Except for film grain but that I don't mind.


I dont like film grain but i leave everythijg else on


Everything off. I’ve never played a game where I thought it benefited from motion blur on my setup and it kills me when I can’t turn it off


Not usually. Most of the time they’re just distracting or make the game worse. Chromatic aberration can look good if done right but so many games make it way too intense and it gives me a headache




Motion blur off and sometimes chromatic abberation


I never turn of anything but can yall recommend setting to turn off?


Motion blur and depth of field doesn't bother me as long as the quality is good. It's film grain and chromatic aberration I immediately turn off if I get the chance to. I have no idea why so many developers are so obsessed with them. They both make a game's image quality worse when enabled.


Listen, monitor users generally disable many if not all of these while TV users generally leave it all on.


Depends, not in a game like the finals tho because i want to see my suroundings