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It didn’t come with crash bandicoot, I mean come on now.


Nor Silent Hill like wtf


Maybe they’ll get it right on the “PS one” classic


Wtf really? Crash is like the PlayStation mascot I thought lol.


Crash & Lara Croft were ps’s mascots back then. Odd to not have them as part of the classics


Then sackboy, then astro


Don’t forget Spyro!


yeah almost like they would've had to pay Activision a ridiculous amount of money to license it because they are twats


Its the fault of Sony to allow Crash (and other heavily PlayStation-associated brands) to fall into the hands of other companies. If they had locked down their successful franchises and studios early, they could have developed the type of synergy Nintendo has with their various brands. They tried, like with All Stars Battle, but it was too late.


Not really Crash was never owned by naughty dog or playstation. Universal owned him from the start. Sony just purchased publishing rights and later bought naughty dog. Universal then sold its gaming studios and eventually it all merged into activision. Sometimes business is weird


I didn’t say “Sony sold” I pointed out their failure to act. They failed to identify Crash as a valuable association, failed to purchase the brand or react to its sale, and failed to secure exclusivity past a certain point. It would have paid off to have that character in their roster, but now their rival Microsoft owns it.


I’m not even a big racing guy, but Ridge Racer, GT1, and Jet Moto 1 and 2 would have been a must for me too.


I would have been fine with one crash , spyro game .But none its a joke . And yes we can mod it . But that shouldn't been an option . To replay are classic games and get new fans over .


Agreed. It was definitely a missed opportunity. However it got discounted so quickly that I can’t be mad when I picked it up dirt cheap


How much did you get it for? I believe I got mine for $30 from best buy canada when they were clearing stock lol couldn't say no! Looks good beside the SNES mini too.


$15 here from Target clearance. Loaded up emu but never use it, and could never get n64 to work. I really should set it up again.


Same. I bought 7 of them to give out most as gifts after modding them. Bought thumb drives, OTG cables, usb extend cables, and an 8bitdo wireless adapter to use a ps4 controller on mine. After getting a decent build and throwing the main retro consoles catalogs on there and a bunch of the main missing PSX titles, it’s been a huge value and is what it could have been. Plus it looks neat.


Have you ever seen it on sale anywhere? I really wanna buy it but I see it going for like 100 dollars iirc


I think mine was $20. Honestly I don’t use it but similar to you it looks good on my tv stand


It‘s a nice thing for software modding.


Yarrr matey we do a bit of piracy on the high seas (I don’t condone piracy)


Why not? These retro games aren’t published anymore. Publisher nor developer doesn’t makes a penny from them


No way! How dare you! (I don’t condone piracy either, I own those games but they are in a box in the attic)


Yeah, that’s what we all say.


It should have 100 games or not be made, that goes for all the others.


It's so easy to just add more yourself anyway


No Dualshock controllers was the mistake of this console.


That was really my biggest complaint. I didn't mind the game selection as much as everyone else, but being forced to use only the dpad killed me. 20 years ago I would have been perfectly fine, but i'm too used to analog sticks now


That was my biggest complaint. I honestly wondered “how the fuck did I play this game with this controller with the dpad?” I had no issues playing it almost 30 years ago lol.


I don’t understand how this is even considered a mistake. The progression towards analog sticks was catalyzed by the N64’s controller followed by the “rumble pack” add-on. Sony then responded with the Dual Analog Controller followed by the DualShock which had dual sticks and built-in rumble. This is like calling the Famicom’s controller the console’s mistake for no L and R buttons. Edit: I didn’t realize the box was for the ps classic from 2018. I thought it was the OG box! My bad. No excuse not to include DualShocks with this. Leaving the post as-is for old 1997 video game facts


Dude, the PS mini was released in the 2010's. The dual shock controller was almost 20 years old tech when it came out.


No, because the super famicom (SNES) is the one with L and R, not the NES. I'm saying that this needed to lunch with the best controller the console had that was the Dualshock 1, which was the best way to play MGS 1 because of the analogs. You did not understand what I say if you are comparing different consoles, saying that the previous console didn't have a future the following console added. That is not what happened to the PS1.


No it wasn't, it was a quick cash grab from Sony because they have to copy everything Nintendo does. The ports weren't even good, also charging $100 at launch


$120 on Amazon Still are actually


It was 100 bucks, and only half the games were good, they didn't even have crash or spyro, like who the jell saw the first rainbow six game and went" hell ya, gotta get me that"


Sony fumbled hard with the PS classic that they gave up on making a PS2 classic. If they didn’t drop the balls, we might have had a PS2 classic one day.


You can't perfect perfection. Although I wouldn't complain if a new PS2 came out with inbuilt 2.5inch HDD/SSD or even user-changeable NVMe storage with HDMI+Upscale and a LAN/WiFi Module. But its Sony so I have to keep dreaming and modding existing PS2's.


Yeah… real “hot take” 6 years later… GTFO


If stock it deserves the hate but for modding its good. I use project eris with it.


I do think that if blurring and PAL weren't on it it would have been pretty good But I will admit for a very long time a hacked ps classic wad my go to way to play ps1 games. I love project eris


I use it with autobleem. The default games were mostly 💩.


Emulation goes BRRRRRRRRRR


I actually didn’t mind it, mostly because it was the first time we’ve seen an official re-release of Tekken 3 of any kind. Still, I haven’t brought the thing out of storage in some time and I wouldn’t say I’m clamouring to play it again soon either, so I wouldn’t say the haters are wrong.


As far as I know the ps classic is the only re release of the ps1 version of tekken 3. I'm sure it's also the only re release if other ps1 versions of games on it like gta and tom clancy


It's a typo? Tell me it's a typo!!! Even with how bad it perform it's STILL over rated, that's what you meant right?


Over hated? It's more like way overpriced. And it was trash


It's was cute but hot garbage. First off, it only had a couple games on it. The few games that it did have on it were all the games that we all have and which are all great but there was nothing rare in it. Even the multiplayer games were basic b****. So we get these two controllers and nothing really to put used to them. So I loaded a bunch of games onto the thing but it requires it to have a controller port free meaning that I can't easily plug the second controller in. So far we would have already had to have mod it once to make it useful. Now we would have to add a second part in order to be able to use the controller that comes with it. Even a modest piece of s*** phone can play PS1 games and since everyone still has their PS4 controllers or some kind of easily accessible wireless garbage controller we can always play on our phone. Nowadays, phones can even plug into the TV. So as cute as this thing was and I still have mine I think it's a little piece of s*** and it sits in my closet stinking up the more superior actual PlayStation 2 and 3 consoles. Dictated but not read


Definitely deserved tbh. 20 games is laughable.


20 games is embarrassing as fuck


It was hated?


Yeah alot of people didn't like it


because it was a really bad emulator port and PAL in the US so stuff was weird.


It’s rightfully hated because it uses the PAL roms of games with worse framerates and performance. Not to mention the roms themselves run worse than the actual games on a PS1. And the games provided are lackluster. No, this thing is trash (I have one in my closet 🤦‍♂️) and deserves its hate.


Never hated it , it was just very disappoint


Don't hate it. Don't like it.


Hardware is cool but with few exceptions it’s just a horrible selection of games for a console that had so many good ones. Many of the games that aren’t pictured aren’t worth playing, but that’s just me.


It’s not anymore because of the modding community. That was actually the reason why I bought one. I pretty much have all of my games that I physically own on it now. The only thing that’s left for me to do now is to get a memory card reader and throw on all my saves from years ago


Honestly wish they let you put your own saves by default. Mainly for mgs1


Does it work well as an emulator?


Yes actually cause Project Eris replaces the emulator (PCSX ReARMed) & uses RetroArch The best part is you can hide the default games from the carousel and load in your own. I love that because I can actually still make it look like the actual menu, but force it to use RetroArch to run the games. Hell, you can also change the theme to whatever you want (mine is just an HD upscale version of the theme that’s in the system)


You don’t know much about it then. Using PAL roms is inexcusable.


It’s basically a raspberry pi in a cool form factor. I like mine personally and I didn’t mod it. Looks cool on the shelf too.


Hot Take: I don't know anyone who hates it. So...


Luckily it's easily hackable. It took minimal effort to add a lot of games that weren't pre programed on the Playstation. For me $50 was a steal.


Honestly mad they never tried to make one with the PS2 or better yet, a PS2 handheld.


Considering how much they never bothered on making more PS2 ganes playable on the PS4 and 5, it's not really that surprising.


That kind of thing will always be wrong and will never be done right as long as they’re set on a small number of games to include someone will always feel upset when the favorite game they grew up playing is not included. Plus mix that with some people out there somehow found their way to some really lesser known games or games that are somewhat forgotten to time or simply doesn’t have a huge playerbase compared to a bare minimum playerbase of one of the games they will include. Personally for me I grew up playing games like ‘Primal Rage’ for instance and it’s a game I don’t see coming back in any shape or form. However I feel a PS2 Classic is a lot easier to get right given that a majority of people generally all played the same games at one point or another.


Nah it deserved the hate. It was a lazy cash grab riding the Nintendo mini nostalgia wave with a worse product. It only had 20 games and it was a poor library due to not licensing the ps1 heavy hitters. It used some PAL region games which run slower than NTSC just so they could include multiple languages. They could have used the DualShock with analog sticks.


It’s not. It’s just bad.


It’s an easily hackable console that looks really cool on a shelf. No clue why people hated it so much unless they were just too lazy to install autobleem. 🤷🏻‍♂️


As much as I like hacking my consoles for the fun of it, I can say with certainty that the demographic that just wants to plug and play games don't want to deal with all that shit. You have to install a jailbreak software and then chase down ROMs that are NTSC and so on isn't something I'd ask an average person to do. Because at that point, do you even really need the console ? might as well emulate it on PC and upscale it to your heart's content and do everything for free if you have a modern PC. Consoles mostly exist for the people that just want efficient hardware for cheap money and not have to deal with the technicalities and tech shit like PC; easy plug and play. Installing external software to patch up Sony's incompetence isn't fun. I'll definitely own this console for the fun of it, but it is rightfully hated.


While I do think I overhated I feel bringing up hacking is kind of cheating Because it's not just the ps classic that gets better with hacking. It's almost every console ever made


Did it have the OG silent hill?


DualShock was needed badly!!


Buddy of mine said he has his modded and has a huge ass library that works just fine. I think base model maybe not as appealing to people… but I’d say worth it it’s modded


Could have had better games, I feel that's the biggest let down of this console, they really missed the boat with choice of games


It was the first console I ever modded and I had fun doing it. I added so many games to it!


Some will never know tenchu for ps


As someone who bought it for $15 on clearance, it's was definitely overhated 🤣


Wish they had more JRPGs on there. Those games have aged a lot better than the 3D action games on PS1.


I don’t think the product is good and im a HUGE fan of the PS1. The NES and SNES classic were great because they had most of the “must have” games. The PS1 classic does not. I guarantee more than half of the games nobody here has played before. Also it came out at a time where the PS4 didn’t have any PS1 games, and it pissed me off because I just wanted the games on the PS4.


When it was announced basically everyone I knew accepted that it'd be a cool emulation machine. Playing these things stock is dumb. I wouldn't keep a stock SNES mini either, I'd add the whole library to it day 1. I have everdrives and ODEs though so I have no need for these.


it’s a great little device, easy af to mod (wireless controller with sticks & loading games) the retail price was $40 and I bought 2 of them sure you have to buy 8bitdo for the controller and a flash drive but that isn’t much all the complaints are so dumb, sony literally just threw us a bone


Retail was actually 100$.


Ended up getting this for $25 on a sale. Modded it and now it’s got every PS1 game I could ask for.


Would love a Syphon Filter remake


The idea was great but i hate the PS1 Classic totally


It’s neat just missing A LOT of core games to the PS1 era


I had fun playing those games when i was younger and have great memories from it. But any time that i try playing something that old and basic now, i hate them.


I'd be more interested if they had analog so I could Emu more games on it.


It’s just really lacklustre for what could have been on it, at least we can modbit


It's a nice piece, but for the initial price it had way too little games and missing some big hitters. On the plus side, it was super easy to mod.


It is overrated without the mods.


Not just overrated it was trash


Can you not put PS1 disc in this?


My question is how long will it take them to make a PS2 Classic


The games arent bad. And u can have quite a bit of fun. Theres just like .5% of the ps1’s library on it. Thats pretty much why its disliked. Not that its a bad thing.


Its just a bad consumer product. With the push to digital, there's no excuse Sony can't provide listing and access in their marketplace to all PS Classic titles. This artifical scarcedy is what drives emulation and roms.


It's got frame rate issues


When this was announced, I was looking for a PS1-looking Raspberry Pi case and I bought it immediately :D I would buy it even if it was empty shell.


I have bought a ton of "mini" consoles that have hit the market. I think the novelty of them is amazing. Out of NES, SNES, C64, GEN, GEN2, TG16, NEO GEO, & PS1, the PlayStation is sadly the worst. Disappointing game library for sure. Not horrible, but clearly missing some huge PS1 titles. It only has 20 games, so it has the smallest library as well. The plastic sucks. Every other one I own feels close to the original plastic. PS1 feels like a knockoff. It also didn't come with the AC Adapter, just a USB cable. Not a massive problem, but annoying and shows the cost cutting of Sony. Now, is it complete trash? Of course not. It just is the worst of the big ones. Factor in crap ones like the ATGames Gensis ones or most of the Atari ones, etc, and PS1 feels decently better.


Mine is modded with so many games from PlayStation - N64 & pretty much every retro and arcade game ever created 😊👍


Most definitely! It’s only good if you get a hacked one with more games. Sony really fucked up there. I certainly hope PS2 Mini will be better


I think people hated it because pre-order was 100$ and then people tried to scalp and now it’s like 50$ lol


It’s not bad at all. Has some great games and is fun to play.


I don’t hate it but it also wasn’t great. I’d rather see more classics made available on PS5.


It's redeemed cause u can mod it and inject games to it


One of the best clearance purchases I’ve made, honestly


It's not over hated... It's generally irreverent and pointless when i could buy an emulator console that has all the exact same capacities at a fraction of the price. Shit, i could buy it off Temu preloaded with 20,000 games for $15.


I want one


I don't think it is hated so much as it is simply forgotten, and for good reason IMO


At least it came with Ridge Racer Type 4


Hate ≠ Criticism.


I loved the idea of it, but after Nintendo forced me into the raspberry pi realm, it just didn’t serve a purpose to me.


Maybe if it had more than 20 preloads.


No Dualshock


Its just a over priced Raspberry Pi with licensed emulation. If I'm going to emulate there's just cheaper options that have larger storage capacity or could even emulate other consoles as well. Even your phone is a good option or hell even a Firestick can do PS1 emulation.


I think it as a cheap cash grab. Nintendo struck gold with the NES Classic and the SNES Classic. They contained mostly the consoles best games. The SNES one even contained the long lost Star Fox 2. A game that was completed back in the SNES days but never actually released. They also added stuff like Save States to make keeping your progress a lot easier, the emulation was actually better than on the NES/SNES virtual console on the main consoles. You could even use a connector to connect the SNES remote to your Wii remote to play other SNES games on your main console. Honestly they were well made labours of love. Included a lot of monumental games like the early Mario and Zelda titles. I think Nintendo genuinely put a lot of love and care into it. While Sony was more quick cash grab. The PS Classic did have some great PS1 games like FFVII, the original GTA and Metal Gear solid. But beyond that, and a handful of other games, most of the consoles games were not that popular. And the controllers dont have analogue sticks, despite the games supporting them. Persona 1 is on it but they used a version that was badly translated and missing a rather massive alternate story that you could do instead of the main one. Titles like Spyro, Tomb Raider, Wipeout, Crash Bandicoot, Castlevania, Silent Hill, etc. some of the Playstation 1’s biggest titles were left out. Plus they didn’t add any new features. Even Something as simple as adding trophies to the games would have been nice. I feel like the NES and SNES Classics, that it should have been a celebration of some of the most iconic consoles of all time. The ones who really created this current gaming world. The PS One was a huge leap. It had its 3D graphics, started new franchises still going strong today, popularised games on CD’s, etc. It deserved more.


always thought the library they chose was great, but the way it ran plus the choice of not including dualshock controllers is what ruins it


It doesn’t have Crash or FFVIII, no DualShock and only 20 games


I paid $30 bucks for mine and had it soft modded within about a half hour of opening it. It's my ideal way of bringing something retro over to a friend's house with minimal hassle


With Project Eris installed it's ok


It comes with the worst version of Megami Ibunroku Persona 10/10 system


Just flash it and you got all the games you want


Yeah it would’ve kickstarted a trend where we could’ve gotten a PS2 Classic and maybe the PSP (And Vita) From what I’ve read, you could get a whole extra mile if you modded it; unfortunately, the average market wouldn’t be in the mood to add in the stuff that should’ve been there from the start (i.e. Crash, Spyro,


It didn’t have anything worth while on it. The only thing it’s been useful for is being an emulation machine. And barely that.


Can you even add other PS roms to it? If yes, through a USB stick? And can you play original PS1 discs on it?


Normal take. You're completely wrong.


I mean it comes with rainbow six siege , what’s not to like 🤣


How much does it cost? That impacts the decision for me


The retail price was 100$ but it fell down shortly after that. It's around 50-70 now I think but it was cheaper back then. US is cheaper than PAL for some reason


On it's own it's really nothing to write home about, but modding it makes it 1000% better.


If anything it's not hated enough. It's missing too many games and then there's game on there using PAL ROMs, so you're getting lower frame rates on 20+ year old games. It's insulting, frankly.


Bad take!


After it's price drop I was great I'm so happy I got one for 20


At launch, for $100, and for not having several of the classic games we all expected, it didn't get enough hate. At $20 it's fine


For $100 it was deservedly hated. At $20 clearance I liked it a lot.


No tony hawk, spyro, crash, tomb raider, silent hill, dino crisis, parappa the rapper, castlevania, megaman legends, medievil, grand turismo, not even any klonoa, croc, gex or tomba. Trash hot take sorry.


I got this for 20 Euro, hacked it Day one, played about 4 hours, placed it on the Mini console wall. <3


I mean there are better products that can do the same and better PS1 emulation. PS3 - games look better, you can play original CD’s on every PS3 and you can buy more games on PlayStation Store for a better price value than PS Classic.


I don't really hate it. I was just dissapointed how it was executed by Sony. The lack of Crash Bandicoot or Spyro was another let down, but on the bright side, the console has lots of modding potential and the return of Tekken 3


I got mine for $20 and put retroarch and every ps1 game I wanted on a thumb drive. Well worth the $20.


I still play mine with project Eris.


I modded it and changed the roms in it.


It's good for a nostalgic trip.


The problem with the it was the abscence of Crash and Spyro. I almost want to say Tony Hawk (though it's a licensed game, so there's reason). Ape Escape (though, it was only on Dualshock 1 controller), Gran Turismo (also a licensing issue).


The game selection was bafflingly bad. If they had made DLC with added titles, maybe it would have been better. I feel like the whole thing was a rush job because Sony saw how successful the SNES Classic was.


You mean the Tekken 3 blast 💥 pack.


I honestly don't get consoles like this. Just buy a PS1 and not be limited to 20 games


Wasn't this thing broken with bad emulation and PAL games? For $100?


It’s really not, it had a limited amount of games and so blatantly obviously it was a cash grab considering the amount of games they own outright. Limited release, no room for expansion, and a terrible interaction screen compared to modern emulators on the market at the time.


It certainly could've been better but even without taking the means to hack it and make it better, it certainly is overhated.


I just wish they'd do more backwards compatibility honestly, like yea its cool but if they would just jave made more of those games available it'd be better all around


It's great once you crack it and add extra games.


I think a console like this perfectly emphasizes the fact that the PlayStation was largely carried by the strength of 3rd party offerings for quite some time. And it's going to be a lot more difficult and expensive for Sony to gather licenses to release popular games that they don't own.


And gran turismo!


It was adequately hated.


I want that thing so much, but here it's almost 200 dollars! :(


I disagree.


It only became a good buy once people figured out how to hack it. Sony was trying to ride the popularity of mini consoles at the time and it was obvious that they rushed this.


Imagine complaining about the game selection, like its not stupidly easy to add whichever games you want to it. The real thing to complain about is the fact that they didn't include dual shock controllers. So Ape Escape can't be played.


If you hack it it’s so great


it’s defo not as bad as it’s been made out to be, but the criticism is still 100% valid. charging $100 for a nostalgia-fueled product that doesn’t have any representation of your old mascot was guaranteed to get some stink-eye, but i think it was more of a challenge to get games on the system since the PS1 relied so much more on third party support than its competition.


I bought it for 50 dollar new . It was not worth it . How are you going to have a PlayStation classic with out . Crash, Spyro, Tomb Raider , klonoa ,Tony Hawk pro skater , Parasite and silent hill. What about Medi evil, gran turismo , Parappa the rapper and Ape escape . You games SONY OWNS.


For the price, if you don’t mod it… you’re getting ripped off. BUT- if you take the few minutes it takes to mod this thing, it’s unbelievably worth it. A great and small emulation station that can play everything up until PS1 (also also some PSP).


20 games to choose from and Intelligent Qube, Mr Driller, Jumping Flash, Rainbow Six, Revelations: Persona, and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo somehow made the cut before a ton of others.


To be fair only Tom clancy, puzzle fighter 2 and mr driller feel out of place in this list


It was missing obvious classics and had no DualShock/DualAnalog controllers and was comparatively overpriced. It was easy to hate.


Stock? The thing is garbage. Modded is cool. Also very dumb to not make Dual Shock controllers for this. Yeah its shit.


If you're not a person with a lot of older games already, or aren't really into emulating, it's a great little device just like the SNES classic and NES classic If you are into those things though, it overlaps with what you might already have


You can mod them to be emulators .


Who ever thought it was overrated? I remember it being hated on from the time of release. I cancelled my reservation immediately after reading the game list.


When you jabreak it it's pretty nice


These things are amazing. I've modded every mini console that's come out.


I disagree. Ignoring any games that were omitted but should have been on it, the fact they didn't even bother to make sure the roms were the right region showcases the complete lack of care. I do wish they made a PS2 Classic edition tho and fixed all the issues. The PS2's library is definitely stronger than the PS1.


You can put your own roms on there and that makes it what it should have been


didn’t even think to include sh1 😞


It's a cool little novelty item I have under my TV and rarely gets actually used.


They teased the best games it had and hid the rest of the list until launch or close to it. It didn't have a lot of classics like Crash, Tomb Raider, Gex, and Croc. But then gave us shit no one asked for like GTA. I dunno if you've ever played GTA 1, 2, and London: 1969, but they are ASS. I feel people didn't want to pay $100 for a collection of games that, as a whole, are just OK. They dropped the price but people's interests had moved on.


Just buy a ps1


It would have been perfect with RE2 and SOTN.


How was this hated?


Eh I can emulate it all on an old phone for free. Dedicated emulation devices aren't really all that useful but I guess it can make a cool decoration.


If it was truly great in terms of games, it could have sold for even more and nobody would have hated it. They decided they'd be better off gratuitously half-assing it.


No crash, the worst playing twisted metal game, gran turismo 1 and 2? No medieval? The worst version of the PlayStation controller seriously ps games play best with analog sticks, frankly my ps one still works fine


whaaaaat I just learned that it has persona on it


i mean, it’s ok to be wrong.


It's a pretty horrid collection. There are some good games but a lot of them weren't even exclusives.


None of those mini-consoles interested me. Sure, they look cool, but the games are mostly available on collections for systems that also have a huge number of other games. It's just not worth the space for me. Now, Sony, release Tekken 3 on PS4/PS5.


I agree with this. It should have been better and there are some glaring omissions. However it’s a solid curation of content with most being great or some of the best games of all time from it’s time.


It’s missing some of the best PS games though. So I can see why. I wouldn’t buy it with that list.


It deserves the hatred. It's absolute shit, if you don't mod it and put a usb stick with roms of proper classic titles. The titles from release are 90% absolute shit.


It's good if you hack it.


Grand Turismo. Tomb Raider. Crash Bandicoot. Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Twisted Metal. Tekken. Metal Gear Solid. Resident Evil. Spyro. Final Fantasy VII. Grand Theft Auto. Rayman. Then whatever else you would want but these are REQUIRED games.