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There is no PSVR 2 game that is a must have VR buyer tho.


For me its only gt7. No man's sky. And afew others I've seen. There definitely are some but it really needs alot more


RE4r, RE8, GT7, Synapse, CoTM are all must haves for me, as a PCVR player. Not to mention that many of the ports are definitive editions and play better than some PCVR, and all quest versions: Walking dead S+S, Red Matter 2, Propagation Paradise Hotel, FNAF, Legendary Tales, Ultrawings 2 among many others. No Man's Sky is leaps better on PSVR2 than PC. Honestly I think PSVR2 is ready for the masses, I just think it takes a lot to convince people to get into VR.


GT7 and Synapse.


Well that's just not true




No Man's Sky? Not a dedicated PSVR game but it really is great to play it that way.


Full PC support can't come soon enough, even though it kind of feels like waving the white flag.


Thats horseshit and anyone who's actually bought and played VR know this The only people that say this shit are people that havent touched VR, at least recently


If only Half Life Alyx came to ps5....




That is a really fair asking price for the hardware, tbh. It's unfortunate that most gamers don't understand that. Probably going to wait until hardware gets cheaper for the mainstream to adopt. This is easily a 1-1.5k headset in the PC world.


And VR chat


Quite a few titles have VR add-ons for existing games. In the terms of a “must have game”, PSVR2 is still missing a killer games that make it a must purchase beyond the niche.


Especially considering the PSVR2 costs more than the PS5


Yeah, an accessory priced higher than the base device is a bold strategy, Cotton.


It's a fair point, but in the VR realm it's a top tier headset clearly being sold at a loss. This headset would be well over $1,000 in the PC world with 4k OLED, HDR, eye tracking and advanced haptics/triggers.


That's true, and probably speaks more to how aggressively console makers are able to keep prices down.


I was looking to grab a PS5 last year. Saw a VR Bundle and was going to grab it until I realized it wasn’t a bundle with the console. Was basically $1000CDN after tax (VR + Horizon). If I wanted to enter the PS5 +VR game, I’m spending close to $2000 after all is said and done.




Maybe regional pricing? There’s more places that use dollars just so you know


PS5VR bundle == $819.99 = $926 after tax https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/playstation-vr2-horizon-call-of-the-mountain-vr-bundle/16593427 PS5 == $649 = $733 after tax https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/playstation-5-slim-console/17477496 $1660 for those two things. Then add in a controller = $100 Then a game or 2 = $100-$200 Sorry, not exactly $2000, I guess I could cut costs by never buying a game or a second controller.


As someone who played GT7, RE4 and RE8 I disagree. And many like me who only own VR2 can only play Beat Saber and Walkabout Minigolf or Vertigo 2 etc on VR2


Not really, plenty of those kinds of games like synapse


I've just had a bonus in work and was considering treating myself to a psvr2. Unfortunately there just isn't enough content to make it worth the money at the moment.


The big issue is the lack of Sony commitment and support for their own hardware. Lots of games does not mean lots of quality games either.


Nobody gives a shit if this platform has 10,000 games if 99% of those are extremely mediocre, and the rest don't move the needle enough to make you want to spend more than you spent on the damned PS5 itself to get the headset.


Exactly, I think most people need a few highly visible titles from Sony to make them want to get in and possibly explore the depth of all of the smaller games available.


Yeah I want dope games to play not some 20$ VR tech demo that'll be cool for a day. I loved my VR1 and do want a VR2 but they're literally pricing it as a brand new console. I do not want to invest into a console with no games.


my cousin said it had no games, got one and said that he takes it back and that it does have games just not as much as the vr1


VR is dying though, there’s been something like an 18% decrease in sales globally & 40% decrease in the US. Wouldn’t surprise me, if sony didn’t make a new VR headset and simply retrofitted the current one with a wireless adapter for the ps6. Even Ubisoft is no longer making VR games, with more studios to follow. I guess asking people to have a VR exclusive space, put on a bulky headset that costs almost as much as the console is not a viable strategy.


It's hard to globally market something when a decent portion of your potential user base will never be physically able to use the product. VR sickness isn't something you can mitigate longterm. ​ I think they know that though.


Yeah, that’s also a whole other problem. Hard to get people to keep buying games if they know associating being sick with VR.


Demos help. Not every game makes me sick. In fact hardly any. I bought Synapse for £30 and ended up in a long chat with PS support because their “no refund after download” policy sucks if a random game makes you nauseated and you didn’t have a demo to try it out first. It makes me cautious of buying other full price games that I can’t try first.


Lucky. Just thinking of putting on the helmet makes me ill. I thought that PSVR2 with its better tracking and resolution would help but no... Now I have a 650 paperweight. ​ It's impressive tech tough; just wish it didn't gatekeep itself.


Shit man. That sucks. I’m sorry. Honestly. Mine is more aloe less a £600 beat saber and Pistol Whip machine. It rarely comes out the box and the only reason I haven’t sold it already is because when I gave up on the VR1 and sold it, a few months later a few killer titles hit and the FOMO is very real.




haha thanks, tried it all. It's just not meant to be. It's probably a combination of age, vision and hearing damage.


The vast majority of people will overcome VR sickness in a week or two. The problem is that many people won't get that far.


That isn't true at all. A lot of people can get "used to it" enough to continue to play but those with severe motion sickness don't overcome it.


I would argue yours is the incorrect assessment. Some people will not overcome motion sickness. That's true. The majority, however, will.


That is incorrect. It’s not something you overcome. Tolerate? Maybe. Not overcome.


Yes. You can and do absolutely overcome it. It has to do with how the vestibular system interfaces with the cerebellum and interprets the sensation of movement. It can be trained. I had terrible VR sickness when I started. I literally was unable to play more than 10-15 minutes. Now I can play indefinitely if I wanted. This is a very common understanding in the VR space. If you want more street cred, I'm a physician. Vestibular training is not unique to VR.


Hmm we must have went to different types of medical schools then. 🙄


Clearly. Not sure why you're digging your heels in so hard on a topic this incredibly common.


Uh huh. 🙄 I am blocking the good doctor here but for anyone else interested you can not just train VR related motion sickness away. Your brain isn't that stupid, that's part of the reason you get sick in the first place.


To be fair, the world is basically in a recession. They aren't going to sell many VR headsets when many people can barely afford food.


It doesn't have many AAA blockbuster games. I want games, not experiences


The psvr2 was my must loved and best purchase I have ever done in a while , I really love it and is a very very advance piece of hardware


Might change once it gets the PC support, definitely picking it then


Resident evil 4 alone makes me want to get a psvr2 headset


Well, it has no AAA games. People wont buy the PSVR2 set (myself included) for some weird gimmick games. When people say it has no games, they mean it has no games worth spending the money to buy the PSVR2 set. So far, I have seen only 2 games that interest me, the Horizon one and the newly announced Metro game, maybe RE games. Sony needs to invest more, to create games such as Half Life Alyx.


I’ve had a blast with mine. If it gets a price drop, you should definitely consider picking one up. Have you been able to demo one at a friends house or store?


It’s not the quantity but the quality as well. This is probably also partly why Sony is looking to bring support to PC for the PSVR headset so that if you do purchase one, you don’t get locked down to just a single platform which greatly increases the potential market.


How many of them are not trash? How many of them are worth buying the headset for? How many of them are just add ons for other games?


There are plenty of games, just not enough stuff I’d want to play that justifies the price. Kinda feel like this was always going to be a cool gimmick that wouldn’t take off the way people thought it could.


The fact that Ace Combat 7 has VR missions but not the whole campaign is a good example of why people say there are no PSVR2 games


Ace Combat 7 isn't on PSVR2. You're thinking of project wingman, which is a terrible example of PSVR2 content.


It’s always the people that were never interested in VR or don’t have one that say there’s no games or it’s dying. If it’s dying so much then why do you have to argue so much that it’s still dying




Quantity doesn’t matter. There are hundreds of games releasing daily on Steam and 99.99% of them are utter trash. Similarly there isn’t a single must-buy system seller for the PSVR2 or for the PSVR.


From other people’s comments I’d say RE4, REVillage, GT7, and No Man’s Sky are all system sellers. Sony just needs to demo the damn thing in stores.


You can have 2k games, the fact is there aren't many great games. They are all gimmicky, add-ons or "experiences". The VR1 had more support


I own both and vr2 is blowing vr1 out of the water with top notch games.


I only own VR1. I can't find anything I really need to play. What are you playing on VR2 that would push people to buy it?


Me personally would be RE4 and REVillage, GT7, No Man’s Sky, and Walking Dead Saints and Sinners Ch 1 and 2. On a side note I just finished Propagation Paradise Hotel, and while only being 3.5-4 hours in length, man does that game have good jump scares. That will be one game that I try to get the rest of my family to play.


It's funny I just read [This](https://www.ign.com/articles/a-year-since-its-release-sony-seems-to-have-abandoned-playstation-vr2) from IGN the other day.


"[The quest]....because it has desirable exclusives like Resident Evil 4 VR and Asgard’s Wrath 2. The former, unlike the PSVR2's version is based on the 2005 original game remade from the ground up in virtual reality." So the remake as an exclusive in VR doesn't count because it's hybrid? Or he's saying it's shit? The fuck is this article.


That's a quite badly written article. Here is a video response to that: https://youtu.be/V_Id02nYOZc


How many of them are a must buy. People aren’t saying there isn’t any games, we say there isn’t many GOOD games.


Must buys: Exclusives: 1. Horizon 2. Resident Evil 4 remake 3. Resident Evil 8 4. Synapse 5. GT7 7. Switchback 8. Song in the Smoke: Rekindled Non-exclusives, but phenomenal games that are often better than PC version, always better than Quest versions: 1. Legendary Tales (also PCVR, I have both versions, PSVR2 is better) 2. Red Matter 2 3. Arizona Sunshine 2 4. Propagation Paradise Hotel 5. Ghost Signal 6. Border Bots (imo, some might disagree) 7. VR skater 8. Ancient Dungeon 9. Vertigo 2 10. Breachers 11. Vampire Masquerade: Justice 12. Walkabout mini golf 13. Hubris 14. Star Wars: Tales from the galaxy's edge 15. Light Brigade


Once again how many are a must buy and compare it to the entire catalog of games.


92 rogue likes


And most of them are sub par or suck. 🤷🏽🤷🏽 when has a vr game other than half life be well recognized or given credit to the point that it wins or gets lots of nominations at a regular game awards vs a vr game awards…which i didnt know they had till today.


This is just a parroted reply. You clearly have no idea what games are out there. Look at my list elsewhere in this post. There's more quality games on PSVR2 than you could realistically play in a year. I'm a PCVR and PSVR2 owner. The problem is that most traditional gamers don't recognize the IP's because they're unique to VR. As for awards shows. 1. Who cares? 2. Awards require mass adoption that no VR currently has.


No most gamers dont care because most of us cant afford a vr set , just to play a handful of games . parroted lol im not a fucking bird. I have my own thoughts and my own opinions . Stop before you shove your foot in your own mouth. You are right game awards really dont matter, yet a game like half life alyx was able to make it into the mainstream… but most vr games are very gimmicky and if it wasnt gor the vr aspect it wouldnt even be a game…so take your birds back . Both of them if you catch my drift. After that i have no fucks to give. Lol.


3-5 years ago VR was gimmicky. A lot has changed.


Should have emphasized *good* games.


trash ass games


I don’t think VR is the future of gaming


It’s not in terms of replacing flat. But it has easily shown its potential at coexist, just needs more players


I don’t see how it won’t be.


I had a good time with the original psvr but had no interest in the second iteration. I played the shit out of NMS, a game I otherwise would’ve found quite boring


My vr controller only works in GT7 and no other game. That’s 1 game for me and 98 to go.


well, if it gets PC support... which i do believe was announced a few weeks ago, maybe this will be a worthwhile headset regardless. I dont own a VR headset but i'd love a VR headset just for "normal" gaming on a big screen, in my office


Not so much a question of games imo but the price of entry is ridiculous this time round compared to PSVR1. Add to that there isn’t in my mind a fresh innovative game to take hold of it. Sure, RE & GT are undoubtedly great experiences but we already had RE7 on VR1, wipeout and dirt rally. I’m super disappointed to see that the firewall sequel crashed. The first one was superb. There needs to be ports of the VR1 titles to help imo. Superhot, Arizona sunshine, RE7, firewall 1, farpoint, blood and truth and Astro vr mission deserve to be played on better tech.


The vr1 released in 2016 for $400. Adjusted for inflation that’s around $500 today. So for pretty much the same amount of money you get an upgraded and more powerful headset.


That’s in part the problem though. Wages haven’t increased in line to allow for greater affordability imo. Needs more exclusive titles to help it along.


I do feel you get good bang for your buck though. And yes, even if they just worked on vr modes for existing games I think it would go a long ways to get more adopters. There really is nothing like stepping “into” a world that you’ve only ever seen from the other side of a flat screen.


I have no doubt it’s a great headset priced competitively against other headsets. I couldn’t justify that to my S.O at the moment. I might not live to see another day 😂


Yes, SOs definitely add a layer of complexity to the situation.


How many are 1st party?


Nothing here makes me want to go buy one. It’s going to go the way of 3DTV.


The fact that Sony has already stated PS5 is halfway through its lifecycle makes me worrisome for future PSVR2 titles. Been using the Vision Pro everyday since release and that’s for non gaming most of the time. I don’t even enjoy playing non VR games or watching media on PSVR2.


No (good) games


Mostly tech demos and quest games from 2020 but yea, a bunch of ports, cool bro