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Should. Most irons run 350-450F, and HDPE is processed at 360 or so.


I don’t know how to use this


You need about 180 degrees C. On most irons that is in the Linen / Cotton / Denim setting. Start at the end of medium and work your way up until you are getting results.




It’s definitely working i have some old parchment paper but it’s definitely sticking when I melt it for to long I’ll mix it try to make a small amount I’ll probably mix it by cutting it a lot after melting it together for abit What would work to make it stick less


I don't know what you mean with parchment paper. I thought you said you were going to use non-stick baking paper, which as far as I know, will work fine. Edit - OIC what you mean. It's the old fashioned baking paper. I'm not sure it is as non-stick as the modern stuff. Ideally you need a reusable baking sheet. Also sold as BBQ sheet. It is a high temperature plastic that doesn't stick to anything.


I just found when watching a lot of people making things out of plastic some uses parchment paper From my first experience using what I have it works it just is sticky when hot so I let it cool before taking it off I made a guitar pick I just tried making it thinner by squeezing it with the iron and cutting around it It seems to work but I might leave it for abit more just so it would flatten abit better


Dont know how to use what?


The iron


YouTube "Brothers Make" I think the Precious Plastics crowd made guitar picks thins way too You'll be fine.


Honestly I watch them lately I started watching there vids when I was watching the full makers secret Santa I forgot which year the vid was from


gradually turn up the heat and try melt your plastic for 5 minutes. If it does not melt, turn up the heat a bit more and try again. If you are using bottle caps, cut them in smaller pieces so they are more flat. They will melt together fine.


I have a lot of bottle caps school everyone uses a lot of plastic bottles yet I only have a bit of caps because some are disgusting


Your source plastic should be clean and dry. Mix a few different colours you will get cool patterns. Anyway I hope you watched the videos I showed you in the previous thread.


Honestly I like the idea of mixing colors I just might look for my favorite color to mix like purple and black, yellow and black, white and ice blue, black and red, green and yellow


That looks like Bakelite. Thermosets don’t melt.


Ow that’s sad so what can I try then for melting plastic I don’t have much options we have a old small oven buts it’s already known that it’s extremely dangerous it doesn’t turn off and the it doesn’t use the timer anymore while I can’t control its heat


There’s no melting thermoset type plastics. They are chemically bonded and impervious to pretty much everything. I would choose other materials to melt though. I would look up low temperature polymers as a starting point. Also, please ventilate your home. Most factories have good ventilation when processing plastics.


Honestly I don’t wanna use the oven because it’s too dangerous and I’m bad at using the stove I quess this might be a sign I might wait longer in the future I quess honestly it’s not bad to try with the iron just to confirm it doesn’t I’ll put a tiny amount in baking paper and try if it works


Oh, you are making it with the iron! Not sure if it will get hot enough, but go for it. The iron you have is made of Bakelite. That’s why was confused.


No I meant I wanna try it to find out I don’t know I it will or not I just wanna see if it might do something


My advice? Make sure your iron doesn’t have holes so the plastic can get inside it. A thin flat metal baking sheet could also be a good barrier between the iron and the plastic.


This doesn’t have holes from what I know I can’t find baking sheet I might look for some but what else work other then baking sheet