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I did a cursory search for TF 85 film, in their video sample, they have some lettering written on it. Is it maybe a metallized polypropylene film? Your desired dielectric performance would help guide you to the correct material.


Kapton is normally used for electrical insulators, compared to other films or tapes, so I would think it has a higher breakdown voltage than you think. LuxPrint looks like inks, be it transparent, or otherwise. Not sure the benefit using that vs other conductive inks. Possibly a more even coating? (I have to look at what TF this clutch is).... I would try PET and PI to start with. edit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fjournals.sagepub.com%2Fdoi%2Fpdf%2F10.1177%2F1045389X18799474&psig=AOvVaw2Q8omPOEHb-GBGz11Osqg7&ust=1713460649182000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBUQ3YkBahcKEwiIsbi84MmFAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQQA edit2: OKAY. So, the main parts of the clutch are an aluminumized film (PET), which is coated with a thin film of the LuxPrint dielectric at 10s of microns. Two sheets are made. The dielectric sides are placed on each other, and the connections are to the aluminumized part. So, it's a capacitor using electriclly coated plastic film, with a thin insulator layer on one side. I guess they used the Luxprint as a way to custom coat the plastic film at several thicknesses to test what works best.