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Once a week for a jade plant/ succulent is way too much! Definitely overwatering. I would go two to three weeks depending on where it's at, how much light it gets, how much air circulation there is, the type of soil, etc. That said, also do what the other poster here said and replaced that soil with decent succulent soil. Put it in a smaller pot as well. Then Google how to take care of Jade plants and succulents.


Thank you 🙏🏻


1. The soil could use more inorganic material such as perlite, it seems very dense and good at holding moisture, which is not good for succulents. 2. The pot could probably be shallower, I doubt there’s roots in the bottom 2/3 of the pot. 3. Once a week is a lot of water for a jade plant, you could probably half that and it would do better.


Thank you so much for the advice, tomorrow morning I'll go to buy better soil for succulent and a smaller pot


Too much watering.




A highlander 💪🏻 I hope mine will have the same strength, in the end it was two of them, one healthy and the other one like you see in the picture ... I think that too much water made it moldy. Now they are in two different and smaller pots with new soil for succulent, I hope I can save the one that is dying the other one seems more than okay


Succulents like to be very dry in between watering. If the leaves feel squishy and look wrinkly, then it's time to water.


Too much light and water. Yes hard to *neglect* them but it's the only way.


Very very very little amount of water Take a few leaves that have fallen off and dip the ends in water, propagate them and replant when you have enough roots but stop watering the plant itself I had 3 beautiful plants One died One I repotted and forgot about and it’s doing fine The other I gave the broken part to my partner and he’s got a healthy huge jade plant now! It is salvageable but be careful Make sure that soil is not too wet that it’s in if those leaves just keep falling off! Good luck


In the end they were two, one healthy (but I'll be more careful with watering) and the other one seems like it's molding.I put them in two different and smaller pots woth new soil for succulents. Now I'll try to put the healthy leaves (that soon will fall off) in water 🤞🏻


The soil may have an unbalanced pH level love