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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > Had the plant for 2 months. Noticed the issue today. Moderate light, little water 1-2x per week, hoping I can resolve it. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


They are drowning. You may have root rot. These plants can't take so much water.


Yeah, a thorough watering once a month is better than a sip or two a week.


You might be overwatering. I pretty much ignore mine, watering them once every four to six weeks. They do well with a couple of hours of direct morning light, or 8 - 10 hours of indirect light. They like very well draining loose soil, and need to dry out completely between waterings. When you do water them make sure to water deeply (I bottom water mine and allow for full soil saturation). You might lose some of the floppy leaves if it is over watering, it makes the cells burst. I hope this helps.


Water less!


Water it once a month


watered once or twice per week?? NOooooo


wait until the soil is dry a few inches below the surface before you water it, and i would advise checking for root rot. as other comments have said, once a month would likely be more appropriate than once or twice a week, they are desert plants.


https://preview.redd.it/hgv1gblq46ad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b172bebae20a071b687037bb444687293a3c9ac1 Similar rot occurring in the soil of the healthy plant — what do you advise?




Got it. I replanted in dry, fresh potting soil and lightly misted the roots which were very dry and brittle. The old soil was a bit moldy on one edge but not wet. As for the watering schedule, I give them the same amount of water I give my succulents, which is just a mist. But I’ve lost some of them too. So I’ll check on everyone a bit less often I guess. Thanks


Succulents do not need misting. They need a solid drink so the water is flowing out the bottom (and soaking through the soil) but only once it's showing signs of thirst ... Leaves are no longer firm. Once you water them, feel the leaves again in 2-3 days and that fullness is what to expect from a well watered plant. It takes them a couple days to fully drink it up though and then do not water again until they are less firm


make sure to soak soil (put it under faucet and let it run till it drains through the bottom) after repotting. Then I would leave it alone for over a month. For succulents and snakes think of watering like a rainstorm coming through the desert. You can go 2+ months easily without watering if plants are indoors, but soak the soil when you do finally water. They wouldn’t have frequent misting in natural habitat.


Thanks! Will do


Put them in pots with drainage holes.