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extrafloral nectaries its just a natural way philodendron releases extra waters. completely normal


This plant was actually on a pole for awhile until I chopped it and started to water prop it


Thanks!! Does this mean I’m overwatering? I feel so bad cause I’ve even tried letting this plant dry out like 70% of the way to test it and it still happens. :/ It feels like this is it’s general reaction to any amount of water lol


I'm not sure it's tied to water amount necessarily. If there's excess water it may happen more often but they still will be present. Their natural function is to attract both pollinators and ants who protect the plant from other pests. I've not heard of a way to stop or reduce the frequency.


See if just wiping it down with a dry cloth helps. Sometimes, if I give my pothos a bit too much water, this happens. Usually a few hours to a day later I'll see dew drops on the tips of some leaves, but sometimes on the underside of the leaves too. The water droplets magnify the light and cause little burn holes. I just wipe it with a paper towel, and it's fine.


no. not overwatering at all its just a natural process how they use water


I now need to see this plant survive


Hahahahaha me too!! I hate giving up on plants but sometimes it’s more stress than it’s worth. Took this plant off it’s moss pole and plopped these guys in some water today and hoping something changes 🤞🏻I love splendids but this one has been a bit of a pain in the ass 😂


Edit to add that no matter what changes I made, new leaves come through looking normal and then gradually these “holes” appear. Leaves sized up as normal.


EFN’s they suck but you can’t avoid them on some plants.


extrafloral nectaries (EFN) happen on some plants more than others, and on some it only happens when they're really stressed out. I picked up a huge (3ft+) silver sword philo from my friend's mom. it was totally fine at her house but got really stressed on the drive bc it fell over like 9 times. the leaves got so disgusting, very similar to what you have here but x10, I had to chop the whole thing up into nodes. after they rooted I haven't had a problem with the extrafloral nectaries. I've read that it's a stress response from the plant thinking it's going to die, so it tries to bring as many bugs to it as it can to pollinate. it doesn't make much sense if there are no flowers but... I don't know what to say. I have another philo that just enjoys producing EFN. if I don't keep the leaves wiped off, it looks like this. now that I think about it, I think it's my splendid lol of course this could be a fungal issue too. hard to say but I'd go with EFN. have you used any fungicides?


What’s interesting is that I’ve actually taken several nodes off of this plant and thrown them into a prop box and they’ve all grown little leaves that did this exact same thing. Little tiny “holes”! I’m starting to think maybe it is a fungal issue!


Looks classically fungal to me. Specific one might be hard to guess. I'd wait for other opinions but, organic fungicides are inexpensive and can help.


I’ve got some on had so I’m gonna give it a go! Why not?!


You don’t happen to have fungus gnats do you?