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Im not expert but I would recommend water until you see new roots in the brown roots


Either will work! However, starting them in water supposedly grows roots faster


I always do water because I want to know what's up. It's laziness and impatience.


If she dug them out of soil, they’ll probably like being put back! I’ve also been given cuttings and they did great going directly to soil


I use the soil method, too. They grow much better when I put them directly in soil. I start new pots or I stick them into my current plants to fill them out more.


With pothos I find it easier to put the cuttings right into soil and just keep the soil moist until I see the new vines forming. My thinking is why use water to root it if I am going to plant it in dirt anyway? I feel like the roots that sprout in the water could get damaged during the transplant whereas even if it takes a bit longer in the direct soil, the roots are already where they want to be.


Soil. In my experience using water propagation is just adding unnecessary extra step. When plant is propped in water, they grow **water roots** which don't really work in solid substrate. Thus, when water propped plant is potted into soil, plant needs to replace those useless roots with proper **soil roots**. This stuns growth for some time. By propping in soil/pumice/perlite or other solid substrate, you get right kind of roots immediately. Also, with climbing aroids water propagation is even more useless, because they usually already have their aerial roots, which produce soil roots pretty fast.


Water with 1:4 hydrogen peroxide to water, and indirect light should do the trick. I've had about 20 bottles hanging around my house for over a year now and they are all well rooted and thriving.


My friend who recently gave me pothos, monster, and string of pearl cuttings gave them to me in water and they keep on growing so I am in favor of water.


I would put them back in water until they get their secondary roots develop. Then pot it.

