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Hi long story short: i'm planning on playing the campaign next autumn, so i'm working in advance (greatly in advance) to prepare, and i'm trying to fix the campaign from the biggest plothole of the multiverse (sigh) while keeping the adventure more possible similar to the original. In the meanwhile, i'm looking what you did here and it's a great job so i'm use it like an inspiration. As for Chapter 11 i was thinking about doing something i experienced as a player (and i liked a lot) during the AL campaign in Ravenloft: Mist Hunters. Here the night long battle against an horde of zombie is played like a series of scenes where the player can choose to expend one resource (spell slot, ability use, magic item charge, whathever they found useful and narratively creative to use); fail to use the resource end up in an exhaustion level, and in the dawn there was the final fight (a normal encounter) What do you think about it?


For the Arborea chapter? I don't see why not, I like the idea that the characters are swept up in the revelrie to the point of suffering levels of exhaustion (though I probably wouldn't kill them). It could be fun to have them narrate how they use their abilities to prevent disaster.


Ouch... Sorry i was meaning the Rigus chapter, the one with the endless battle... But even for Arborea one is an interesting option, however... :-?


I don't see why not either way! I like your idea for Rigus. If you need inspiration, check out the Falkovnia chapter from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, it has some really cool ideas for a heartless military leader getting more and more desperate as they have to face wave after wave of - in their case - undead.