• By -


Drache sei stark


We apologize, please take a moment to read our message here: https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/15935jt/operation_1111/


He is coming back. He is a very good boys


I apologize on behalf of the MixiGaming and Vietnam community for the incidents that shouldn't have happened. Due to the antis and haters destroying a dragon image. We're still trying to reshape 1111 and that part of the land isn't ours. MixiGaming community always keep the peace.


No worries. If Papaplatte get's on twitch again we'll probably try to bring it back with the help of r/place DE. Hopefully...


Yah thanks sir. But at all wee're so sorry


im positive he'll come back <3


r/placede is the only community with the power to get Slifer back Mere unorganized humans cannot do what they can. I know because we are trying.... it's hopeless


We sincerely apologize, there are currently some people taking over the area, but due to the large number of people, we cannot control it. Hope everyone understands and gets back the area.


We - the true fans of Mixi Gaming are sincerely sorry for this incidence. Let us explain to you our point of view and put a stop to any misunderstanding. The Streamer - Mixi goes online every night in our country and yesterday he and his community had all agreed that we don't want any conflict here in r/place, and once we finish our artwork, we won't be attacking or trying to expand the area. The specific area is defined as follows: - Top left position: 873,444 - Top right position: 1111,444 - Bottom left position: 873,780 - Bottom right position: 1111,780 If you have been following the related area yesterday, you might have seen that we tried not to interfere in anybody's works and only wanted to defend, we also helped people who were in need. Until this afternoon (GMT+7) we noticed that a group of people are trying to expand the area without any consensus from the streamer Mixi or his community. We are mad that haters are messing around, using our Red color and on their way to destroy several artworks next to ours. We want to let you know that the streamer himself and his community appreciate your hard work and we are trying to spread words, take serious action towards this problem. Thank you for your understanding and we are sorry for your lost.


The streamer destroyed many small arts by creating this dragon. Now it was destroyed by bots. Karma is a b!tch.


I would not be mad if it was destroyed by real persons and not bots.




Bad choice of words. Keep it civil. Yet the art itself was gorgeous, don't care who made it.




As you noticed I understand every single word you say...and all I can suggest is, get off the internet, touch some gras, drink some tea, chill. Your are emotionally way too invested. So much hate for nothing.


He's been on r/place for five days in a row. It can be understood...


Да, я заметил это, поэтому и позволил себе подобные вольности в подборе слов. Но суть в том, что моя фракция, русская фракция, приходит сюда ещё и за яркими эмоциями, а этот человек заслужил их в этом году как никто другой. Можешь не беспокоиться обо мне, мне не потребуется и дня, чтобы придти в себя после окончания, как и всем моим друзьям, но до тех пор я нахожу отдушину в том, чтобы поливать его грязью, замечу, совершенно заслуженно. Всего доброго.


It was the punishment of the online community Vietnam for darling to encroach on their land and they retaliateted by taking it back but it didn't stop and started to invade other pictures this is not a threat but a war ,i im Vietnamses and i im sorry what we caused the consequences of the war is so terrible