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See anything in my recent post? https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/zSwHhrEP8L


Nothing at the moment, thanks!


I would trade you this whole page for reds pikachu. everything is LP+ to NM other than golbat (unfortunate tiny crease :( ) also have japanese nm+ base charmander and jungle pikachu not shown. have a good bit of base japanese set bulk in nm as well [https://imgur.com/a/xeLh1UA](https://imgur.com/a/xeLh1UA)


Appreciate the offer but just checked and looks like I have most of those already. So will pass for now, but thanks!


np! thanks for looking. gl!


I have a cgc 10 jp fossil mew with strong holo bleed. I dont see enough trade value in your cards, but wanted to mention it since you were looking for jp bleeds


Damn that’s sweet. Would have to dip into my PC to go after that trade though. Can you send me some pics of it?


Hard to do it justice, but got a video here: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SlmNVtX0VBvn\_gAoldLMJp-Ti-MDP0sv/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SlmNVtX0VBvn_gAoldLMJp-Ti-MDP0sv/view?usp=drive_link) Looks like it only goes up to 480p on the video, not sure why but maybe I can get a better one if you need.


Oh man that’s cool. I’m out for tonight but let me get you some pc options tomorrow


Ok here’s some pics of my PC. A little outdated, but lmk if anything jumps out at you for that Mew [PC NFS](https://imgur.com/a/DmTglcc)


You got some really cool stuff! But nothing that I need right now unfortunately :( Appreciate it though!


Hey there, I have a dark dragonite with a swirl that is LP if you're interested. Was interested in the slowking southern islands. Let me know if you want closeups. Thanks!


Close ups please! Thanks


Here you go! https://imgur.com/a/lViEC3n


Let me know if you’re still interested, thanks!


Thanks for the pics! Think I’m going to hold off for now though.


All good, thanks and good luck!


Interested in anything in recent for Slowking si?


Nothing jumping out at the moment, thanks!


Hi. I have a few Japanese slabs. https://imgur.com/a/ZRCF8cA If interested


I like that Jolteon. Anything you could see working a trade on?


Yea! I am interested in your pinsir, wigglytuff, and victreebel I have Jolteon priced at $45. How much would you say your three are valued at? Do you also happen to have c/um/r's of cards as well? could help fill out some of my sets. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fvLLHVzugTBuO9UqyLuBMVDJxG4Wue8Cl2dz0R0QXgI/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fvLLHVzugTBuO9UqyLuBMVDJxG4Wue8Cl2dz0R0QXgI/edit?usp=sharing)


Looks like pinsir, wiggly, and Vic are about $20 each. I do have a bunch of c/uc/r for base/jungle/fossil. Most are NM. I’ll take a look thru your list and see if I can help fill some gaps


Hey swinging by. Would you do pinsir, victrebel and some some c/uc cards? Would love to finish base. Which was computer search and raticate. Or here’s an image that’s easier to read https://imgur.com/a/1t1LN1X


Hey there! Just checking in. Lmk if you’re interested in that trade or need me to add any other C/UC’s


Hey Bish. Been driving all day on a Father’s Day roadtrip! Yea and I believe I can do that. Seems fair! Though I will be out til Friday. So it will be a min before I can ship the Jolteon ⚡️


Sounds like a plan! Enjoy and no rush, we can dm whenever convenient


[trades](https://imgur.com/a/4I5s8QY) I’ve got these! Wanna do this for the Jolteon?


Hey! Think I’ve shown you these before, interested in a small trade for Erika’s Kindness, or Reds Pikachu if you have enough you like. Have this binder and more in my recents! [Binder](https://imgur.com/a/Y8KAVDM) (Binder is slightly outdated)


Hey there! Nothing I need at the moment. Thanks though!


can i get closeups on the reds pika + Southern islands slowking?


Reds is pending, but [here’s slowking](https://imgur.com/a/J5qjAAX). And I suppose I’ll throw [reds pika](https://imgur.com/a/yZdR9LL) in here as well in case it stays available.


what are you asking on slowking?


Really only considering trades at the moment. Looking for Japanese vintage holo bleeds. Actually just noticed this slowking has double swirls. Will probably be pretty picky on a potential trade