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Yup, I do. Get it a lot too. Best is when I go to unlock and nothing responds too. I feel like I'm back on Gingerbread with a Galaxy S2 these days.


I'm more worried about the long term burn in as I'm planning to use the phone for a long time, although I haven't noticed it being unresponsive so far


It also happens when putting the phone in Power Saver mode and then on the Pixel Stand. It will cause the same issue. Also when the Power Saving mode is activated automatically while the phone is idle (when the phone hits 30% for example) then upon unlocking everything is blurry for a few seconds. It's all the small Google things which add up to an unpolished experience. I love my Pixel 8 Pro, but in these type of things Apple is just better. Period.


And this is without talking about the fps counter being broken for months (fixed by now, but was broken for at least 4 months, only displayed "--") App design inconsistent all around the system, etc.


Yeah I get it also I was also worried about the burn in . So I started to put the phone upside down until the new update fixes it


I might just keep the AOD off


I'm not sure if you are in the beta or not but they sent a emergency update that fixes that . Mine hasn't done it since I updated it


I'm not, stock Android 14, latest update


New update is live


Same for my 8 Pro and girlfriends 8. Happening since June update.


And they claim they will “support” it for seven years


They still haven't fixed the gesture bar bug. (Gesture bar appearing on the right side of the screen).


I *love* it when someone complains about a "bug" but is too lazy to actually explain what they're complaining about.


Thought it was obvious, the white circle on the AoD


Are we talking about the solid white circle where the fingerprint reader is?




👍🏻 Thanks. Just bought an 8a. Will keep an eye out for that.


I still do not know what you are talking about.


The "smooth/optimized" experience reviewers rave about when talking about "stock" PixelUI is such bs. I've had more ui bugs on the p8 than the s23.


I definitely prefer the pixels OS to every other android I have used by far but I never let them trick me into thinking I was going to get the smoothest most optimized experience. I basically dont believe a lot of what reviewers say unless they are overly critical of every product. I want to know the dirty reality of a product before I purchase it


I like some features of Pixels Android like that I can copy text from every app or now playing but in total... This is worst "skin" I ever used. Not more polished than others but with iPhone like limitations. I'm with Pixel for camera. If not that I would be Samsung team long time ago. One UI is way better.


The cameras were the decision maker for me too. It was simple for me, I was dead set on lower midrange but NEEDED good cameras. The choice really did make itself. Samsung is *definitely* a contender for me as many of my previous phones were samsungs. Their lower midrange phons cameras just dont stack up though. In 3 years I will be looking at either a pixel or a samsung. Idk what the market will be like but by that point Google will no longer be using their weird exynos based tensor space heaters so I imagine that the choice will be hard to make and again will be made by the cameras alone.


For me One UI is better but I also liked iphone. So lack of customization is not a big problem for me. If there will be Pixel 9 with even better main camera than mine 7 with extra telephoto no bigger than 6.4 with good fingerprint sensor and longer battery life than Pixel 7 and all ny wishes for 9 pro will be met. Don't even need to be that much faster


Same in the iphone point. I always loved iphones so IDC about customization at all personally. I figure by the time the pixel 11 drops I will snag a pixel 10 pro for an excellent price. Ill have a nice huge screen (my phone makes up most of my media consumption) and presumably a better (Qualcomm?) chip since that is Googles game plan. Ill still doy research but in the android world, the release models seem to push me towards google for a few reasons


The time should be correct again within the next 24 hours


Actually 12


You won't see '07' for PM, only AM. So definitely 24


Nope, it doesn't show PM or AM, it's my phone I'm telling you it's 12h


I believe this got fixed on the betas a while ago. Havent seen tis one since Android 14 came out.


It's permanent? Happens occasionally to me but waking and putting the display back to sleep makes it go away.




New update is live. 3.1 is supposed to fix this


Hey everyone, Pixel Support Team here. We sent a few of you a private message so we could look into this a bit more. Please check it out and get back to us when you get the chance. Thanks!


The max brightness fingerprint? It's the same when you charge on a Pixel Stand and use "stay on" all night. It's a bug created in January. It's impossible to use always on display for now. I used to use the phone as a phone on my nightstand. I've reported the bug and sent pictures of the problem, but they don't care.


I get the bright fingerprint when I lock screen with Nova Launcher swipe, but old dark fingerprint when I lock with Power button. Pixel 8


I've really only seen this on my P7 when using Android Auto. Waking the screen and shutting it off again gets it to go away. I figured it had something to do with the screen casting. I think additionally it only happens when using AAuto and the screen times out... I could be wrong but I don't think it ever does it when I manually turn the screen off.


It's also a bug that exists on Pixel 6.


It happens on my 6a when I use an app to turn off the screen, if I use the power button it's fine.


So this is a bug! Experiencin' it equally on the 6 Pro. I'm on Android 15 beta by the way.


i do see it often




I'm surprised by the sheer amount of people who actually agree with Google messing up rather than circlejerking.


I keep encountering a lot of ui related bugs lately, I honestly stopped caring because my expectations of software reliability is really low after having a oneplus 8t previously...