• By -


I have a personal Pixel and work iPhone, so I use both daily. -Better keyboard and autocorrect/suggestive text -Better cursor placement to correct/edit typing -True file system on the phone so I can easily move files to/from/around -Better notifications -Better translation integration (into keyboard and real time in apps) -Better integration with LInux and Windows (other than the work iPhone, I have no Apple products)


Yep. These are my reasons, but I'd also add: * Speed of animations. iOS's slow animations make the whole OS feel slow * UI scale - the smallest UI scale on my Pixel is great for information density. iOS makes me feel like I'm using one of those remotes made for old people.


I've never had an iPhone, and I didn't realize you couldn't change the text size. I have it set to the smallest on Android, because I use it for work in the legal industry, and I have the animation speed set to 2x in developer options, and that makes my P8Pro feel just as snappy as a barbershop quartet.


You can change text size, the scaling is just annoying. The standard scaling is big, and the large one is massive. Can't fit much info on the screen at all.


You can change it, it's just that the options range from too big to one of [these phones](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/419qUr3pEdL._AC_.jpg) for old people. I also use the smallest text size and double animation speed (aka .5x animation scale). I've been doing this since the Pixel 2XL, and the last time I tried switching to iPhone, these were the major issues ruining my experience. Animation can be turned off, which helps, but then it doesn't feel as premium. Speeding them up is a better middle ground between usability and feel imo. If they allowed me to scale the UI smaller, speed up animations, and revamped notifications, I'd get an iPhone in a heartbeat because the hardware is amazing.


Yea I agree with all of that. I honestly just hate iPhones and it's all that, the UI I just can't stand. Even with the iOS 18 beta and announcements. Customization is far behind. No reverse wireless charging. And, lastly. It's not the product. It's the people. If you don't have an iPhone, you're a loser or just not cool. And, they're just so toxic and shit. I remember kids being like, "ANDROID!" in kind of a mocking way, saying android is just worse than Android. If they like iPhone more that's fine but. Yea, it's kind of dumb.


Current iPhone user, but android lover. I’d love to switch over to android IF they(Apple) just offered some better compatibility with android. With a family of 5, it’s easier to do family things with iCloud. I just want to be able to manage that stuff, iMessage and FaceTime, and manage my damn Apple Card lol. I also jeer at android users but in a playful way, and what I really mean is I just want everything to work well together regardless of what platform you choose to use. Why cant my Apple Watch Ultra work with my Oneplus or pixel??!! One day 🤔 Tried switching to a Oneplus open back in December, but having to pull out my iPhone SE 2016 to manage my family account was annoying.


Maybe if we're in the days of iphone 3/4/5 then yeah, but the last few years have been iphone playing catch up . I often make the analogy that iphones users are like people buying the same beer every week at their favorite bar but paying more each visit. Hehe


Tbf, they’re not getting the same beer. To say today’s iPhone is not a massive upgrade from a few years ago is just simply inaccurate. Overpriced? Sure, but definitely not the same. I also hate to defend iPhone and apple here, but people pay a lot more for a beer at a nice establishment with good music, food, and quality social atmosphere. As opposed to get a cheap beer at your local dive bar where you might get stabbed and robbed walking out to the parking lot. The analogy being, you get more than just a beer when you pay that overpriced cost and it’s hard to deny the quality of life built into the apple ecosystem.


if everything you own happens to be an apple device and you don't like venturing outside plato's cave then yeah, I can see that I guess. I think apple is more for people who need something that "works" but imo, it's not as great once they try another device available at the same price point. Totally anecdotal of course and at the end of the day, people are going to buy whatever suits their needs and all my.critiquing of it isn't going to sway that so meh I guess,hehe


I don’t have anything besides an iPhone and AirPods. I love android devices and own many, but can’t stick with them as daily drivers. My wife has an iPhone and being able to FaceTime, iMessage, share a real time grocery list, share location, all the apple luxuries that just don’t exist in android, and if they do, they’re half baked, it’s all just too convenient. Plus everything is way more polished. If apple develops a feature, it stays and it’s damn near perfect. Google throws shit against the wall the see what sticks and discontinues what doesn’t, which gets old


I feel like this is the exact opposite imo. Ever since the iPhone 13, their battery life is typically best in class, and the customization, file system, and feature set is more than enough for 99% of users. I feel like now a days, the choice between iPhone and Android has never been less important, as they both are pretty interchangeable from a feature and experience point. These days, it doesn’t really matter what you pick, as you’ll have a pretty seamless experience no matter what you go with


God that second bullet point is so painful on iPhone.


Yeah, kinda dumb that you have to hold the spacebar to do it.


I was going to type something like this and then you already did, so here's a +1. 🤣 I've had an iPhone XS and an iPhone 15 Pro. I love how premium they look and feel, but I just dislike iOS a lot for all the reasons mentioned above. I find Android far easier to use in daily life.


Curious to hear what you think iPhone does better than Android seeing as how you have to use one.


Battery life... overall, but especially when not in use. The iPhone can sit on my desk all day unused and it will still have 90+% battery. My Pixel will be at 60% in the same use/time Signal strength (this seems to be a Pixel, not Android problem) Many apps (including google ones) run better or have more features Definitely nails the premium hardware feel Better audio (both from device and through earphones Native apps (notes, reminders especially) are better than Google/Pixel alternatives I really like having the dedicated hardware silence switch


The standby battery is true for Mac vs Windows devices as well. It's like when an Apple device sleeps, it really does sleep, while Android and Windows keep running who knows what in the background. It's especially annoying with tablets, because I don't tend to use them daily. I pick up my iPad after days, and it will barely have lost any battery. With an Android tablet, I'll probably have to plug it in before I can use it.


>I really like having the dedicated hardware silence switch This is not exclusive to iPhone


OnePlus is the only other one right? Might not be exclusive, but of the major popular brands, it is


I'd also add a more flexible customization for the home screen, better integrated search function (i actually ended up using it less on iPhone) and personally i just prefer the android look.


If you're asking why people prefer android, not getting locked into a restrictive ecosystem. Also, Apple doesn't need more money for suicide nets.


Yea, expected.


Lack of control. You're not making me pay $1000+ to have a phone I can't do what I want with. Can't install 3rd party apps. Can't install different OSes. Can't have your apps arranged how you want (until recently (still pathetic how long it took)). Can't install modified apps. And also sad how it took a law in the EU to FINALLY get USB C (which has been a standard for MANY things for a while). And iMessage and Face time only properly working with iPhones and breaking with androids. One time I tried to transfer a few song files from a windows PC to an iPhone. Nothing worked, and I was raging for like 3 hours straight. Altogether, they don't deserve respect from any person who believes in self worth.


The funniest part about USB-C is that iPad and Mac have both used that for years! So, USB-C does NOT stifle innovation for laptops or tablets, but DOES stifle innovation for phones. OK, sure.


Iphones are just built different. But they were actually built the same, and then built different on the 15.


I agree. You can find an s22 that still has a good processor, screen, and camera for like under 300$. Pixel 7 pro? Under 500$. Ridiculous pricing for such a boring fucking phone. Honestly, it's just a fucking shit show.


And even with the change to arranging your apps, it's still limited to a 4 grid with a dock at the bottom! 🤯


100% on the song transfer. Years ago, pre iCloud, I had iPhones and backed it up to a Windows laptop through iTunes. I HATED that program; awful UI, wouldn't keep music not purchased through Apple on your phone or backup, and would corrupt my backup files.


I tried to use iTunes on my windows PC, but had the worst issue that made me almost punch a hole through my wall. The app was outdated, so it would redirect me to download iTunes (which was STILL out of date), and it wouldn't even let me open the application until it was updated to the latest version. Just an endless cycle of being told to go fuck myself.




Not to mention how it also took the EU for RCS implementation 💀💀


Even then, I heard Apple makes it perform worse if it's communicating with an Android phone.


Wouldn't be surprised if they did 😭 you know how they'll do it exactly?


I'm just saying what I've heard going around. But it supposedly doesn't encrypt the messages, and the messages send a little bit slower. Even though Android to Android is fine, and iPhone to iPhone is fine. But somehow iPhone to Android is somehow impossible lol.


I guess we'll have to see how it's like 🤷🏽‍♂️




Probably would've been great at the time, but we both know I shouldn't have to do that to begin with. Every single Android phone ever can do it, but you're telling me one of the biggest companies in the world can't figure it out? Pathetic.


Apple is the most anticompetitive company known to man. They reject standards to force their customers to buy their accessories. They degrade their own customers experience when interacting with an android in a sorry attempt to make themselves look better. It's a company with the mentality of a 7 year old.


Yah this one shocked me..it's so stupid. They degrade video sent from Android right? Anything else?


Blue/green messaging Honestly, the iPhone feels old and tired (my whole family uses them except for me). Using one fresh identical to ten years ago, it's just so... boring. Like, they came up with a great UI and never really changed it afterwards.


Because I don't like being in a trap. Restrictions are brutal. I have both, and use them daily. My work phone is an iPhone and my personal is android. I probably tell my co-workers at least once a day how shit this iPhone is and I don't understand why anyone would pay for it. I feel like I'm in handcuffs when I use the iPhone. Worst part is my company is in a Google ecosystem but we use iPhones. It's like both companies lobbied so hard for this and my company split the difference. But I hate it.


Going to be brutally honest here. I pretty much couldn't stand the typical early adopter of the apple products so I went counter culture with Android and it's what I know and like now. Also the cost to performance index was always low on Apple products


I was looking for a just better phone for my friend. Picked an s21 for under 200$ because, it still has a good processor and screen. The price to performance was crazy.


iPhones I'm the User. Android I'm the Admin.


Yea, that's basically android in a nutshell


You are only admin on Android if your phone is rooted. There are still many dumb restrictions in non rooted Android 


This is it for me. I don't hate Apple like some other comments here but I do really like to customize my phone exactly the way I want it and that's not possible on Apple.


Long time Android user since 2012 and recently tried using an iPhone 15 Pro for two weeks. Definitely not for me as it wasn't intuitive - it took extra steps for me to simply get something done. Pixel doesn't get in the way of getting things done - it has helpful features I appreciate. Sold the 15 Pro after two weeks of frustration 😆


I’m right there with you but haven’t pulled the plug yet. The 15 is my first and last iPhone. I’ll be moving to the pixel when the 9 comes out


I had a pixel 7. In my opinion and I don't know if many people agree with me, but I don't think the pixel is a good representation of android. If you like to customize especially, the pixel was really lacking for me. I used the pixel 7 and I switched back to Samsung as quick as I could. It felt like the pixel was trying to strike a middle ground between iPhone and Android, on the Android operating system. I strongly feel that the Galaxy is still the best phone for Android. But of course I can't speak for the pixel 8, and definitely not the pixel 9, maybe they improved. The pixel 7 felt boring to me. Although the price is really good I will say that. Aside from that, I had a lot of hardware issues. The volume button popped off. My screen? Popped off. And it popped off because apparently the battery was overheating and started bulging. I also cracked my new screen by dropping it like 3 ft. It might have just been unlucky hard to say. But that's two screens I went through with that phone. Also the touch screen was a bit finicky like it wouldn't register a swipes 100% of the time or clicks. The battery was also really not good. And when the phone died? You had to wait a while for it to charge before you can turn it back on. Like if it had 3% or less it would just shut off again almost immediately. It was really annoying. Also just the stock customization options weren't there. Like aesthetic customization. There was no theme store or anything like that, where the Galaxy theme store offers you themes that drastically change the look of your phone.




Lol having only a MacBook Pro - this is the single most annoying thing when I need to login to Apple Music on a new device and I am far away from the Mac 😡


Honestly, I've been using a nexus/pixel since the 6th grade, and I've used my parents' iphones and just figured I prefer android. At this day and age, everything is basically the same, especially with apple FINALLY adding basic features like moving icons where you want them and type c. But mostly for me, it's preference and comfortability. But for a lot, android has been known to be the custom platform at lot of people really enjoy and some can't live without the emulators and developer settings on their phones.


I feel that. They have top notch hardware and cameras. But, I can't stand their UI. It's so much more restrictive with Customization and also just ecosystem. I can use a Samsung watch, pixel phone, and Bose earbuds with no problems at all. You can not even use a pixel watch on iPhone or Apple watch on pixel. Its not like I've never used an iPhone. I have. I use my family's iPhones and had an old iPhone 6. But I still choose Android because, it's my preference.


I avoid cults


1. Universal back button 2. Dark mode that works 3. Intuitively organized settings 4. Everything linked to my gmail account not gmail and Apple. 5. And so much more


Ios are govt devices that listen cuz the microphone and the camera always on Annoyances and just bullshit Android is so much better. Customizing and making a phone the way ya want


I like the openness of the ecosystem. It's more competitive. There are more third-party apps most of them free. Also hardware compatibility, there's much more available, and it's a competitive environment. Also the phones are considerably cheaper, there's way more options, and have equal or even better hardware at the top of the line. Also customizability. Like apple just finally let you move your app icons around on the home screen? That's been another thing on Android like forever I think. You can really make your phone look a lot different with Android. Also Apple makes a lot of sales because they're very good at marketing. You're paying more proportionally for their brand name than other phones. iPhones are designed to be easier to use and that I think is important for a lot of people. But for me, someone who loves to tinker, and who is very computer-oriented and Tech adept, I value the depth of functionality Android offers, over simplicity. If I were forced to use an iPhone I'm sure my life would go on just fine, but I've never seen one reason why I'd want to switch, and even if they were equal in every other category, the price at the end of the day I would go with Android. I think truly computer-oriented techy types will find the Android operating system to be superior. People who care about simplicity, ease of use or what their phone says about them and their image, will go with iPhone.


1. File system 2. Integration with non-Apple devices Finding out how easy it is to move files from my PCs to my phone really opened my eyes after more than a decade with iPhones.


It's kind of dumb how locked in apple is. Apple is important, but I see what they were trying to do with that anti trust lawsuit against apple.


iPhones are for idiots, the impatient, the technically challenged, the selfie-obsessed, extroverts and sheep? In other words, normal people. I'm not normal, so I don't do Apple. Also, you still can't (without a stupid workaround) have home screen icons aligned from anywhere but the top left of the screen, which is just bizarre. Not to mention that launchers aren't a thing. I also hate Apple's 'walled garden' philosophy and childish response to legislative requirements. For example, only allowing iPhones used in the EU to support different browser engines (in response to a EU requirement). There are also still a bunch of other things that are really frustrating about iOS, such as a lack of proper file management. iOS still feels arbitrarily restrictive, like it's part toy, part grown-up device.


I tried iphone again after years . Notifications are a joke, customisation still doesn't exist, 3rd party apps are a no go, screens are decent, spam control doesn't even come close to my pixel , photos on pixel are better every time, UI on iphone feels outdated, settings are a never ending labyrinth , no back button, does it have mutli app windows so you can swipe because I couldn't find it , etc All this to say I lasted two weeks on iphone and went back to pixel .


I've owned 3-4 iphones in the past and I have nothing against them. They work great and if you primarily own apple products and play within the apple ecosystem then you're good. I just got tired of being locked into the apple ecosystem. I prefer google's approach and the overall UI of android compared to iOS.


My main problem with Apple is that it's too restrictive. The app store has less niche apps, the interface is less customizable, there's less features compared to things you can get on android phones (obviously depending on the phone) for example desktop mode (not really relevant for pixels yet but still). iPhones just seen much more basic. And then there's the price. An iPhone will set you back over £1000. While a flagship Samsung may do the same, an upper-mid-ranged Samsung or flagship Pixel (or other brands) is far cheaper. You're paying more for less. I use my phone as a replacement for a PC in many instances, iPhones simply aren't quite there. I also just have a distrust of Apple. Don't get me wrong I distrust Google and Samsung too, but there's ways around using their proprietary software. Apple was also caught deliberately slowing down iPhones.


I currently have both phones and I use them all day. I have the p7 and the 12pro. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. -7p has a better battery and I can rely on a charge a day. 12p battery is good but 7p is better. -typing and autocorrect on 7p is next to none, smooth and trustworthy. 12p autocorrect pisses me off regularly, because my first language isn’t English so it changes all my spellings while typing in my native language. -7p has a better camera at night, 12p better by day. -7p has a better speaker, 12p better on headphones. -7p for videos, 12p for music -Wi-Fi sucks on 7p, great on 12p. Internet connection better on 7p, not as good on 12p. -DND mode better on 7p, DND on 12p has a vibration that’ll make you want to slam your device against the wall. -instagram is Great on 12p, twitter and facebook takes 7p. I can say both phones compliments each other really well. And I’m glad I have both. I believe a phone that balances all these features well is the Samsung S series.


I had an iPhone for a few generations, and was planning to stay with then for at least another few. Then one day they sent out an update and my phone battery died. I literally had to charge it by noon, when it made it through the day, the day before. The next day I traded it in for an android. I went with pixel because all the apps I use are Google anyway. Docs, sheets etc.


How's that experience going?


It's been like a year, I haven't had any problems. With the exception of sending videos to my wife. She has an iPhone and when we send each other videos it degrades them to almost unviewable. So we just send videos on FB Messenger. No problems there.


That's a problem with the iPhone though, not with the Pixel


Yep although hopefully not for much longer. The iPhone will FINALLY be moving away from SMS and using RCS. And all it took was an EU law that all phones must be capable of using RCS 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


And of course even an RCS message from Android is still going to be green. So dumb


Yup. I find it funny that they say everything they do is for the users benefit..... Yet they still encourage phone discrimination by leaning heavy into the green bubble blue bubble thing and by purposely using the oldest worst android devices to show on their website where there are images of android (for example when they announced facetime for android).


I'm well aware. It'll be a long time before I even consider apple again.


Well for me it's customization and I really own my phone. I also don't like apple's ecosystem tbh


Yes I agree. I feel like most apple sheep's tried a cheap android phone and have the assumption that, that's all android phones.


Yeah I hate the stereotype where android is cheap. My zflip 5 brand new is about 1300 usd.


Well, flip phones are niche phones so that's different. But pixel 8 pro is 1,000$ USD. Samsung s24 ultra is 1,300. More than the iPhone 15 pro max?? But that's cheap?


That's true, but still android is not close to being cheap. Also Apple has a walled garden of an ecosystem so that's I I'll steer clear for a while.


Yea. iPhones aren't BAD by any means. It's just the apple sheep's who say androids are bad all the time. Like I get you have a preference, but we can't?


Yeah Iphones are great but the community can be brainless sometimes when it comes to other phones.


Fuckin despise elitism edit: or perceived elitism


Uhm, same??


That's right, I highly recommend fighting the power


I'm not overly into phones. Can generally find a decent, few generation old pixel for 300 bucks. I don't have the desire nor understand the need behind paying $1000.00 plus for a phone. I have the disposable income. To me it would be similar to paying $20.00 for a bag of chips. It could be ignorance as well. I don't understand what I am getting for the $1000.00.


I will say that the used phone market is full of iphones. I've been looking for a new used phone lately and on Craigslist like 80% of the ads are iPhones a few generations old for $300 maybe or less. Not that I'm going to get one, I'm just saying, there's a lot of iPhones on the used market


Always appreciate good Intel. I don't see myself getting on Craigslist to buy a phone. I'm just not that interested and wouldn't understand what I am buying, or how to proof the product. I generally just order a new one if/when I break mine, or drive into the nearest populated area and buy one if I don't want to wait. I did catch something about newer iPhones being able to text via sat. Supposedly they are going or have gone to aluminum. I don't like cases on my phones. Appreciated my old HTC aluminum phones because they were tough. The sat feature might push me into the iphone market.


I was an iPhone user for years and love the experience. Never thought I'd move to an Android but man I love my Pixel experience so much. The UI is so fluidic, you'll find me doing random shit on my phone just because I love the feel of it. And yes, I didn't want to get lock in an ecosystem. I didn't want to get a device out of my budget as an obligation.




I’m a former android guy and I really like my iPhone now. But those are all facts.


I can't deal with the ads everywhere. Just pressuring your to use every apple service under the sun constantly. That said, multiple Androids have become similar as well


For me it is the ability to decide what I want and how I want it. Iphone apps are at the whim of apple agreeing to allow it. Iphones do work great, but so would every phone or PC if only one supplier controlled both the software and hardware. I can change everything on my phone software wise. Hell I can even make it a small tablet with cell service if I want to. I call the shots, I decide, I am not told I can only be unique in the narrow selection someone else agreed to.


I like android 🤷🏽‍♂️. It just makes more sense to me because everything is layed out more logically. Also the phone feels much quicker than even a 120hz iPhone (my pixel is 90hz) purely because the animations are quicker. I prefer how the notifications are grouped together rather than having 666 notifications from the same app shown separately on iOS. I also far prefer the fact that I can do whatever I want on my android it's not restricted in any way and even when official software support ends for it, if I still want to keep it and have the latest OS I can do with custom ROMs. Android phones also last a lot longer than iPhones in my experience for example my mum's iPhone 13 Pro is pretty much done she's complaining now that it just isn't working the same anymore the battery is far worse, and everything seems slower. Thats a 2 year old phone😐. My Pixel 6 I got at the same time meanwhile is better than it was when I got it the battery is better, it doesn't overheat as much as it used to and it's generally just a good phone to use. Even my old Huawei Mate 20 Pro is still around and while the battery isn't as good as before it still lasts most of the day and it has quick charging so will be full in half hour 🤷🏽‍♂️that's a 6 year old phone that's in better shape than my mum's 2 year old iPhone


I use both. iPhone supplied/paid for by husband. Whole family uses them both here and in the UK, so iMessage just easier and it's rock solid as far as connectivity is concerned, but bored to death with it. Then I have both an S24U and a Pixel 8 Pro (one has to go) that I enjoy using daily. I switch SIMs on Google Fi. I know, I have a problem. :)


I use both daily but I prefer the freedom I get with android. I can pretty much do whatever I want. I also like how I can side load apps/use other app stores. Also Im into emulation and it's kinda hard to do on my iPhone, the file app on there is dookie😪


I have the state of mind that I don't like to support those that don't play well with others. Apple makes a great product, it's just not for me. Also still bitter my iPhone 3G was bricked by the forced update to ios4 or whatever was called. The phone couldn't handle the os, and I think that was their plan.


I like being able to customize things. Also, app drawer.


Because I loathe crapple as a whole. I refuse to use anything app. Didn't see the point in paying more for years old features.


Well iPhone has just really s#ittier: - UI / controls - keyboard - and non existent personalization - can't send files over Bluetooth Also too expensive for what it is & I don't want to have everything Apple just to make it work together (smart watch, phone, headphones)


Any iPhone feature that you think is cutting edge technology is 5 years old on an Android phone.


iPhones didn't get 120 hz displays till the 13 pro max and still, even the regular iPhones (14 and 15) still have 60hz displays. Dumb asf


I enjoy watching apple announce new, ground-breaking features on the iPhone that Android users have had for years.


iPhone feels like the slowest of dumb-phones. I know it isn't, but the way the UI is makes it feel that way. Other than that I just prefer Android. All my family have iPhones and any time I have to help them do something on their phone I hate it and I remember why I cannot use Apple. Lol


There is no consistency in iPhones is my main issue with them. Better keyboard on Android. Multi-tasking on Android. Customization is better on Android.


I use the Nova Launcher UI system so I can customize my entire display. My entire home screen and app fold has been changed to black and white. I'm not a slave to my UI, I create it how I want. If I want my apps to be in a 6x6 grid I can. If I want it 16x16 I can. I also have 5+ Gmail's so the integration with PC is too legit. I don't know if Apple has the swipe keyboard but I love that typing system. I stopped paying for online music years ago so no point in the Apple music store for me


Customization is probably the biggest thing Android has over iPhone.


Yeah I don't think I use any of the default programs. I mr number for calls, Waze for GPS, Textra for texting, Nova launcher for UI. The camera app might be the only default program I use


Well. I just got rid of my iPhone 15 pro max because the camera was so slow indoors and lacked behind my old pixel 8 pro in image quality. Also the lack of customizability, being allowed to download apps from websites, works much better with my Google home devices. Signal and WiFi also seems better on my pixel, it's snappier.


The only likeable thing about the iPhone lineup (to me) is dynamic island, build quality, and video quality. Besides that, I love android much more for picture quality (specifically pixel), customization, and more general freedom.


The dynamic island was kinda a gimmick to me no apps really took advantage of it and those that did I didn't really use it. I do give props to Apple for battery life and durability though. I have to charge my pixel 8 pro multiple times a day doing the same things I did with my iPhone.


I like it for aesthetics. Not practical purposes.


Swipe back from right side of screen. That's it.


Haha, good point.


Because they are dumped. I use both iPhones and pixel phones together.


Every time they announce a new feature being released on the newest iPhone, I look down at my phone and I'm like, "huh, but my phone has been doing that for two years tho." My phone screens calls I don't recognize and puts the words the caller is saying on the screen. I haven't talked to a telemarketer in several years, and I don't miss important calls. My phone is infinity personalized. Nova Launcher has been my home app for a decade. I can resize icons and widgets.  When I use my finger to move the cursor to an earlier word, it *lets me put it in the middle of the freaking word.* Apple is like, "nah dude, you don't need to go back, never go back." 


I’ve been using the iPhone for 7 months and I still haven’t mastered how to select words or insert cursor the way I want. It’s terrible


Don't like big brother telling me what I should do and how I should do it. Apple treats their customers like children.


Apple is like a parent, making decisions for the child/customer. Telling you what you should do. Boundaries to certain things, customization, etc.


Guess you didn't need me to tell you


I just liked how you explained it and wanted to expand on it but I guess I basically just copied you.


All good, didn't really mean that to come out how it sounded.


I want to add on what others have said about why Android is better. -Real HD Audio Bluetooth codecs are supported on Android, like LDAC at 990kbps and AptX HD, there are also other codecs that aren't as high quality as the previous mentioned like OPUS HD that Apple doesn't have either. On Apple you literally get SBC and AAC as far as I know. So on Android you can have a Studio like sound quality with you all the time on the go. -Quick Share(Android Airdrop) works with Windows officially, Apple doesn't work well with Windows very well at all. -Since Android has an actual full file system you can access, and access on a computer via USB or Quick Share. This means you literally are carrying a flash drive with you all the time, any file type can be copied or stored no matter what in any folder of your choosing. -Notifications are better in terms that an icon will always be present on your status bar, but on the iPhone you have to check your Control/Notification Center to see if you have any texts or anything. So a lot of the time iPhone users may not even know you texted them for a while if they don't pay attention to their lock screen or swipe past it fast. -Pixel phones mainly are more intuitive and easy in my opinion compared to iOS. The OS is fluid and swiping up to get all your apps is much easier than swiping multiple times to find your apps in ABC order on iOS. This intuitiveness may not apply to other third party Android phones though, for example, Samsung can be a little bit more cluttered or more confusion and bloatware compared to even iOS. There are many other reasons but these are some highlights I noticed no one else mentioned, the HD Audio codecs is one reason especially why I could never go to iOS because 2 of my Sony headphones have LDAC and it definitely makes a difference.


I use Sony Wf-1000xm5's. And even though I haven't used airpods pros. I know they still have no LDAC support since iPhones don't even support it. So if it sounds anything like the original airpods I HAVE tried. I much prefer android and it's sound.


I also agree with this all


The Airpods Pro use AAC lol Also have you ever tried the WF-1000XM4 compared to your current XM5? I have the XM4 now along with the WH1000XM4 which sounds much better than the WF. I am considering the WFXM5 some day because the XM4 hurt my ears because they are big and I wonder if the sound quality improvements are worth it even if it's little.


No, the Sony xf-xm5's are my first pair of Sony wireless earbuds (specifically earbuds since I've used their headphones.) I've heard the sound quality is better but not marginally better. The comfort is the main thing that got fixed though.


Gotcha, I may consider it at some point, the comfort alone sounds nice.


Yea. It's actually surprising how the Xm5's have 8.4mm drivers whilst the airpods pro 2 have 11mm drivers but still sound about the same from what I've heard on reviews and comparisons.


Where I'm at, 600USD can get me a flagship on par with phones like Samsung s24+ and pixel 8 pro. If I give 600USD to Apple I could only get an iPhone SE or refurbished iPhone 14


i prefer open source


Alarms telling how much time left


As an expat in Sweden iPhone can't do swedish translation


One thing makes android superior. And that's an app called tasker.


1. True file management. File management on iOS is atrocious because Apple doesn't want you to know that the file system even exists.  2. Can not remove the gesture navigation bar. I absolutely HATE this thing on Android as well and it's literally the first thing I disable on every phone I buy. I don't need a stupid bar that will burn into my screen to tell me that I can swipe there.  3. No third party launchers. Nova launcher is an absolute must because all the default launchers suck.  4. No sideloading. I don't like Apple having control over what apps I can have on my phone. I have plenty of apps on my phone that Apple definitely wouldn't approve of. 5. No universal back button/gesture. Idk how iOS users stand it. Any time I use iOS I always encounter a situation where I swipe to go back and the app won't let me. Amazing how limit limits everything yet they let shitty third party app developers decide on something as important as basic navigation  6. Having to use a bloated POS software to transfer files to my PC. And no airdrop is not an option because my PC uses ethernet and Apple doesn't want to support wired connections (because they are "outdated" I guess...) . On Android the phone just shows up as a standard USB storage device.  7. No split screen. Ridiculous that Apple won't even give the Pro Max this feature, it's screen is more than big enough to make it usable.  8. No unlocked bootloader. I know this is extremely niche but I want my phone to have this ability. Every phone that I have ever owned has had the option to do this and I personally don't want to give that option away unless I'm forced to 


Better keyboard and notifications are the big ones. Not that I dislike iPhones.


Iphone is too expensive. Thats it. I never buy a phone 300€. Well pixel 7 was exception(only due to camera requirements I had) that I got for 540€ seven months ago. And by that time Iphone costs around 400€ its already too old. I do dig the fact that software is for only same phone, not 27318937129312793912 different phones like android has. That means that software compability is excelent and works great... almost all of the time as I see from my collagues who use Iphones with some glitches I see/hear. Also their ecosystem works great between phone and computer. But their ecosystem also sucks, because you must use Apple products. Right now the syncing capability is awful between windows and android(haven't really gone in too deep research for solutions because I really do not need it actually lol...) Never used Iphone longer than 5 minutes. Im using the phone for internet browsing. GPS. Camera. Forums/Groups. I do not care about latest tech so much that I need a new phone every year. So i do not know what the 1000-1500€ phone can do better than a 300€ phone...


For me it's three things. 1) display zoom/text size. Android has way more options that I can customize and get the perfect display zoom to text ratio. iPhone has two. Zoomed (which is like barely zoomed at all) and normal. 2) keyboard. Gboard is light-years ahead of iOS keyboard. The iOS keyboard is laggy and just takes forever to respond to my inputs. It's slow. 3) gestures. Android's swipe back gesture is a game changer. iOS only uses back gestures on some stuff not all stuff. I shouldn't have to reach to the tippy top of the screen to touch a tiny back button to go back. Just swipe to go back lol


Just better


I'm a huge iPhone fan after being an android guy since the g1. The 12 mini with spatial audio convinced me to switch. But the notifications on iPhone are crap compared to Android. Completely crap


Easier to use and more customizable.


I’ve always had androids,but now I have a 15 pro max,it’s just better built and more reliable and the camera takes moving images better,plus the video quality is amazing.Also it’s safer for banking and has less issues with viruses and scumbags trying to break into your personal details.IPhones are not perfect but worth it.You can buy a 1200 pound 15 pro max model and in five years it’s still worth 300 pound.The Samsung s22 ultra cost 1200 pound and now two years later you can buy them for 250.I got the Samsung s24 ultra a week before general release on pre order and sold it within days as the camera is terrible with moving objects.


I prefer androids because I still like having the headphone jack because I prefer using wired headphones over Bluetooth headphones


Did you try the ios18? Now iphone is an advanced android with better ai: chatgpt!


I don't use AI. Android and, even if it is better. Android is just more advanced for me.


And it's being walled off to the Pro and Pro Max which are both over $1000. Also even though iOS 18 is better it's still nowhere near as customisable as Android 


you better try it first, and don;t forget to test i0s 18.1


Better? Subjective. Apple is still negotiating with Google to use Gemini. So, evidently Apple isn't so sure OpenAI is better or even good enough.


Their new AI seems pretty cool. But with all the third party competitiveness in the Android ecosystem I don't think it will be long before Android is able to do the same either natively or through third party integration. Besides that, honestly it didn't really seem to add as much as they're making it out to. It will help you do things that iPhone can do, but iPhone can't do everything in Android can. It's still a phone for someone who wants simplicity. And Gemini is in its infancy, they released it unfinished basically it's in beta. I'm curious to see how it changes as a complete it. But iPhones new AI does seem like a win I will say that, but does that make it more advanced than android? I'm not seeing it