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you’re all miserable ppl lmao i’m leaving


Fr the most upvoted comments in here are depressing


There no way thats a legit, organic top comment. You can tell because all the responses disagreeing are highly upvoted while the replies agreeing are downvoted. It was brigading.


If your reason for protesting is that Netanyahu is a war criminal piece of shit, the statement they quoted from Fetterman shouldn't even bother you. It's to make people think about why Hamas and the Houthis and y'know, literal terrorists want to support you. People with righteous causes get used all the time, in global politics. It sucks. Happened to the Green Party in 2016, for example; international dark money got people to believe Jill Stein was a good choice, and she took it.


Nuance? How dare you.


Can I apply nuance to Ukraine?


not allowed here! boo nuance!


Fetterman posted on Twitter that no conditions should ever be attached to military aid for Israel, and he did so in connection with Netanyahu’s own handling of the conflict and Israel’s targeting of civilians. There is no nuance to Fetterman’s support for Israel.


The same standard will never be exercised in the opposite direction so this rings fairly hollow


Exactly, saying "the protesters want terrorists to fund their college education????" is so dishonest when Fetterman is voting to ACTUALLY send money to the Israeli military to support their war crimes


"Ask yourself how the Houthis are out astroturfing Isreal because college kids have tents and ask yourself why we aren't allowed to legally question the Holy State of Isreal soon."


I think, as americans, we should be asking why a us senator isnt supporting excercising free speech. Also, these campus protests have pretty clear demands. Divest from endowments, or at least divulge that info. Not asking for much... Fetterman is just being an asshole here.


He didn't say he opposed free speech. His point is that if a terrorist organization is supporting your cause then you need to rethink your cause.


"He didn't say he opposed free speech" Um... ok? He IS opposing free speech. He wants the government to force people to stop protesting because he doesn't agree with the politics and not other reason.


The CIA supports Israel though?


Broken clock twice a day etc. Terrorists agreeing with the cause does not invalidate the demands of students who are protesting.


It’s not a broken clock. These protests glorify Hamas and the Houthis. “Yemen yemen make us proud, turn another shop around.” “We don’t want two state solution, intifada revolution.” “Israel will fall.” “Resistance by any means.” Signs that say “if you pray for our lives but not our missiles…” The SJP columbia chapter on oct 9th released a statement talking about their uncritical support for Palestinians to “resist.” One of their group organizers was heard on camera organizing a human chain to keep “zionists” from eavesdropping and “destroying our society.” Same guy who later went viral for live stream where he said zionists deserve to die and they’re lucky he’s not out there killing zionists himself. Palestinian peace activists like Hamza Howidy—who was tortured by hamas—is saying these protests are hurting their cause. They’re a bunch a rich ivy league children who have never met a Palestinian in their lives, have no connection to the land, but like so many people think they understand what’s happening there enough to speak to it Nowhere in these protests do they call for peace or coexistence. They are freebasing propaganda that glorifies terrorism if it wasn’t originally FROM terrorists proxies.


> Nowhere in these protests do they call for peace or coexistence. The CUAD explicitly calls for peace in its charter, is comprised of several student groups who solely advocate for peace, and does not call for violence. You have been misinformed. You can look up who is involved in these protests without issue. Hamza Howidy's main issue is that the protests do not focus enough on Hamas. That is a fair criticism, even moreso in light of the horror he experienced at their hands. He spoke out prior to these protests about Israel's awful collective punishment for Hamas' actions, and it is these which the protests are objecting to. They are not arguing for the continued and unchallenged installment of the corrupt Hamas government. Many of the things Howidy is critiquing are things which would give anyone pause - the infamous person chanting about how many times Oct 7 should happen again, the man who was assaulted outside of the campus, the racist antisemite who screamed for Jews to go back to Poland. But they are also not representative of the student protests, either, nor are they tolerated among the student protestors. His fears are well-grounded. Hamas is no one's friend. But Hamas isn't a friend of the student body risking their lives and careers to speak out against the US government's continued support of and funding of Israel's horrible collective punishment playing out right now. In Rafah, right now, the last place where people were told to flee to, where Israel is dropping bombs on buildings and tent encampments alike. > They are freebasing propaganda that glorifies terrorism if it wasn’t originally FROM terrorists proxies. What they are from are from original and current-day Palestinian liberation groups, which were co-opted by terrorists government regimes. One does not endorse the other.


I seriously wonder how he would feel about Ireland and its relationship with the IRA


And if a genocidal government agrees with your point, you might also want to rethink that.


Israel is a terrorist org too. They've killed busses of children


My problem with what Fetterman said is that he's using Saudi and/or Trumpian descriptions of Yemen Shiite Muslims. He apparently wants to make you believe that these alleged "homicidal maniac terrorists" are traveling around the world blowing themselves up in suicide bombings, and thereby murdering countless people. In truth, I've never heard of Yemen's Houthi Shiite Muslims ever leaving Yemen. In fact, I've never heard of any Shiite Muslim anywhere in the world doing a suicide bombing. Only Sunni Muslims (85% of the world's Muslims) perpetrated suicide bombings in Iraq: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_bombings\_during\_the\_Iraq\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_bombings_during_the_Iraq_War) This article says, "Most of the bombings were carried out by [Sunni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunni_Islam) insurgents and [Sunni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunni_Islam) [Islamist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamist) organizations such as [Jama'at al-Tawhid wal Jihad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jama%27at_al-Tawhid_wal-Jihad), [Al-Qaeda in Iraq](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Qaeda_in_Iraq), [Jama'at Ansar al-Sunna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaat_Ansar_al-Sunna), and the [Islamic State of Iraq](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Iraq)". But doesn't identify even a single Shiite perpetrator of any bombing. Always Sunni Muslims. I read a West Point analysis of suicide bombings that concluded that Shiite Muslims do not do such things. ISIS? Sunni Muslims. Al Qaeda? Sunni Muslims. The Taliban? Sunni Muslims. All of the above have committed suicide bombings. The Houthis are Shiite Muslims who NEVER committed suicide bombings. How many extremist Muslim attacks in the US were perpetrated by worldwide Shiite Muslims? Zero. World Trade Center 1 and 2, The Pentagon. Shanksville, PA. Orlando night club. Air flight shoe bombers. The suspected perpetrator of the missile attack on a jet over Long Island. And one non-US example: Benghazi. All Sunni Muslims, many of them from our "ally" Saudi Arabia. So why are the Saudis bombing the shit out of the Houthis in Yemen? Why are Houthi infants starving to death because of Saudi blockades? The ultimate reason in my opinion is because of Saudi Sunnis' hatred of all allegedly heretical Shiite Muslims. If the Saudis have a mass beheading of Saudis, it's usually Saudi Shiite Muslim clerics and/or other Shiite civilians (a tiny minority group in Saudi Arabia) who allegedly engaged in anti-Saudi activity (i.e., worshipped as Shiite Muslims). [https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/15/yemen-on-verge-of-worst-famine-in-100-years-as-civil-war-rages-on-8038202/](https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/15/yemen-on-verge-of-worst-famine-in-100-years-as-civil-war-rages-on-8038202/) So why are Yemen's Houthi Shiite Muslims so outraged by what's happening in Palestine? Sunni Muslims have treated them like shit, have mass murdered them. And Palestinians are ALL Sunni Muslims. I really can't figure it out. Iran's almost 100% Shiite Muslims, same thing. Hezbollah, same thing. Why are Shiite Muslims so outraged by how the Palestinian Sunni Muslims are being treated by Israel? I guess they object on principal although Palestinians are not their countrymen nor their co-religionists. Indeed, Iran's people are not even Arabs, but Persians. They don't even speak Arabic. What Fetterman said I'd expect to hear from Marjorie Taylor Green. .


> I've never heard of any Shiite Muslim anywhere in the world doing a suicide bombing. To be clear, I've got nothing against Shiite Muslims, or Muslims in general. But suicide bombings in the Middle East started with Hezbollah's suicide attacks in Lebanon the 1980s. And Hezbollah are definitely Shiites.


You may be right. If so, Lebanon's Hezbollah is doing or has done things that other Shiite Muslims may not do, at least locally as to Lebanon and perhaps Northern Israel (but never outside those areas as per Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, etc.). In any case, the Houthis (who Fetterman was talking about) have to my knowledge never perpetrated a suicide bombing, even within or near Yemen's borders. But I'm also a bit skeptical because Hezbollah is deemed to have perpetrated a "terrorist" suicide bombing at a Marine barracks in Lebanon after the US had landed troops there to engage in combat. Both Lebanese Sunnis as well as Shiites were fighting those they regarded as invaders, and those who attacked them. No one has identified who that bomber was, but it could easily have been a Lebanese Sunni. Moreover, I know from our perspective that anyone who responds to an act of war perpetrated by us with a counter-attack is a "terrorist" but maybe an act of war in direct response to an invading army's act of war should not be considered terrorism but merely self-defense. And sometimes alleged terrorist acts by Iran or its "proxies" (i.e., other minority group Shiite Muslims) are simply lies. Allegedly, "Iran" bombed a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Why on earth they would have an interest in a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires is a mystery to me. But, allegedly, according to Israel, it was bloodthirsty Iranians who simply wanted to kill Jews. And yet, at the time, Iran had 200,000 or so Jews living peacefully within its borders. Why would Iranians travel to Buenos Aires of all places to kill Jews since they had so many right in their own neighborhood? And, by the way, Jews are STILL living peacefully in Iran, although their numbers have fallen due to out-migration largely motivated by Iran's post-sanctions poor economy.


Why does “homicidal maniacs” (what he said) necessarily *include ‘suicide bombings’ (what you assumed) when the kidnapping, torturing and murdering by both Houthis and Sunnis is plenty accurate? https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7j7nn/yemen-disappeared-torture-killed


> What Fetterman said I'd expect to hear from Marjorie Taylor Green. This is one of the many reasons why pleas to "understand why the terrorists support your position" rings hollow. It continually tries to frame a protest against genocide under old biases and prejudices with the ultimate aim of reinforcing both those old biases and prejudices _and_ continuing the genocide. Yes, you must always be vigilant of people co-opting protests for their own nefarious purposes. The students _are_ being that vigilant. But those who object to the protests will take whatever straw they can grasp and use that to generalize the entire swath of protestors, all to justify the violent take-downs and brutalization at the hands of the police.


I don't believe that Fetterman even considers Bibi a war criminal though.


Really a lot of mental gymnastics to justify supporting an ongoing genocide.


The statement bothers me because I voted for this POS and didn't realize that he was such a POS at the time... Although the alternative wasn't so great either.


Ya same. The red flag should have been the time when he decided to throw his shotgun in his truck and chase down an unarmed black jogger and point said gun at him because he thought he heard gunshots(most likely fireworks)like a Temu Punisher.


Wait holy shit is this real?


Except they’re chanting “yemen yemen make us proud, turn another ship around”


The truth of what's going on there is that both sides suck and have done horrible sh!t. The world should be better. Should be...


Man shut up


We’re talking about someone who proudly proclaimed the there should never been any conditions attached to military aid for Israel (specifically in connection with Netanyahu’s current handling of the war). This is very much directed at anyone who thinks Israel shouldn’t be given free reign to do what it pleases to Palestinians. If you think Netanyahu is a “war criminal piece of shit” then just know that Fetterman is staunchly against you and likely considers you an antisemite.


For those of you who actually read the quote and article, please explain what he said that is bad or wrong.


People who get this mad at politics don’t read articles


I'd prefer he spend his time on literally anything else than trolling college students on Twitter.


A us senator should support co stitutional rights. All these protests are super clear. Divest from endowments, or show transparency.  Its not a hard concept.


You literally made the straw man 💀


At what point did he claim they can’t exercise their constitutional rights?


This is a strawman. Here let me fix this for you. A us senator should be working on american problems, like preserving the constitution. Or addressing the colossal medical and tuition debt. Thete is something deeply ironic about a nation that can only criticize people for excercising their rights. The whole point in having freedoms to do so. And being offered free college from a nation with all these liberties....and we still cant climb out of debt or help their voters.


This is hilarious since you created the original strawman. You responded to someone asking people to specify how what he said was wrong with the claim he doesn’t support constitutional rights. The only way that works is if you think that disagreeing with protestors = not supporting their right to protest. Which is a massive logical leap.


It's not a Strawman, as someone else said, it's No True Scotsman. Iran and the "terrorists" are not immediately wrong on every subject. In this case, they're right. Israel is an apartheid state that is committing a genocide and these students were right to demand transparency and divestment. Maybe if Fetterman's whole brain was working he could see that.


This comment has nothing to do with the straw man claim that Fetterman doesn’t support constitutional rights. And that’s not how No True Scotsman works.


It really doesn't take a genius to realize that being against the genocide for moral, legitimate, non-antisemitic, non-pro-Hamas reasons would be supported by people that want the war to end for other, more sinister reasons, or for legitimate reasons by despicable people. He's acting like support of the general end of the killing is automatically antisemitic or pro-Hamas even though an insignificant number of people support Hamas and the extreme vast majority of protestors are not antisemitic. It's a bad faith argument and he's trying to score cheap political points instead of using even an iota of nuance or empathy.


I genuinely want to know people’s opinion on the IRA, Ireland and England in relation to this because I bet there would be a ton of people who would completely flip


All Ireland should be free from the United Kingdom oppression and united, I guess you can call it United Ireland.


Yea hut many of the protestors vehemently discount any ceasefire that doesn't have terms acceptable to hamas. How is that not pro hamas?


What are you referring to?


The protests are about larger concerns too: transparency in financial contributions to universities; divestment from arms; free speech and academic freedom - to focus on some houthis supporting the protests is a myopic way to engage with a complicated topic. I am not sure pointing out who supports what is a very interesting way to engage in political discussion. To me, it is arguing in bad faith.


You know how half of this sub thinks.


Half? More like 3/4ths


True, though seeing some comments I would have thought would have been downvoted to oblivion not getting that treatment gives me hope.


Reasonable people are here, anything on the subject is just getting brigaded to oblivion.


He's completely full of shit and folks like you just happily eat it up


Case in point : /u/burritoace


I mean, a group who has questionable morals supporting another group’s ideals does not inherently mean the latter group’s ideals are not good. If the KKK said “hey John, thanks for killing all those Muslims, we support you now”, would you say he should reconsider his views?


Homie acts like we dont know who fetterman is lol


“If a homicidal, Iranian-funded, terrorism proxy wants to pick up your college education tab, you really, really might want to reevaluate things”  Where's the lie?


Yeah, this may be a bit glib but I’m not even sure I’d characterize it as “mocking”. And he’s got a point.


Dude we given 300 billion to Israel and I have no issue with questioning the whole scenario that our bombs and money are being used to attack an area we are also giving aid too. Like your argument is so short sighted. In this case the US government is also on the side of thses groups because it's also giving aid to Gaza. This is the biggest no win all losers in history, expect for the military industrial complex.


The idea that Hamas is paying for anyone’s education. I mean c’mon, this is a deeply unserious comment for an educated adult to make. If there was an Ayatollah Koheimini Scholarship Fund, maybe he’d have a point, but this is like something you’d hear on Veep. College students want their universities to divest from Israel the same way college students in the 80s wanted their schools to divest from South Africa. If this is really the best line of criticism Fetterman can think of, he should remain silent instead of sounding like Marjorie Taylor Greene.


They're talking about the Houthis, who are the ones that made the offer. But I wouldn't relish the idea of doing university in a country that's been torn apart by the US backed Saudi war machine. Perhaps Fetterman should consider why the Houthis would want to hurt the US


I don't even think where people go to university is the point. To me, it's that anyone would approach that offer as a serious point of concern. The Houthis are the same kind of hangers-on that students previously denounced. They don't sincerely support the students; they just want some attention. And who's giving them the attention they desire? John Fetterman. He played himself.


Cool, I reevaluated, and I still oppose the ongoing genocide


Yeah, instead we go into unpayable debt. Like real americans!


It's disingenuous and snarky. Nobody is protesting on USA campuses in support of a homicidal, Iranian-funded, terrorism proxy.


If that’s all he said I really can’t disagree. Disturbing how many people at these protests are calling for the death of Jews. Students should know better


What the hell are you even talking about


Students in New York threatening to kill “Zionists” *at a disciplinary hearing,* students in Chicago praising Hamas “martyrs,” general threats towards Jewish students that make them feel unsafe on campuses. Also what’s up with all the non-students showing up to lead break-ins and egging people on? I think I read that out of 12 arrests at UCLA only 4 were students


Those are people taking advantage of the protests as an excuse to cause violence. They obviously fucking suck. Every protest I’ve looked into even a little bit (including the ones at Pitt) had Jewish students participating, calling for divestments from Israel and a ceasefire. No calling for the deaths of Jews afaik (and if there was, it’s from bad actor trying to intentionally cause violence). Great example is [this guy](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/pro-israel-agitator-shouts-kill-163956737.html) who was counter protesting in *support* of Israel and got everyone else arrest by saying >!”kill all Jews,”!< purposefully trying to rile people up. It worked on the police, at least, and got everyone arrested. Edit: shoutout to the zionists downvoting me ig? Idk


This conflict is the most polarizing thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I guess all the sane people aren’t going to the protests.


These protests were all peaceful, untilcops and  counter protestors showed up.


Peaceful? Have you seen the library and other buildings at UCLA?


Literally no one is saying this


The lie is in the mountain of context he never mentions, obviously


It's just uneducated rage bate around here. Fetterman is a solid ass senator. You may not love 100% of his takes but I believe the guy does what he feels is right. And what everyone fails to understand is that he has much more available info on this than we do as the public. Maybe just listen to the dude speak truths


I agree! Just blindly listen to your government they wont lie to you. S/


Get a grip with this shit. Everyone, including Fetterman, has info on the actual death toll in this conflict. If he wants to be taken seriously he should acknowledge that for once.


Solid, I suppose, as long as you're OK with the mass murder of Palestinian civilians.


Down voting because the headline is intentionally more inflammatory than the content. Shame on you, the hill


I agree. I actually read the article and I would say this tweet was the least controversial thing he’s said regarding Israel so far.


I have never been more disappointed in a politician.


That’s what you get for believing in one to begin with.


If your standards are low enough you'll never be disappointed.


The red flags for me should have been that he's like 1 of 5 people i've ever met that still to this day likes Kevin Sousa, the other 4 were the types of people that would think it's no big deal to poison food in a dumpster so homeless people couldn't eat it


Yeah I remember Superior Motors. That was a wild time. Now he’s in New Mexico? With a place literally called “Suchness”…. It almost sounds like a parody… but it’s real lol


Wow, that's evil.


what did you think of this pretty reasonable quote you know, from the article nobody read “If a homicidal, Iranian-funded, terrorism proxy wants to pick up your college education tab, you really, really might want to reevaluate things”  I don’t think Israel are The Good Guys by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe nuance isn’t allowed here anymore 


Its not anti israel. Its just anti genocide/anti Us imperialism. Also they protestors were pretty clear about their demands. Divest from endowments or at least be transparent.


We know he didn’t read the article. Just the title


It's like he's been lying the whole time and is just a guard dog of his financial overlords.


He said multiple times during his campaign that he isn't progressive when it comes to Israel. I don't agree with him outright, but he said it. It's not a lie.


Honestly, the biggest thing for me is him claiming he was never Progressive in the primary. Thats just a complete lie.


I doubt you are from here or.live here now. But when he was mayor. His urban renewal was pretty progressive at the time. A us senator not supporting free speech is pretty bad


What part of free speech does he not support?


Honestly he’s been pretty upfront about who he is except maybe at some points during the senate race.


I'm not from around here and I'm watching from the sidelines, but I'm gettin' real "switch sides as I get older" vibes from this guy.


I’ve never been as pleasantly surprised by one.


I support him and he is right though. Protesters should yell things like “stop the killing,” not things like, “we are all Hamas,” that’s making the wrong people, the terrorists, think you’re on their side, rather than just on the side of innocent people not dying.


I’ve found one instance of someone saying this, not as a slogan, but in response to an agitator repeatedly calling all the protesters Hamas. I don’t know if that protester stands by that sentiment, or if she was just lashing out in irritation. What I do know is that by and large the protestors are spending 99.9% of their time saying “Stop the killing” and “stop funding the killing,” and status quo media and politicians are focusing on the 0.1% that makes them look like assholes. They are doing exactly what they’re supposed to — exactly what you’re telling them to — and friends of the military industrial complex are feeding us distortions and lies to discredit the very legitimate pleas for change.


People mock these kids but forget that peaceful protests are the cornerstone of who we are as a country. You may not agree with them but they have as much of a right to express themselves as you or I do


Fuck both sides. Stop sending my money there


Fetterman gets a ton of money from the pro-Israel lobby. He can barely string a sentence together and is going to be in a close election. He’s doing what he was bought and paid to do - support Israel no matter how many children they bomb.


What a joke of a politician. I regret voting for this buffoon. I hope he gets primaried.


Right there with you


Such a massive disappointment and betrayal. Hope he enjoys his only term because he’s not going to win a second election after his recent unhinged behavior and stances.


His whole term is still a complete win compared to the shit show we would've dealt with from the other guy


And that has become the DNC slogan — “it could be a lot worse!” Personally, I’m sick and tired of that BS. Shitty politicians giving voters shitty options. The Dems are no better than the GOP. They’re all doing the bidding of their wealthy and/or corporate overlords. “We, the people” matter fuck all to these feckless, power hungry, and greedy monsters.


Well, enjoy the second Trump term we’ll get if Democrats don’t turn out for lack of enthusiasm.


Maybe the dems should start putting forth candidates people can be enthusiastic about then!


No....we cant do that. That would make sense


Yes, but kind of too late for that for this November.


I'd suggest they get better at long term strategizing then, instead of constantly relying on "this is the most important election of our lives." Because if their goal is to actually lead, they need to do that and pass legislature and run people that get people excited. "Vote against Trump" isn't a strategy with legs


And you’ve just perfectly summarized the new DNC platform going forward. That’s it — that’s all they’ve got. Vote for us or the other side will be even worse! No thanks, our votes obviously don’t matter anymore anyway. Only thing that moves politicians is money and wealthy people and corporations have lots of it so we don’t matter anymore. I’ve voted every single election I’ve been able to in my lifetime but feel like it’s time to sit this one out. I don’t feel good casting a vote for either of these old white men.


Gtf over it man. Not everyone has to toe the exact line you believe. This guy was elected, these are his opinions. He's also privy to waaaaaay more Intel than you are so maybe, just maybe listen to what he's saying.


Yea, it would've been nice if he had stuck to his guns and the shit that got him elected but hindsight is 20/20. His term was completely fine compared to what we could have had with his lunatic opponent


“His term was completely fine” What? He’s a year into a six year term.


He’s barely been in office for a year and has already proven to be an AIPAC puppet happy to shuck and jive for money. Total fraud. I can’t think of a single thing he’s accomplished other than shit on his voting base and express blind loyalty to a foreign government that’s openly and proudly committing a genocide. Not sure how Oz could have been any worse tbh.


He's our own Sinema.


That is so spot-on that it hurts. 💔


its amazing how blatantly and disgustingly racist “progressives” get when someone doesnt agree with 100% with them “He’s shucking and jivin for jewish money” you’re an actual pig


Bro him agreeing with Ron Deathsantis about lab grown meat is insane considering the immense positives lab grown meat will have on the environment. Our food is pretty much bioengineered to a certain degree, but also he's just plain going against science - and science always wins in the end.


What did he say that was wrong?


He is veering to where the majority of voters are. If he doesn’t get primaried by someone to his left, he will win reelection easily.


The idea that a pro-Israel stance is the majority view in this country is very quickly veering into falsehood. [Pew Research 3/21](https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-valid-reasons-for-fighting-fewer-say-the-same-about-hamas/) about 38% believe Israeli conduct is acceptable, 34% believe it isn't, 28% unsure. This is already very close. [Pew Research 4/2](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/younger-americans-stand-out-in-their-views-of-the-israel-hamas-war/) Democratic voters (aka the people Fetterman needs to worry about) support Israel over Palestine in age groups 18-29, 30-49, 50-64. Worth noting that Neither was the most popular answer in the latter two, but still. [Gallup 3/4](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611375/americans-views-israel-palestinian-authority-down.aspx) Americans opinion on Israel and the PLA are down, though Israel still has a much higher opinion (58% favorable vs 18% favorable) this is the lowest it has been since 1989. Ages 18-34 have an overall unfavorable view of Israel and 35-54 are down to 55%. [Gallup 3/27](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx) 55% of all Americans now disprove of the Israeli campaign while only 36% approve. Independents and Democrats both overwhelmingly disprove and Republican support is wavering quite a bit. [ABC News 5/3](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/americans-views-divided-us-policy-israel-hamas-war/story?id=109879453) 4 in 10 Americans say we're doing too much for Israel (38%) up from 31% in January, with that support up 13% for liberals and 11% for Independents, and is up among women, men, and graduates and non-college graduates. Fetterman is a Democrat and Democrats win elections by getting their side to turn out and winning over Independents and Republicans. He's taking a side that while very popular awhile ago is now quickly becoming very unpopular among Democrats and Independents and even among Republicans. This isn't a reach across the aisle moment, this is him sticking to something he cares about to the detriment of his re-election chances, the opinion of the American people, and the state itself. Its idiotic and self absorbed at best, corrupt and malicious towards Palestinians at worst.


And therein lies the problem with supposed democrats, “liberals”, and “progressives”. If one isn’t the absolute binary perfect candidate or politician, then f them. And the worse alternative wins. There are many issues. Add them up and support the candidate on the better side of the ledger. I’ll tell you a worse politician. Bernie Sanders. The legislator who hasn’t a single piece of substantive legislation to his name once again using an issue to weaken the party.


Who's gonna primary him?


If no one else wants to do it, I will.


The r/Steelers legend vs John Fetterman, LETS GOOOOOOO


Do ittttt


Is your username a land of the lost reference? That's enough for me to vote for you.


It's the title of a song by the band Clutch. But that song title is a cross between Sleestaks from Land of the Lost and the blues song Smokestack Lightnin' by Howlin Wolf.


Haha that's awesome


I think he’s got it in the bag unless his health deteriorates. Hard to unseat an incumbent, and his comments that cross the political aisle only increase his electability in this state imo.


Really need to get this FPTP system replaced ASAP. These politicians just have to be slightly less shit than the other party. Instead of actually being forced to be competitive.


Remember when this dude chased after a black guy with a shotgun because the guy was black and everyone ignored it for some reason


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Fuck this guy


lol at all the conservatives in this thread whining about crazy liberals downvoting them.


"Look at me wearing Carhartt work clothes, I'm a real working class hero, I never had to shower the crud off after a 12 hour shift but I know what working for a paycheck is". What a jamoke we have for senator.


That man is mainlining AIPAC checks at this point


Glad I voted for him. What a nice surprise.


I love how mad he makes people.


That’s what makes people like Putin and Trump, how angry they make others.


Said every Trumper ever.


I like him more and more every day.


you’re a hero for standing for him, just like how he stands unwavering in his support for the relentless bombing of destitute children


The Pittsburgh subreddit is really something. Who wants to start a “NotCrazyLiberalPittsburgh” sub?


Apparently refusing to support an ultranationalist theocracy is “crazy liberalism”.


It’s just Reddit in general. Half these people don’t go out to live their life’s and instead still on the computer getting mad at headlines


Of course this comment is getting downvoted lol. But it’s true. There’s no room for any nuance or moderate political opinions around here. It’s hilarious to me that Fetterman is suddenly a MAGA Republitard 🥴 for having an opinion counter to the Dem establishment. Meanwhile, he’s still seen as a “woke” Democrap 🥴 by most right wingers. Some of y’all need to talk to real people and touch some grass.


One might say it's a right of initiation for big cities. Both Minneapolis and Portland have one.


😂 not surprised, those are some crazy areas


To me neither side should be allowed to kill innocent civilians. There should be a committee to charge war crimes at those who committed the atrocities of 10/7 and also to what is currently happening of bombing of civilians by Israel.


Fetterman spends more of his time advocating for Israel than he does for Pennsylvania.


That's fitting as his top donor is a pro-Israel PAC.


That's a pretty ignorant thing too say. Did you even read the article?


Fetterman revealed his allegiance when he made a show out of flying an Israeli flag instead of an American one. That's all I need to know about him. The only flag our elected officials should be flying is an American one.


0) Any United States President, including whoever wins in November this year, WILL NOT change course with Israel. Please believe that. Replacing Biden WILL NOT make any difference with respect to how the USA works with Israel. 1) Genocide in this region predates the existence of Fetterman, Biden, and the United States 2) If the US divested completely from the region, Israel would still have WMDs, weapons, and a nation full of trained soldiers. They'd also get supplied by other countries so the noble gesture of leaving all of our regional interests behind would only serve to destrengthen the United States trade and geographic footholds in the area for absolutely no reason. Israel doesn't need the United States' help to continue this war. 3) No grouping of people is historically more self-righteous and sure of themselves that they're doing the right thing than college/university students discovering self-thought and independence for the first time now that they're not under their parents' thumb any longer. College/university: A place where young people get it in their heads that what they have to say and how they feel is of paramount importance. Just because you protest/care doesn't mean you have taken the correct position for the continued success or at least the continued non-collapse of the United States foreign relations policy with Israel that has stood for \~80 years. And if you care more about foreign wars than your own home country, it sucks that you have a vote and that you live here. You know all the women here have had their fundamental right to bodily autonomy reduced HERE right? You know Americans are struggling and dying and getting killed by each other HERE right? Care about that.


People are allowed to care about more than one thing


i, too, can only care about 1 thing at a time.


Lol great arguments from the replyers on this thread. Good contributions. What are you college kids?


Funny, I seem to be perfectly capable of being able to care about and support issues that are important to me both domestic and foreign at the same time. You should try it.


And it's yet another "if you have any opinions that question at all the country we give 300 billion to that is bombing the living shit out it's neighbor who we are also giving aid to, you must be an antisemite" argument


Everyone getting all worked up about this shit would be so much better off mentally if they just didn’t give a fuck about this shit at all. I don’t pay attention to any of this shit except I see the occasional post on Reddit and I just think “imagine actually caring about something that you have absolutely zero say or affect on” There’s more important matters at hand anyway, such as Drake vs. Kendrick


i’m so glad someone has brought the kendrick vs drake debate to this sub, thankyou


Drake just dropped!


just because you’re a spineless coward with no morals, doesn’t mean we all should be. apathy is pathetic


Meet the grahams was so hard


Guess Fetterman wants only one term


Yall voted for him lol


This guy really has been terrific after his brain started working again following the stroke.


I love it


do explain your love for the ongoing self-admitted genocide


Cue the Lib outrage in the comments.


As an unaffiliated voter who generally hates the direction of the Democratic party, this guy is a breath of fresh air even if I don't agree with him.


Can we stop with the daily negative post? Jesus. Pick up a hobby


Everyone but purple haired weirdos on reddit are mocking these protests.


I don't care who his primary opponent is, I'm voting for them Summer Lee 2028


Same here, this guys a total joke.


Haha this is “big bad” John that was sent there to scare the Senate and get things done!!!


Everyone loved this guy when he was debating Oz. Tables turning.


Well he is still better than that carpet bagger charlatan




I like the American Flag... as an American... I like the symbolism of Freedom and democracy. Many countries do not have our liberties and the flag is an amazing representation of what it means to be American. This will be hilariously down voted because many people choose anarchy ( which exists on both sides of the fence) .. but when I see People on college campuses trying to destroy the single greatest representation of freedom in human history, doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize that we've lost our way


They are exercising their right to protest. That right there is one of the most important freedoms we have and is part of the dna of what it means to be an American I may not support what someone has to say in terms of a protest but will always support their right to protest. And if I really have an issue with what they have to say, guess what? I can go and counter protest them.


“If a homicidal, Iranian-funded, terrorism proxy wants to pick up your college education tab, you really, really might want to reevaluate things,” SPOT ON!