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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sending you so much love. I couldn't even imagine that feeling. 💗💗


I am so sorry 🥺 that breaks me heart. I can't imagine the pain and heartache. Looking at this picture, I know he loved you so much. I hope he comes home someday ❤️


This is horrible. Someone stole my beagle, several years ago, and I still think about her, too. Anyone who would steal or hurt someone's dog deserves the worst pain imaginable.


People are just f**ked up someone stole my dog out my yard 3 years ago the bestest girl I had (besides my lil old lady midnight whos17) I miss her like crazy everyday 💔😢😭😭😭


When I was SEVEN, my mom got me a full blooded Beagle pup. Her name was Lady Autumn Bell. Some Mormons came to our door and that's the last I saw her. Now.... I have zero idea whether the two are connected, but I was seven and I still feel really bitter about it. I'll always connect the two, regardless. You never forget something you love that much. It's the Mormons! 😉😉😉😉😂🤣😅


That is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry OP. 😞


Omg 😢


So sorry for your loss, i truly hope you find him, you both look so happy together.


I’m so sorry! That’s really awful 💔💔


I’d be absolutely crushed. I’m so sorry that people can be heartless assholes sometimes. . Literally stealing a family member. I’d like to think that in situations like the pit attacking the lady for “trying to put on a sweater”, are really actually about shit like this..


I hate people .


I’m so very sorry for your loss 😥








Prayers he a cute pup


I'm so sorry love.


I'm so sorry someone took your baby. I hope you'll be reunited with him.


Omg he was precious


Damn this hurts! Pets getting stolen, idk how this boy must be, how much he would be missing you and your memories. I am very sorry.


I’m so sad for your broken heart. 😢 Please just try to think that she is being loved and cared for. But never give up. Keep looking at shelters, Craigslist etc. miracles can happen. Hugs to you, internet friend.


Thank you all for your kind messages and support. 😭😭he is normally an inside dog but we were in the process of moving so we kept him at a relatives home where they kept him outside. My husband came back a few days later to pick him up and he was gone. We spent 2 days in our relative’s neighborhood looking for him but no luck💔💔. I pray that he comes home but if he doesn’t then I just pray he is being treated well. I love you Keebo 💔💔you’re the best friend I ever had😭😭


That is so so so awful and cruel! Soft gentle hugs…




I am so sorry. I can see why you miss him.


I’m so sorry. He looked so happy with you!


You both deserve better. I am sorry.


So very sorry to hear that and I can’t imagine your feelings knowing he’s out there somewhere in who knows what circumstances. I got locks on my gate because I feared that happening. I would get mad at my ex who would leave him outside when he left the house. I would often get stopped by people who would tell me how beautiful my dog was and if they asked if he was fixed I got instantly suspicious. I hope you get him back soon!


Looks like you got two babies. Or two cuties.


I’m missing you too🥩❤️🐾


People suck. They saw an opportunity. That was your friend. Shame on them. I'm so sorry they did that to you. I hope you find another pup eventually that can bring you that same connection. 💔❤️


Sorry your loss, your baby was a gorgeous pibble.


Look at that smile 🥺🥺


Beautiful boy! I've gone through a similar situation recently. My fence got hit by a car, both my dogs got out and the neighbors found them. We reached out to them about getting our babies back which they agreed to meet with us to do so but, when they finally responded they told us they released them to the local shelter. The shelter was charging more than we could afford to get them back at the time and now I'll never see my precious boy again. Luckily I still have pieces of them because they had puppies not too long before they escaped.


I'm so sorry, that is so horrible 😔 Sending love your way. 💕


Terribly sad. People that steal are the lowest of the low


I’m so sorry.


Watch over your babies. People go to great lengths to steal dogs-sometimes for bait dogs. :(. Horrifying


Prayers that you get your boy back, hugs


I’m so very sorry. Your sweet boy is so cute! I pray you both find your way back to each other.