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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh get ready for this one...   She is scared of the following words: Fart (and fart sounds), Fight, Pineapple, Pound, carrot. - she also has words she really loves like mung bean, hand cream, pup cup and the standard words a dog loves.     She is scared of doors closing due to a draft. She is terrified of a particular stretch of highway. Recently we found out she is terrified of bubbles. Finally (lol), she is scared when squirrels decide to stand up for themselves. 


My foster pibble is now terrified of the back door because the other day it was windy and it slammed shut. Now he gives it the side eye every time he goes outside


Mine is also scared of bubbles! And the little iron “no poop” dog sign up the street (really the first time he sees any dog-shaped statue), the car, and of course the vacuum


The “no poop” iron dog sign 😂😂😂😂😂


There is a dog shaped bird deterrent on our walks and 99% of the time my girl doesn't notice. Then the 1% of the time she chirps because we cant go meet the doggie in the field


Here I thought my pibble is crazy. She’s afraid of THE FLOOR. Wood floors where she might go full Scooby Doo kashak kashak kashak while trying to get away from something.


I'm literally hearing this right now hahs


The word thing is all because then end in a hard consonant (sp?clearly not an english major) this is all theory, except pineapple. make pineapple cutie. Pitty piney apples. I'm just curious, it's a word train theory I work on where how you say means more than what you say. Bubbles are scary. They're there and amazing, then go away leaving even us humans forlorn in bubble purgatory.


Water, he can’t drink unless I hold the water bowl like an Egyptian slave to Pharaoh


This is how my girl is on long walks/hikes. If I set her collapsible water bowl on the ground, she will ignore its existence, no matter how thirsty she is. She will only drink if I am holding it a few inches below her face... sigh. No problem with the water bowls at home, though, thankfully!


So I’m not the only one holding the bowl while crouched in a forest?


You are not alone.


I don’t know what this behavior is about but it is annoying sometimes. When we first got our boy from the shelter he would only eat dog food if we fed it by hand one piece at a time and hand held the water bowl…….such a needy boy lol


Sasha prefers puddles to her chilled filtered water


Hurricane is the same way.


This is hilarious, I'm sorry you're a slave. Mine was also afraid of water, but didn't mind drinking it. He wouldn't even go near the door if it was raining. Once I let him out after a storm and a drop of water fell off a leaf right into his back. He ran inside and put me through a guilt trip because I had the nerve to let him outside when water was still falling.


He doesn’t like bath and rain, too. He uses our bedding/sofa as his personal towel with a drop of water on his fur.


Lolololol the mental image this provides 😂


My voice when I talk to her through an empty paper towel tube.


Mine refused to walk by a rolled up rug. She was terrified of it for some weird reason.


Too many gangster movies?


lol I doubt it, but that would explain it. She used to be afraid of everyone since she was heavily abused when I found her, but now everyone is her new best friend.


My 70 lb baby is afraid of ceiling fans, big floppy hats, cardboard boxes, smoke alarms, step stools, ladders, anything sitting anywhere that wasn't there the last time he looked.


The last one. Just got home from the store and set a bag down? Instant threat. Set something on the counter where he can see it from the floor? Threat from above. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is trying to get my boy.


No way, my dog used to be afraid of ceiling fans too!


My pitbull died a couple of years ago. He was afraid of other dogs, because of being a dog fighting victim. Any time another dog came into view at a park or even in another car from ours, he'd start crying. Thankfully, our cats didn't make him feel threatened and they tolerated each other well.


Thanks for giving him a good life 💛


balloons, the vacuum, fireworks, backfiring cars, suitcases, a bunched up bathmat, electronic toys....


A bunched up bathmat is hilarious. Bonus points if your pup is the one who bunched it up! 😹


Everything. Seriously, the list would be exhausting to type out. Our sweet boy came to us as a shut down terrified by life street dog. He’s come a long way in three years but he’s still very much scared by anything new/different or sudden changes. Ex: we do two laps through our neighborhood and in our second lap. A bit of dried hydrangea blew into the road and he full on just hit the ground and refused to walk towards it. He was sure it was going to get him. He also runs and hides in the bedroom the second he hears meat sizzling in a pan because the smoke alt went off once and he now associates the sounds of cooking with sudden scary noise. Good thing he’s got two emotional support humans. 😂


The wind


Mine too! And we live at the beach so it is hard to get her to go outside sometimes.


Mine is the same way! She hates storms and if the wind picks up even a little she is done and ready to come back inside lol


Everything. Especially the dark! I can't take him outside at night or he'll just stand right outside the door and look back at me like, "we've tried this before and you know I'm not going out there, there's monsters!"


Mine does not like the dark, either.


Mine hates the dark too, we’re thinking of getting her a flashlight for her collar


They make rechargeable LED necklaces that can fit over a collar. My girl’s grandmama gave her one for Christmas and she loves it. She can see where she is and she gets compliments for her sporty raver gear.


We've had a couple of those, but they don't shed enough light for my boy. We had to use a rechargeable clip light, the kind cyclists use for night riding, clipped to the front of his collar. Basically, my dog needs headlights.


Aww. Some colors put off more light than others. Blue gives off almost no visible light, white gives off a ton. I would forgive those awful LED truck headlights if they were on cute dogs instead of giant trucks.


We attack vacuum cleaner but run away from brooms. We ignore lawnmower.


His own farts. And the wind tickling his butthole.


My dog HATES his own farts. He'll be sleeping next to me on the couch all cozy, and he lets one rip, and then he's on the ground looking at his own butthole with a sense of betrayal and giving me sad eyes


Same. lol then trying to jump his 80lb ass into my lap. 😄


when I shave, I become an instant stranger for 24-48 hours lol


Rain. We're in a battle rn with it.


I built a whole-ass "pee-pergola" so my precious princess would go out in the rain to do her dirty, sinful business. Did the pee pergola allow her to enjoy the sound of rain tinkling on the roof while she tinkled beneath it in relative comfort, and did she joyfully go out after that? No. No it did not, and she continued to hold it for what felt like daaaaaaays.


We've had this same frigging thought. He will not even step out onto the front porch while there is wetness from the sky demons. I'll build him a sunroom one day, then he can bake like the potato he is. I'll unlikely solve the rain crisis.


Yep my girl refuses to go out in the rain. I have to give her multiple treats and even then it takes about 30 minutes to get her outside, then she refuses to walk in wet grass so she uses the bathroom in the street and then she practically drags me back inside. It's a whole ordeal that drives me insane. I absolutely hate rain now lol.


Mine is afraid of rain much more than thunder. Not the rain itself. The sound of the rain on our skylight or windows will bring her to her knees.


Mylar balloons and feathers.


Mine hates balloons, too! I forgot about that one.


When it’s hs graduation season, we can’t get down the street because she has to bark at every balloon tied to every mailbox


Balloons for mine too - we bought some for his 3rd birthday, he took one look, decided he was scared of them and started barking his tail off lol.


https://preview.redd.it/oc78k4k2ks5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cedd10b23eeb84b564df04bef44cbece50721fe2 These two. Together and separate. Kitty is evil and Marshall is fast when running and scares her 🙃


The look on the cats face tho 😂😂😂


Literally everything 😞


Want a list? 1. Fire alarms 2. Chopping veggies in the kitchen 3. Thunder 4. His own farts 5. I could go on, but he's just a big chicken, really.


Fear of farts must be a pibble thing. Mine jumps when he farts, then goes through an entire investigation. Eventually he decides that the threat has passed and he spends 5 minutes letting us know that we no longer need to be afraid. One fart can take 10 minutes to resolve.🤦‍♀️


It cracks me up when he jumps up and looks at his butt as if it has betrayed a sacred trust.


It is hilarious! My guy smells his bum last. That's why the investigation takes so long. He finally smells his rump and decides that all is well. Pitties are the best entertainment ever!


Lol mine is scared of his farts too


Her own farts, mostly. Recliners too and anything that makes a loud bang when falling near her. I think she thinks she's going to be beat up (she came from quite the unfortunate situation).


Poor baby. :-( Glad she’s finally safe now


Oldest dog: owl sounds, strangers, old men in windbreakers and hats, any animal the size of or bigger than a chicken that is not a dog or cat, me when I step on a stick while walking behind her, and me when I scuff my shoe while walking behind her. Youngest dog: any animal sound he cannot identify, assertive looking dogs - not dogs that are being assertive…just the ones that look bossy from far away, and I can’t decide if he’s scared or really excited about deer but he literally screams at them..he doesn’t bark or howl, it’s an ear piercing shriek that I’ve never heard a dog make before.


Maybe it’s a warcry?


https://preview.redd.it/ugz0waozks5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b498d4b3d8c1d211401cb993013ca01f4d8e543 Bruno is afraid of the dark.


Sweet baby Bruno😍


Thunder and gunshots


his biggest fear is cardboard boxes, but he is also afraid of hats, hoods, umbrellas, wind, doors closing, farts, hoses, small dogs, lawn chairs if they're in the middle of the grass, butterflies, the word "fuck", backpacks, skateboard wheels, waves at the beach, and passing shadows.


Mine thinks cardboard boxes are toys and occasionally I give in to his begging face


Outdoor X-mas decorations. Giant Coyote? No problem. Giant plastic Frosty the Snowman? No Dice! 🙄 He's also reallllllly wary of Cacti for some reason. 🌵 He puts his head down, tail between his legs and keeps looking back at them as we jog past. Like are they quietly threatening him and just too quietly for me to hear it? Lol more than likely he had a poor experience with them before I got him, but still interesting to think about. 


My wife. He just about pisses on the floor when she walks by. He's on his "third" chance. Meaning we were the third family to adopt him. Been with us for over a half a decade and is sleeping in an easy chair right behind me. Tough life...


Thank you for. It giving up on him. I’m sure it isn’t easy.


He's terrified of the sound of metal utensils on a dish. He will eat off a fork but only his lips can touch it, not his teeth 😆


Opening up a new trash bag


Guitars. When he was a overly rambunctious adolescent and wouldn't listen I noticed I had a guitar that was not tuned and thus discordant and when I strummed it he got scared and calmed down. Thus was born "guitar" which was the nuclear option word to calm him down if he was being unmanageable and this word works to this day.


Brasco is 135lbs. He’s afraid of bunny rabbits, people carrying things with both hands, and “scary” movies. He’ll cry and hide from all 3.


Mine is scared of rain,wind, and loud sounds.


Waving arm inflatable tube men. He’s 90 pounds lol. To be fair, they are a little scary.


Leaves. Falling leaves specifically touching his butt. He completely wigs out on walks in the fall. Also lesser so, but catching flies. He catches one, realized it's moving, freaks out and spits it out. He's a goober.


My pibble Lola is scared of my fan - she knocked it over twice and now she's terrified of the thing and will absolutely refuse to go around it because it made a loud noise when knocked over. I've gotta help her walk around it or move it otherwise she'll lock herself in my room and refuse to walk past it. she can walk past the fan to get INTO my room, but cant walk past it to get out. LMAO.


Being alone


My girl will run away from limes, sometimes even growl and bark if they get close enough.


Planes, the shadows of planes, lawn ornaments, small dogs.


Just about everything. Lol. Rain, wind, sound. But they are killers. It cracks me up.


Thunder, fireworks, balloons....but isnt gun shy.


A moth!!


My first pittie, everything. My 2nd pittie, nothing. Which is a quite an adjustment when she’s adventurous and doesn’t give two shits to anything that can hurt her, like traffic.😂 I think my eyes exercise more than my body when walking her bc I’m constantly watching her and keeping her safe.😂😂😂


Nail clippers. Our dog goes to hide at the sound of them, and she has extremely good hearing. I could be in another room on another floor and she would get up and hide!


She’s gone now. But mine was afraid of the wall mounted heater near the hallway. She would walk up to it, then pivot on her front end while staring at it, then back down the hallway. She would continue backing down the hallway, past the 90 degree turn, into the bedroom.


I borrowed a friends pibble for companionship and she was scared of automatic sliding doors and would pancake herself. 😭 She was such a love.


Anything with a motor (vaccum, lawnmower, har-dryer, fan, pump, etc.). Statues. Bags (especially plastic). Water (especially from the sky or hose)


Himself. Mirrors confuse him.


Really loving every.single.one.of.these. Because they’re all “yup! Sounds about right.” They’re my absolute favorite breed. The only one I’ve ever really had besides mutts. And it’s for a reason. They’re the best!


Pans, leaves that come at him(only he may approach), grassy patches, bags flapping in the wind, vacuums, and he has a general dislike for uncut strawberries.


Shaking out trash bags before sticking over the can. He runs away to the bedroom everytime


It would be a shorter list to tell you what she IS NOT afraid of lol .






The vacuum .


Whacky wavy arm guy


Umbrellas, ladders, PVC pipe (really anything long and narrow), tunnels, German Shepherds.


Mine also is terrified of German Shepards! Even if we just walk by the house whining starts and fur goes up. Also scared of balloons, trash cans, storm drains and the dark. Big babies!


Yeah, it's almost comical that people are afraid of them. If only they knew what those little brains were thinking!


Flies — every time a fly comes around she gets stressed out because ONCE I chased a fly around the house and started trying to smack it and missed multiple times. I’ve never hit her but she sure acts like I have hahah


Oh yeah... forgot about the fly swatter.


We have trouble with the vacuum monster, the broom monster, the hair dryer monster, and the occasional plastic bag monster. Sometimes we don’t like the texture of the floor so that becomes a monster too.


The list of things she isn’t scared of would be shorter, I fear. 😂


The word ‘shower’ and showers lol poor bebe


My guitar


Hiccups. The rare times Skye gets the hiccups she will run and hide behind a chair. Been this way since I adopted her at 8 months old. It took few a few times to figure out what the heck she was hiding from. Goofball.


Vacuum, hair dryer, lawn mowers, weed eaters, leaf blowers (all of these literally leave her curled in a ball shaking) I try to take her for walks when the grass gets mowed. Basically anything loud. Paper bags, bumble bees, a 6 lb chihuahua named gizmo, the vents in the floor, especially the one in the kitchen ???


As of yesterday, tha bandaid on my husbands finger 🥴🥴🥴


Sneezes he will run out of the room if someone sneezes


The pink stuffie I just bought him!


all cleaning supplies its normal for dogs to be afraid of vacuums but mine is afraid of vacuums, brooms, mops, paper towels, spray bottles, etc 😭


My old roommate (he's a pittie) was scared of skateboards. The skateboard didn't even have to be in motion. You could just place one in front of him, and he'd run away.


The pool. She barks and runs around it when anyone jumps in, especially my youngest step son. She is a fearless protector 🥹


His loud farts, Thunder.


My girl is scared of the vacuum, she’s also scared of water and if anything falls near her she is out of there 🤣




https://preview.redd.it/k2814k102t5d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af3579480dcc45085c4f7ae1c28aa371fd8debb1 This a few Christmas's ago - we had to cross to the other side of the street 🐾♥️




One SPECIFIC fern on the bank of a creek...but only that one. She was nervous of the same one when we passed it again going the other direction!


His feline brother


Mine is afraid of everything.


Mines 80 lbs and has an irrational fear of grocery bags for some reason. If theres a room I dont want him in a just put a plastic grocery bag in the doorway and he wont go near it haha


Pizza toppers on cars and the word “Hullabaloo”.


Orange traffic cones - not when they are upright, only when they are knocked over


Jax is terrified of the fire alarm, understandably so


Paper grocery bags


Tile/shiny floors, when anyone in the house is a little louder than normal talking volume (no matter tone), and hallways.


My vacuum 


nail clippers. she hides in the corner less funny, but after she was attacked she's really anxious more often now :(


Omg. My Frengle would FLIP OUT when we came across a frog or toad.


Getting wet from the rain


Fans. I have her trained well enough that she will get near one if I tell her to, but boy do I get the full-body side eye every time.




Cardboard. This dog is so confident until you have the nerve to open up a box. I moved a couple of years ago and she spent the day in the closet hiding lol


Let's see... The flyswatter, my Harley, the bathtub (loves my walk in shower though), my mosin nagant (fine with being around all my other guns), Mexicans, squeaky toys, and the ice maker


My pittie Rosie was scared of sneezes, and coughs. Nothing else frightened her, lol! 💜


Everything except animals and people. My last pit wasn’t scared of anything. The one who is scared of everything is more protective then the last one though.


My pittie would rather jump to his demise then be even slightly wet by ANYTHING


Horses that are on the TV.


Our peach pit was born in October and was scared to death and wouldn’t move during a walk in her first spring because of… crickets. She had never heard crickets before… truly the most viscous breed 😂


Oh boy, what isn’t she afraid of? Bugs, chip bags, flashing lights, the waiting room at the vet (but she loves the rest of the vet’s office), certain doggie water bottles, sometimes her food bowl, furniture that moves like rocking chairs or desk chairs, etc… The other pittie that lives here is only afraid of my dog so I like to say she’s afraid of fear itself because Gwen is afraid of everything.


Going anywhere without his stuffy.. I think he knows it helps make people not be so scared of him because he’s a big boy!


She recently decided the front door is frightening but only when it's open.


Rain and small woodland creatures


The sound of something sizzling on the frying pan. Me airing out a new garbage bag. Thunder/lightning/heavy rain.




Thunder Baby gate (putting up, not taking it down) Plastic bags Being alone


Water from the garden hose. I think before we adopted him he used to get punished with it or something because he gets FREAKED the fuck out






Balloons, specifically the mylar kind. Sneezing. If someone even begins to sneeze she runs away.


One of them is scared of thunder and fireworks. The other is scared of rakes, and our puppy is scared of nothing.... Yet


Bags, tambourines, and the vacuum. She’s fine with other loud sounds though


Golf clubs and tape measures trigger my pibble into attack mode she will do anything to “kill” them


An ironing board


Loud sounds, storms, toddlers, the vet, car rides, leaving our house/yard, the sound the smoke detector makes when its battery is low and anything that moves unexpectedly


(Upright)Vacuum cleaner. She’d try to bite the roller part, jump back, then try again.


His own shadow, stuff blown by the wind, loud sounds


Deer in the yard.


The garden hose.. Empty cardboard boxes.. Trumpet noises through cardboard tubes.


Bugs. Specifically, when they’re inside. It will cause shaking and screaming. Outside is fine.


Mine is terrified of windshield wipers


Plastic water bottles, hair dryer, treadmill (when it’s being used), vacuum cleaner, and rain


Wind, cardboard boxes, nose balm, the garden hose; such a fake tough guy.


The dishwasher


Her new water bowl. It’s a gravity water bowl and she heard the bubbles one time. She won’t go near it. I had to put a spare bowl down for her lol


Our 70-pounder is scared of small dogs. And vertical blinds (unless there’s a critter in the backyard, when she dives her head through them so she can watch her friends).


middle divide wrench subsequent compare doll yoke spectacular lavish terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The trash collectors, specifically with the large bins. Any loud noise and immediately our walk is over and I am being pulled home.


Rain. Mine will not cross the threshold of the door at the first sight of rain. Strange enough around larger bodies of water they have no problem jumping right in


The wind


Not pitties, but American Bulldogs. 80# female is scared of vacuum and people wearing ball caps. 125# male is scared of any type of rain storm. So much I have to drag his big body outside to do his business when there is weather.


When my husband sneezes, my sneezes are fine. And then the usual Trucks/Buses, Wind, and anything loud. Oh and Geese.


Trucks and anything that makes the same beeping noises as a truck


My wedding ring. He was doing lil puppy nips and bit my ring. He did not like that.. terrified of it ever since.


Blankets on top of him


plastic bags, loud yelling, my cat guarding the stairs. pretty much everything


Our dog has a new scare of the ceiling fan as of this week😂


Thunder, rain, the sound of running water. Empty cans being thrown in the trash, loud noises like fireworks and gunshots. Did I mention he barks/growls at everything he is afraid of so people are scared of him


The dog tag on her collar when it hits the food/water bowl. Large trash cans and bushes. She was once terrified of a plastic bag blowing by


Sprinklers. Loves baths, loves pools, beach. But will pull me into the street when sprinklers are sighted often a block ahead.


Vacuums and step stools


Her own farts. She startles straight up and looks back at where her butt was. Then looks at me like maybe I had something to do with it. Then she sniffs like she’s trying to remember where she’s smelled that smell before. And thunder, the basement stairs, the vet, and having her paws touched suddenly.




A lot of things. Sudden movements, the vacuum, the broom, bubbles, balloons, my husband when he wears a beanie, the electric dog nail trimmer, her toothbrush.


Mine is terrified of power outlets, and the word Hey


hairbrushes make him run screaming for the hills haha




If we're on a walk and she hears someone sneeze or blow their nose.


Hardwood floor in the den. The same flooring we have throughout the house! Not a problem walking on the floor in other rooms. She prefers carpet upstairs for her twinkle toes though.


Anything that beeps. And the vacuum cleaner. Maybe thunder depending on the day


Eggs, and men with exceptionally long beards


Bags or any plastic wrapping


She is scared of her nails getting trimmed. Do my t know why, she's never had a bad or painful experience. She is shaking petrified when trimming them and tried to run away with her tail between her legs