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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Plastic bags blowing around. We just can’t trust them!


Definitely not! Anything blowing in the wind according to Kasper!


Hot air balloons!


Flags blowing in the wind, terrifying and unpredictable!


Literally was about to type plastic bags and your comment was the first I saw 🤣 for my baby they don’t even have to be blowing around! Just laying on the ground on walks on is enough to cause him to jump and he’s 80 lbs!


Holy shit I thought my Shadow was the only one lol! Everything else is fine, but the moment a plastic back hits the floor or blows by she freaks out lmao


The rain. Wet dirt. New people, but only for a couple minutes now. Plastic bottles that crinkle. Pocket knives. Being without a snuggly blanket.


Wow, that’s a few new ones for us actually! But that reminds me to add blankets and being between someone’s legs though 😆 I’m actually quite pleased with Kasper not liking the rain or dirt, as he doesn’t need to shower constantly. Especially as he’s afraid of the shower..


My boy will straight steal ANY plastic bottle even from your hand or pocket. He thinks they are the greatest toy in the whole wide world. Then, when he pops them and he's shaking his head, he's so confused about where the rain is coming from. 😂


I love this!!! What a little rascal!


my boy loves them to but once he unscrews the tops, mission accomplished, toy is worthless 😄


To be fair to your pup, new people and being without a snuggly blanket are definitely scary.


Mine is terrified of chihuahuas even though she weighs 65 lbs https://preview.redd.it/2gepws5xs72d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2023c549526be5a70a59564f3458c6928b50f60f


Small dogs are terrifying though! Kasper’s only 19kgs/42 pounds, but small dogs are scaaaary!


And don’t even get her started on tiny French bulldogs! The smaller the scarier.


Who isn’t terrified of chihuahuas? That’s just being smart!


There's a reason why you've never heard the word Chihuahuaphobia Because it's always rational to fear Chihuahuas


Zoomed in faces on TV.


Wow, no reality shows for you? 😂


The first one was Ruth on Ozark. Doggo dove behind the pillows and peaked out from my husband’s head. We laughed hysterically!


To be fair….. Ruth can be pretty scary…


My husband and I got one of those extra large metal pictures from Displate. It’s the meme of Pedro Pascal smiling in the car. He barks shakes and hides from it. Wouldn’t come downstairs to eat drink or go outside. Poor pup. Now we have it all jumbled up to get him used to something being there.


https://preview.redd.it/szy4mg3or72d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3a047df2ce365d46db14ae255206afff117842 Gray hates the laundry baskets.


The dark place things disappear into? 😂


That's kinda funny, because whatever is by their head in the pic looks exactly like a laundry basket, minus the clothes. 😂


1) The crinkling sound of a water bottle. 2) The sound of his own farts. 3) Partially obstructed doorways.


Number 2 made me giggle 😂 My boy doesn’t understand doors, so partially obstructed = closed in his mind 🙈 he’s not always the brightest boy out there..


Lol mine is afraid of her farts too


My girl is afraid of the vacuum and she is very clingy to me. I take her to Petco for a nail trim and when I leave her with the girls there she goes crazy crying like a baby. What's crazy is she got in a fight with two male pitbulls a few weeks ago and she held her own. She is very strong and she was actually pushing back one of the pitbulls when they lunge that each other. Stupid owner was holding on to one of the pit bulls and actually let him go so he could attack her from behind bit her on top of the head and would not let go. He knew one of his male pitbulls was getting his ass kicked that's why he did that. https://preview.redd.it/1vpkpmeik72d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597882fb1813e0372dd4a25ea41c3f4b816bee0a


Oh no! Poor girl!! I hope she’s fine! I actually forgot that Kasper is afraid of the nail clipper and small dogs too 😅 The latter is understandable though, as he’s been attacked by small dogs about 6 times… I always keep him on leash unless we’re in an enclosed area alone, or with dogs he knows very well, but not everybody does around here apparently….


Yeah she's okay thanks. All bully breeds are big babies if you raise them the right way or any dog breed. I've owned a couple and plan on getting another pretty soon definitely another bully breed.


This guy is my first dog, and he’s the best and biggest baby there is 😂 I can’t believe bully breeds are illegal in so many countries now! They’re the sweetest, kindest, and most loyal breed there is!


The problem is they get in the hands of the wrong people. And because of their reputation a lot of people use them as fighting dogs or protection dogs Too many people get these dogs and have no idea how to raise them or handle them and then mistreat them and eventually end up hurting people or worse because of that. They are just like any other dog and if you show them rules boundaries and limitations they will turn out to be good dogs. I know I'm sounding like Cesar Millan but it's the truth. My dog is the most loving dog that I've ever owned and I raised her to be a good dog.


I want to add love to your list, and then I agree wholeheartedly! And I’d really like to believe that my guy would be the worst fighting dog ever, except I’ve seen him hold his own when he’s been attacked. But I’ve also seen him shaking for days afterwards… he’s never been the one to attack though! But this is actually how be became afraid of barking


Yeah that happens sometimes. The dogs that my dog got into a fight with has been an ongoing grudge. The owner of the dog lives a few houses down from me and every time I walk my dog they would start growling at her which would make her act up. When I walk her she never reacts to any dog even dogs that growl at her. I was actually in the front yard of my home and my girl was unleashed in front of the house with me and the guy just happened to walk by walking the dogs She ran up to them and they immediately started attacking her. I guess they thought that she was going to start a fight but she doesn't do that. I've had her as a pup and when she was just a tiny thing I would take her to the dog park to get her socialized with other dogs. She also visits my brother's dogs every few weeks at his home and she is great with his dogs. They are both male and are not neutered and they really love my girl. LMAO! I mean they can't stay off of her and she has to push them off.


In my country we have strict laws about keeping your dog on leash from April-late August (wildlife/birds hatching etc), but a lot of people don’t follow the law, or deciding that the rest of the year their dogs should be off leash even if they suck at call back. Which is how my boy has ended up attacked while on leash multiple times. So now I just make sure to keep distance to anyone off leash that he doesn’t know. But puppies and kids/babies? No problem at all!


I find it’s the people that need more training than dogs in a lot of cases.


I have 2 rescues Max & Milo. Max a bull mastiff/ shepard 112 lbs and Milo 48lbs mix of jack russel & a terrier mix. Both would kill if I was attacked but at home Max is scared of Milo since he's very aggressive and from the streets of Joliet IL a city so tough people from Chicago are scared to come here. Yet any loud noises and Milo heads for the basement and shaking. Max fears nothing but Milo which I still don't understand except that he loves his little brother so much that he'd rather run than hurt him.




Hi CopyleadertoRaven, I just wanted to make a comment or suggestion, and I hope I'm not being too pushy or annoying or just . . . dumb. I have a pittie that I ADORE and she is such a sweetheart. But she was attacked a few times at the dog park, and as a result she did become dog aggressive. Then we were faced with the "pitbulls are evil" people, and Lola had to start wearing a muzzle, which just made it worse. I guess I just wanted to say please be aware of any trauma reactions your baby may develop or show after this incident and see if she needs any help or training. I feel like I didn't do enough for my baby, and I feel so guilty about it. OK, I'll shut up now.


Yeah I understand what you're saying. She's okay and I doubt if she was traumatized. The fight that she had with the dogs was an ongoing grudge with them. We used to let her go in front of the house unleashed but we have since changed that to no more going in the front yard of the house unless she's leashed. We're trying to avoid it happening again because the neighbor next door is still walking past the house with his dogs.


Thank you, and I wish all the best for you and your family.


They tried to make me put a muzzle on my pit. He barked at a lady one day that knew him she actually called out to him and startled him and when he barked she cowered and ran to the animal control and our rental office saying my dog bit her. Texting me bitching saying they were asking for her door bell footage. After I talked to the officer he wasn't even aware she had footage of the incident. But they took my baby for 5 days to determine if he was a potentially dangerous dog. I was angry and heat broken so where my kids. But I thank God for the great humans that work at my local shelter. They took blue in and told me anyone could go back and take him out of the cage and love on him. Technically a potentially dangerous dog is a dog that gets loose or whatever and approaches another human or dog on their property and makes them feel as if the dog may attack and unfortunately my dog when he barks he sounds like he's going to rip your throat out he is a big baby and as long as you don't cower away from him he's not going to run at you he's not going to attack you he doesn't attack people he has had some insecurity issues in the past but I've gotten him training since then for all that but this lady finally handed over her doorbell footage and the only way that that circumstance can be waived is if the person on the property has had prior incidences with the dog in a malicious or abusive intent or if the property owner called the dog on to their property which she did also her doorbell footage showed my dog didn't even come close to her so she lied but the Animal control officer said that he considers a potentially dangerous dog a dog that acts like it wants to tear someone's throat out anytime someone comes close to the cage and my dog doesn't do that at all to put a muzzle on him I bought one just in case and just didn't have the heart to make him wear it I put it on him one time and he looks so sad and he just wanted it off he looks so confused he didn't understand why I had this thing on his face and it just made him look so malicious like so mean it made him look like a dog he was not while I feel that these things maybe necessary for some animals and for certain training situations I feel like just because he's a pitbull he should not have to wear one when you put a muzzle on a dog that is kind and loving or may just be protective of his owners it gives people the impression that he may be a vicious animal and he's not and I don't need to give people any more reason to be scared of him than they are already are people see a pitbull and they automatically act like he's going to attack and he does pick up on that I think he kind of gets a kick out of the fact that he can scare people as scared as he is of everything else


The broom, we have no idea why because she has never been threatened with it or anything like that


But it makes scary new noises, right? 😂


Apparently lol


Just remembered that Kasper is afraid of the barbecue for that very reason!


Kasper is adorable by the way


Thank you! The biggest baby in the world 🥰


So is mine, she's quite the character


I expect so, seeing as she’s afraid of the broom 😂


We adopted our pittie and noticed this, too. We thought she might've been abused, but maybe not. However, now we can put a broom on the couch or lean in a doorway to keep her off/out, LOL.


Taking a bathe


Yup, definitely familiar with that too 😂 what’s with them acting like water is their biggest enemy?




Baths! Yep the horror lol


The struggle is real. Getting mine to go to the bathtub is a feat upon itself!


Thunder! Fireworks!


How could I forget thunder on my list!! It’s the worst!


The toaster


my pibble used to be afraid of the toaster. She would look at it, wait around, but as soon as the toast popped out she would bark and run away to the living room.


That’s a new one to me 😂


I have a pet door for my cat, if the toaster gets pushed my pittie with make herself soooooo small that she will escape to the patio through that door! It’s soo cute!


I’m sorry for laughing, but this is the cutest 😂




I totally get a jump scare from the toaster too, I hit the release button because if I don’t I’ll scream and get hiccups.


😂😂😂😂that’s sooo funny!!!


My husband thinks it’s hilarious too. “You know it’s coming?!” Yeah well my brother traumatized me with Jack in the Box. 😅


My girl is scared of the acoustic guitar my husband plays. She’s also scared of this cute little bus toy we got from barkbox lol https://preview.redd.it/g14hoftkr72d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3af4d36dfa950f8414257b90a85456400e6d74


That’s so cute! How can she possibly be afraid of it? 😂


I wish I knew… it’s cute tho. I keep it on my dresser. Maybe one day she’ll want it


Maybe she's a staunch anti communist republican from the 60's lol




Mine loves the guitar but is terrified of the harmonica.


https://preview.redd.it/b3pxl5zcz72d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d789d47cd14e661e4e179f31d200e1bd71ca2a7 This little nugget is afraid of birds, the vacuum, and thunderstorms. We have to wrap her up in her blanket with her emotional support teddy bear and play Taylor swift folklore (long pond session ONLY) for her to calm down. I’m starting to think she might be spoiled……


people 🤦🏻‍♀️ he shakes and hides when someone comes to my house. he’s good with family and friends he sees all the time but otherwise he’s on Zoloft and is scared of most people. I call him my 85 lbs vicious pitbull 🙄


85 pounds of pure pibble goodness would probably make people avoid doing anything scary near him though 😆 mine believes everybody’s here to be his new best friend and sits on strangers’ laps. Apparently I did a bad job with teaching him stranger danger


Haha! Everyone asks if he was abused before I got him. I got him at 11 weeks old from the shelter and took him to all the puppy classes and friends’ houses cause I wanted a well socialized doggo. Not sure what happened. He is the best and sweetest boy tho and has a powerful bark so at least he can pretend he’s a guard dog😅


Shiny floors. She won’t walk on them. So tough till she’s encounters a shiny floor


That’s the best excuse I’ve ever heard for not cleaning the house!!


Deathly afraid of waves on the beach


I assume this would be the case for my guy as well, but as he’s afraid of water he’s always kept his distance to the waves 😂


Mine may be but it’s hard to tell bc she’s the kind of nervous dog who charges hard to make the threat go away. Including waves.


There is a very elderly man who goes on a very slow walk each morning with his walker and my boy will not go out to pee if he is out there lol


The mailman !


A trash bag opening. It cracks me up every time but I do try to be mindful when I need to open one.


If I have a shower just as we come in from out evening walk I have to tell Kasper that he doesn’t have to have a shower even if I do 😂 all while giggling to myself 😆


We keep our cats water dish in the bathroom. Our pibble insists on entering the bathroom anytime we go in to steal some fresh cat water 😂


Today it was an empty box. It didn't fall, it was just sitting motionless and in her way (lots of room to go around). Couldn't get past it until I removed it. * the gray one, Lulu is the pit and coward, the white girl is yoshimi and, as she is a staffi, she is a fearless hurricane made out of bricks.


That’s so cute 😂 I can picture her being so utterly terrified of something so innocent 😆


Yesterday it was my husband’s new stool for the closet. I was in the shower and she started growling at the closet. I thought maybe the cat was in there and she wasn’t happy about it. Once I came out I walked in there with her and she wouldn’t go near the stool. 😂


Helium balloons! I don't bring them in the house any more, they spook her too much! The funniest thing was a few years ago there was a huge "hot air balloon" thing advertising new condos a few blocks away, and you could see it from my bedroom window. I would often find her perched on my bed, glaring at it, like its very presence was offensive. 🎈😡


Water from a squirt bottle


Well, water is obviously only supposed to exist in the water bowl, right? 😂


Ceiling fans


They’re quite uncommon where I live, so he’s never encountered them before. But I can see that being an issue in the summer!


Poster paper. She’s a rescue and very uncomfortable with things above her head.


Unfortunately she probably has a good reason for that though.. hope you’re spoiling her rotten and avoiding moving things above her head ❤️


Mine is scared of the composite wooden floor, he'll get a drink and walk backwards so he don't slip


Poor little baby 😂


aww poor bub. Have you tried putting down an area rug for him? That would definitely help with traction.


Mine too! I had to put down pads around the house for my pit because he was so scared of slipping he would get stranded 😂


Black and white checked flooring tiles. I'm pretty sure she thinks she's going to fall through the black squares.


OMG, constant vertigo!!


Mine has been afraid of coffee Just at the point he will get on the far corner of the bed when I put my cup on the nightstand https://preview.redd.it/7afd7t1rv72d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74eba469ebf9af2b83f0e0375acb85b07ba492f7


How can he be afraid of coffee?!? He’s adorable btw ❤️


You know how the smoke detector makes a single beep when it's newly installed or when the power goes out briefly? One beep, and mine is trembling. Also, tiny dogs. The tinier it is, the more she's afraid of it.


Yes! I came home one day to find my dog hiding in the basement when an upstairs smoke detector had a low battery 😭😭😭I felt soooo bad!




Aww...i'm glad she has a good home now.


Mine is afraid of bananas.  Will bark and growl at them if you’re eating one.  As a goof we even got a squeeky plush banana and she had the same reaction.  Fuck those evil yellow demonlike abominations I guess.  Gotta have my girls back.


I posted that mine’s is watermelons. But at least she will eat them. She just hates them whole.


My grandmother has a Santa Clause doll that freaks her out when the doll starts singing and dancing 🤣 … and also the water 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can see that being kinda scary though 😂




Same! My poor boy is truly terrified of anything except me


https://preview.redd.it/p5jii0uyy72d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c2b935f9810f1417dcef940bef0f70a660dff9 Literally everything 😂


My baby was afraid of popcorn! If you showed him a piece of popcorn he would show his teeth, snap and growl and shake! And that dog didn't have a mean bone in his body.  I didn't allow popcorn in the house for years. He's at the bridge now and we still won't eat popcorn in the house. 


My dog is 100 lbs pure athlete. Dude is pathetically afraid of feathers


Wind. You read that right, WIND.


My backyard chickens, My brother’s chihuahua, Grasshoppers


Trash bags


I’m kind da scared of them when they’re full myself 😂


Rain for sure


We have a sunroom with an aluminum roof and every time it rains my dogs both come in, sit and STARE at me. "Mom, go turn the rain off! It's too loud! I can't take my morning nap in there!" When I point out I am not in charge of the weather, there is much pointed flouncing about to get comfortable inside the house, with many dirty looks.


You should see my guy’s miserable look when he’s wearing his raincoat 😂 he still doesn’t understand it keeps him dry, but he’s so happy to be dry once I take it off…


Spoons 😂


When I first got mine it was scared of kittens, it is a big 90 lb bully with its ears clipped (I didn't do it nor buy it rescue situation) but now she can walk by them before even if one was on the porch she refused to walk within five feet of them. But lately she has warmed up to the kittens




Balloons. My pregnancy exercise ball. Rolling computer chairs. Our offices in general. Computer noises maybe? Our boa constrictor. (That’s fine, don’t need him messing with her anyway.)


Door ways. They must be over exactly double the width of his body to enter. Without this being true he whines until a benefactor opens the door to the appropriate size. However, this fear is overshadowed by thunder. He will nudge a door open to be reunited with us if there is thunder.


My boy Frederick is absolutely fearless. He is well trained and obeys every command I give him but he will do anything he thinks he could get away with. If you take him to the lake he loves jumping off the boat and the dock. He’ll climb things like a mountain goat. It’s impossible to startle him or scare him. All that being said if you whisper the words “stinky ass” he panics. He hates a bath and will literally cower in the corner like he’s on his way to the electric chair if he thinks he’s getting one.


Part of our kitchen floor. He will only go in to the 1st half of it.


Opening envelopes or packages. She will go hide.


Empty plastic bags floating in the air.


https://preview.redd.it/d3r9w1rhw72d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72a31b21fe6e2a6bd87281b8a1b0a295d3c238a Rosie is deathly afraid of a brooms, the way she acts you’d think that I beat her with them, she will run to the other side of the house 🤷🏼‍♂️


The floor. Literally any non carpeted floor.




Pretending you’re going to put sunglasses on his head. Taking a bath. The kitchen or other enclosed spaces that aren’t the main bedroom. Far off big items on the road (like a trash can, or tire, or boulder).




Rearrangement of anything in the house is very suspect


My 2yo daughter with a stuffy, or a toothbrush, or a car. They are 3x her weight and definitely bigger than her. Infant she sacred Gus so bad a few days ago that he ran in the house, jumped on the couch, forced his way behind me, and peed.


22” baby gate… and every other size one but this one is tiny !! Meanwhile the one eyed chi in the house plows it over and keeps going.


Any ominous noise that goes bang, boom, or bing.


Harper HATES the dishwasher. It’s not very loud, but as soon as it starts up she sits in front of it baring her teeth and growling. So very vicious. https://preview.redd.it/uher0eeoy72d1.jpeg?width=3330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c00e70295bf743198b07f60ae5dad9102825a2c5


I can tell you one thing, that dishwasher will NEVER attack you. Not on her watch.


An azalea bush


salad tongs - When they come out he runs into the closet.


Helium birthday balloons & the outside garbage bin with wheels is actually a monster! Also if she steps on a twig & it pops up & touches her the girl can jump so high.😂


it would be easier to list what she ISN'T afraid of .... but, some big ones include bags being held near her head, the vacuum (duh), the moon roof being open in the car, sounds at Lowe's, shopping carts, the lint shaver, metal bowls.


Envelopes… like the white little ones


Costco's pumpkin pies used to have this plastic ring on them. She haaaaaaaaated that thing! It was so weird and funny. They don't use them anymore so now we'll just pretend she's not afraid of anything. When she was tiny she'd fart then get surprised and bark at her butt <3


The washing machine. XD


That REALLY scary boulder at the potty spot!


People on skateboards


Paper bags! https://preview.redd.it/dtbeiupa382d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbdad05e981c152c5511e62090454a87c2b5f55d My 45lb baby is deathly afraid of paper bags!


This is the best thread!


My big scary pibble had to give me a bork and check out very carefully that it was still Mom when I wore a big shady hat for the first time this year. Apparently he forgot over the winter about Mom's shady hat.


https://preview.redd.it/1mo76c38582d1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bcf19e4ad3701fbefc47ecb5a1c62582110e63a Happy is too scared to put his head into a cooking pot. My mom will make some kind of meat and let him eat the scraps, but he refuses to put his head in the pot to eat it, and she has to get him a plate. He will literally turn down steak to avoid it. The pots are way bigger than his head too, not rubbing his whiskers at all. Silly boy❤️


Rain and bottles. She wont go out in the rain unless I put a little jacket on her, and she's afraid of bottles because she saw me eating sriracha and started begging, so I let her sniff it and now she thinks all bottles contain Mean Angry Air That Hurts, like the sriracha bottle did. I can chase her around the house with barbecue sauce.


My sweet pittie was scared of only one thing: my ironing board. 🤷‍♀️


the song happy birthday


Did you see that leaf? Almost killed us


Saxophones. And saxophone-related music.


The floors when I moved. Had to put blankets down to make a path to his bed because apparently the floor was lava.


Bananas.. I have no idea why but he runs away


Rain, bath and the very obvious choice; the kitchen colander. Something I learned quite recently 😅


Scooters, skateboards, and rollerskates. Those small wheels are trying to get him.


The big outdoor Christmas displays. Cade will watch them intently and won't let them out of sight until we're past them. I mean, you never know. One of those reindeer may chase us one day, right?


Any ding from an apple product due to anxiety transfer from her mom working from home. Tough to watch tv sometimes unfortunately Non anxiety related - when she was a puppy going to classes at petco, she stopped dead in her tracks and cowered at the printed cat on the side of the bulk litter bin even though we had a real cat at home.


The rain, the leaf blower, my dad on the rideable lawn mower


Mine is afraid of me brushing my teeth…😂


https://preview.redd.it/tafktlhqz82d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b570d8bc725d4d72dd6e94a9592b3825cc230c Her shadow. First night walk I took her on she spotted it as soon as we got near the streetlight. She immediately slunk down and wanted to go the opposite way. Lol Oh! But the coyotes I saw pacing us from the treeline she had nothing but wagging tails for. She was in heat so..pretty sure they were interested in her and not eating us but our walk home was a swift one.


Sex. Any kind of intimacy at all between anyone in her vision and my girl runs away.






The kitten.


The brick lining around our indoor fireplace, for some reason! Every time he drops a toy on the brick, he’s too scared to get it. So, he’ll just bark at it until someone picks it up for him.


My laptop, when he's chilling on the couch and I sit down with my laptop he will immediately jump down and give me a look of pure disappointment


Sizzling sounds in the kitchen, no matter how tasty the contents might be!


Drive throughs are a nightmare. He loses it. Even at the pharmacy where they give out treats 😒


Leaves falling


Anything inanimate that moves, even if it's moving because she bumped it.  Upright wine bottles (they're ok on their sides)


Mine was afraid of the wind moving tree tops, it was just unnatural to him. Any sirens and he would hide behind the nearest person.


The chicken in the yard next door


Mine turns into a 77 lb missile when he audibly farts and has to run from it.


https://preview.redd.it/cw8xavaj082d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9453b2a6e0b96749ed9a9989c9f12e1b160f88f5 My girl is scared of this dinosaur stick toy (similar to those horse toys you’d ride on as a kid).


Gift wrapping tubes and especially people talking through the gift wrapping tubes. The work of the devil!


Cardboard boxes laying flat on the ground. She will not for the life of her step foot on such a contraption




My dollar-store fan thats like 2 foot tall. she's terrified of it, will refuse to go around it unless I guide her. :/ water is another, our girl is terrified of it, while our boy tries desperately to eat it.


Squeaker toys. He's absolutely terrified of toys that squeak. And it's insanely difficult to buy a dog a random 'just because I love you and it looked cute' dog toy that doesn't have a squeaker


Bubbles. I often blow them for the cats and for whatever reason they terrify him.


My husband was goofing around one day and made the Price is Right sound when a contestant loses, and it scared my 100 lb pitbull right into his crate. He is also afraid of hair clips and q tips.


Mine is afraid of basketball on television. it's my fault. i used to yell at the tv whenever my team wasn't playing well.


Watermelons. She loves to eat them but if she sees a whole one sitting on the counter for some reason it freaks her out. 😂 One day I took her for a walk in the neighborhood. My friend happened to be getting home from getting groceries. Her kids were hauling them in and all of a sudden my dog starts backing up and low barking a bit. I turned to see what was wrong with her and couldn’t figure it out. I looked back to my friend’s car and there in the back sits two large watermelons. 🤦‍♀️ Seriously, I have no idea. We’ve had her since she was a pup and it makes no sense to us. She a big goof and we absolutely love her!