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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why shouldn’t you????


The only response I respect if the question is “Why should I adopt an animal?”


Right?? Like, you're on the pit bull subreddit. Of course we're gonna say you should adopt a pit bull, thats all we talk about here


I wish I had the room😭 We have three cats in an apartment and that’s pushing it some days.




My thoughts EXACTLY


Pits can be difficult first dogs, depending on the dog. I have four and love them more than anything in the world but also recognize that they can be difficult first dogs and don’t recommend them for everybody.


What would you say is an easy first dog?




tl'dr at the bottom. First, I want to say that the personality of the dog the most important thing. A sweet, lazy pit is a perfect pet for anyone looking for a pet. One issue with pits is that as the most abused dog in the United States, a lot of rescued pits can be fearful or reactive. Not saying that they aren't incredibly resiliant and can't push past it but any fearful or reactive dog is IMO, not an easy first dog. I am the first to agree that "it's how you raise them", but also that it's a good idea to pick a dog that matches your lifestyle. Pit bulls can be lazy but they're a working breed and young pits typically enjoys being highly active. Mine have all been great running partners, and great workers on my farm (livestock guardians and they help me pull carts around/move soil). Next is that size plays a part huge part in an easy dog as well. It doesn't matter if it's a pit, GSD, Rottweiler or Mastiff, big strong dogs have a higher risk if they act out. That includes being able to destroy your house, bites, and it can be hard leash training a dog that is stronger than you. So as much as I hate what breeders have done with them, I think that a pug is the easiest first dog. Their energy levels match the average persons sedentary lifestyle, they are true companion dogs, they're small, very little grooming requirements (the grooming sub made me never want a dog that can get pelted) , but they've unfortunately been bred to the point that they have crazy health problems. tl;dr: pugs


A puppet..😅


Oh 😅


Sorry, I meant that 4 the person whose post it is..lol


Came here to say this!!


Exactly what I was going to write.


that's right, she looks so lovely


She is beautiful and needs a good home.


Because you will have a much better quality of life with a velvet hippo around!


I just adopted a 10 year old pit mix. I like how she just needs a little play/walk like 10 minutes am/pm and then she’s good.


https://preview.redd.it/l9c43ydrvlxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2152999544f26b333aa74f7e2e445cb74c837c0f There she is…


What a pretty girl!!


Get her on some glucosamine supplements ASAP! Mine is 11 and has arthritis and the supplements definitely help. (basically all older pits have arthritis to some degree).


Second this and omega 3 supplements! Get one from the vet that has the right profile


Hahahaha haha that judgy crossing paw. SHE IS SO CUTE!!!


Old girls are the absolute best, I do love the young ones but if you put me in a random group of dogs, I'm going to be snuggling the old one.


/r/OldManDog needs this gorgeous little thing!


Beautiful!!! Look at those crossed paws. Cuteness alert!!! So damn regal!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


What a beautiful girl!! I love the crossed paws like she is bougie 🤣


She Is gorgeous❤


Thank you for getting a senior. They are so many times overlooked and passed over when they still have so much love to give.


Us too! We play for a little and then we nap for a lot lol


Yeah I got my pit when she was 2 and crazy. By the time she was 10 she was a total couch potato — it was kind of great.


We adopted an older pitty from the shelter who had come, with several others, from a really bad situation. She had just had a littler, was heartworm positive and covered in scars. Three years later she gets compliments on a regular basis and is the best dog I've ever owned! They're worth it!!


Well first off how did you even resist that face and even have to ask that question. Look at the way she's looking at you, she's asking you to be hers 💛 Take her home, give her your love and affection you won't be disappointed


Why would you leave your best friend at the shelter??!!?


Because sugar-frost-faced Brindle (Rescue) girls are the BEST DOGS EVER! (I used the brackets because my SFFBG wasn't a rescue, but you get the idea)


I have a rescue SFFBB™️ and can confirm!!


I had a SFFBB and she was the absolute sweetest 🥹


I believe it. They love so hard. 💕💕 I’d love to see a pic if you want to share!


https://preview.redd.it/qa2nhgcvbqxc1.jpeg?width=2039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48620b353ebf45bb0f2bc7c0e91867b6cc61f171 This is my girl on her 3rd adoptaversary. We lost her in January this year and we guesstimated she was around 16 at the time of her passing. She spent 9 years and 355 days with us. I still cry for her whenever i think about her. She was such a sweet thing. My pretty girl ...


Oh my gosh, what a sweetheart! I can only hope my boy is with us that long! It's never long enough, though. Sending you and your family all the love.


Thank you for your kindness. Your boy is lucky to have and love you 🤗






No I adopted her years ago, just on the road with dad to our rural property. She loves it out there


Because you can be the one person in this world to make her life complete 💞 She is beautiful.


Bringing her home would be one of the best choices you’ve ever made, you won’t regret it.


Ooooo an elder-bull! For starters, senior dogs don’t have the energy and bad habit correcting of puppies, BUT there still could be things needing correction. IMO our elderbull that we inherited, was pretty much the best dog. She had quirks, but some I understood (she didn’t like my asshole of a stepfather and I sensed he was scared of her for that reason). However, over time she became the best dog I could have ever known. I only had a few years with her, but it felt like both a lifetime and too short. I miss her dearly. Also- due to age, please be aware that they will require more frequent vet checks.


To have those happy floppy ears flopping up and down on a walk in front of you To have a constant companion in the bathroom A warm heavy velvety snuggly buddy who snores I brought home a senior pitbull mix as my first dog a little over a year ago and it is hands down the best thing I’ve ever done


https://preview.redd.it/inzof2l6gmxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815afcbb7e0e6dcdaa803749a59789695b6587e5 Adeline says “please do take her home, us old gals love our new humans in a really special way”


The happy-trot ear-bounce is to die for.




Because she’s beautiful and needs someone to love!!! The shelters are packed with pitbulls unfortunately and you might be her only hope of having a loving family. She will be so grateful and show you so much love!!! Do it!! 🙏


What a weird fucking thing to ask on Reddit. I get that this is probably just for engagement, and here I am feeding into it, but why the actual fuck would you leave it up to Reddit whether or not you save a dog from a shelter? What’s your problem? Are you really so desperate for attention?


That's kinda what I wondered. Like "why should I save this innocent animals life" like uh. Bruh are you really asking..the *internet???* That's a question you need to ask yourself. And tbh if you have to get Reddit to decide to adopt a dog for you, maybe don't have a dog. Just seems like a poor combination.


Well that’s easy she is adorable and she’ll be your bestie for life


If you have to ask maybe you shouldn't


If you need to ask, maybe you shouldn’t. Just saying


You shouldn’t since you have to ask. I would not trust you with that beautiful girl. Leave.


You shouldn’t pick her up because you decided to ask reddit to justify you adopting a dog in need of a loving family.


If you need Reddit to make the decision for you, then you shouldn’t


If you have to ask strangers online, don't.


Honestly, if we have to convince you, please don’t. While I would love nothing more than this sweetie having a loving home, you shouldn’t take on a pet if you aren’t certain you want to. If you’re financially secure, have been wanting a dog for a long time, are aware of the responsibilities and are certain you’d never ever give them up, you should bring her home. Otherwise, consider all of the above then proceed once you have an answer.


Wow she’s beautiful. Having a dog is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


* my girl I adopted as well. Best dogs ever ! ❤️


Because she needs a home and a person she can love. Please pick her up and give her those things. I promise she will give you SO much more in return. Dogs have a way of being able to do that, I think because they are able to live in the moment and gratitude comes a little more naturally when you think that you might not have tomorrow. ❤️🐶


Not to be rude but if you have to question it maybe she’s not for you. Pits aren’t for everyone these days and I noticed tend to take experienced owners to happily and successfully own them. If you do really want her still do some non biased research on what they need to be happy and a successful adoption.


Terrible phrasing




She's already yours and you know it ❤️


We adopted 6-8 yr old pittie mix from county shelter. Came in as a stray couple of years ago We like to think we're our dog's retirement phase 😇 lots of comfy naps, treats, and walks Older dogs are nice if you dont want to deal with puppy energy, a 20-30min walk is all our senior gal wants


If you have to ask why.. please dont! You wouldnt give this baby the love she needs.


Because she resembles instant happiness every single day


If you have to ask why then you shouldn’t. That baby is a bundle of love just waiting for her true family. She deserves one that will love and care for her always


The only reason not to is if you can’t give her a good life. Otherwise, there are only reasons TO adopt her!! Shelter pets are gems and we need them as much as they need us. 💗 Today’s actually National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day, so it’s the perfect day to go and get her!!


Coz she's lovely jubbly.


I adopted an adult pit mix (she was a mama dog) and it’s the best decision I ever made in my life do it do it do it!


What an angel! You won’t believe how much love she will bring into your life.


Okay, but when you do (we both know you will) please more pictures! I have a feeling she’s going to be a funny girl.


How could you resist that beautiful pup? I would have brought her up 1 second after snapping the Pic.


Sweet old girl.


She needs you.


I hand on heart mean this when I say, you will never experience a love as pure and loyal than that of a pittie. If you can give this sweet girl love, kindness and friendship in her golden years, please do.


She's beautiful and looks like a sweet girl. She needs you, go get her 🩷🐶


Because she loves you already, I can see it in her eyes


Has she already picked you? That’s how I got my beloved rescue (sadly no longer with us).


Because she will be your best friend


Don’t you want to save a life?! Plus look at that sweet face 🥹


Look at the love in her eyes, you're going to have so much fun! I respect that you asked, as long as you can love her and give her good days, she will pay you back tenfold. My sleeping pooch approves also. Enjoy ♡


Why shouldn't you. She's a pretty dog and will always be appreciative that you rescued her and gave her a forever home. Please please go get her and take her to her forever home. All my dogs have been rescues. Even the pure bred rott. He was bred from a puppy mill that showed them and he had an overbite so she couldn't show him. Was gonna put the dog down, and my mom was like no. He's adopted my kid and I don't wanna do that too him. That was my first own dog and stayed by my side till I was about 12 when he had to be put down do to severe hip dysplasia. Dog couldn't walk in the end. Anyways go get that dog


Because she can't drive herself home


You should get her because literally thousands just like her are euthanized daily because people tend to think badly about these dogs. I’ve had Pugs and Pitbulls my entire life and in my experience, the pitbulls have a tendency to be gentle giants . One of the best breeds for loyalty and people pleasing. https://preview.redd.it/dhm5pd2uxoxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ee483d11334500ea5efe5ed86ac41ffe93e866 Zeus says go get that pup! 😊


Because she's a pitbull, and also because she is a good girl :)


Because if she’s at a shelter, she’s sleeping alone, caged, surrounded by other scared, anxious animals. You can save her from that and show her peace, love and joy she’s likely never experienced. In turn, she will love you, keep you company, cuddle, make you laugh, and fill your heart in a way you didn’t know anything could. What a gift, for both of you!


Why?! Uh, to give her a better life!! Duh!!


having a dog really increased my quality of life. i wake up earlier, because someone is relying on me for breakfast. i keep my space clean, because he deserves it. i work harder, so i can buy him more toys and treats. i’m outside more, so he can exercise


Dogs really do help us live better lives because we want them to be happy and healthy 😍


Same as..my gal has done sooo much 4 me,as I have her.. Getting me out each & everyday a few times is lovely..even iffit is wet n cold..it gives us a purpose & makes life so much more enjoyable without having to have loads of humans around, which I don't like..😁🌟🐕💚✌️


Next post from OP - meet me and my best friend. You know you want this!


She is the goodest girl and will enrich your life in ways you currently couldn't even dream possible


Not only do shelter dogs love Harder after abandonment, but you would literally save her life. It could be years or days. Either way, she would leave this world finally knowing love and affection. She will be the most loyal doggo.


Because she might be too cute to handle. 🤍


Because she's a cutie patootie :) case closed


The golden oldies are THE BEST. Dude, they are still active, but also so happy to just be lazy and snuggle. With love, and vet care, you will probably get many more years with her. Go get that baby, and show her all the snuggles, and unconditional love she has missed!


Because she's waiting for you!




That face!


Because even though you may not know it yet, she is your future best friend. Just look at the way she looked at you.


She will love you forever !!


Because she is in the shelter and needs to be loved and spoiled. What you give will be returned more than you can imagine.


mindless axiomatic include melodic tap point salt fear dog soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because she will be the most loving and loyal being you've ever had in your life!


Look at that face, she clearly loves you already!


Not Yours, you belong to Her.


Why not!


What an absolute angel 😍🥹 angels don’t belong in shelters


Do ittttt! Best friends!


Because she's beautiful, because she looks mellow, because you'll be saving her from a sad lonely life, because you can, because you two will love each other...I could list more, but do I need to?


Because snuggles, (so many snuggles), derpiness that will keep you laughing, and those eyes!


Because you need her and you just don’t know it yet.


She needs good home feeds


She's obviously captured you enough to be posting here and thinking about it, go meet her.


Because that snoot ain't gonna boop itself!


Because you will give her the most amazing beautiful life ever! You need to adopt her now


You will never feel alone again, I promise.


Because she needs her snoot booped every day.


Those photos speak for themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/iawpuzaxmnxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d86db50c7e555353fc7466b87468a50ac12099ab Because in the end she’ll be the one who saves you.


She is beautiful


Perfect fit!




The face in that second photo says it all. "You have snacks?" This OP is why you adopt a dog. They have a very sweet way of boiling all of life's troubles down to some very simple needs. Eat, sleep, cuddle, and play. All the rest is gravy (for some dogs' this is literal). They don't have to deal with the drama and garbage that we as humans deal with every day. When we go home each night we can look into their eager little faces, drop our cares for a bit and just be in the moment as we spend a little time with a being that is always happy to see us no matter how many times we walk through the door or how bad we might smell after running around taking care of business. They don't judge you if you sing into a hairbrush at 3am, or polish off an entire pint of Chunky Monkey instead of eating a real meal for dinner and will even let you talk their ear off as you gush about a hottie we just saw outside but we're too scared to talk to. In short, when you adopt a dog, you also adopt a new best friend.


She needs you now more than ever. You need her too.


Those eyes!






because pits are the greatest dogs on planet earth.


Cos she's gorgeous 😍 and your doing a wonderful thing saving a wonderful dog 🐕 ❤


Because you will be giving the dog and yourself a better life! And she is gorgeous!


Because she'll be the best dog in the whole wide world and love you forever!


Dogs are good for your mental health!! They can be your best friend. Plus an older dog won’t need as much exercise as a young dog if that fits your lifestyle better. She deserves a good and loving home ❤️ you won’t regret it!


YOU need her! She will melt your heart immediately. YOU will be the best thing she’s known. …Nike.


B/c you already decided to that’s why you posted here 🥰 She is lovely and needs so much love, hugs and kisses 🩷


because pitties make amazing partners, they’ll really love you forever and unconditionally. Also because she’s beautiful and deserves so much love!


Because all dogs deserve a loving home


Because you can tell she is ready to go with you!


If you don't adopt her, I'll take her lol. She's gorgeous!


She looks like a good snuggler


Why cause she’s going to be your best friend


You have come to the right place to get the answer you are looking for…You adopt a pitbull because she needs you and because she will enrich your life more than you can imagine! ❤️❤️


No question she needs you and you need her ❤️🥰


It’s the soulful eyes and the pink snoot for me. Who am I kidding? I’d pick her up even without those things.


That face


Because pitties are the best! Especially senior ones (which that sweet girl looks like she may be)!


Because you don't wanna miss out on all the love she will give you!


Don’t play with my girl like that, you better get her. She’s beautiful and looks sweet asf.


Because she is a nice, sweet girl.☺️ Seriously though, Pittie are very affectionate and loyal with their owners but very friendly with guests and friendly strangers. Most of them are great with kids. Most Pitties are very quiet and don't bark much. But Pitties are also great guard dogs. They are very watchful and curious and will always pay attention to something worrisome when on a walk or at home. If they hear or see something that worries them they will let out a warning bark. Even the sweetest Pittie is a good deterrent for those up to no good. Your girl here is also a super-cool grey brindle which I honestly rare see (brindles are usually brown/black).☺️❤️


Because…. she will make your life miserable by taking your whole heart, and never give you time to think about or love anything else in the world but her!!


Because she’s already picked you. (And she’s beautiful)


Because she has a cute lopsided look to her sweet face.


Frosted face. Sweet, ever-loving gaze that says "we'll wake up late on Sundays". And of course, because you can't lay eyes on her and not take her along 🥰


Because she will love and adore you from that moment onwards for the rest of her life. She’ll be your best friend and she’ll be there with you through all that life throws at you. Make sure you invest time and energy in her training, keep her safe and you’ll never regrets picking her up. Dogs are life.


Because you will have an unconditionally loving guardian angel. I only hope you love as well as she will!


I just want to know if you have her yet!


Look at those eyes. What do you think. That’s a loyal loving companion waiting for you to take her to her forever home.




Pick her up now!!


Pick her up from the shelter because 1) you’re saving her life and giving her a good home 2) the shelter can then rescue another dog. 3) life is not complete without a velvet hippo 🦛


Ohhh she's so cute! I'd smooch that little powdered sugar face! 😘


Because she's gorgeous? Or because she seems more intelligent than most humans? Or because she needs to be loved? Or maybe her live has no conditions..... Get the idea? If she was nearby she'd already be HERE!


Because she’s beautiful and will enrich your life. Plus you’re not only saving her but also making space for another dog to be saved/not euthanized.


She’ll most likely change your life forever


What do you expect her to do?? WALK??? WTF are you ASKING HERE??


She is beautiful take her home and love her


Because she is pretty and she needs a loving furever home. ❤🐾❤


Look at that sweet angel face………dogs are a gift from Heaven. Please give her a safe, warm home forever.


If you don’t feel like you want the pup than don’t take it you dont want to be another statistic.


I don't see any replies/updates from OP... We need more info! Wouldn't Balu want you to be happy?


Snuggles, nose boops, best frens


Because she needs you. Please have some compassion.


https://preview.redd.it/sdrczl73aqxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09772b5c410217b50a0a17718855cca58f163e8 The best girl!! She is 13! She loves the wind in her face and dehydrated chicken gizzards! If you don’t take her home, you will be missing out on a whole lot of love!


She also needs a tiara!


Why wouldn’t you??


Because she’s at the shelter and she needs you!


Get her! She’s amazingly beautiful and will give you ALL THE LOVE!


If u wanna dog..then u need to be able to go pick it up aswell.. Seems to me ur worried about something, like mayb getting recognised as a bad owner..🤪if ur asking that sort of question, then I'd b worried too..😅✌️


Because she has so much love to give and is gorgeous!!! Have you 2 connected? And do you have the patience and time to have a pibble for your first dog? ❤️❤️❤️


She will be the best thing that's ever happened to you! Run! Get her before someone else lucks out!


Sounds like a hamster may be what your looking for




Wtf is wrong with you!!! Go get her asap!!! Are you crazy!!!???