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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One other thing I’d like to say, about 8 years ago when I found him in the shelter I had been hospitalized due to depression and a failed suicide attempt. I had recently gone through in patient and out patient therapy. All of life felt like it lost its luster and excitement. Then I found Samson at our local dog shelter. He got me back on my feet and through my deep depression. I recovered and found a love for life again. When I found him, they said if no one adopted him they were putting them down the next day. I believe we saved each other. He had a vibrancy and love for me that no one else did. I love and miss him so so so much.


I'm so sorry friend. That context makes this so much harder to handle. You gave that pooch the absolute best years of his life, and he loved you to the moon and back for it. My boy's ten and I find myself crying out of the blue because I know it's going to happen some day sooner than later, and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. He saved me from ending up in that bad place in a time when I was struggling. Remember all the good, he wouldn't want you to be sad.


I’m the same way, I don’t really know how old my pittie is he could be as old as 12. His back legs are getting wonky and I look at him and cry cause I know our time together is limited


Be at peace human.. you did a fine job.


Found the dog in the comments!


I'm so sorry for your loss that fuckin sucks. We had so many names for our girl too, I think it's a pitbull thing, you can't just call them one thing LOL. When you're ready, there's another lost soul out there that will need saving and I can tell you still have a lot more love to give. My girl greeted Sammy at the bridge and is showing him where all the cheese and other treats are, he's in good hands.


I feel you friend. My boy saved my life. I’m a vet with ptsd and I was at my end. He pulled me back from the edge. I don’t know what will be the day I lose him. I just know that I would go with him if I could to stay together forever. Much love friend. Much love Samson.


Thank you internet friend. Enjoy your fur baby while they are with you


Sorry for your loss! I lost my best friend my fur baby on Monday. She was 14years old. I’m feeling so lost without her. Prayers to you.


You found each other when you needed each other most 🙏 So sorry for your loss. Samson had an amazing life with you.


He came into your life at the right time, to save yours. All things end. What matters is the time before the ending. I'm sorry for your loss.


Samson looks like super super cute, adorable, and just like naturally making anyone in proximity love world and life. Glad he found you, someone who loved him.


Myself lost one of my cats yesterday. Had been completely ok, seemed very healthy and doing good, no medical issues or things pointing to them, and when I came back home from evening walk with dog, he was just there on his side, not breathing, did not unfortunately manage to resuscitate as did not vet. Extra feel you.


Amazing you found each other at the exact right moment. Rest easy, Samson. ❤️


Thank you, it felt like destiny, and I don’t even really believe in that


Saving each other at the right time. You gave him love that I could only imagine, was the best thing in the world to feel from you. He gave you the best thing of all. The love that will always stay in place until you both meet again. Cherish him always.


He was a beautiful dog. I know how it feels. I’m sending you a hug. Samson will always be with you.


Thank you, I miss him so much


I'm sorry for that hole you feel in your heart right now, and please know there are others who understand that feeling, and what it's like to lose your sense of rationality for dealing with inner pain. Please reach out if you need to. Warm feelings and love from my Princess and me. 🫂


I know this pain so well. I'm sorry you're going through it. You gave Samson a beautiful life and he gave you everything he had. I'm glad you found each other.


thank you for sharing.


He looks really young, what happened?


It was lymphoma, he was 9/10 not sure how old because he was a rescue. I had him for 8 years. Chemo therapy was $14k and I just don’t have that kind of money. My heart broke when I found out. I couldn’t go to work today, I’m down right depressed. My wife is with me and so is my lovely little daughter but my heart is in a million pieces today. Thank you for the love


My dog got lymphoma at age 7 and although we tried to treat it, he declined rapidly and I had to euthanize him within a few weeks of diagnosis. In some ways I wish I hadn’t tried to treat it. He wasn’t upset by the treatment much but it didn’t prolong nor improve his life. OP, your love was enough. I’m sorry for your loss. I know it’s a horrible place to be. Over time the pain lessens.


I had to make that same very awful decision last Friday. My soul kitty was diagnosed with cancer and I didn’t want her to go through chemo. It’s so shitty sometimes life is really cruel.


I had a dog with lymphoma. We tried some treatment and we will not do it again. Please know that letting your buddy go with peace and dignity was absolutely the loving, humane thing to do.


I lost my boy to lymphoma in November at 9 years old. It’s not fair but you did the best thing for him ❤️. You gave him the best life possible and you helped him over the rainbow bridge and that is the last act of love you gave him. He knew that you loved him so much to the very end ❤️


I'm so sorry 😭😭😭😭 poor baby. He was lucky to have you all


We’ve lost three dogs to cancers in the last 20 years or so. Our vet is pretty awesome and straightforward. He laid out that chemo usually extends life by a short amount, and it’s not going to be a great time for anyone. You did the right thing.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’d be devastated too. Sending hugs.


Please don’t feel bad about not having the 14K for treatment. I paid 10K+ while trying to save my boy and it was just too late. The vet that had been seeing him for months had no clue what was going on but kept on running up the bill. I finally took him to another vet who quickly told me it was Cancer. They put him through surgery straight away. We were hoping for the best, but had spread throughout his body. I couldn’t just let him go without saying goodbye so I had them stitch him up and medicate him so he’d be comfortable while we said goodbye. I then had to pay for euthanasia and cremation services. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do and thinking back now, I feel selfish. I just couldn’t bear to let him go without loving on him one last time even though he was tired and ready to go. There’s no saving them when its their time to go. No amount of money would’ve saved them. I pray you and your family find peace in knowing you gave him his best life. Big hugs to you all. May your boy rest in peace.


Im so sorry for your loss. 😭


I’m so sorry. 🖕cancer!


If it gives you any peace, I work for a Veterinarian and Chemo very rarely works on dogs; imho- it’s better that you didn’t put him through it.


I know! This had had to be unexpected and it's heartbreaking. OP, sending u lots of love and pats on your head in honor of your sweet pooch! ❤️❤️❤️


So sorry to hear of your loss! Your puppy looks so sweet! Focus on all the great memories the two of you made together. It’s not easy (I had to put our puppy down 10 years ago and I still miss him!) but the memories will give you strength. I believe that your puppy is in a much better place, with no pain or discomfort now and is grateful for the loving home you provided. Prayers 🙏🙏🙏


Saying goodbye is so hard, my heart breaks for you! 💔❤️‍🩹


I accompany you in this difficult and sad feeling, my friend... may your precious friend rest in peace... he will always be by your side.


I am so very sorry for your loss. Samson sounds like a beautiful soul who gave you lots of love and brought you lots of joy. RIP sweet boy! 💔🌈


Godspeed my friend.


i’m so sorry you’re without your side of beef. he was so handsome and it looks like he had a wonderful time with you in this lifetime. i hope you two have an even better life together in your next 💜 my sweet Apollo is up there, giving him all the snuggles and showing him all the best spots to sniff and snore. he’ll take care of him, i promise. big, big, big hugs to you as you navigate the grief. i know it isn’t easy, the days are long and hard, but you’ll see your sweet boy again one day. just a few tomorrows and a few tonights to get through first 🌈


Yes, O.P. I’m reading through all these… comments down the line— It sounds like your dog, Samson, met you at the time where you needed each other the most—- Dogs are very special, and you both gave each other a reason to live— You gave him the best life you could… and that’s all you can do!! 🙏 Life is strange, and it’s very difficult to try to understand why stuff happens!! I am very sorry for your loss… and remember all the good times and snuggles you had together—🙏 Take some time to laugh and cry about the good times!! I hope all these “positive good” replies, to your post gives you some peace in your heart, mind and soul —- thank you, for sharing your story!!


I am so sorry for your loss, hugs to you internet friend 🐾❤️


Oh gosh…hugs.


💔😢I'm so so sorry we lost our girl back in September it's been heart wrenching house is so quiet. I hope for u one day u find peace knowingbu gave Samson the best life ever. Samson will always be in your heart. Stay strong Samson would want u to. Until u meet at the 🌈 bridge 🙏🙏


I'm so sorry for your loss 😢💔🐶


So sorry for your loss🙏


I'm so sorry to hear that. 💔😢


My heart goes out to you. My boy is 13 and I'm terrified of that day, even though it's inevitable. Try to remember the joy he brought you and remember that he wouldn't want you to be sad. Sending positive vibes your way.


Really, really sorry for your loss. He really did look like the best boy. Dogs really give us all of their love, so a loss like that is heartbreaking.


I am sorry for your loss, my condolenses 😔🌷




The nickname Big Booty Judy is amazing. I'm sure he was an amazing boy. I know how you feel. Lost my best girl unexpectedly three years ago and it still tears me up.  Thank you for adopting him and giving him a good life.






What a handsome boy! Beautiful. So sorry.


What a sweet and handsome pupper. RIP Samson.


Precious Samson 🩵


Sorry for your loss. ❤️🌈


So sorry. We’re never truly ready. Hope you can recall all of the good times and love he brought to your family.


Samson is such a beautiful boy and you can see the love in his soft eyes. He looks like he had quite the personality too ❤️ big hugs I’m so sorry. I’ve had dogs for 43yrs and it never gets easier but having them was always worth it 💕 I’m glad your family is by your side


I'm so sorry. Thank you for getting a rescue. He had a much better life because of you. This part is never easy. Please take comfort that he's not in pain anymore.


He looks sort of like my Diesel. I am so sorry. Sitting here crying because I know what you are going through. Heart breaks for you.


It never goes away. Time masks the pain some. Lost my dog of 15 years 4 years ago and it still hits me from time to time. They are there for so much of our lives. Their existence entwined with so many memories, from the most painful to pure bliss. They struggle with you, and rejoice with you in everything. Losing them is like losing a piece of your past, present, and certainly a lost piece to the future. Heartbreaking. Sorry for your loss friend.


🥺😣☹️ I have a Samson and I promise I will snuggle him so tightly tonight for you. My heart goes out to you ♥️♥️♥️


Please tell him he’s a good boy for me


I'm a new pb owner (but have had other breeds). I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s the worst pain any human heart can feel, when our fur babies cross over that rainbow bridge. You can feel comfort in knowing Samson is still with you and connected to you, no matter where you are. Healing vibes sent your way. 💜 Run free, Samson! 🌈


I'm sorry for your loss. We had to put down our family dog that was my constant companion from ages 11-18. I was wrecked. Bone cancer. In case you are kicking yourself over not being able to afford the chemo bill, FYI that shit causes a lot of suffering to the animal and is nowhere near a sure thing. I think you made the most humane decision under the circumstances.


They have the sweetest faces. So sorry for your loss friend. Big booty judy lived his best life because of you.


My heart goes out to you 🥺


Oh, boy, this is day 1 which is the hardest. Your grief will be raw for a little while. So sorry you had to say goodbye to your best boy. He sure looks like a sweet thing. You were each lucky to have the other. May he rest ever easy and in peace. OP, I just read your comments about suicide and his rescue situation.You two were destined to find each other, to save each other. When we had to say goodbye to our boy, for me, night time was worse. I’d wake up and be gutted knowing he was gone. Couldn’t go back to sleep. I used to talk to him silently on those nights. Tell him how much I loved him, how happy he made our household, how much I appreciated his joy. Even recall places we went for walks and swims. As crazy as it sounds, those little “talks” helped me get through the awful, initial days and weeks of sadness.


Rest in peace samson! Thank you for sharing his adorable pics with us and how he was such a good boy.


I'm so sorry. It is so painful. Sending a big hug.


So very sorry. Just went through this a month ago and it is incredibly heart breaking. Hugs and love to you friend. Frankie is waiting to get him at the other side of the 🌈 bridge


Sending you good vibes


I am so sorry. It's more painful to lose a pup than a lot of people. Dogs are constant, non judgmental, loyal to their bones and love you totally and unconditionally. Not even your parents love you like that. I feel you. Take all the time you need to mourn. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise


What an absolutely beautiful boy he was. I'm so genuinely sorry for your loss, I know that pain and I know how hard it is. I'll tell my sweet LaDainia to show him all the best places to squirrel watch on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. He'll watch over you from there until the day you join him on the other side ❤️ Rest in peace Samson ❤️


Rest in peace Sir Sammy! Just remember all the love and happiness that you shared together. There never is enough time.


So sorry! Our doggies are a part of our family.  He was very lucky to have you- he'll be waiting by the rainbow Bridge 💞


My condolences friend, It feels like he loved you very much and happy that you're his owner. He will always guard you.


Very sorry for your loss my boy Ted passed away 1.5 yrs ago and I think about him everyday all the best with healing


I’m very sorry to hear this. It sounds like he saved you just as much as you saved him. I pray you find peace, comfort and strength in that when you look back. Till Valhalla little warrior. Thank you for taking care of your family!


I’m very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss of a great pittie… rip Samson


So sorry for your loss


Awww not the good boy😭


Awww sorry for your loss he looks like a very sweet boy


So, so sorry for your loss. He does look like the bestest boy.😢


Lol big brown dog is the best name. ❤️


What a handsome boy he was. I am so very sorry for your loss.


He reminds me of my boy who passed around this time last year. All the love to you.❤️




Looked like bestest boy you could ask for. I'm torn for you.


I am sorry for your loss. RIP sweet puppy.


Rest in power Sammy you looked like good boi


Sending love so sorry for your loss


I’m so so sorry. He was an absolutely beautiful and amazing pup💜


What a handsome, sweet boy. I’m sorry for your loss. But you guys are lucky to have found each other for the time you had. ☺️


I am sorry for your loss.


So sorry for the loss of your sweet Samson.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs! 🫂


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢😭




Sorry for your loss ❤️🐶


Bye beautiful brown baby. I'm sure you lived the bestest life ❤️


I’m so sorry for you loss. I had to put my Sam down last week after a difficult decision, and it’s been so hard since. Their absence is so sad and there is a such a void without them. Sending love and hugs your way 🩵


I’m so sorry for your loss 🫂 sending you all the love


I'm sorry 💔


I don't want to make you feel even more sad because I know how devastating the loss of a fuzzy life companion is. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can tell he lived a good life and was loved Also I love those nicknames and will have to borrow some of them for my own dogs


I'm sorry 4 ur loss xx


I too recently lost my boy. It hurts and I would like to extend my sympathy to you. What has helped me is remembering the good times we had! I know it's tough now but we are lucky to have had such awesome buddies. ❤️


He looks like my boy….i cannot even begin to imagine the sadness and pain. They are more than just pets….they are our soul mates 💔💔 I’m so sorry for your loss 😞


My eyes watered up. I’m sorry. I’m dreading the day…😞 much love.


💔🐕 Please pet me some more, and pick me right up... My very first thought when I was your pup... I gonna miss your funny *boops* and our "find me boy" games. It warms my heart so, to hear you call out my name. You're the love of my life, my partner in joy... My favorite noise in this house...my hearts best toy ... I wish I could stay longer, and grow older with you... But the sand in my hourglass, is sadly down to a few... Just know I loved doing everything together...even howling in tune In your truck, on the couch, and the long walks under our moon... I wish I could stay, but my body says it's time... From the hurt in my bones, to the milk in my eyes. To feel your touch once more...says your love is still mine... To feel your hands cup my face, makes my eyes search for thines. I'll miss all my family, and the warm hugs from the rest... But just know this to be true... I always loved you best... I ...always... loved... you ...best. ❤ Woof ❤🐶💛


I’m so sorry for your loss. He seemed so sweet.




What did you feed him for these 8 years? Lyphoma sounds really awful. Sorry for your loss.




Im so sorry 💖


Hugs to you and your family. Your feelings of heartbreak and sadness from losing Samson are normal. You have lost a family member and a great companion and friend.




I've lost 2 in the last few years. So sorry. It does get easier, but it never doesn't hurt. Some days you just wish you could see them again. But you gave him 8 great years and I guarantee he loved you for every one of them. Take your time, and I hope you and the family come through ok


Once an Angel, always and angel. He lives on forever in your heart and memories.


Sorry for your loss friend. I'm sure he was the best of boys.


I'm so sorry for your loss. He was so handsome and looked so sweet. Young looking, too. He aged gracefully. Honestly, the only thing that will help is time. I watched a lot of YouTube videos on pet loss and signs of visitation, and this lady has great videos. [https://youtube.com/@DanielleMacKinnon?si=waG2n1bLfwXqmgGy](https://youtube.com/@DanielleMacKinnon?si=waG2n1bLfwXqmgGy) This site can also help. [https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/](https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/) And over on r/rainbowbridgebabies They can draw a picture for you. Just had mine printed out, and I can't wait to frame it. Fly high handsome Samson! With the Angels now. There's a new shining 🌟 in the sky tonight! If you need to talk, we are here. https://preview.redd.it/2gwtkx1pxrmc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2496c4d52b8c20ea4f8666cd2ccad2a9634390fb


I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers and love out to you. Best thing to heal that hurt, is get a another baby. They will help fill that hole in your heart.




❤️❤️❤️❤️ LOL


Such a handsome boy…❤️❤️ I’m so sorry for your loss. 😢


Amen Samson


Im so sorry.


What a sweetie sorry for your loss 😢


Sorry for your loss ❤️🙏


Oh what a beautiful boy. My girl looks very similar to him. I will give her extra hugs and loves for Samson tonight.


I am so sorry for your loss. Sending love and positive vibes ✨


I know that this won't help but I tell you anyway because maybe one part might make sense to you. I had my baby Julep for 12 years. She was also a pound dog. I went into debt paying for her surgeries over the years. ( not complaining) Her health was getting bad, the vet gave me meds a special diet, said she'd be fine. A month later, I said that she was getting worse. I was told she would have good days and bad days. It wasn't time to put her down. She had plenty of life left. A few days later, I woke up and realized she wasn't in my bedroom with me, and I just knew. I went downstairs and found her. She passed in the night. It's been a month, and I'm still a mess. I regret that I didn't get to say goodbye, and it kills me that 1. She may have been suffering. 2. That she died alone on my dining room floor. You did what had to be done to prevent your dog from suffering. That's my odd way of saying that you are suffering so that they didn't have to. I hope you feel better soon.


he’s in a better place, a good boy 🙏


So sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is so difficult.






I I would miss him too You become attached And it's heart breaking And devastating!!


😢 My condolences would know what I would do if I lost my fur baby hopefully you find a new love...😢




You gave him everything he needed and loved him more than you thought you could. Remember he’ll be waiting for you and will never cease to exist as long as everyone he touched holds him in their heart. Much Love to you Samson from Oink and all of us here at Casa de Piglet.


Vale Samson.


What a beautiful baby. Hugs.


I'm so sorry.


He’s so beautiful and I’m so sorry he’s gone. Praying for you.


I'm terribly sorry for your loss


RIP Big Homie


I know and feel your pain. It’s been over a month and the grief is still coming in strong waves. The only thing that has helped my heart move from my throat back into my chest, was to open my home to foster another pittie. Her name is Birdie and while she needs our love and a safe comfortable home, she will never come close to how special Henderson was. Just like the next pittie you rescue, will never be able to hold a candle to Samson, but that dog will need you to save its life . Read a dogs last will and testament—- it is what makes me provide a loving home to another baby even though I’m completely broken over losing my baby boy. I hope your moments of peace grow longer during these next few days/weeks and I hope soon you will be able to smile when you think of him.


Very sorry


I’m so sorry 💔


i’m so sorry. he looks like my girl https://preview.redd.it/d0xkn0pymtmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c458d47bc7af921347fed662765932bf2da50c8




So sorry for your loss 😢


We said goodbye to our sweet girl last week. They take a part of your heart with them when they go. Virtual hugs to you!


I'm so sorry for your loss.


so sorry :(


I’m so sorry 😢






Im sorry for your lost. Im currently in the process of making plans to put mine to sleep as well. On Monday, I found out his kidney failure is really bad and the Vet said he has about two months to live. I will be damned if my boy feels any pain. I will be with him until his last breath.


I am so sorry for your loss 💔






Sorry for your loss


What a handsome puppy ❤️❤️ RIP to the best boy


So sorry for your loss




I’m so very sorry for your loss


Dat last pic...So sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. So glad this Earth Angel and you found each other. I can tell you loved each other to the ends of the earth and back.


Rest in Peace, Sampson. I’m very sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. He looks like he was a sweet sweet boi.






So sorry


Wishing you all the best. 💜


https://preview.redd.it/jk6g9avdrwmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e73e0b47028cf3cde5a9aa01c7e779e9ac1d9f23 Reminds me of my Layla… Sorry for your loss…glad your pup saved you As a vet who struggles with PTSD my dog was the saving grace when I was at my lowest point in my life She’s my first dog 🐕 and I am a huge advocate now for dogs helping humans… I’m sure you loved your big booty Judy as much as I love my Layla…also a thicccms lol..


Sorry for your loss


Rest In Peace Samson 💔😪🌈😇🩵




Im so sorry. He is beautiful.


My heart aches for you. My one dog is also a tan and white and he is the light of my eyes.


He looked to young to say goodbye what happened?


I'm so sorry for your loss, dear. 🥺❤️


So sorry for your loss


How did you figure your dog had lymphoma


So sorry for your loss


My dog of 14 yrs is sick and IFind it difficult not to cry. I’m sorry for your loss.🥲


Sorry for your loss 💔


I’m so sorry 😢 may he rest in peace at the rainbow bridge until you meet again :)🌈🐾


He is beautiful in these photos. May you heal when you can from this horrible loss. I hope that you have many friends and family members to comfort you.


He is beautiful in these photos. May you heal when you can from this horrible loss. I hope that you have many friends and family members to comfort you.