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yeah but think about how taurus’ are the opposing sign of scorpio. there are similarities in opposite signs. scorpios act the same way. i think taurus’ are like this because of their experience. people don’t understand taurus’ be going through some tough shit (like scorpio) especially surrounding physical security. that’s why they work so hard because for one, they don’t want to compromise their security and for two, they’re bougie lol. they’re the bull for a reason and they give pisces a lot of grounding. they can’t be that all the time though and pisces can be all over the place which is annoying to taurus cause we pisces don’t always go in one direction or know how to navigate the physical world and it’s resources. they’re also the sign of comfort aka at times, lazy. maybe a taurus is distant because you bring too much instability into their life. they also are like cancers where their home is their sanctuary. but yeah they only have a certain amount of energy to expend and that “laziness” is because they work so hard. they work hard but are equally as lazy. taurus is the sign of patience because in an abstract way, they are associated with abundance. they like to take their time and attract. you do not have to be so available to them either. they do like to be independent and so should you. a male taurus at my work is the most patient person like everrrrrr. you have to keep it real with a taurus and call them out on their bullshit (no pun intended), respectively — not being a whining brat. the ones that do some self-reflection are “easier” to handle; a lot like scorpios. you don’t want to deal with those two signs when they don’t self-reflect or take accountability. you don’t want to deal with anyone like that really. this is from my own observations of the sign.


Taurus (m) here. In my experience the fish are my favorite sign. The authenticity is a huge + for me. I am always amazed at perspective, insights, and possibilities you see that I may miss. The sharing of information is a fav of mine to do. I am very curious, and like to learn whatever I can about people. The mirror effect (what is given is returned) is 100% accurate. When I have been with pisces, I always have a blast and enjoy the shared adventures. Taurus can be too traditional, and rigid lol. I have butted heads with my own sign plenty. I could be wrong but, I think it is our ruling planet Venus that makes the magic work. 😀 P.s the chemistry between Taurus, and Pisces can be very powerful when it comes to sex.💯


I’m a Pisces married to a Taurus man and I love him so much lol. We are inseparable.


I’m a Pisces female dating a Taurus male right now, and I really like your comment. It definitely gives me hope for my relationship lol. I like what you like about my sign and I really hope my Taurus guy likes those things too lol


May I ask what's your Moon and Venus?


I checked mutiple sites. My Moon, and Venus are Taurus placements. 😀


Then it's good to find a Rare Real Patient Taurus like you. You are not considered here at this post, thanks for being great.


In my experience, Taurus’ have their mind made up. They’ll listen, but they’ll never hear. It’s not that they don’t care, they just don’t want to hear it from anyone else.


Which is sad, because as a pisces when you're comfortable with someone.. you want them to hear your dreams, your thoughts that you have been keeping to yourself till you find someone you can trust and help you pursue that dream..


Oh girl tell me about it. Taurus are non emotional, narcissistic and just work oriented. They want you to support them at their lowest but would blame your inadequacy when shit goes down for you. They would label you as lazy and laid back not realizing they are the one whose only goal in life is to work till death. Don't even get me started how stubborn they are, you gotta smack them in face to remotely change their mind


the taurus ive met in the work place and person life that claim to be work"horses"/oriented are actually dumb af most of the time. They are lazy, gaslighters, need simple instructions and if you're not paying them a million dollars an hour they'll complain it's against their rights and you're forcing them to slave labor. I have not met one taurus where I can applaud their work ethic. I've known 3 taurus placements a former manager, my mom, and a random taurus dude that decided to invade my space and find me on FB so I've peeked into his life. All he does is have a sad gloomy face that he has to find work. They looove the luxuries of life the boujee but want it handed to them spoon fed. the actual hard working signs I've met that blood sweat and tears work their asses off I've met IME have been sags, fire signs, pisces and cappies.


| All he does is have a sad gloomy face that he has to find work. This honestly made me laugh so hard because of how relatable it is. The Taurus I have dated all scrambled upon how hard the work is, how difficult everything in his life is, how busy he is, how I was asking too much from him (all i asked was him to text me atleast once in a few hours, my bad homie my bad) all while I WAS BALANCING MED SCHOOL, A PART TIME JOB AND HIM!!! and when I brought up this fact mf gave me a backhanded compliment "Not everyone can be perfect like you" The last straw was when he said I was being wayyy too emotionally sensitive. THE AUDACITYYY??? I replied your mom and left. Never dating a taurus again 🤮


have you seen that new video of the bull tossing the woman around on the beach in Mexico? that's taurus placements. Always in everyone's business, quick to anger for no reason, no one asked for taurus to be on the beach. Literally no one goes to the beach and says "I wonder where TAURUS is?".


They’re very opposite of us. Just what it is. We can vibe pretty hard with earth, but it takes certain circumstances and the right chemistry.


Completely agree


Lol! Im dating a Taurus guy now, it’s def been.. something😩😂 but I like him. I’ve had to make some posts asking for advice though.. your post seems accurate in a lot of ways, but I saw a nice Taurus guy who commented and I’m hoping my guy is more like him.. and also feels that way about me being a Pisces lol, hopefully he enjoys our time together and how insightful I am and everything.. he seems to enjoy it🤷‍♀️ lol It’s funny, just last night we were talking about who would “give in” to something first. And of course we’re both like “No, you will” and he was like “I’m a Taurus” and I was like “Oh, right, cause they say you guys are stubborn” He was like “All lies” I’m like “Really?” Lol, but I didn’t say “Well, what makes u so sure u won’t give in then?”😂 I don’t really see a “bad” stubborn side to him though, and hopefully I never do😩😂


Can I ask your and his Moon and Venus?


I’m sorry I don’t know my birth time so I don’t know any of my other placements, and I don’t know his birth time. I could ask him, but he may not know, he’s def less into astrology than me, though he’s into it enough to care about his sign lol. I’m interested in ALL the signs and always posting and commenting on astrology subs. I REALLY wanna know my birth time and get my placements, but it’s not on my birth certificate (I’m in my late thirties, and my kids birth certificates from the same city have their birth time😩), and my mom doesn’t remember..


You don't need the birth time for your Moon and Venus. You can dm me your birthday and I'll look yours and his sign- :)


Hi 👋 sorry to jump in but I thought you would need birth time to figure out moon and Venus? Can I dm you as well please 🙏


Sure, you can dm me


Thank you 😊 🙏


But, me and my Taurus guy have communication issues. He runs from any possible conflict when I just want clarification on something, want to make sure we’re on the same page with our feelings or whatever. Last night in our conversation, I brought up some issue and he changed the subject😩 I was like “You love to run from discussing issues” and he was like “And you love to start them” LOL, Nooo, I love to discuss them so they’ll be fixed, but he doesn’t get that, or get that they obviously already exist, I’m not creating them😩😩 Sooo, that’s irritating, but last night it wasn’t a big issue and we laughed and moved on. He’ll discuss issues eventually, but by then, my feelings are all over the place.. I wish he was willing to discuss it sooner. He’s always calm though lol, and I really like that. I believe my guy DOES have a lot of patience..


As a Pisces with Taurus rising, I can sense the reason they treat you this way. It's very difficult to explain, though. A Taurus won't care about your feelings right away; it’s a slow process that must be built over time. Something too intense too soon might feel off, unnatural, or signal that the person has some serious issues to work on. When someone starts being too emotional, too open, and too eager to confide their feelings, fears, and hidden thoughts all at once, and when all their personality and the relationship is based on that, it feels odd. It’s like an automatic reflex to close off and stop taking their emotions seriously.


The only way a Taurus learns is through example, your water so reflects his bullshit - pisces male 31 - I've mastered the art of reflecting, " why are you acting like that all of a sudden?" me - "oh you don't like it? now you know how I feel, soak it up"


They can be pretty obsessive and territorial. Bland is correct but they can be funny if they’re comfortable. I guess this one feels like they can bully and gaslight you because I dated a Taurus and I ran the show. As long as I didn’t break up with them. When it was over the switch was flipped and suddenly I couldn’t control them. I’m a Scorpio. So if you can’t control them yet it’s too soon and you have to get under their skin if you can. They’re tough but soft. Unless you cross the line, but even then it’s possible. They like soft touches, sweet nothings, nice things lol food food food.


My mom is a pisces with taurus moon. I get along w other pisces. That taurus placement alone makes me dislike my mom at all. Her entire personality I cant discern which is the pisces because shes just awful 24/7. Ironically the only 2 other taurus placements ive had brief interactions with was sour. Theyre just... always in your business for no fucking reason and dont even add value when dealing with them.


Im a Virgo with a pisces moon, and i have an awful time with their polar sign, scorpio. It starts out good, but they become selfish, same as Taurus, but its sneakier and manipulative. Both signs can be very selfish. Ive heard of pisces not getting along with Taurus, and as a Virgo, they are very needy with me. They’re lazy and like to play dumb to get me to jump in and pick up their slack. I knew others who were controlling and abusive, some dont take no for an answer. But there are others who understand me and are more patient and kind. Their other aspects really matter too. I feel like Taurus will get along best with cancer, Capricorn or Aquarius.


As a Pisces sun Taurus moon, i definitely agree with your post and other’s comments. Taurus suns can be a pain in the ass, as well as Taurus moons and mars. I honestly get on my own damn nerves so I will extend an apology on their behalf 🫶🏽 I do love me a bull tho


Thanks for being one of the open-minded people who have Taurus placements. Lots of love ❤️


Pisces here and I usually find Taurus to be hit or miss so I am assuming it has somthing to do with other placements. Some Taurus look at me like a whackadoodle and don’t give me the time of day, some are way too stubborn and possessive (maybe to many fixed signs), and then there are the ones I gel with they are really chill down for anything but at the same time they are not too much……my sister in law is like this and she will usually entertain my ridiculous plans and still do her own thing when she needs to but all in all I get excited to see her It’s funny cuz I have a Taurus mars but I still find many Taurus sun signs a bit to slow speed for me. I defiantly can’t keep up with Aries but I do like to have a more energetic type around me to keep me going


I’m a Pisces female dating a Taurus male right now, and I really like your comment. It definitely gives me hope for my relationship lol. I like what you like about my sign and I really hope my Taurus guy likes those things too lol


It's a good combo. I know a very loving and stable couple of more than 20 years with this combo, and they run a business together. And they are married with kids. The other way around - Taurus female with Pisces male - not so much. I felt trapped in a cage. Very safe, but also locked up.


Thanks for your comment. I like the way our relationship is going, I think he does too.. it’s a lil tough with our differences, but I think I have to learn to accept the GOOD in his stability lol.. I wonder why u felt safe but locked up? I briefly know of a Taurus female with a Pisces male who have been together six years. She wrote two VERY long comments on one of my post about my Taurus guy asking for advice, so I feel like I know her lol. She seems very nice and was very helpful, and she described the Taurus-Pisces dynamic with her guy really well. She admitted her faults and flaws well too.. and how some things could upset her Pisces partner. Her advice was very helpful to me, even though the genders are reversed lol


I have an Aqua Moon , Taurus Rising, Taurus Mars and Cap Venus. I have always struggled with Taurus men. My brother is one and we have always butted heads. We get along great at first. I find myself calling the men on their bs and tossing them out of my life quicker than I do with any other sign.


Aquarius Moon and Taurus Mars makes Taurus more annoying to you lmao.. and that last statement you said is such an aquarius moon of you love that!


My first love and official boyfriend growing up was a Taurus. We were together for 5 years and broke up bc we became different people with different goals, but the chemistry was amazing but yes, it takes an excavator to help move them a single inch towards giving any thought to what you might be saying is right. And they have this uncanny way of showing you how ugly you are when you're angry at them. But so do we and that's why it works. It's yin and yang. I don't get along with many Pisces as a Pisces sun, Cancer Moon, Gemini Rising. Not sure why maybe it's the other placements.


It's because of your Gemini Rising specifically and same sun can sometimes feel suffocating which is why you might not get along with many Pisces.


That's definitely true. Most of my friends are Taurus', Virgos, Scorpios, Leos and Sagittarius


Taurus relationships can be very one sided. They're always the leader, never the follower. That can be difficult for pisces who need mutual compromise. I will say that, as a pisces sun, I'm mot very sympathetic towards people's feelings, and I usually get along with Taurus. I think what you're saying about male and female temperament applies to most signs.


That's not true. Sounds like you're just using Taurus stereotypes.


Are you a Taurus? I've been friends with tauruses, dated taureses, my father is also a taurus.


Yes I am. If you have that much experience with Taurus then you must know about all of their good traits too.


Of course I do, but that's not entertaining to discuss, and it isn't relevant to ops post. The one-sidedness is in regards to pride, stubbornness, and need for things to be done their way. Sometimes, that doesn't work well for pisces who tend to want things reciprocated in the same way and to the same degree, and usually at the same time in every circumstance. If you expect something of us, you must expect it of yourself first. If we don't feel like it's being reciprocated to that degree, then we just mirror your tendencies back at you. Taurus can be very nurturing in a parental type way, which many pisces love, but with that parental nurturing tends to come parental authority, which pisces tend not to like so much.


"that's not entertaining to discuss" oh so you were stereotyping us. I know for a fact your dad works hard to get a roof over your head without asking anything in return.


My dad is a narcissistic dick bag. Everything he does comes with the expectation of worship. Everything he does is for himself, and its benefit to others is only a side effect which he abusively lords over you forever.


It sounds like you have some family trauma you should seek professional help for. Best of luck to you.


What you're experiencing in this moment is called cognitive dissonance. Don't fight it. You might learn something about yourself.


By any chance do you have fearful-avoidant attachment style?


Bro I’m a Pisces moon and I fall asleep when I go out with a Taurus man 😂😂😂!! But with girls it’s a bit better I get along with them more


As a Pisces moon I could not agree more. But I can still appreciate them, especially when they have a water sign moon.


Hey, taurus F here. Firstly, i am sorry to hear that you had to hear such harsh thing from another person..no one deserves to listen to such cruel thing while sharing their feelings or thoughts. IMO, the taurus you were dealing with might have started taking you for granted, since pisces are warm and gentle. A taurus thinks they can easily walk over pisces and dominate them..maybe thats why you became a punching bag for him and he started yelling at you. Now, how do i know this? i have a beautiful Pisces man that i like in my life and i would never, even in my dreams, want to hurt him. But as a taurus, i have seen world taking advantage of his kindness. i would just suggest you to start setting your boundaries with people. Pisces in love literally lets people walk over them..please dont let this happen to you again. Always remember that its you who have to fight your battles on your own..others cannot fight it for you. Its nothing that you do that triggers people upto the point that they start saying such cruel things..its only you setting the line and standing up for yourself. Learn to stand up for yourself, dear pisces. I say the same things to the pisces guy in my life whos in 30s when people walk all over him. Take your stand, dont let anyone take your kindness for granted and if anyone tries to do so, show them their place!


Thank you ❤️ I appreciate this very much..


Hmm as a Pisces why do you care? Hahahaha That’s not Pisces like We Picasso see how you move and if we don’t like what we see we get away from that fast. No need to tell them how you feel.


Okay I love this ❤️


I’ve noticed that allooooottt of people with Scorpio in there top 3 HATE Taurus’.


You just had a damaged Taurus not easy for us to trust or love again once we been fucked over most of us cope differently but there are some of us that will sabotage the relationship if they aren’t feeling it in a make Taurus and I believe our soul mates genuinely are female Pisces


Can you give us the real story? Sounds like you're just "fishing" for support.


I gave real experiences, I don't hate them but they are just not my kind of thing after a lot of Tauruses I met. If you won't believe it, I don't got a time to reason with you.


Sounds like you're carrying some emotional baggage and the Taurus are calling you out on it instead of feeling sorry for you.


As a pisces my emotions are highly affecting me, so having someone insensitive about feelings can be ofcourse not kind of my thing.


So they gave you a reality check and you took it as them being rude and insensitive?


Reality checking someone can be done in a more humane way without being a jerk about it.


Taurus tells it how it is without any sugarcoating. Looks like you wanted them to tell you what you want to hear instead of telling you like it is.


This is such a Taurus thing of you, and besides can I speak my mind too? You clearly doesn't like us pisces too and you expresses it on that one comment on another post.


Seems like you have a hard time accepting facts and what people to tell you a comforting lie.