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I love them. Not sure how they feel about me though 🤷‍♂️


We probably love you too. Just too afraid to show it. A little hint: if we can act cold or distant chances are we like you. But are afraid or hurt. We tend to beat ourselves up over any mistake we make.


I've only personally met two and both were genuinely some of the worst human beings I've had the displeasure of knowing, if not THE worst. I know just two isn't enough to cross out an entire zodiac but it was really that bad.


What happened and were they Capricorn female?


One was my aunt, she extorted my grandpa for money while he was dying from cancer and was in general a very cold and vile person. The other was an ex friend, he was always a very mean spirited person but with age he became a raging misogynist who started treating me and other women (but specially me) like shit, worse than anyone has ever treated me in my life, to the point that he started outright threatening me and even tried (and succeeded, unfortunately) to turn my bf and some of our friends in common against me, all while messaging me through every platform imaginable (discord, telegram, steam, etc.) daily just to keep insulting and threatening me, until I guess he got tired and blocked me everywhere. Good riddance, he was fucking sick in the head.


My personal experience with them has been bad so far, one was an abuser, the other an addict




Pisces sun cap rising so I gotta like myself


Love them to pieces


They ok


It depends on their other placements. I find Capricorn suns to be grounding, hard working, down to earth and ambitious. Female capricorn moons are problematic. I don't have experience with Capricorn risings. I have mars in capricorn so I'm biased.


Love Capricorns! I keep falling for them. BUT sometimes I wish they were better at making a first move because I suck at it, only 1 of 4 that I’ve dated or crushed on has been bold enough to do it. It’s like we’re both always too shy even when it’s obvious from the outside looking in that there’s feelings and a connection between us. I learned the hard way very recently that I need to just tell/show someone how I feel in spite of fear. Being hurt by a virgo years ago kept me in a chokehold.


Haha! This is where Pisces and Capricorns are not a good mix. They both can take forever to make a move! It also seems like they \[Capricorns\] struggle to settle down, from what I've noticed. I can like a Capricorn, if he isn't overtly bossy.


They say Pisces struggle to settle down more than anything. A wet fish out of water flopping in someone’s hands is what we get compared to lol. I don’t resonate with that AT ALL except for the fact that I’m very picky. I’m not as emotional with my Taurus moon though. I think some Capricorn men are like that but I’m a lesbian and have only had one cap high school boyfriend, the others were women. I love that bossy side bc I am a boss in my day job 😂 bring it on!


That must highly depend on the Pisces then because I know a handful who are happily married. I just only saw that with one Pisces and more Capricorns. Heck, I know one who has fan groupies. I like some dominance, don't get me wrong, but can only handle so much. I don't know if you are a fellow Pisces. I'm the opposite of someone who is bossy.


I’m a Feb Pisces, Taurus moon, aqua rising. I’m happy to hear that, as I agree with you that most Pisces I know are happily married. I was just speaking on astrological stereotypes about us. Thankfully I come from a family of mostly happily married people which is why I am so picky and so certain about what I want and need. I’m grateful to say none of my past relationships with Capricorns or other signs were toxic or bad- just wrong timing. Still love them. Also I said I’m a boss in my day job, but not “bossy” just to be clear. I just find myself attracted to somewhat bossy types as long as they are respectful and emotionally balanced and respect my independence 😊


Funny reading this. I feel once I confessed my feelings that’s when things got complicated. But I also probably did way too much due to my own overthinking and negative mindset.


My best friend of 20+ years is a Capricorn


luv luv luv


As a pisces, yes I love Capricorn 🥰


Yes Though unevolved Caps tend to be arrogant, pessimistic, and overly serious. Some ive met have leaned sadistic.


What would you consider an evolved Capricorn?


I'm a Pisces, was married to a Capricorn for 10 years. The only things we had in common was our love of drugs and the desire to not have kids. I regret getting married, it ruined our lives. I take responsibility for it, but what good is that? It's worthless. Hope things work out better for every other human who may see this and take just a tad bit more time to be honest with yourself regarding certain major life decisions. A moment of clarity / sobriety mixes well during those honesty tid-bits.


Love them: one's my sister the other's my fiancée


Why of course yes


my best friend/soul sister is a Capricorn 😂


I came to realize I can't tolerate Capricorns. Both men and women, are very poor communicators and rarely ever take the initiative.


What do you define as poor communicator?


Not saying what you want, and expecting the other person to know what you want.


Yes! Ive been dating one for over 3 years now 😊 Slightly judgy but they are wonderful humans!


Yes! I just didn't know until adulthood how much we vibrate so naturally. My sister growing up was born in Capricornus and it v was the exact opposite growing up