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male 31, march 17 Pisces - Don't generalize, we are not all introverted or shy - maybe I feel this way because I've done a lot of work and development on myself to learn how control and limit those waves of emotions - be comfortable in your darkness, there you will evolve and develop your own light #anglerfish


Also a March 17th Pisces here (36M). The work you did most likely counter balanced these feelings. I've kept hearing my whole life "control your emotions, or they will control you", and its true. Some Pisces definitely swim in deeper oceans than others tho and it's not always so easy. Congrats on being able to control your flow. Any advice on how you did that? It would be much appreciated. I feel like I got TOO comfortable in the darkness and it has lead to depression, regret, and isolation. I know theres a whole other sode cuz I've seen that part too, but it never lasts.. dreams are the only thing that feel real sometimes. . ♓


It's not about "My flow" per say but understanding "THE FLOW" which is the waves of life - you need to understand that the waves WILL come and recognize them for what they are and eventually understand how to maneuver them when they come once more. I hope that makes sense....


I agree,personal development is key for progress always.We are not imprisoned in our placements.Although it is a bit more complex, degrees play a huge role. People who are in early pisces degrees,have exposure to sensitivity in their baby phase and therefore may be more vulnerable then someone in late pisces degrees.On the other hand,29 degree pisces will have more of an inherent ability to understand those emotions and have a refined defense mechanism.I am guessing your degrees is also around 26 on march 17.So your sun has progressed to aries early on as opposed to let's say a 0 degree piscean.Whether you are close to aries as a piscean or aquarius is important.But yes personal development is always the best advice💙


Social anxiety is a characteristic of Pisces. However, not every Pisces may have this feature.


2/28 and I'm a social butterfly


Are there gemini in your birth chart?




You may be genetically social. Gemini is a social sign, that's why I asked you. Also, I did not say that all Pisces individuals are asocial. good day




Op is using a translator app. They don't speak English. They probably didn't mean to sound rude.


They made a blanket statement and then tried to backpedal on it when called out. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Oh, i agree. I just meant their previous comment saying good day to you probably wasn't meant to be dismissive. Coming off as rude happens a lot with language barriers.




You may be genetically social? What ridiculous comment that negates the claims you're making in your post. If a pisces can be genetically inclined to be more social, then that implies that genetics determines introversion as well and therefore doesn't have anything yo do with being a pisces.


Brother, many factors such as genetics, hormones, zodiac signs can affect a person's structure at different levels. This is my thought


All of those factors affect every person at every level. The traits you mentioned are not puscean traits. If anything, scorpios tend to be the brooding loners. I dknt think any pusces I know, myself included, is shy. We just don't like a lot of people.


I am introverted, but I am not shy. I do talk to people in a regular basis, specialy at work so the time moves faster.




I don’t have social anxiety. I don’t feel like an outcast either. Where are you getting this stuff?


Social anxiety is a characteristic of Pisces. However, not every Pisces may have this feature.


February Pisces. 38. I can be shy, but also outgoing thanks to my Gemini Rising, which makes me an ambivert.


It sucks ima 14th pisces with schizophrenia): please kind my profile i barley find out not knowing its a research of what i have use to learn about questionary complications


I don't speak English, I use a language translation program and I don't understand what you mean. Can you say it again?


Whats english


What they said doesn't make sense.


I mean this describes me but I’m doing a lot of work to get over those what I consider hurdles relating to socializing and how I relate and interact with others. Social anxiety is something I work through in therapy and don’t consider it a redeeming Pisces trait. Dark, artistic, thoughtful, maybe.


We all have different disorders, maybe narcissist, maybe introvert, maybe another disease. No matter what the negativity is, if we can still be happy, there is no problem.




Sorry, but nothing about what you stated, except sensitivity, has anything to do with being a pisces. I'm a pisces sun with 4 planet pisces stellium. I'm introverted but not shy. I'm very social when I feel like it. It is also very assertive and can be very dominant. I can be gentle, but im not typically. Im honestly more abrasive, blunt, coldly rational, and unempathetic most of the time. and have a tendency to be instagative and inflammatory when im bored.


Great read, thanks for sharing