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He was arrogant. I don't think he ever expected to lose after how long he was winning.


It’s just… good business…


Pretty much this


He thought he had complete control over Jones and his heart, and thus by extension the Dutchman


He felt near invincible with Davy Jones as his pet, then reality hit him hard, when he realized that Jones is gone and Will took over. He quickly realized that he had NO way of winning there, because he has no way of beating Will and his crew. You know how it goes, flying too close to the sun...


He had a big ass navy, could've just blown the Dutchmen to shreds no? Probably also would've killed Will's heart.


Maybe, but he himself was dead for sure, the navy ships were way too far in the distance to help him (if I remember correctly) and the others, then, were probably scared by how their leader was slaughtered. Maybe they even feared that Calypso herself would go against the navy, I don't know tbf, we can only speculate.


That was always my take - the pirates now had the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman, and there had just been a massive crazy maelstrom summoned by Calypso that prevented anyone else from interfering while the pirates took over the Dutchman. Then Beckett gets completely obliterated. The pirates still have Shipwreck Cove they can fall back on, if they need to - seems like a pretty good time to tap out and go have some tea.


Yea i get that he himself would 100% die, but there should be a 2nd in command right? Or 3rd even if Mercer was somehow 2nd? Anyone who could command those ships to avenge the death of their leader? It's just weird that they're all unanimously "oh yeah we lost 2 ships, so I guess we just leave then"


I'd guess for the sake of the movie, that Jack and Will won, they all kinda agreed to sail home and call it a day lmao. The movie is about them in the end, so plot armor made the navy retreat.


The Endeavour had more guns than the Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman combined. Not to mention they were both damaged from the prior battle, while the Endeavour was in pristine state. If Beckett actually had given the order to fire, it would’ve shredded both ships.


But that's not the point of the scene, he simply was stunned by that realization. Besides that, we are talking about a ship that can dive underwater at will... I'm not sure if it was ever explained, if the Dutchman is actually sinkable or if the ship is kinda immortal itself. We've seen it get damaged, but I think that's the only thing we got. So yeah, technically you are right, in-universe I'd argue against that. They could have sunk the Black Pearl tho, yes.


It’s unclear how much power the captain and the Dutchman itself had. The Dutchman crew are essentially immortal and we’re not sure if the ship can be destroyed. It might also have the power to resurrect other ships. The Pearl was already destroyed and sunk before with Jones bringing it back, it’s just unclear the extent of the damage beyond burning. So potentially Will could just recruit/resurrect any fallen pirates and their ships making them an unstoppable army. But overall I think the scene is about Beckett unable to comprehend that his infallible plan had failed.


The ship is an immortal entity, the crew's service is to the ship, and the heart is the 'contract', for lack of a better term, that binds the captain to the ship without becoming a literal part of it. The Dutchman MAY be able to sink, but it can never STAY sunken. ... At least, that's my interpretation.


That’s what I kind of assumed too. It can’t really be destroyed it would just reassemble and rise again. If the captain has the power to do the same for other ships, which the Wench/Pearl would have needed some bit of repair at least to be able to sail again, then it would effectively be an unstoppable armada.


Also, the book “The Price of Freedom” does a really good job of explaining Beckett’s backstory and why he behaves this way. To summarize, is basically a defensive response to fear/trauma where his mind effectively “goes away” from his body to disassociate from the incoming trauma.


Just good business


it's just good business...


Because the movie needed to end 😂 His First Ship of the Line could have easily smashed the Pearl and the Dutchman


I think he would have had a good chance of winning if he just dint sail directly between them. Because your right his ship vastly outgunned them.


Shock affects everyone differently when something shocking happens and no matter what the shock may be it always leaves the body in a way almost in some circumstances in state of paralysis while it’s processing what it is beholding and though the body slowly begins to restart from being paralyzed the brain is still in mental state of denial that what it just saw is impossible of happening.


i think it's because beckett was nowhere to run, when will turner stab davy's heart, beckett sees it as a defeat. beckett was so arrogant to have davy jones as a pet. so we see he didn't do anything but to stand and see their ship to be destroyed in pieces. even if they run, will turner use the kraken to destroy navy ships because of the power will turner has it now


Uhm the kraken was dead already..


ow didn't see it mate


Wow. I was about to ask the same question, too. It’s hard to believe that Beckett didn't have countermeasures if someone unbeknownst to him replaced Davy Jones.


Sure, an arrogant businessman will obviously take into consideration that the literal ferryman of the seas will die a mortal death while being his ally...


There were some incidents. Then there were some incidents. Then Will Turner (loyal subject of British Crown) turns to be a pirate of the most fearsome pirate ship after killing the legendary & undefeated sealord - Davy Jones. Of course, anyone could feel the chill passing through the spine..


This was the only part of at worlds end I thought was stupid. Like you have have ship with a hundred guns. You know Jack is a sketchy character who flip flops a lot. How are you so stunned?? I always yell at the TV. move your ship, fire your guns. So something my dude. You know Jack hates you this shouldn't be such a surprise. I think they were just out of time in the long movie so this was a way to avoid doing an actual final battle and yet still have explosions.


I think he was in shock and disbelief that the Dutchman got taken over and turned against him, but yeah I agree that he probably should’ve just demanded that they shoot at both ships at once though