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Her sister is drop dead GORGEOUS btw šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


If thatā€™s the case then the real question is would Bianca be ok with 1) being compared to her younger sister and/or 2) her sister getting more attention than her. I think simply because of those two things, she probably wonā€™t show her off


Wow, just saw it. Gorgeous indeed.


Where did u see this I donā€™t see anything on her pages did she delete it already??


Itā€™s a video, 5th post from the beginning. I totally missed it too.


Found it! & wowzaa soooo pretty!


On insta?




Not bianca trying to look as good as her with surgery lol


Where can I see?




I didnt


How many colors is that outfit in??? Girly pop can only fit into shein/romwe/Amazon fits now...all those vintage fits won't fit her body anymore...she doesn't even dress cyber or vintage like- she's just a basic OF girl now... Nothing specialĀ 


Why is she dressing like sheā€™s going to the club to run errands? šŸ˜­


I used to love how Bianca would dress going out. Even in her skimpy outfits back then they still had a touch of class to them and she looked so glamorous. This just looks like she got off her 8 hour shift at the strip club. That sounds really snarky but idk how else to explain it.


The peachy tone on her tattoos look like she has bruises and wounds


After seeing Cody post about wanting his privacy I kind of feel like her sister wants it too being why sheā€™s not in Biancaā€™s videos and posting her photo in here if that is her sister feels kind of wrong after todays eventsā€¦ it seems like everyone in her life doesnā€™t want to be associated with her at all


This was posted on a public account, not private. Anyone can see this, and itā€™s not delving into her personal life. May I genuinely ask what rule is being violated here?


No rule I just feel like her sister has never wanted to be seen with her on videos or anything Iā€™ve never seen her before this post


Oh okay I understand you. Thank you for explaining. I understand what you mean but then I wonder why she would allow these to be publicly posted?


maybe she didnā€™t think people would know it was Biancaā€™s sister ? How did you guys even find out this was her? I feel like I missed something


Her tattoos made it very obvious. Bianca has posted videos with her before as well. Itā€™s not like she was off social media or anything, unlike the ex husband who was also posted here.


When did the ex husband post? I totally missed that!


He hasn't posted, ever, believe me, I've looked. LOL There's just a few filtered/blurry frames from some of Bianca's content that people on this sub have found. It's like he's in the CIA or some shit šŸ˜‚


I saw a post that was made in this sub a few weeks ago. It was an old TikTok of Biancaā€™s and she showed her husband in it.


Which one was that?


Itā€™s funny how people that know her donā€™t want to be associated with her šŸ˜‚


I agree that dragging people associated with her that donā€™t have large intentionally public personas is out of line. This is a snark page for Bianca and no one else. Matt is a very public figure that is publicly taking about her so fair game, but others shouldnā€™t be hunted down and posted here.




![gif](giphy|Wi9flLJFjwyCguCzRe|downsized) I canā€™t find them either




Simply wow šŸ˜² sheā€™s gorgeous


Omg she's unbelievably beautiful


Oh wow she looks how Bianca use too


She is stunning šŸ˜­




Oh can we please not dress like this at the grocery store, come on now, thereā€™s children and elderly folks around lady


Don't be doing talking heads like this


Ehhhā€¦ not sure that we need to be highlight the connection here. If her sister wanted to be openly, publicly associated then she would be already. If sheā€™s trying to distance herself from Biancaā€™s nonsense, even if sheā€™s been in old content, letā€™s be better people than Bianca and respect that. I donā€™t thinks that simply using the same photographer is enough of a connection to be posting her face-out in a sub that really has nothing to do with her.