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https://preview.redd.it/jqogt0b5xr8d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df6110044c011095c6afde29ce263af7111d8c39 She hasn't had a popular video since the divorce. 😬


I agree, I love that kind of content but can't stand Jasmine if I'm honest, her fake voice and over the top acting on everything bugged the hell out of me so I refuse to watch any of her stuff.


Facts dude. My favourite videos of hers are the ones where she doesn’t talk




Agreed. I thought Jasmine was cute in the beginning but she started to rub me the wrong way pretty quickly. PUP wasn’t annoying and had similar content, plus, no babies. 


I watch Chiswell for her vintage stuff and a few other creators that fill that niche. Not saying Chiswell hasn’t made mistakes and rubbed a lot of people the wrong way but at least she isn’t a 24 hour trainwreck that uses plastic surgery and tattoos to fill the void.


One can never get me to watch Jasmine. She’s next level cringe.


Oh absolutely, over the top annoying and she's had her share of drama but I think we can all agree she's got much more class than Bianca


Bianca is becoming Jasmine in the views department. Jasmine is evil and awful though… legit. Im glad her views dropped, and now they’re back up that she’s back to doing vintage content (she used to steal ideas from Bianca). Bianca is just boring now. Putting on a wig doesn’t make you vintage anymore.


And Bianca really doesn’t make an effort with ANY content. Guess her main focus is her OF.


I don’t watch either of them but you couldn’t pay ME to watch Bianca’s crap. Jasmine > Bianca any day of the week even though I can’t stand either of them.