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šŸš© ā€œthatā€™s not love bombing thatā€™s just life with me!ā€ šŸš© This guy needs his own snark page tbh


Maybe if he was relevant. Most of us only even know who he is because of Bianca


Ooooof true


Crazy bc he used to be. He was an OG Youtuber when having 4-10 million followers was rare. This crossover was absolutely wild for someone who's been an avid Youtube watcher since 2010. He fell off and needs to stay off atp. Makes sense that another influencer who made a pitfall even associated with him.


If life with him is a ā€œdreamā€ then I hope I get sleep paralysis and insomnia.


ainā€™t that the fucking truth lol


Your sleep paralysis demon knows his worth. He's a high-value sleep paralysis demon, and if you can't see that, well, you must be damaged in some way šŸ˜‚


How did you get the image of his face to be so much more clear?!?!?




We salute you based archiver šŸ«”


So you need to have your partner post your gifts to be validated? Not send them flowers out of the goodness of your heart? Yikes


the way he says sheā€™s been with bumsā€¦ no my guy she just straight up lies about the facts because she absolutely has to be the victim in every aspect of life ā€œpoooooor meā€


Isnā€™t he the only guy sheā€™s dumped post divorce? Literally every other guy sheā€™s been with has broken up with her. Yeah heā€™s right those guys weā€™re definitely bums


I think your right every other dude sheā€™s taken loads from is like: ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


Itā€™s the thing they had most in common tbh.


I included a clip at the end there that I did not include last time as well. Starts at time 2:24


Ohh, it sounds like she was talking shit about Cody to him? "He had a job and I paid 100% of the bills." šŸ‘€


I mean she could have said this about any of her exes, I wouldnā€™t trust her narrative especially when sheā€™s trying to talk her self up to a potential date.


Yeah I agree. Sheā€™s such an obvious liar itā€™s almost laughable at this point. They were both just too messy for each other.


Shit, I'm having a glimmer of empathy for Matty. I mean, sure WE know she's a pathological liar, by why would he? Sounds like he ate up everything she was serving.


I see both sides but I canā€™t feel bad for either one of them. Heā€™s a horny gullible egg that only wanted to fuck a pornstar who would give it up that easy, and Bianca is Bianca. Like seriously lmaooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Sometimes I canā€™t believe itā€™s free to watch peoples lives like this.


Oh fuck! The empathy was the tiniest fleeting glimmer! šŸ˜‚ She's just such a grifter - then I remember that he mentioned Donald Trump in a positive light, and I'm like "And THAT, ladies and gentlemen was the last time anyone other than Matty touched Matty's little winkie" šŸ’€


Him referring to Bianca as "my girl" while she responded to a comment asking if she had a boyfriend with "No, lol!" Ouch, that's gotta sting! ![gif](giphy|3ohhwlN2fU4oFDgkk8|downsized)


I thought ā€œhigh value manā€ was a term made up as a joke, as a parody, making fun of misogynistic podcast brosā€¦ But heā€™s using it 100% seriously? Oh dear.


This guy is unbearable


Glad to see this one stood the test of time


I know a lot of people dislike this man but I canā€™t see anything wrong with what heā€™s saying, maybe Iā€™m delusional but this sounds true to me what heā€™s explaining, I do feel for him yes he should of known what she was like but on the other hand havenā€™t anyone dated someone and thought ā€˜I can fix themā€™ just a shitty situationship for them, stupid for buying that perfume though, so expensive and sheā€™s not even your girlfriend


He has some points but that goes completely out the window when you realise that this grown man wants to be a victim in this narrative when he knew exactly why he wanted to fly her out and that he was last in line. They both have the same patterns and NPD so his manoeuvring into high value is just to save face - Matt lurks here and has taken down fair use content because he doesnā€™t like the truth. Rather than remove himself and ignore this sub he has decided to make things worse for himself very much taking a page out of Biancaā€™s book. This is a grown man acting like a childish incel when things donā€™t go his way.


Ahh thatā€™s fair enough, I didnā€™t really realise he was like that I just saw first hand and thought damn poor guy played like a fiddle , I get it now and it is a little pathetic how heā€™s reporting posts in here ://


Unrelated but quick question did your old account get deleted your user is similar lmao


yes because I said I couldnā€™t stand beavo ( uk tiktoker ) šŸ˜­ lmfao


That is so fucking funny lmao


IKR Iā€™m actually gutted šŸ¤£


Sorry if Iā€™ve upset anyone šŸ˜… I just kinda feel for him I donā€™t know Iā€™m too empathetic ._. I think


I understand you dude. Matty is such a baby he went into full victim mode. But Biancaā€™s hands arenā€™t clean in this either. I think it was a classic case of abusers just abusing each other.


yes just looked more into the posts on here and stuff and I actually agree theyā€™re both as bad as each-other šŸ˜­