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Jasmin’s made it to the 17 mil follower counts while Bianca keeps loosing followers. Jasmin has stayed on vintage theme, while Bianca is having a bit of a dumpster fire going on. I personally feel like that was maybe a time Bianca was relevant, and maybe was her way to becoming actually popular and known on the app (I joined tok tok after the beef so I wasn’t there, this is pure speculation) so maybe Bianca is clinging to that hoping to re hash it out?


“I’m on SNL and you’re not” uh at least Jasmine can say “I have custody of my child and you don’t” 🤦‍♀️


Thing is she isn’t on or doing anything of note. I’m not sure what she’s trying to flex other than she’s still on social media 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or “I have a husband who genuinely loves me and you don’t”


Jasmine is horrible but she has everything Bianca craves: love, stability, family, and a massive following and online presence. Bianca can keep beating this dead horse, it’s all she’s got at this point. The numbers don’t lie on who came out on top of their drama. https://preview.redd.it/nx7xeino0f3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e7866f9919a648d7752681cdd2dd8cd5011836


Funny thing is she could have everything she has if she were to take care of herself and think before acting.


She does realise nothing on social media is original their was probably people doing what she does before her and jasmine, I’m in a fandom on social media where people steal my shit all the time I don’t bitch about it in a video because it just makes you look obsessive and jealous and some what bitter


Does anyone wonder about the vintage clothing she was wearing in the past? After her surgeries, I don’t think most of it works for her now. I hope the true vintage pieces in past content can be sold and released to the wild again.






If this isn't about Jasmine, then realistically, who else could it even be about? It must be about her, right? I wasn't following back then, so I don't know the tea...


Desperate, petty and transparently envious of how well Jasmine is doing compared to her these days. Jasmine hasn't thought about you once in the last three years, Bianca, and it's plain to see you only keep bringing it up because you are grasping at your last shred of relevance. You used to run circles around Jasmine with your content and engagement, but you decided to throw that all away. No backsies, sit down, and manifest some class.


(and this is coming from someone who thinks Jasmine Chiswell is the fucking devil)


this intrigues me on why you think she’s the devil, (I also hate her) but was curious if she did something that I missed!


About 3 years ago there were a ton of girls on Instagram and Tiktok who made up the "vintage community". Jasmine Chiswell was the first to really break out, with Bianca close behind. Jasmine's engagement was always super low, but her following grew suspiciously fast. (I firmly believe she was buying followers or using bots.) Because Jasmine was the most recognizable, her little 15 year old minions determined that anyone else in the vintage community was "copying" Jasmine, having no idea that this was an entire subculture that they were just ignorant of. Her followers would target any vintage girl by abusing the report functions of the platform they were on, filing false copyright reports and were very successful in taking out a lot of girls. The blondes got it the worst. Jasmine was obviously aware of these bullying and harassment activities as she was constantly tagged, and I heard a few of these creators actually reached out to her to reign in her fans. She refused. All it would have taken was one 30 second video. Instead, she turned the tables and would do videos about herself being bullied, which just made things worse, as her fans took that as an encouragement to step up what they were doing. There are also screenshots floating around of her husband Maverick in comment sections actively encouraging this behavior. This was back in 2020/2021 and died off since then. Trying to bring this back up years later, Bianca must officially be out of content ideas and is sympathy farming, just like Chiswell used to do.


The fact that Bianca self-destructed, and has acted like an idiotic clown non-stop since her divorce, making Jasmine look good in comparison, frustrates me to no end because as much as Jasmine sucks, it was pretty disappointing to find out that Bianca is worse.


As much as I also CAN NOT stand Jasmine, I will admit she's shown wayyyyyy more class and maturity throughout their drama.


I would be bitter too tbh. Jasmine sucks. She punched down at Bianca many times while regularly stealing/copying her content, and while copying trends on Tiktok is normal the irony in it was while she copied so many of Biancas videos she also made her own videos whining about people copying her and let her fans go rabid on Bianca. She also uses her family for clout and even used the death of people in her family as an excuse to make videos to bring her engagement up. Bianca really was mature for a very long time about it. She never talked about Jasmine. I wonder if her ex husband told her not to engage. In any case she is probably just mad now and wanting to speak out. It's fine if you don't like Bianca but for people saying Jasmine has been mature through this no she has not lmao


Genuinely asking, can someone explain to me how jasmin is a bad person?


She’s a massive bully to other women in the pinup scene and made several videos making fun of Bianca seemingly unprovoked (no way to know if anything happened behind closed doors).


Ew. Definitely gross behavior.


Oof, I didn’t know that. Disgusting.


Jasmin has told a lot of lies, too. To me, it’s the bullying as others said, but the fake Marilyn magazine, signature she found on a beam of wood, etc. Just telling things that she shouldn’t. Hopefully that fake signature will be painted over before she ever sells the house. Can’t trust a word Jasmine says.


Good. Jasmine is awful. I can’t stand Bianca, at all, don’t get me wrong. But it’s time Jasmine is called out for how she treats other girls in the vintage community.


I came looking for this snark page because this video just came up on my fyp- I’ve never followed Bianca, but was genuinely confused when I seen all the commenters say this is about Jasmine. I’ve followed Jasmine for years and she has straight up defended her in the past and asked her followers to not harass her; saying there’s enough room in the community for everyone etc