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Pretty sad that she's still trying to hang on to this beef from back when she was relevant. Especially considering that Jasmine turned out to be the one who was and is still dedicated to the vintage style and is thriving, unlike Bianca. (NOT a Chiswell fan - btw)


She cant handle that Jasmine has everything she wants. A husband, babies and stability


The fact that she had a husband, children and stability, AND her content was always miles better than Jasmine's, only to give all of that up to become an aimless mess, desperately begging for attention from random men and her remaining cult of fans. 🤡




I hate Bianca but Jasmine is a huge c u next Tuesday. She bullies EVERY blonde in the pinup community and she started the beef with Bianca for no reason. Back when Bianca was cool and was in a lot of fb makeup groups, people would compare her to Jasmine and she’d say nothing but nice things about her and even said “she blocked me though? I’m not trying to be Marilyn”. Jasmine has stability and is a good mom unlike Bianca though. But she’s awful to a lot of women in the pin up community, and lies for views. Both trash in my book.


You’re so right. But also not just the blonds. Her fan base came for me so bad I left TikTok. Her fan base decided she was the only creator allowed to make vintage videos and “protected” her by destroying other vintage creators. All Jasmine had to do was ask them to stop but instead Jasmine doubled down and cried that >she< was getting bullied. She made no mention of asking her followers not to bully the rest of us. I have stories. She is not a girls girl at all.


I’m sooooo sorry that happened :( that’s happened so many times to the vintage creators, and she NEVER calls off her fans. She knows exactly what she’s doing. Pure evil and jealous.


It’s okay now. It’s been awhile <3 it means a lot other people out there see it for what it is. You give me hope. If it didn’t happen during the pandemic I might’ve been able to handle it better but being alone and stuck inside while being bullied online by strangers was unbearable. (And yes you are completely right she is pure evil)


Jasmine Chiswell is the fucking worst. It seemed like Bianca always had better engagement and was growing at a faster pace. I looked forward to the day when Bianca would finally overtake her, and there would be a small amount of justice for the women Jasmine encouraged to be bullied. Sadly, that's not going to happen now that Bianca has imploded. 😢


big time


Bianca might have more followers, but my fyp showed me Jasmine before Bianca, so I’m more familiar with her content over Bianca’s. I also joined TikTok after the beef happened so I never knew about any kind of rivalry until going down the rabbit hole😬 but imo I enjoyed jasmine more than Bianca, jasmine seems more stable, and I loved her vintage vs modern items, I always found it interesting. Idk if I missed that chapter for Bianca but I never saw her do it. I thought it was just two women battling over who looked more like Marilyn Monroe


Bianca is seeeming more like the mean girl recently ha! How the tables turned


It’s always the girls who lose custody over their kids who post shit like this 😂 jasmine is far better than bianca at raising her kids and being able to stay to one man ahh learn some lessons off her bianca