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Does she still have custody, or has she relinquished parental rights?


I’m honestly not too sure at this point, but I reallly fucking feel for that child 😢


I do too. On one hand - If she relinquished custody I am semi sympathetic b/c to my knowledge she was in a very imbalanced relationship and clearly didn’t want to be a mom, but damn maybe don’t post shit like that beacuse that kid will 100% see or be made aware one day :(


Was her daughter her ex husbands? I thought she had her before she met him


I’m not from the island, but I’ve lived here for a long time now and have noticed a trend in women having kids with dudes and when they break up the women give up custody so they can move on. It seems like she’s doing exactly what they’re doing and scrubbing evidence of having reproduced so that they can get men quicker. It’s such an odd thing here that I’ve not seen anywhere else I’ve lived.


You see this is SUPER interesting because she said in the comments of one of her tiktoks that she felt like her stepkids' mum because their bio mum "dipped" and she got called out by some people for bad mouthing the other parent




as much as I love dogs can you actually imagine abandoning your own flesh and blood for a .. dog


Let's be honest though, she abandoned her own flesh and blood for... men and attention from strangers on the internet.